《dreamclot ~ poetry》i'll take your leave/अब विदा लेता हूँ
translated from a hindi poem by pash
i'll take your leave now
my friend, i'll take my leave
i wanted to write a poem
that you could've kept reading all your life
in the poem
aromatic coriander was to be mentioned
the susurration of reed and cane was to be mentioned
in the poem dew dripping from trees
and froth singing on the fresh milk in the pail were to be mentioned
and whatever
i saw on your body
all that was to be mentioned
in the poem the coarseness of my hands was to laugh
the fishes of my thighs were to swim
and from the soft shawl of my chest hair
flames of slippery smoothness were to rise
in the poem
there was to be a lot
for you
for me and for every bond of life
my friend
but to grapple with the tangled map of the world
is very bitter
and even if i had managed to write
that poem full of omens
it would've drawn its last breath right away
leaving you and me wailing at its breast
my friend, poetry has become essenceless
while the claws of weapons have terrifyingly grown
and now before every kind of poem
it has become necessary to war against weapons
in a war
everything is understood very easily
like branding something as us or as the enemy
and in this situation
to give the roundness of the lips about to kiss me
a metaphor of the shape of the earth
or to compare the swaying of your hips
to the breathing of the sea
feels like a big joke
so i didn't do anything like that
it was impossible for me to put in the same line
your wish to feed my child in my yard
and the totality of war
and now i'll take your leave
my friend, we'll remember
that the mounds of our village
which burned like a blacksmith's furnace during the day
used to smell like flowers at night
and that it's very melodious
to lie on a heap of dry leaves of reed
soaked in moonlight, and curse the heavens
yes, we'll have to remember this because
when there's nothing in the pockets of the heart
it feels wonderful to remember
i want to thank through this moment of farewell
all those beautiful things
that stood like a tent above our union
and all those ordinary places
that became beautiful by our coming together
i thank
the wind light and song-filled like you
that stayed on my head
kept my heart engaged while i waited for you
the veleveteen grass grown on the road
that always laid itself before your wobbly walk
the cotton
that never complained
and always happily became our bed
the wren on lookout on the sugarcane
warning us of the comings and goings
the youthful grains of wheat
that veiled us, if not while sitting up, at least when lying down
i'm grateful, for the flowers of mustard
that gave me many a chance
to dust the pollen off your hair
i'm a man, made of little things put together
and for all those things
that saved me from scattering
i have gratitude
i want to thank
to love is very simple
like preparing oneself for a fight when oppressed
or like lying in a cave in hiding
wounded by a bullet
imagining the day when the wound would heal
to love
and to be able to fight
this is what it means, to bring integrity to living
to bloom on the earth like sunlight
and then fold into an embrace
to blaze like gunpowder
and echo in all directions—
this is the way of living
to love and to live will never come to them
who have been turned into merchants by life
to understand the relationship of the body,
to never draw a line between joy and hate,
to devote oneself to the sweeping shape of existence,
to meet and separate cleaving through fear,
is a work of utmost valor my friend,
i'll take your leave now
you should forget
how i nursed your youth on my eyelashes
that what all haven't my eyes done
to bind the torrents and edges of your maps
that my kisses
have embellished your face that my embraces
have molded your wax-like body
you should forget all this my friend
except that i wanted so much to live
that i wanted to drown in life upto my neck
live my parts as well
my friend live my parts as well
अब विदा लेता हूँ
मेरी दोस्त, मैं अब विदा लेता हूँ
मैंने एक कविता लिखनी चाही थी
सारी उम्र जिसे तुम पढ़ती रह सकतीं
उस कविता में
महकते हुए धनिए का ज़िक्र होना था
ईख की सरसराहट का ज़िक्र होना था
उस कविता में वृक्षों से टपकती ओस
और बाल्टी में दुहे दूध पर गाती झाग का ज़िक्र होना था
और जो भी कुछ
मैंने तुम्हारे जिस्म में देखा
उस सब कुछ का ज़िक्र होना था
उस कविता में मेरे हाथों की सख़्ती को मुस्कुराना था
मेरी जाँघों की मछलियों को तैरना था
और मेरी छाती के बालों की नरम शॉल में से
स्निग्धता की लपटें उठनी थीं
उस कविता में
तेरे लिए
मेरे लिए
और ज़िन्दगी के सभी रिश्तों के लिए बहुत कुछ होना था मेरी दोस्त
लेकिन बहुत ही बेस्वाद है
दुनिया के इस उलझे हुए नक़्शे से निपटना
और यदि मैं लिख भी लेता
शगुनों से भरी वह कविता
तो वह वैसे ही दम तोड़ देती
तुम्हें और मुझे छाती पर बिलखते छोड़कर
मेरी दोस्त, कविता बहुत ही निसत्व हो गई है
जबकि हथियारों के नाख़ून बुरी तरह बढ़ आए हैं
और अब हर तरह की कविता से पहले
हथियारों के ख़िलाफ़ युद्ध करना ज़रूरी हो गया है
युद्ध में
हर चीज़ को बहुत आसानी से समझ लिया जाता है
अपना या दुश्मन का नाम लिखने की तरह
और इस स्थिति में
मेरी तरफ चुम्बन के लिए बढ़े होंठों की गोलाई को
धरती के आकार की उपमा देना
या तेरी कमर के लहरने की
समुद्र की साँस लेने से तुलना करना
बड़ा मज़ाक-सा लगता था
सो मैंने ऐसा कुछ नहीं किया
मेरे आँगन में मेरा बच्चा खिला सकने की तुम्हारी ख़्वाहिश को
और युद्ध के समूचेपन को
एक ही कतार में खड़ा करना मेरे लिए संभव नहीं हुआ
और अब मैं विदा लेता हूँ
मेरी दोस्त, हम याद रखेंगे
कि दिन में लोहार की भट्टी की तरह तपने वाले
अपने गाँव के टीले
रात को फूलों की तरह महक उठते हैं
और चांदनी में पगे हुई ईख के सूखे पत्तों के ढेरों पर लेट कर
स्वर्ग को गाली देना, बहुत संगीतमय होता है
हाँ, यह हमें याद रखना होगा क्योंकि
जब दिल की जेबों में कुछ नहीं होता
याद करना बहुत ही अच्छा लगता है
मैं इस विदाई के पल शुक्रिया करना चाहता हूँ
उन सभी हसीन चीज़ों का
जो हमारे मिलन पर तम्बू की तरह तनती रहीं
और उन आम जगहों का
जो हमारे मिलने से हसीन हो गई
मैं शुक्रिया करता हूँ
अपने सिर पर ठहर जाने वाली
तेरी तरह हल्की और गीतों भरी हवा का
जो मेरा दिल लगाए रखती थी तेरे इन्तज़ार में
रास्ते पर उगी हुई रेशमी घास का
जो तुम्हारी लरजती चाल के सामने हमेशा बिछ जाता था
टींडों से उतरी कपास का
जिसने कभी भी कोई उज़्र न किया
और हमेशा मुस्कराकर हमारे लिए सेज बन गई
गन्नों पर तैनात पिदि्दयों का
जिन्होंने आने-जाने वालों की भनक रखी
जवान हुए गेहूँ की बालियों का
जो हम बैठे हुए न सही, लेटे हुए तो ढंकती रही
मैं शुक्रगुजार हूँ, सरसों के नन्हें फूलों का
जिन्होंने कई बार मुझे अवसर दिया
तेरे केशों से पराग-केसर झाड़ने का
मैं आदमी हूँ, बहुत कुछ छोटा-छोटा जोड़कर बना हूँ
और उन सभी चीज़ों के लिए
जिन्होंने मुझे बिखर जाने से बचाए रखा
मेरे पास आभार है
मैं शुक्रिया करना चाहता हूँ
प्यार करना बहुत ही सहज है
जैसे कि ज़ुल्म को झेलते हुए ख़ुद को लड़ाई के लिए तैयार करना
या जैसे गुप्तवास में लगी गोली से
किसी गुफ़ा में पड़े रहकर
ज़ख़्म के भरने के दिन की कोई कल्पना करे
प्यार करना
और लड़ सकना
जीने पर ईमान ले आना मेरी दोस्त, यही होता है
धूप की तरह धरती पर खिल जाना
और फिर आलिंगन में सिमट जाना
बारूद की तरह भड़क उठना
और चारों दिशाओं में गूँज जाना -
जीने का यही सलीका होता है
प्यार करना और जीना उन्हे कभी नहीं आएगा
जिन्हें ज़िन्दगी ने बनिया बना दिया
जिस्म का रिश्ता समझ सकना,
ख़ुशी और नफ़रत में कभी भी लकीर न खींचना,
ज़िन्दगी के फैले हुए आकार पर फ़िदा होना,
सहम को चीरकर मिलना और विदा होना,
बड़ी शूरवीरता का काम होता है मेरी दोस्त,
मैं अब विदा लेता हूँ
तू भूल जाना
मैंने तुम्हें किस तरह पलकों में पाल कर जवान किया
कि मेरी नज़रों ने क्या कुछ नहीं किया
तेरे नक़्शों की धार बाँधने में
कि मेरे चुम्बनों ने
कितना ख़ूबसूरत कर दिया तेरा चेहरा कि मेरे आलिंगनों ने
तेरा मोम जैसा बदन कैसे साँचे में ढाला
तू यह सभी भूल जाना मेरी दोस्त
सिवा इसके कि मुझे जीने की बहुत इच्छा थी
कि मैं गले तक ज़िन्दगी में डूबना चाहता था
मेरे भी हिस्से का जी लेना
मेरी दोस्त मेरे भी हिस्से का जी लेना ।
A Novel World
When a science experiment goes wrong, strange forces step in and change the underlying laws of the universe, simply because they appreciate the entertainment value Humans provide. Watch as Jen Byrnes seeks to learn more about the new world around her, and to become the Mad Scientist she had always aspired to. With inspiration from Randidly Ghosthound.
8 90The Prince Of Niflheim
An S-rank criminal named Ariel Lost who lived a lonely and dangerous life because of his weak body and cold personality. Dies to protect his only friend's and partner's life, by giving up his own. Now he wakes to find himself born once more, but in a much different and more mysterious world. What will happen to him, and where will destiny lead him?
8 201Serpent of the Spring
Kindhearted Shirisha tends to the people of her mountain village as they struggle through a harsh winter, waiting anxiously for the god-like being that brings the springtime. When their worshipped savior is murdered by the reckless young hunter Sang and the village is swallowed by a cold despair once again, Shirisha leads a small group on a journey down the mountainside to investigate. They find a small glimmer of hope, and the very one who brought the disaster, showing no remorse, joins them as an ally.
8 88World Renewal Project
Joshua Campbell -- just your regular nobody. A geek who spends more time playing games on his phone, than he does interacting with the rest of the world. Definitely not a guy who might end up having to save the world from God's "World Renewal Project". Definitely not someone who might end up becoming a hero, forming an endless harem, and become recognized as the most powerful, most perfect, most exceptional hero of humanity! Definitely not!! Or, is there more to the story of his life, which not even he is aware of at the moment??
8 116Storm Drains (pennywise love fan-fic) *completed*
Sitting in her dark room with tears streaming down her face and a broken heart, she had been completely oblivious to the tall shadow that lurked within the corners of her room. The same tall dark shadow that would change her life forever. (There is going to be plenty of SMUT in this book so beware!) I saw some pennywise the dancing clown love fan fics going around and decided to challenge myself and write one. If you are not comfortable with this idea then simply don't read it. This is for my pennywise lovers out there:)
8 65The Girl Who Kept Running
He ran into her at street theater.She was a force of nature, not a casual first time hire.She brought the house down with her performance, literally pulled the audience to their feet in standing ovation.Her performance was too real, unnerving, deeply unsettling to him. He spent all his energy keeping up with her.At the end of the play, she snatched her earnings from the director's hands and ran away, leaving a trail of questions behind her, the most burning one in his mind was:Would he ever see her again?____________________This ongoing novel imagines a world that our younger generations inherit after a series of successive presidencies in the same vein as the current model. There is no need for erecting walls, as the biggest divide created by humanity - that of social class - takes care of a post modern segregation. The poor are literally marginalized into slum-like townships and tend to be of color. The names of these townships would be enough to tell you their story. The rich, well, remain happily oblivious in the big American cities. In this world find a mysterious girl whose identity must be hidden or she would be hunted down and a young street actor who falls for her intrigue. Discover how they survive, born into a society not prepared to give them a chance.For them, the dystopia came without an apocalypse. Copyrighted 2018_________________________________________________Updates every 5-6 days. Currently on hiatus for revisions.Most impressive rank: #87 in dystopia/dystopian #90 in future (17/09/18)________________________________________________________Cover credits: Thanks are due to the amazing New Zealand artist Shane Rebenschied who allowed me to use one of his illustrations on his portfolio at http://blot.com. I used basic photoshopping to add some shades and used the awesome text effects from http://picturetopeople.com
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