《Until we die (BxB)✔️》•17•


Tristan's eyes light up after I say this and there practically a glow on him about this.

"Really! How does that even work!" He asks, almost falling out of the chair.

"I-um....I mean, I don't know if that's something you would want to do...."

"Are you kidding! I would love to meet your wolf. That would be so cool. If you want to....you seem hesitant."

"I mean, I kinda am but...I don't know I just want everything to work out. And Grey, is very cocky and not gentle with people and I really just don't know how he'll act once he's actually around you cause I will be pushed back and I can't stop him from doing anything. And he says he won't do anything to dumb but he'll act different once he's around you." I start ranting out to Tristan and he just nods and looks at me.

"And, I don't know how I feel about it considering I was shut away for two years until a few weeks ago. Soooo I just don't know what hell do Tristan. I don't fully trust him yet." Tristan just nods and watches me still.

"What?" I ask after I'm done.

"I've never seen you talk like that."


"Are you really that worried that...Grey? Would do something?"

"A little. Like I said, Grey, my wolf, is very cocky and pushy and a little harsh. I've never really seen him act gentle around anyone so I don't know how he'll act to one of his mates."

"One? Wait. Pause. explain." Tristan says putting one of his hands up.

"What do you mean?"

"That Your wolf has two mates?"

"Oh gosh. Okay, so werewolves have a mate right? So I have one mate, which is you. And then werewolves wolves, have their own mate too, which would be your wolf, if you had one."

"Your wolf is mated to me and if I had a wolf. And you're only mated to me and I'm only mated to you and your wolf? kinda?"

"Yeah pretty much. I just am worried about how he'll act around you really."

"I-I think it'll be fine Hunter. I kinda want to meet Grey. But if you really don't then that's fine. But you kinda already mentioned it and all."

"Do you really want to?"

"Yes?" I look at Tristan and smile as he looks down with a blush on his face.

"Okay." I say just staying there and looking at him blush. He looks up and smiles at me as we just sit there. "Oh yeah, your officially homeschooled for the last weeks of school." Tristan's eyebrows go up and he smiles.


Time skip: end of the week.


Tristan's POV.


I hate school. At school or online I hate it. I'm done with all these test and now my teachers decided I need to write a million papers to get my final grades up if I want to end with a good average B grade. Which a lot of my grades are C's so I need to get my grades up to end good.

I still haven't decided on a collage either and a few want me for Soccer reasons and I have a few acceptance letters from others around the state and I haven't written back to anyone yet.

Groaning as I read through my latest email from my English teacher on that fact I have four days to submit three-four page papers.


And I'm currently working on finishing a paper for human GEO. too. Going back into my typing I hear a knock on the door and ignore it thinking it's around Four and Hunters back now, let me tell you, I did not look at the time.

Both of Hunters parents walk in and I look up not expecting these two in here. I jump off the bed and shake my self awake and smile at the couple.

"Hello Tristan."

"Hi Mary. Dean..."

"Calm down kid, we just wanted to see how your holding up here. Nothing serious." Dean says laughing things off. I instant relax a small bit, but still keep a block up.

"Um....sorry I'm just a little stressed about school and all. What can I do for you?"

"Well like Dean said, we just wanted to see how your holding up." Mary says to me as she closes the door making me nervous. I sit on the edge of the bed and the two stand there.

"I-I'm doing good. I mean, this is the best I've lived my entire life so, I can't say anything bad. I mean, you guys and your family and pack have been treating me so well and you've all welcomed me in. I don't know if it's because I'm Hunters mate, but I don't think I can thank you enough for it. Lord knows where I would be right now if not here." I say looking down as my hand get sweaty.

"Well I'm glad to hear that. And Tristan, we do want you to know, Dean and I know about your past with your father," oh great. I look down again and sigh. "And we Go think you should maybe see a therapist of some sort while your here. We can see that your a good kid and we want the best for you."

"Think about it kid. And just so we know, how long do you plan on staying? Not that we want you out of our hair or anything like that! Just wondering."

I smile at Deans comment and look up at the couple again. "As long as you'll keep me I guess. I-I guess I don't really know. I mean, I still don't know about collage and I need to finish looking at the school that offered for me and we'll have to see how things play out with Hunter too."

"Do you have money for collage?" Mary asks concerned.

"Yeah. I was in charge of bills when I-I was with my d-dad. And I took like three percent of his checks each month and put it into a saving for me. And my...my mom always had some aside for me too." I say lookin down again.

They two smile at me and we just sit there for a moment before there's a knock on the door.


"Come in Mark." Dean says opening the door. "Tristan, this is Mark, our beta."

"Like the second hand to the alpha." Mark says stepping in and shrugging. "You must be the new guy!"

"Tristan." I say standing up. Mark nods and turn to Mary and Dean.

"There's some trouble in the woods. A few guard members ran into more rouges."


"I'm afraid so Mary."

"But wasn't there one just a week ago?" Mary asks as Mark nods and dean runs to the door. "Tristan stay inside please." Mary says following the boys out the door, shutting it behind her before I can say anything.


Sitting back down I look at the window and sigh. That conversation went well. My phone rings and I see Hunters name pop up on the screen. Swiping it open and picking up his call I hear a few other people with him.



"Um...hi? Where are you?" I ask worried.

"Trying to get out of this damn gym. I forgot tonight's prom and I had to help set up. School ending early for everyone so I'll be back in a little bit to pick you up."

"What do you mean pick me up?"

"Your going to prom right?"

"No. I am not going to a school dance."

"Why not! Come on. You have to do this!"

"I-I can't. I don't have anytime, I have a lot of homework and it's not like I can hangout with anyone there." I hear hunter sigh and mumble.


"No. I don't have anything to wear either."

"Exactly why I'm picking you up."


"Just think about it. Please? You don't have to but I think it would be good for you to get out of the house."

"I'll think about it. Just hurry up and get your butt over here."

"Yes sir." Hunter says making me laugh a bit before hanging up. Okay, so now I have to think about prom. And I really want to meet hunters wolf, by that might not happen because of all the rouges.

And I have to try to talk to Sarah about everything if I can find her. Once again, as everyone in this house refers to it, hunters locked me up in his tower.

Before I can open my laptop hunter barges into the room and he drops his bag on the floor with a thump and he sits on he bed leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Okay. Hi."

"Hi." He says tiredly.

"You okay? And how'd you get here so fast?"

"Magic." He says closing his eyes.

"Yeah okay." I say as he closed his eyes and moves into my lap so his head is resting. Brushing though his hot her purrs and I laugh as he continues.

"Please!" He says opening his eyes.

"Your parents said I should stay here."

"Why!" Hunter says looking up at me.

"S-Some rouges were found out in the woods." I say looking down on him.

"What! When." "A few minutes before you came here I guess?" His eyes switch from blue to gold quickly and he looks like he's struggling.

"Hey, calm down. It's already taken care of."

"I know. It's whatever. I need to go to the store before tonight, if you come Sarah said she would meet us there and talk to you. She misses you too."

"I don't know Hunter."


"Oh come on, show us already." Sarah says dragging me out of the dressing room in a siut. Nothing speical, just a dress shirt and pants but Hunter decided he's going to get me fitted.

So he dragged me to the mall as soon as I agreed to go for a few hours tonight, got me fitted, grabbed clothes and threw them at me as he argued with Sarah over food and pushed me into a dressing room.

"You know most people decide their going to prom weeks before the actual date. And most people don't do their shopping this late either. Really I could have gone in jeans and a white shirt."

"Yeah no. This s the last night for anything Trist. And you are going to have a great night!" Sarah yells as she adjusts my shirt and moves out of the way to look me over.

"Just need a tie and your all set." Sarah says smiling at me. We haven't really talked yet but it's okay. Hunter gets up from his seat and walks over looking me over and nodding.

"I'll go pay, then Sarah and I will change and we will head out." He says while turning around. I groan as soon as he's out of ear shot and rub my head.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm figuring out how I'm gonna slip money to hunter without him knowing."


"Because he's done way too much for me, I-I don't want him to pay for everything now."

"He's your mate. Just let him, trust me. It's an instinct for him to want to spoil you Trist. Don't sweat it."


"Tristan. It just is that way, he hasn't had you for years now, just let him for a while. If you are going to do this, just roll with it." She says laughing at me. "But for now I'm gonna go change into my dress. Wait here."

"Wait Sar-" I'm cut off my Hunter stepping in front of me and my attention goes to him instead now. He changed and he looks really good. Same type of outfit as me and a red tie. He hands me a black one and I start to tie it but I screw up and give up as hunter talks.

"Do you want help?"

"Yes." I say giving up and looking up as hunter steps forward to tie it for me. Tightening it and stepping back a tad bit, still being close to me. Staring at me as I try to not make eye contact out of awkwardness.

"Hey." I look up and hunter slips his hands on my hips and pulls me closer to him instantly. "You really want to go?"

"No, but I will if it makes you happy. Its probably good for me to get out tf the house."

"It does."

"Then I'll go. And I'll stay. And I will TRY to have Fun...around a bunch of people I can't wait to get away from." I say sarcastically as I can without losing focus. Hunter smiles a bit and his hands grip my waist a bit tighter than before.

"Alright you two, break it up. We have a prom to get too."

"Yep." I say breaking away and walking up to Sarah as she picks up parts of her dress so we can get out of the shop and into a car. I can basically feel Hunters anger radiating off and it gave me a thrill for sure. Waking with Sarah and hunter follows behind us.

"So, who's driving?" Sarah asks.

"I am." Hunter says running in front of us and getting the doors and running to the car.

"Cool I call back." She says opening her own door and getting in.

"Okay then."

The car ride to the school was really rough. Sarah and I were talking about random things like we all ways do, which is a start but we need to talk about Hunter and I. And speaking of Hunter, he was not helpful when it came to talking.

Pulling up to the school Hunter drops us off and lets Sarah out but he pulls me back in quickly.

"I'm gonna go park that car, I'll find you later tonight."

"You sure?"

"I'll find you. I have a very good way of tracking things down."

"Okay. See you later." I say getting out of the car and walking Sarah up the steps to the school.

"Let's get our party on!"


And we did. We partied. Well I guess everyone else did, I say in the back and talked to Sarah and a few other people.

Hunters been watching me over and every time I talk to someone he looks really protective even if he isn't by me. So back to the moment, it's around ten and Sarah and I just started to talk. "So you're really okay with it?"

"Yeah, I mean I don't want to lose you over some words because I don't enjoy hunter. But yeah, your your own person and I can't hold you back from doing what you please. And I've seen the way he takes care of you over the past few day at The house. He really does care, and I've never seen him or the whole pack this happy. I know I said some shit and all but your my best friend and you'll always be."

Instantly she hugs me and we stand there for a few minutes until a guy comes up to us and smiles.

"Hey, I'm Tye, and I was wondering if you wanted to dance."

"Well, I can't say no to that pretty face." She says looking at me as I push her forward to him and they disappear. Seeing hunter walk out of the gym I start to head hat way and as soon as I'm out of the gym and into the hallway I'm taken back by hunters Friends.

Pushing me into the wall and pushing me out of the school to the back; I'm thrown to the ground and punched in the gut a numorius amount of times. "Little fag." One of them says as they all back away.

I look up and my visions blurry with tears, I haven't felt this way for weeks. I haven't been touched like this for weeks.

"Hunter! Come to join tHe fun?"

"Oh yeah. Except I'm gonna need some alone time boys. Leave. I'll take care of him." I'm scared. He sounds so serious and it seems too real! What if what I said in tHe car made him angry and he's serious! Tears slip down my face as The rest of the guys laugh as the door opens and shuts leaving me and hunter. As soon as everyone is gone hunter at my side and is picking me up in his arms.

"Hey, hey it's okay. I'm not gonna do anything Babe." He whispers as I have a panic attack and cry, pushing him away as he touches me.

"Tristan, please, breathe. It's okay no ones going to touch you. Babe it's me, it's Hunter." Hearing his name calmed me down and I stoped pushing him away. Still on his arms he picks me up and brings us to the steps, setting me in his lap so he can look at me. Wiping away tears as I try to stop crying his hands rest on my cheeks and they just rub under my eyes.

"Tristan?" I shake my head and keep my eyes closed as he continues to rub my cheeks and whisper soft words to help me calm down. Just his touch is calming me down but hearing him talk for some reason makes it all better.

"Tristan look at me, please." I shake my head as his thumbs stop moving on my cheeks but move on lips instead. He reaches a certain spot and my lips hurts There, making me whimper. One of the guys must have cut my lip open or something. Those guys. Hunter calls them friends.

I can't get them out of my head, it's terrible. Every punch and kick runs through my head, I'm gonna have terrible bruises tomorrow and I really don't wanna see them again. But I'm going to on graduation day and their not going to play nice then. Can I skip that? Say I am sick?

"Tristan. Let me see your eyes." I open them and look down. Hunters hand brings my face up to his and he just looks at me. I start crying and he brings me closer to him into a hug. I clutch his shirt and my dad starts to flash into my mind. My heart speeds up and my hands go numb from clutching hunter.

"Breathe. No one is going to get you. You're safe, no one is going to hurt you. I'm so sorry Tristan." I just hold onto Hunter as tight as I can as my panic attack goes away after a few minutes.

I hear a car come up and hunter picks me up in his arms, wrapping my legs around him as he walks. I don't care about where he's taking me, I just want to hold onto him.

"I'm gonna kill them. I'm so fucking done with those dick heads. How is he?" Sarah asks hunter. I burry my head into his neck and try to block the thought out and focus on something else.


Okay, that's a start. Hunters heartbeat is really loud right now. It's beating really hard and that's the new sound that rings in my ears as I try to calm myself as Him and Sarah talk.

"Better I guess."

"He's breaking down again." Sarah says lightly. "Has he done this with you?" She asks.

"Yeah. I've got him. Let's just go home."

My hands go limp as I listen to hunters heart beat and he rubs my back, still whispering sweet things into my ear. Hunter.

His cologne fills my head but it doesn't smell like that, he smells like strawberry's and coffee, I know weird combo. But that's all I can smell.

"We're almost here." Sarah says. I can feel her eyes on us and i tense up again hiding my face back into hunters body. His heart beat rings in my head and one of my hands finds Hunters, closing around it. Sarah stops the car and gets out as hunter talks to me.

"Can you walk up to my room for me?" I nod and hunter gets us out and sets me down on the ground.

"Tristan?" Sarah says as I hide in hunters body again.

"Tristan, I'm gonna head in but if you need anything I'm here Okay?" I nod as she takes my hands and squeezes it before running into the house.

"Come on. Let's go." I shake my head and look up. "I-I-do we have t-to?"

"No? What do you wanna do?" He asks smiling down at me softly.

"I-I don't k-know...y-you said I-I could meet Grey."

"I don't know Tristan. I don't think that will help right now," He says softly. After a moment of me nodding and him watching me, "But if it'll take your mind off of things, I guess I can." My eyes widen as he says yes. I smile a soft one which makes hunter smile even more as he takes my hand and starts walking me into the woods.

"Where are we going?" I ask in a whisper, sticking to his side-literally, I'm still hip to hip with him-

"A small place I have set up for when I need to get away. It's not that far but it's mine." He says as we walk. I instantly know we are here when I see a tent set up under a patch with giant trees covering it. Hunter kisses my head and rubs my back as we walk up to it. I wipe any tears away hoping I don't have stains on my face. Although it can't be that bad cause my cheeks are all pink.

"Alright. We're here. Go in the tent I'll be in in a minute."

"I-I don't know..." I say softly, still scared.

"Trust me. There's no one in there. And I'll be in in one sec. I promise." Nodding and letting go I slowly go in the tent which is pretty roomy and I sit down on a sleeping bag. After a minute my knee bounces and hunter comes back in and sits next to me.

Except, it's not hunter.


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