《Until we die (BxB)✔️》•18•



As hunter gets in the tent I look at him and notice his eyes are a very dark gray color and I assume that Grey-Hunters wolf- is in control. I still don't know how this works but I relax and tense up as hunters words play in my head. "He's cocky and I don't know how he'll act around you."

"Just be careful when we do this, somethings are sensitive and I don't know how he'll act okay?"

"He's hard to under stand Tristan."

"Tristan." I look up from my thoughts and Grey sits down next to me.


"Hey. I'm Grey." He says tilting his head to the side.

"I know." I say looking at his eyes.

"Hunter said your really excited to meet me?"

"I am, a little. I mean, I don't K-know how this all works though."

"It's fine, I can explain anything if you want me to."

"I know some stuff but not all, I mean the whole mate thing was hard to understand and all but I just-"

"Your rambling."

"Sorry. I-I do that when I'm nervous." I say looking down and my hair falls in my face lightly. Greys voice is deeper than hunters but they look the same, I mean they do share a body.

"Why are you nervous?" Grey asks, cocking one eyebrow up with a smirk.

"I-I don't know, I just had a really bad anxiety attack and I just wanted to meet you and-"

"Why'd you have an anxiety attack?" Grey asks dropping the smirk and getting closer to me.

"I- just some things happened tonight." I say looking up. Greys hand comes up to me and touches a bruise on my cheek making me flinch a bit. His eyes lock onto my lips and his thumb runs over my bottom lip with the cut. I lightly flinch as Grey growls and stares at my lip.

Usually if someone was touching me like this I would freak, especially if I don't know her person, and I don't know Grey. But I feel safe in his arms for some reason, I don't know if it's because he looks like Hunter or if he's acting a bit like Hunter but I feel safe.

"I-I'm fine." I say as he stares at my lip.

"The fuck you are." He says while adding pressure to his thumb on my lip making me whimper a small bit. "See, not okay." He says letting go.

"Really, I'm fine." I say hoping he'll drop the fact that I just got beat up again.

"Stop saying that if your lying." He says getting closer to me. I stare at his eyes as my heart picks up again. He looks at my chest and smirks as he's less than a finger away from me, he brushes his lips against mine and moves his thumb away before pressing his lips to mine.


My heart races before melting into pieces. I relax and lean into Grey as he pulls me closer to him, and then on top of him in his lap. His kisses are needy and rough as his tongue swipes across my lip as asking for entrance.

I let him in and give him any dominance he needs right now. Giving into everything my hands rest in his shoulders as he bites my lip lightly before pulling away.

"That's not what I do when I first meet someone but okay." I say.

"We'll forget that rule. Cause that's going to happen on the daily. And if Hunter got to, so do I." He says smirking and leaning back. I crawl off of Grey as he sits back up and looks at me tilting his head again. "Come back." He says reaching for me.

"Cocky my ass. You just as bad as hunter." I mumble leaning on Greys chest as his arms lock around me.

"Can I ask you something super personal?" I let out after a few minutes.


"What's your mate like? Cause I know you don't exactly have that one right now." Grey gets quiet and he stiffens.

After some time- around 5minuets- he finally relaxes and starts to speak.

"His name is Philip. My mates name. His younger than me by a couple decades and is one of the calmest wolves I've ever met, at least with me. He's one of the only people that can control me and I don't know where he is. I don't know what happened, you were suppose to be a wolf, with Philip. And you aren't. I don't know what happened, maybe the Gods striped his life or suppressed him for a life time. But he was a smart wolf, who made sure to look out for his Human before anything. Even me, which is tough to say."

"He wasn't super strong either, always had a big heart. He never could hurt anyone if he didn't need to or feel the need to protect anyone. Meaning he never hunted or killed anything. He was funny like that, he was also a big nerd for anything involving plants. I don't know what that was about either."

"He sounds pretty awesome. Do you miss him?"

"Would you miss your soul mate if you haven't seen them in thirty years?" He snaps at me. Not angry just touchy.

"Sorry." I whisper. "Are-are you mad that I'm not a wolf? Or that I'm not really your mate?"

"What? No. You are my mate Tristan, don't ever say your not."

"But. I'm not a wolf. I'm just a human."

"You are my mate. Things work weird with supernaturals, and yeah you are a human. But that doesn't change a bing. This may be the first time your meeting me, but I've been with you every time you've been with Hunter. I'm there, just in the back of the mind. I know you, and the fact that you are a human doesn't change anything between me and you."


"It's you and I."

"Stop." He says turning me around and pecking me on He lips before staring at me.

"Hunter said you have major Alpha control issues or whatever, is that true?"

"Yes. I am very, very dominant." He says smirking. "In many ways." He says before kissing me and moving his hands to my butt, griping tightly making me gasp and give him entrance into my mouth. Smirking, Grey pulls away and loosens his grip on me as I have to take a moment to catch my breath.

"You wanna go for a run?"

"What? I would never keep up with you."

"trust me, come on." Grey says pulling me up and taking me out of the tent. "What are we doing?"

"Stay here."

"Grey." I say as he start to run to the woods leaving me by the tent. "Grey!" I yell as He dissapears and is gone. after a moment I start to freak out and panic. Did he really just leave me here?Shit.

Before I know it a big black wolf is in front of me and it start to walk to me slowly.

"Grey?" I ask taking a step back as the wolf gets closer. He nudges me with his snout and looks up. I roll my eyes and he growls before pawing at my feet. "I don't know what you want. I told you I'm not running." I say as he lays down.

"yeah, no, I am not riding you." I say and he looks up at me. He barks and puts his head down again. After a moment I give in and carefully climb onto Grey as he wags his tail. "Fine, I'm on you. now what?" I say as he gets up and stands there. ANd let me tell you, i regret asking this.

Grey takes off and I grip his fur as he speeds off into the woods. "H-Holy shit." I whisper as he runs and I crutch into his fur to avoid tree brush and branches. This scares the shit out of me right now. Like holy crap. My heart races as I grip his fur in my hands and I think he knows this because eventally he slows and starts to just walk.

My hands loosens and I slowly open my eyes. My chest heaves up and down as I try to breath. My head rests in Greys fur and I just sit there as he stops walking and jsut stands there with me on him.

"W-what the hell." I mutter and just sit there as I try to breathe. "Don't do that again." I mutter to him through his fur, but I know he understands me as he starts walking. I slowly bring my head up as We walk to the house and I don'r realize how much time we spent in the tent, most of the house is dimmly lit and everything is very quiet. "Are you going to shift back?" I ask as he walks up to the house and lays down again.

Slowly sliding off I open the door and Grey follows me inside as I close the door and go up the stairs. Getting to Hunters room Grey follows me in and sit on the floor as I sit on the bed. "Thanks grey. I liked meeting you."

He rests his head on my lap and closes his eyes. when they open his eyes are yellow and I guess that means Hunter is back in control. Smiling I put my hand on top of his head and stroke his fur as he looks up at me. Purring almost he just sits there with me and likes my other hand as we chill.

"go shift, I need to change." I say getting up as Hunter whines but does it anyways. I run and change into my pants and I walk out to find hunter changing into pant too. I come up from behind him and hug him tightly making him jump.

"well, this is new." He laughs off and lets me do my thing.

"Thank you too."


"letting me meet Grey."

"He didn't do anything, right?"

"well, what do you mean by do anything?"

"What did he do?"

"Just Kissed me a few times, he caught me off gaurd a bit. And you are right, he is a bit cocky." I say laughing at the last part. I open my eyes as Hunter turns around and Kiss me lightly. Parting and opening my eyes I get scared.

I look at Hunters arm and I wish I didn't see this. My eyes widen and my mouth drops open. I lose my voice as I see his arms and I feel hunter stiffen under me.

His eyes drop to his arms and he pulls away from quickly and holds them to his chest. His arms are all cut up. All over his fore arms are years worths of cuts and scars.

"Hunter?" I whisper looking up at him.


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