《Beloved Brother (BxM)》• Chapter fifteen •


Third person's POV

Storm was in his mini lab / office at home, trying to make a new product. His tools lying around him in his lab, as he constantly keeps changing the tools to get the product ready.

Storm had opened his doors for two persons, that are most certainly he didn't wanna introduce to his brother. The past he lived, and secrets he hide,he can't tell Haze. He was already afraid and annoyed by the whole thing. He couldn't refuse them when they asked to stay, in front of Haze.

His head was killing him, his attention was diverted from his project as a sudden scenario went though his mind. A scenario where he might lose Haze. He sighed loudly, groaned in frustration as he threw his project of the table in anger.

With a loud sound, the material broke and shattered at a side. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to chase away the bad thoughts. Thoughts of loosing Haze again, it angered him even more, adding fuel to his fury.

Slamming his hands against the glass table, that managed to take the blow with out breaking, he again grunted out in anger.

Humming a unknown tune, Haze knocked on the office door. He was happy that he got to spend another day with Storm, but somewhere in his heart, a deep scar has been made .

After spending the night with grandpa and Marcus, talking about past, he knew that there are so many things he missed. He was sad about it and he wants to know everything.

The door opened, bringing him out of his thoughts. He looked at the person, his eyes widen a little as he looked at Storm. Storm was wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a black pants.

Haze's POV

Holy mother of --

I gulped, looking at Storm. His hair looked ruffled as if he ran his hands through them a lot, his arm's muscle looked really sexy,as they flexed when he once again combed his hair back, and on top of that he had a Daddy vibe coming from him.

I'll gladly be a little if he wants me to.

"Love. When did you arrive?" he asked as he closed the door behind him as if hiding something from me.


"just a while ago. What's in there?"

"just some projects... " he sighed a he moved aside and opened the door for me. "I accidentally broke one. "

" is that why you look upset?"

"kind of. Did you need something?"

"your time. " I said almost in daze and upon realizing my eyes widened.


"ah... I... I mean that if you're free, have lunch with me. I already told Hilda to bring us food. I hope you dont-" " I said and heard him chuckle as he ruffled my hair again, letting his hand stay there.

"Sure. " he said again looking at my hairs and playing with them. " Are you sure you don't want to cut them? They are really long. "

"You don't like them?" I asked as he titled his head and meet my eyes with a smirk.

"if I get to pull on them, I like them. But if not, cut them. " he said as he once again tugged at them, making me wince and he smirked. His grip wasn't too harsh, it was just a teasing pull, but his eyes were different, it had a mischievous glint in them and I couldn't point out why.

"Storm. Stop it. It hurts okay. " I said as he let go and walked inside, leaving me space so I can enter and I shut the door behind me. The room was okay, but the table side was mess. There were wires and some metal on the ground a mass that looked like a machine was thrown to side.

" How was school?" he asked as he went and sat on couch resting his tired body.

"boring, tiring, hell, torture." I told him as I went through his works, some were very small and others were just some trophies. "You won them all?"


"woah. That's a lot. " I said in amusement and walked back to sit with him. I sat beside him first but since I couldn't stay still, I rested my head on his lap and threw my legs over the hand ready of the couch.

His lips look amazing up close and hus eyes looked tired.

"Do you think I can be as cool as you are ?"

"nah. "


"what! Come on. This is where you should say yes and motivate me. " I said glaring at him, while whining at his behaviour.

"Love, You just can't. "


"Cause I'm not cool. I'm hot. "

"yeah. you are- " My heart fasten at my sudden confession and urgently added something to it. "- in your dreams. "

I said while I rolled my eyes at him. I just hope he doesn't notice my feelings when I said that. I don't want him to. He'll will be disgusted, if he knew that his own little brother want him as his man.

My man! Hell yes!!!

But should he know about it?

Hell no!!!

This while thing is so fucking annoying, I want him to hold me, hug me, kiss me, tell me sweet things, be with me and want me but at the same time I want to just dig a grave from myself and hide myself in it, saving me from his disgusted look and my embarrassment.

Storm's POV

"yeah. you are- "

"- in your dreams. "

I smiled at his words and looked away from him to hide that I know. He's trying so hard to hide everything from me but it's not gonna work when I already know.

I do want to tell him that I feel the same and that he don't have to be afraid of anything. I want to hold him close and spend my life with him, I want to kiss him so badly but I can't. I'm bound in invisible chains.

He's still 17 and I don't want to do anything stupid. Also because he don't know the whole truth about our relationship.

To him, I'm his brother and that's what our parents told him, but I know the truth is more than that.

I didn't want to hide it from him but after our parent's death I didn't want him to lose his brother. He was already so broken.

Even now, I can still feel him trembling in my arms as he held me in nights for comfort. Before our relatives kicked us out, it was a living hell. Things were too bad for us, we were always kicked around in the house, they just wanted the money, they never wanted for us and once the successfully forged the documents and got everything that belonged to us, they sent us to orphanage.

I closed my eyes shaking away all the memories and looked at Haze. He was blushing as I smiled.

"You are blushing, tell me what dirty stuff are you thinking about. " I teased him as his eyes widen and he immediately denied it.

"No, I'm not!!"

"you're denying it so desperately. Was is something really really dirty. " I teased him again as he blushed even more and quickly got away from me and sat at the far corner of the couch. I laughed at him reaction as he threw the pillow from the couch on me.

"Stop Laughing! I'm not thinking about it!!"

"You can tell me, don't be shy. "

"I'm not!"

"were you thinking about me? Do you thing I'm hot?" I teased him again and this time I hit the spot. He blushed even more and hit me with another pillow repeatedly.

"eww!! No way!!" he said loudly while I just laughed at his reaction. He's just too cute.

"Sir, I've your lunch ready. " I heard Hilda and Haze too stopped hitting me but he was cursing at me harshly.

"Now get our lunch here. " he ordered me I had no choice but to obey.

I stood up and went to the door, I opened it and saw her holding a tray in her hand. I let her in as she placed the tray on the table and left.

"You told her to make this?" I asked as he clearly was mad at me. He didn't answer but did offer me a glass of juice which I took gladly.

He was still blushing and it made me want to bite his cheek. His eyes were directed away from me and I could hear him muttering something. I chuckled at him again and he glared at me.

"yes... Umm, how long are Grandpa and Marcus going to stay?"

"already tired of them?"

"n-no. It's just-"

"well, I'm tired of them and I wish for them to leave soon. I bought this place for me and you and now I have to share it with them, it's annoying. " I said and sat beside him, he offered me sandwiches and I took one and saw a small smile on his face.

I want to kiss him.

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