《Persephone》Before You Read


To whom it may concern,

This story contains no warnings, yet I feel it is of extreme importance I mention a very BIG detail before anyone continues reading. The first two chapters of the story were not written by me AT ALL.

All the absolute credit for those two chapters (even the titles) go to @anacrusis_ (previously havilliards_ & a username here on Wattpad). I first started reading her story (titled Persephone as well) around October 2018 I think, yet she hasn't updated past those two first chapters since June 30, 2018. I know this gives me absolutely no right to literally taker her work and publish it on my profile, but I am not trying to pass her ideas and work as my own. However, her story pushed me to write this, she inspired it.

I consider this sort of a fan-fiction book continuing it where she left. Chapter 3 and on are all written by me.

I am aware that this might fall under borderline plagiarism, (if needed to, I am completely willing to take those two chapters down because I am aware I am the one at fault here) but I don't intend to get any benefits from this BUT the satisfaction of continuing such a wonderful piece of work. At first, I intended to keep to myself and read in my computer, but this is too wonderful a story to keep it only to myself, so before you even hit the little star button here go to her profile, follow her and check the original story because even though only two chapters are up IT IS GREAT.

I am in love with her writing style, and I know my author's voice is nothing like hers (this is my apology for the drastic change in writing style you will see after chapter two), but here I am attempting to do this glorious book justice.


It is, however, my utmost intention to, in the near future, write my own first two chapters. I am not yet there, for I am still trying to come up with a beginning that can cope up the same feelings the first two chapters do. I'm having a hard time writing anything different from the original. Like honestly, nothing I write can make it justice.

@anacrusis_ I hope you are not mad

Also something I deem very important is that I usually post trailers in the multimedia section every now and then. Those trailers are not mine, and I do not claim them to be. They were not made for this story either, they are just trailers I found on Youtube and saw fitting for the story.

This is the link to her profile, please, go leave a like on her story before you like mine: https://novel2u.net/author/anacrusis_

P.S. I have attempted to contact her through Wattpad in order to make her aware about all this, but she hasn't yet answered AND hasn't been active on Wattpad for a very long time (based on the activity feed on her profile), so I can't assure I will be able to get her to answer since I tried to communicate with her last years and up to date, she still hasn't answered

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