《I will make you only mine》Chapter 9: The Farewell Party


Farewell day was near, and everyone was quite excited about it. On one hand people were nostalgic and on the other hand they were excited about their post college life. The farewell day was decided to be the last college day for final year students, after which, they only have to come college on the exam days. But secretly there was a heart that was planning something to get another heart. And there was a brain that was planning something to avoid another brain.

I bought a beautiful light green saree, my mom's amazing choice. And I'm actually looking beautiful, with an amazing saree draped, and light makeup applied. Anamika is going to pick me up from my home in her car. And I have decided that I would tell her about my job today. Since it's the last day of our college life, I want everything to be perfect, I want to part my way with good memories. And now, I can't wait to start working for my new job which is starting immediately after our exams. I'll be able to help pay off my family debt now, I'm undoubtedly very happy today.

Soon Anamika arrived in her car wearing a black saree looking extremely gorgeous. We hugged each other and then left for the college for our farewell party.

Myra: Anamika, I want to share something with you

Anamika: Oh my god! You've got a boyfriend and you didn't even tell me

Myra: Shut up, at least listen to me first. I'm serious

Anamika: Okay baby, speak up

Myra: Please don't get angry on me. I know you love me, and I know you were sadder

when I didn't get a job for whatever reason. And I'm sorry to hide things from you.

Anamika: (With a serious expression) I didn't get it Myra. What are you talking about? What

did you hide?

Myra: Yaar, actually after our placement season ended, I applied for off campus, and I got a

consultant job in a middle class company. The salary is not very good, but you know

how desperately I need a job, and I'm fine with it. I didn't tell you earlier because I

didn't want anyone else in this college to know about it. I hope you'll understand.

Anamika: idiot, Stupid why did you hide, I won't tell this to anyone. I promise. And about being

angry, yes I'm angry but that can be set off by you with a day out with me. I'm so

happy for you. Finally, now I can say that it's a really very happy day.

I am quite surprised about Anamika's casual reaction from this news, but I'm happy that she understands me, and she is still my best friend. After this, Anamika got busy with her phone while I was looking outside from the window. The ride was silent and as we were heading nearer to college, I was being worried about confronting Ayan. I neither like that guy, nor his company. And I can't tell about this to Anamika as she will create a fuss out of it. The rumors spread by Ayan were enough for her to fight with a lot of people in college many times for me.


Today is the day I was eagerly waiting for from past few weeks. I'm wearing a black semi ethnic outfit, I love this color, as it indicates my dominating authority over others. I wonder how I fell for a simple and innocent girl. She is so naive; she doesn't even get affected by my money and fame, leave alone my seductive ways. But I can't live without thinking about her for a single day. From past one year, I have become a stalker, now I know everything about her, from her family's debt to her commitment towards family. She has always maintained a distance with people, but she cares intensely for the people who are close to her. I too want her care, her respect. I want her all by myself. I hope my today's plan get successful. I messaged Manav to reach college in one hour. He knew about half of my plan. When I told him about my feelings for Myra, he got mad over me for trying to exploit his innocent friend, so I promised him that I would never go after that girl. But who said I'm man of my words, I can go beyond anything to get her. And lying to Manav was essential to seek his help for my plan as Myra trusts him more than me. Sometimes, I'm jealous of their friendship. I wonder what actually is between them. I swear once I get my Myra, I'll keep her away from everyone, even from my best friend Manav. She is only mine, and no one in this world can get her love more than me.

Rechecking all the arrangements for today, I ignite my car engine when suddenly a message popped in my phone, and my blood boiled after reading that message. This was not a right move. You'll see what I can do now. No mercy will be shown at this deed of yours. I'll show you who am I now....

Farewell party is going very smoothly and Ayan is nowhere to be seen to which I was quite relieved. Now, making sure to dismiss the empty threats of Ayan, I was fully enjoying the party. I met all of my friends, we clicked our moments together. I met Manav after a long time, as I always avoid meeting him after my internship due to his closeness with Ayan. Everyone was very happy, soon at the lunchtime; Ayan arrived at the party with some of the other bad boys of the college. They were all wearing very expensive clothes and looking good. Manav left us and join his friends. Ayan kept his gaze on me for a long time, but I didn't reply. Soon a message popped on my phone, knowing whose message it's going to be, I ignored that message and keep enjoying the party. I felt my phone vibrating for a few more times, but I ignored it as I didn't want to spoil my mood because of someone.

Soon after the lunch, Anamika told me about her plans of attending the unofficial farewell which was immediately after the official one. Now, I was on my own for getting back to my home and I was hell angry with her for leaving me like this. I can't take a public transport because it was too difficult to handle a saree for me, and due to taxi strike, it was impossible for me to get a taxi.


Soon, from being in a good mood, I became worried about my way back to home. I asked a lot of people who live in the direction of my house, but everyone has their post farewell plans. Sensing my discomfort, Anamika came to me and asked me what happened

"I'm just worried that how'll I go back to home." I stated as a fact

"Ohh sweetheart I completely forgot about it, see don't worry I have an idea. My party will start from 6, so let's leave early, I'll drop you home and then I'll head for the party. In this way problem will be solved." She said coolly

"But you'll waste a lot of time in commuting, don't worry, I'll manage somehow." I said

Ohh come on, from when we started having such formalities, its okay, we are leaving now." She hugged me and I hugged her back.

Although I didn't want to leave the party so early but I had no other option. Besides, Anamika is such a sweetie and she is doing so much for me. So, I paid my last regards to all my friends and teachers and left with Anamika in her car.

In the car, Anamika told me that she has to collect some of her father's files from a client whose residence is on the way. And we talk casually about what we are going to do in future. She shared with me the news of joining her father in the family business and I shared with her my excitement for the new job. I was somewhere very relaxed that I didn't confront Ayan today and that the day went well. Soon, we reached the entrance of a big mansion, which she told me that is her client's residence. When she was about to get down from the car, her phone started ringing, and she requested me to collect the files from the house till the time she finishes the call. I hesitantly agreed to it and started moving towards the main gate of the mansion. It was a huge mansion with beautiful exterior. I pressed the door bell and soon a maid come out and invited me in. I asked her about the files and she offered me water which I took, and requested me to wait till the time she gets those files. I sat in the huge living room and started staring at the ceiling. Suddenly my phone beeped and I took my phone out to see who's sending me so many messages since afternoon. I have got 10 messages all of which were from same number, I opened them and started reading them

"You're looking mesmerising baby, I can't wait to hold you."

"Ohh baby don't get clicked with such close postures with guys. I don't like it."

"Don't ignore my messages, atleast reply to me. You aren't even reading them."

"Okay, don't worry, today I'll make you reply. Keep ignoring me, but you'll have to face me today, and you'll have no other option but to talk to me."

"Baby, reply me, and I promise I won't trouble you much"

"Ek toh itni acchi dikh rhi ho, upar se aise ignore kar rahi ho, maar hi daloge aaj toh (Not even you're looking gorgeous, but also ignoring me, Do you plan to kill me today?)"

"What happened sweetheart, why are you looking so worried?"

"Hey! Don't be so worried, does anyone trouble you? Tell me, I'll rip anyone who dared to trouble you."

"Why are you leaving so early? Party has just begun. Atleast talk to me once. I want to get clicked with you."

"Wait for me, I'm coming for you. I won't let you escape, I love you, and I'll make you only mine. You can't run from me now that I'm here." (Received just now)

I didn't get the meaning of his last message, but as soon as I finished reading it, another message popped, It was from Anamika, maybe she was asking how much time it'll take, but as soon as I read that message, it seemed as if earth has slipped away below my foot. My face went pale, and I re read the message just to confirm that it said

"Hey Myra, I know you consider me as your best friend. But you did wrong by hiding your job information from me. I just want to tell you that I know everything about you and Ayan. Ayan's company owns my father's company and we are indebted to him for his favors, there is no doubt that we were good friends, but all this time in our 3rd year, I worked for Mr. Malhotra to guard you from other boys and share your updates with him. It seems that he loves you and I had no other option except to take you here for him. On his orders, I'm leaving now. He'll take care of you from now. I hope you'll forgive me. And from this message, your phone will become out of coverage area for some time, and I've already informed your parents that you'll be staying with me tonight, to which they gladly agreed, so don't worry about them. Have a nice time. Bye"

I began panicking and looking for an escape from the mansion. I looked and find no one in the corridors, and immediately make my way to the front door only to find it locked. Not only the door was locked, but there was no one in the house and I began screaming for help. I tried calling for help but somehow my phone wasn't working. Soon, i started feeling dizzy realizing my mistake of taking the water from maid. In no more time, I blacked out there in the corridor in the front of main gate. The last thought before blacking out was my plea to god to come and save me...

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