《Demigods Meet Mortals》Parker Johnson (Percabeth) - Part Two


Hi guys, due to popular demand, here is the part two you wanted! Not as spectacular as you might imagine, but still a valid ending. Enjoy!


The crowd erupted in cheers, everyone was more than surprised at the pure emotions in every line the two teenagers said, it made it seem like they were actually watching the scene unfold before them, as if Peter Johansson and Annabelle Kase were spiritually possessed by Annabeth Chase and Perseus Jackson. Mrs Koni walked on stage, a pleased smile on her face, 'Now for the fifteen minute intermission everyone, be back for the final battle, and after that, the ending!' Everyone filed out of the auditorium, and the cast members got out of the froze movements, all starting to stretch and take a break before the final battle.

Mrs Koni frowned when the actor playing Poseidon walked in to the fake throne room along with the other actors, mainly because it wasn't actually the actor playing Poseidon. Percy's eyes widened, and Annabeth turned to see what he was looking at, and she froze as well, Poseidon was walking in with the 'Olympians'.

Percy decided to go along, Poseidon stepped forward in front of the other 'Olympians', 'My son, what is this?' Percy turned around and faced the mortals and one god, his voice cracking from the horrible memories, 'We need a shroud, a shroud for the son of Hermes.

The mortals immediately acted their parts, except for Poseidon. He stepped towards Percy and Annabeth, the daughter of Athena had tears in her eyes, she crumbled to her knees, hand touching the small dagger concealed under her costume, where Luke's dagger used to be. Percy walked over to her, no longer caring that they weren't following the script. Mrs Koni frowned, they weren't doing what they were supposed to be doing that. They were supposed to move forwards, and play the next scene. 'Mr Johansson, Miss Kase, follow the script.' Mrs Koni hissed, the actor playing Poseidon frowned, he walked forwards, and snapped his fingers, there was a flash.


That's when she realised that it wasn't an actor, he was actually Poseidon. The Greek god of the sea. He sighed, 'I decided to come and have some fun, didn't realise...Anywho, mortals, I am Poseidon, god of the sea,' Peter and Annabelle had calmed down, and instead of bowing down like every other person in the large hall, the duo stood next to Poseidon, fingers interwined.

Poseidon stood tall besides the two, a proud grin on his face, and Mrs Koni caught her breath, 'Mortals, I present to you, my son Perseus Jackson, and daughter of Athena, Annabeth Chase.'

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