《Demigods Meet Mortals》Parker Johnson (Percabeth)


Parker grinned upon noticing the empty seat beside Annabelle Kase, his crush of two years. Something told him that he and Annabelle would be picked for the roles of Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase, if the similarities in their names to the heroes were any indication. Miss. Koni had said the play to re-enact the Titan War was going to play a big part in their grades for the end of the year, so there were no excuses for any to sit out. But it was clear nobody actually wanted to sit out on the play, especially if they got the chance to be heroes - even if it's only imaginary. He quickly took his seat beside a slightly annoyed looking Annabelle.

Miss. Koni stepped into the small clearing between the stage and the rows of seats. Her blonde hair was down for once, touching her shoulders. She held a checklist in her hands, the front side of it pressed against her chest, as if the cheap board was worth a lot. "Good mornin' class," she started. "After last week's auditions, I've given you all appropriate roles for our play re-enacting the first Great Prophecy. Today, we'll just be reading through the scripts and going through the scene where Annabeth Chase gets injured, as it's heartwarming to see her take a knife for her best friend." Parker resisted the urge to snort, he didn't understand the teacher's need to say friendship instead of relationship, everyone knew 'Percabeth' was a thing. Though as to whether the relationship was going to last beats Parker.

Miss. Koni never casted based on talents in lessons, only in actual school productions, which Parker knew half the class was no doubt grateful for, everyone - including Parker - couldn't act to save their lives. She only ever casted based on similarities in names, appearances, or anything she could use, really.


"So we have Parker Johnson as Perseus Jackson, Annabelle Kase as Annabeth Chase, Luca Santiago as Luke Castellan, Chance LaVille as Clarisse La Rue," Parker stopped listening after that. All he needed to know was that he got to be Percy, which meant he would have to kiss Annabelle at the end of the play.

Kneeling down beside the old sofa, Parker met Annabelle's eyes. The blond was laying in a rather uncomfortable looking position on the bed, fake blood tainting her white shirt and her arms. Her hair was done in a messy style, with several strands pulled out of her ponytail. For a costume run, Annabelle really went all out on her costume. Parker reached a hand up to feel Annabelle's forehead, focusing on making his expression look realistic. Annabelle grimaced through her smile. "You loon cute when you're worried," she muttered softly. The words sounded slight wrong together, but then again, the script was completely accurate. "Your eyebrows get all scrunched together."

"You're not going to die while I owe you a favour," Parker recited in a low voice. He wondered how Annabelle was able to say the lines and pull such convincing expressions, almost as if her words weren't pulled from a piece of paper, but memories. Parker gave a small shake of his head, willing his voice to slightly crack. "Why did you take that knife?" He asked, watching as Annabelle gave a small sigh.

"You would've done the same for me."

"How did you know?"

Annabelle opened her mouth to reply, when Miss. Koni stepped on stage, a dark-haired teen behind her.

"Parker, Annabelle, meet Peter Johansson." Miss. Koni said with a nod of her head towards 'Peter'. "Peter here was transferred here from his drama class, and will be taking the role of Perseus instead, what with his deep understanding of the war. He's quite the fan of Greek mythology." Annabelle visibly brightened, while it was the opposite for Parker.


Parker wanted to argue, but he knew Miss. Koni wasn't going to take no for an answer. He stepped aside, watching as Peter took his spot beside Annabelle, not even picking the the script at his foot. Parker wanted to see how 'good' this Peter was.

'You saved me, thanks.' Peter said, a sad smile on his face, Annabelle allowed her hand to fall from the small of his back, Peter's 'Achilles Heel'. 'Peter held on to her hand loosely, 'So you owe me,' Annabelle said easily, somehow the duo were able to say every line flawlessly, as if they were actually Percy and Annabeth, raw emotions poured out.

'What else is new?'


Hi guys, unfortunately there isn't much of a reveal in this chapter, but I can do a part two revealing them! Comment if you want a part two!!! : )

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