《espresso ᝰ t. amajiki ✓》plan


Y/n smiled to her employees. The store had just closed, and they finished cleaning up the shop. Every night, before her employees left for home, y/n would hold a staff meeting in the main area, to reflect on business, behavior, etc. "We made a ton in tips today!"

"Probably because Amajiki was super sweet to all the customers! He definitely won their hearts." Ginger teased. Tamaki hitched. "H-Huh? You think that's why?"

"I wouldn't be surprised!" Y/n giggled.

"Boss...what are we gonna do about the Endeavor Agency?...We don't have enough funds to pay them right now." Hailey muttered, making y/n's posture fall.

"...I don't want you guys to worry too much about it, okay? I'll take care of it as fast as I can!" Y/n pumped her fist.

Ginger sighed. "She's doing it again."

Tamaki turned to Ginger, tilting his head. Again? Doing what again?

"Boss, if you need to cut our checks, we won't mind-"

"Huh? Are you crazy, Hailey? I'm not doing that!" Y/n pouted. "You guys work hard to keep this shop running! I can't take away your rewards-"

"I don't mind it."

The employees turned to Tamaki. Y/n's heart skipped a beat. "Amajiki?"

"W-We understand if you have to pay us less. It's only till the 6th, isn't it?...We can't risk you losing...your parents shop." Tamaki assured quietly as he stared at his lap, his cheeks warming up.

Y/n's eyes widened. She looked down at the table, pursing her lips. "...But you all go to college, right? Besides Ginger. I would hate to pay you less. You need it for books, and rent, and-"

"Who cares? Tamaki, you're in your last year of school right?" Hailey turned to him. "U-Uh, yeah-"

"So am I. We barely need the money to pay for stuff like that anymore. A little student debt won't hurt. If anything, we can always result to living with Ginger."


"I didn't agree to that-" Ginger muttered.

"Please pay us less. And take the tips too. Okay?" Hailey glared at y/n, her biting her tongue. "...I...I'll figure out a different solution! I promise!"

Hailey sighed, standing up and grabbing her bag. "If you say so. But paying us less really isn't a huge deal. See you tomorrow boss." She bowed, heading towards the exit of the shop.

Tamaki watched as his co worker left, Ginger grabbing his bag as well. "Please don't stay awake tonight trying to come up with ideas, okay?"

Y/n turned away, sticking out her bottom lip. "...I won't."

Ginger and Tamaki left y/n's shop, walking down the sidewalk into the cold night. "...Uhm, so...Ginger. You don't go to college?"

"Hm?" Ginger turned to him, blinking in confusion. "Oh, that! I graduated a couple years back."

Oh so...he must be a few years older than the rest of us.

"If you graduated...why don't you have a better job than working at a coffee shop?"

Ginger lightly scoffed. "...I visited y/n's shop as a customer a couple years ago. It was just her and Hailey at the time. She seemed to be struggling a lot, juggling being a manager and an employee at the same time. It was always busy and since she only could work so much, and she was very stressed. So I figured I could help her, and I ended up working for her!" He excited as he held up a peace sign to his eye.

"Oh...that's really nice of you." Tamaki muttered.

Ginger smiled to himself. "She loves the shop, just as much as her parents. I wanted to work for someone with great ambition like her...whether it was for a small shop or a big time company. It's her passion that deserves my dedication!"


Tamaki gave a small grin. "...Ginger...when you said y/n was doing it again...during our staff meeting...uh...what did you mean?"

"Ohhhh thatttt." Ginger slurred, annoyed just thinking about y/n's actions. "She feels that since she's the boss, she has to handle everything on her own. And I mean...everything. It's like she enjoys taking on a butt load of work."

Tamaki turned to the sky, watching the snow fall lightly. That sounds just like her...

"I'm home." Tamaki opened the door to the apartment, carefully taking off his shoes.


"AHH!!!" Tamaki jumped as Mirio poked his head through the wall, greeting his roommate. "Welcome home!"

"Why?" Tamaki slouched. "Just...why?"

Mirio retreaed back into the wall, running out of his bedroom and into the living room. "How was work?"

"...Not good."

"Huh? Why? Did you choke up? Embrass yourself?-"

Tamaki suddenly faced a corner, a visible aura of sadness falling over him. "...Yeah but that's not why."

"Oh, haha, sorry!" Mirio scratched the back of his neck. "Then what happened?"

"...Y/n's coffee shop is going to be bought out by the Endeavor agency by early January."

Mirio gasped. "What? The Endeavor Agency? For real?"

"We have to pay four hundred thousand yen before then but...y/n doesn't have that kind of money." Tamaki explained, sitting on the living room couch. "...Mirio, what should I do?"

Mirio tilted his head. "Huh?"

"...One of her employees says she tends to try to handle situations on her own...But I want to help her...It's the least I can do." He whispered.

Mirio's face lit up with excitement. "CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!"

"H-Huh!? What!?" Tamaki threw up his hands, leaning back as Mirio approached him.

"You used to despise y/n! Now you wanna help her!! This is adorable!!"

"D-Don't make it weird!! I j-just wanna to pitch and help!" Tamaki stuttered.

"Yeah, right!...I know! Why don't you make flyers!"


"Yeah! Hang them around town! Asking for donations! I'm sure the people would help out!"

Tamaki let out a small "hm." as he stared at the floor. "...That's a good idea."

Y/n gazed over at the clock on her computer. 4:30 p.m...This day is going by so slow...She then heard a soft knock come from her office door. "Come in!"

Tamaki creaked the door open, peeking his head inside. "...Are you busy?"

"Amajiki? Hey! What's up?"

He stepped inside, a sketchbook in his hand. "...I have an idea on how we can get money for the shop."

Y/n sat up. "Huh? I thought I said you guys didn't have to worry about it. I'll take care of it-"

"I know....but..." Tamaki stared down at his feet, handing out his notebook. "Just...consider it."

Y/n let out a small exhale, reaching out to grab the notebook. The title was labeled Expresso Express Flyer. Below was a sketch of a poster, asking for donations to save the shop.

"I figured...we could hang these around town..." Tamaki whispered.

Y/n looked up at Tamaki, her heart fluttering. "...Amajiki?"

"Y-Yes?" He stood up straight. His heart skipped a beat as he noticed how kind her face was, her eyes seemingly glossy. "...Y-Y/n?-"

"This is a great idea. Really." She stood up from her chair, gazing at the sketch. "...Do you mind helping me make these later?"

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