《Day After Day》Author's Note


Hello everyone!

This story has been selected to take part in the Paid Stories program. I am ecstatic that Wattpad has given me this opportunity again (my previous novel Patient 12 is also currently in the program).

I have been writing for most of my life as a hobby. I spend all of my free time writing. I have recently started working as a mental health nurse, so I do not have a lot of free time. If I could, I would love to spend all day writing and getting updates out to you guys.

This is a story that I had started writing back in 2016, and I am thrilled to have the chance to focus on the idea. Hopefully, I can create an awesome book for you guys.

I want to thank everyone who has supported me for the past six years I have been on Wattpad. This experience has been better than I could ever imagine. I would not be able to accomplish any of this if it was not for your support.

Thank you!

- Mason FitzGibbon

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