《Hiraeth || F. Meizuo》Chapter 52
A week had passed since the incident and everything was falling into place. We informed Ah Si about the plan but made sure to keep everything from Shancai. Everyone was sworn to secrecy including Shancai's parents, Zhuang jie and Auntie Daoming.
Meizuo and I were still a little awkward since we haven't gotten back together yet and still being friends is a bit weird but it works for us.
It was 8 in the morning and we were all at the venue, getting ready. The wedding would start at exactly 10 am. Ximen was making sure that Shancai was far from suspecting what was going on. I ignored her calls on my phone. She was growing worried because she couldn't find Ah Si, Lei, or any of us.
We kept the celebration as private as possible. Only us and a few of our friends. Zhuang jie would be officiating the ceremony. I was shocked to see Baihe and Xinhui but I could see they were trying to turn over a new leaf so I tried my best to stay calm around them.
The boys (with the exception of Ah Si who was wearing a black tux) were all dressed in white tuxedos along with Thomas, Shancai's friend from London, Qinghe who was trying hard not to cry, and Zhi Bu, Shancai's high school friend.
The boys stayed in Ah Si's suite while the girls stayed in mine. The girls consisted of me, Xiaoyou, Li Zhen, Xinhui, Baihe, and Xiaozi. Sooyeon unnie took the liberty of gifting Li Zhen and Xiaoyou with their dresses because they were having trouble with buying new dresses for the wedding.
Li Zhen and Xiaoyou were dressed in adorable pink long-sleeved cocktail dresses. I smiled as I saw how Ximen kept hugging Xiaoyou in happiness and he kept complimenting her. I smiled at how much Ximen had changed because of Xiaoyou.
"There. All done." I said to Xiaozi who was wearing a flowy blue cocktail dress. I put down the blush and she gave me a hug in thanks.
I was the only one who wasn't dressed yet so I grabbed my dress from the rack and went inside the bathroom to change.
After 10 minutes, I emerged and Xiaoyou squealed when she saw me.
"You look so pretty Shui!" She said and I smiled in thanks as I adjusted my dress in the mirror. I was wearing a long flowy white dress. The dress was long-sleeved had a white lace polka dot overlay that reached my neck. The ends of the sleeves were bellow-shaped. Underneath my dress were a pair of diamond encrusted open-toe heels. My ears were adorned with diamond pearl drop earrings. My hair was already curled slightly.
I smiled as Xiaozi handed me the lipstick. It was a neutral but kinda dark pink color. My phone beeped. It was a text from Meizuo.
"Shancai's coming. We'll all head to the hall while you're helping her out. Ximen made sure she'll be unconscious for the most part. -Zuo."
I told the girls the news and they all went downstairs with the exception of Xiaozi who was going to help me with changing Shancai into her wedding dress as well as her hair and makeup.
I was fixing up my hair when I heard a knock on the door.
I opened the door to find Lei and Meizuo holding Shancai. I don't know what they did to make her sleep but she was out like a light. Xiaozi and I helped her into her dress before fixing up her hair. I tied her hair into a neat bun with some strands framing her face. Xiaozi grabbed the meteor necklace (that was a gift from Ah Si) from the table stand. I added a little bit more blush and lipstick on her before turning to Xiaozi.
"Done." She said as we called Lei and Meizuo to help us bring Shancai (who was thankfully still asleep) downstairs. When we reached the hall, she looked like she was coming to so we carefully set her in the center of the room. She seemed conscious so she was able to stand straight.
A few minutes pass and we made it seem like Shancai was dreaming and all so Ah Si dismissively walked away from her. He was wearing his casual clothes with his tux underneath. I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing at Zhuang jie's dance number.
"Do you love Daoming Si?" She asked Shancai who was still confused to what was going on. The lights were dimmed so she couldn't see us. The only light was shining on Zhuang jie and Shancai.
"I do." She answered.
"Do you want me to bring him out?" Zhuang jie asked again.
"Yes, please, Zhuang jie." Shancai pleaded and Zhuang jie smiled.
"I ask of the world, what is love? People live and die for it. I ask of the world, what is love? People live and die for it! " She chanted as the lights turned off momentarily and when it turned back on, the boys were standing behind Shancai.
Zhuang jie opened her eyes and looked shocked when she saw Lei, Ximen and Meizuo behind Shancai. Shancai followed her gaze and looked behind her.
"Why isn't the spell working?" Zhuang jie asked and Shancai turned back to her.
"Shancai, you're not devoted enough. All right. If we can only conjure F3, just pick one of them to be your husband then." Zhuang jie declared.
"What?" Shancai gasped as she looked at the 3 boys behind her.
"Shancai. I, Meizuo, am one of F4 members with the longest legs, smallest face, best humor, and funniest jokes. I'll never call you stupid or short. I won't call you an idiot or make fun of you." Meizuo bragged and I rolled my eyes and laughed silently as Xiaozi nudged me teasingly.
"Meizuo, even though you're the nicest to me in F4, you only have eyes for Shuijing. You love Shuijing and I'm pretty sure you'll love only her for the rest of your life." Shancai reasoned and Meizuo just smiled. I couldn't help but smile too.
"You're right. I'm still working on making her fall for me again, if I have to do it for the rest of my life, I'd be more than happy. I'll love her even in the afterlife." Meizuo shrugged before stepping back and smiling at Shancai. I smiled as a happy tear slipped from my eye.
"Shancai. I, Ximen, am one of F4 members who knows the most about women. Whenever girls are with me, I can tell what they're thinking from their movements and expressions. I know what girls want. You'll be very happy with me. I'll cherish your every tear. You should choose me." Ximen declared.
"Hey. Don't you have Xiaoyou already? I'm warning you, if you make Xiaoyou sad in any way, I'll never forgive you." Shancai threatened and Ximen rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"You're being very annoying. I'm just kidding." Ximen reasoned.
"You're not allowed to." Shancai retorted.
"I love Xiaoyou. You know that." Ximen told her sincerely and Shancai nodded.
Lei then stepped forward. I held my breath when I remembered how Shancai used to have a big crush on Lei. Not that I blame her, Lei was a wonderful human being and I wished he could find his own happiness someday and share that with someone special even if it isn't Jing jie.
"Shancai. I don't need to say anything to make you understand." Lei said and Shancai smiled before taking a deep breath. Lei smiled back and understood what she meant.
"So do you still choose Daoming Si?" Lei asked and Shancai nodded.
"Yes. We've loved, hated, and hurt each other. After all that, regardless of the outcome and the challenges, in every minute of my life, I love him with all my heart." She sincerely told Lei, smiling.
"All right. Then we'll gather together and summon Daoming Si for you." Lei said as he and Meizuo walked closer, standing beside Ximen. They all held out their hands for Shancai and Shancai delicately placed hers on top of Lei and they all smiled before standing aside as the lights revealed Ah Si, clad in a black tuxedo at the end of the aisle.
Behind him was Thomas, Qinghe and Zhi Bu. The aisle was lined with some of our friends from school. Li Zhen, Xiaoyou, Baihe, and Xinhui stood on the right side while Xiaozi and I stood on the left. We all applauded as Ah Si made his way to Shancai, carrying a white bouquet of flowers. Lei held out his hand for Shancai and escorted her to Ah Si.
When they reached Ah Si, Lei stepped aside as Ah Si smiled at Shancai. He knelt down and offered the bouquet to her.
"Shancai. Will you marry me?" Ah Si sweetly asked and we all smiled. This was it. They were getting their happy ending.
"Hey, Shancai. You're the prettiest bride in the world." Xiaozi chimed in as Shancai looked like she was about to cry.
"You and Ah Si will live happily ever after. And if you don't, I'll hunt Ah Si down." I jokingly threatened as Ah Si glared at me. I stuck my tongue out in retaliation.
"Shancai, you're so pretty today. We wish you a happy life." Li Zhen piped in as Xiaoyou and her smiled happily. Xiaoyou was already crying for her best friend.
"I... This is my 120th time giving up on you. Shancai, I will always be your best friend. I wish you happiness." Qinghe cheered.
"Shancai, À la vôtre (Cheers)!" Thomas said, blowing a kiss with his fingers.
"It's so touching. All the best." Xiaoyou beamed at her best friend.
"If Ah Si takes good care of you, I promise I won't beat him up." Zhi Bu warned.
"Shancai, if you have babies, I can be your nanny." Baihe offered and Xinhui nodded beside her.
"Is... Is this a dream? Or is this real?" Shancai asked, tears slowly falling from her eyes.
"Shancai, you really are an idiot. You're so easy to fool." Meizuo joked and we all laughed.
"She's so silly. Ah Si, you can still call it off now." Ximen joked.
"Shancai. You and Ah Si were made for each other." Lei stated and we all nodded.
"You guys lied to me?" Shancai asked, still not believing what was happening and I giggled at her reaction. Ah Si was still kneeling in front of her, smiling.
"Surprise!" Ah Si shouted but he was suddenly face down on the floor, courtesy of Zhuang jie kicking his with her shoe. I laughed as Ah Si shook with annoyance. He got up and pointed the bouquet at his older sister.
"Daoming Zhuang!"
"That's enough!" Zhuang jie said and Ah Si kept his mouth shut.
"Are you getting married or not?" She asked and Ah Si nodded, standing next to Shancai and grabbing her hand, tucking it underneath his arm.
"Daoming Si. Do you take Shancai to be your wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, to be faithful to her, so long as you both shall live?" Zhuang jie asked and Ah Si turned to Shancai.
"I do." He answered, keeping his gaze on his bride.
"Dong Shancai. Do you take Ah Si to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, protect him, comfort him, and support him so long as you both shall live?" She asked Shancai and Shancai turned to Ah Si, looking at him endearingly.
"I do." She answered and Zhuang jie smiled.
"We are here to celebrate this couple who has gone through challenges and hardships together. And they still remain true to each other. I... now officially pronounce you husband and wife." She announced and we all applauded as Ah Si and Shancai smiled at each other.
We all clapped harder when Ah Si threw the bouquet in the air and grabbed Shancai by the waist, kissing her lovingly.
They shared their first dance as a couple before the food was given and we all had a blast at the after party. The only people left were us because Zhuang jie decided to let 'the youngsters have fun'. We all laughed and hugged each other as confetti rained down on us.
It was a great way to end the day.
And a beautiful memory to cherish before I went away.
I was standing near the door, purse in my hand, and only Lei seemed to notice me leaving. He sent me a smile and a nod before I turned around. I took one last look at my friends, I kept my gaze on Meizuo who was happily laughing at the amount of confetti stuck on Ximen's head.
"I'm sorry Zuo. I have to go. I'll come back. I promise." I whispered to seemingly no one as I silently left the venue.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We had just finished dancing and I peered my eyes to look for Shuijing but she wasn't in the hall. I sat down to drink some water. She was probably at the bathroom, touching up. I wanted to talk to her and share at least one dance with her before the day ended.
Our relationship was still on the rocks and I fully understood why she insisted on being friends for now. My words hurt her and I would do anything to earn her trust and love back.
"Meizuo." I turned my head smiling, expecting it to be her but it was Lei.
"Oh, Lei. What is it? Have you seen Shui?" I asked, standing up and Lei beckoned me to follow him out into the hall. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Shui wanted me to give you this." He said handing me a lilac-colored square envelope.
"What's this?" I asked, looking at the sealed envelope.
"Shui gave this to me before the wedding. She told me to give it to you." He said and I crossed my arms against my chest. I was growing nervous.
"Why didn't she give it to me herself?" I asked.
"Open and read it then you'll understand." He said and I opened the envelope and took out a letter.
My eyes slowly watered as I read it.
Dear Meizuo,
By the time you read this, I'm probably gone. I've been raised all my life in a cage, never being able to spread my wings. I want to be free for once in my life. I want to see the world and what it has to offer
I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner about my plan. I hope you can understand why I have to leave. I can understand if you hate me for leaving. I know I promised I wouldn't disappear but I have to okay? I don't know when I'll be back but please don't waste your time looking for me.I can't tell you exactly where I'm going because I don't know where I'm going but I'm just following where my feet take me.
I want you to know that every moment with you has been a dream. I want to thank you for loving me and for accepting my love for you. I've loved only you for the past 15 years and nothing can ever change that.
Send my love to Ah Si, Lei, Ximen and Shancai. Tell Ah Si and Ximen to take care of Shancai and Xiaoyou and tell Lei to be happy but I beg you, do not start setting him up on dates.
You're a great man Zuo and a wonderful human being, I love you so much and because I love you, I want you to be happy.
If someday, you meet a wonderful woman who you want to spend your life with, go for it. Don't think about what I will think. I'm giving you back the ring you gave me to give to the woman you'll spend the rest of your life with.
Be happy Zuo.
All my love,
I was sobbing as I held the letter in my shaking hands. I opened the envelope again and took out the ring. I cried as I held it to my chest.
"Shuijing..my Shuijing..Please come back...Please..." I cried out, sobbing on the floor as Lei bent down and patted my back.
Shui, where are you?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Only the epilogue left! Are your hearts still okay?
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