《My Annoying Brothers》


Little did she know promises are meant to be broken

Oppas didn't come home for a long time now.

Well can't blame them they have better things to do than staying with me..

I mean they are-

*Ring ring

Y/n: Eyyy

Y/n: What you want?

Y/n: V live

Y/n: I saw, my brothers look so cute

Y/n: I watch both dumbass

He hang up

(a/n:if you seriously think that bts is going to leave y/n again you're wrong! Ha!)

My brothers audition for Bighit entertainment and got selected!

Now they debuted as a boy band/group called ''! They are worldwide! Their fandom is called '', they are extra and ordinary!

My friend '' audition for JYP Entertainment and also got selected!

He debuted with his group, they are called '', their fandom is called '', they are great!

My other friend '' also audition for Big hit Entertainment and got selected. He debuted as a soloist, his stage name is '', he's so cool!

And there's me all aloneeeeee! In this boring house! Alone and no friends!

Well time went fast right... Last time we were in high school, now we are already adults. Miss those old days... Whatever!

*Ring ring


I said

"Sorry for interrupting Miss Kim, this is Nancy from the designing section. I just wanted to tell you that the dresses are finished and ready to be sent out to America"

Nancy said

"Oh don't pack it yet I'll go to the office and see it"

I said

"Yes Miss"

Nancy said

I hang up

I am an owner of a clothing factory, we often sent it to the US. Our brand is so popular, its called ''.

I went outside to my car and drive to the office.

I went into the designing section and saw Nancy



I called her

"Yes Miss Kim"

Nancy said

"I want to see the dress"

I said

"Yes miss"

She ran into the room

After a minute she came back out, come to me and gave me the dresses

I touched it, looked at it. Hmm... The texture is good, design is great, color is beautiful, the size is perfect!

"This is perfect! But only one color?"

I said and asked

"Oh no Miss they are two color, pink and blue"

She said

"Ahh so it's new collection and also limited?"

I asked

"Yes Miss"

She said

"I'll get going now. You could pack those and sent it to the US"

I said

"Yes Miss"

She said and hurried to go do her work with the other workers

I walked out to my car and drove home. It didn't took long I opened the door and went inside. I threw my bag on the couch, went upstairs to my room and laid on the bed. Ahh I feel so good!

I hope oppas came back... I miss them so much... I stayed and lived with them since I was young and now I have to live alone... Ugh its sooooooo boring without their screams and laughs and jokes!

I think so much that I fell asleep...


I woke up to the sound of my alarm

I smelled food... Wait I'm upstairs and I lived alone then who's in the kitchen cooking right now! Oh my god there's a stranger in my house! I dressed up quickly and slowly walked downstairs

I peeked into the kitchen and saw a similar figure looks like Jin Oppa

I quickly grabbed a frying pan and said

"Turn around! Let me see who are you!"

I said in a shaking voice


He turned around...

It's Jin Oppa!

I dropped the pan and ran to him then hugged him tightly

I heard more footsteps coming into the kitchen

"Why is there a bang sound?"

"Did anyone get hurt?"

"What is going here?"

"You interrupted my sleep!"

"Is everything okay?"

"Oh its Y/n!"

All of them came and hugged me

"Why are you all here today?"

I asked them

"Don't you miss us?"

Jimin Oppa asked

"I do very very much but don't you guys have like practice and lessons or fan signs or anything else to do?"

I asked them again

"Oh Y/n still stupid, this is our day off so we decided to come see you"

Namjoon Oppa said


Kookie Oppa said

I looked at the food and it's burning


Jin Oppa started screaming

"Oh god! Shut the fuck up people!"

Yoongi Oppa said

5 minutes later

I looked at the food on the table in front of me...

It's totally burned and if it's still in the pan. It'll turn into ashes! But lucky that oppa's cooking is good no matter what so even if its burn, its still taste good!

I enjoyed eating it as well as the others expect Jin Oppa, he was upset that he burned the food. When we finished eating they came to me and...

"We miss you sooooo much!"

They said

"I miss you too oppas!"

I said

We all hugged again

This is the reasons why I think my family is the best! Brothers are caring and well stupid!

Well what can I say?

They are !

A/n:That's it for this book 'My Annoying brothers, I will write another book called '

It's a Jungkook ff make sure to check it out soon! Thank you for all the supports! I really appreciate it! See you next time in the next story! "

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