《My Annoying Brothers》


(At the abandoned place)

-Y/n's pov-

Wake up

Wake up

"Oppa I told you 5 minutes more"

I continued sleeping

"Y/n wake up"

I shoot my eyes open and looked carefully at the person

"Oh Agust?"

I said while scratching my eyes

"Y/n ssi~ I think you should go back"

I stared at him blankly

"Why you don't want me here?"

I said

"No no no it's just that you still have your brothers you know? If you don't go they will miss you so much that they might go ..."

He said


I said and looked at him confused

"Trust me Y/n"

He said with a smile

"Okay I will but in one condition"

I said

"What is it?"

He asked

"Come visit me"

I said

"Got it!"

I grabbed my stuff

"Bye Agust see you mhm later"

I said


I run as fast as I can back to my house

After about 10 minuyes I think

I arrived but why does it look so... ?

I walked in

No light at all...

Where are my oppas?

I put down my stuff on the couch and walked upstairs

I heard Yelling, giggling, and... Crying?

I went into Jin Oppa room first

I saw him sitting at the edge of the bed saying '' over and over


He raised his head, when he saw me

He run to hug me and say...

"I'm sorry for everything Y/n, you are the only thing that holds our family together, I'm sorry I slapped you, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, im-"

I cut him off

"Oppa I forgive you but you need to rest"

After I said that I put him on his bed and kissed him on the forehead and walked out

When I walked out I heard snoring


He must be asleep now

I then went into Joonie Oppa room

Oh my god

Where are there beer and other alcohol bottles everywhere!?

I look at my Oppa at the corner of the room

I slowly walked towards him

I saw him crying

"Oppa I'm here"

I hugged him


He said crying on my shoulders then slowly fall asleep

I also put him on his bed and collect the beer bottles in the room into the bag and threw it into the Trash bin.

I walked into sunshine room

When I stepped in... The room looked so dark?

I walked over to him

He's not even smiling

When happen to hobi


I said with a smile


I smiled at him

"Let Oppa hug you"

He said


He became more sad

"You have to smile and promise me to always smile"

I said

"I promised"

And he smiled

I gave him a hug

"Oppa I have to go see the others"

"Ahh they are always in their room but one thing jimin is a bit crazy"

He said warning me I think?



I walked out

I heard giggling in jimin Oppa room

As soon as I walked in

He saw me, his eyes was...blank

He started to question

"Wait which one is the real y/n?"

He looked at me and at the bed

"Oppa it's me, you can't remember me?"

He looked at me blankly again

Then he fainted


I quickly put him on his bed

"Aish this is all my fault"

Before I go out he mumbled in his sleep

"Don't leave us Y/n"

He said while sleeping

"I'm sorry Oppa, I promised I won't leave you again"

I said then I walked out

I heard nothing at all in tae Oppa room


So I walked in

He was asleep... Hugging the teddy bear I gave him

He must have miss me very much

He must be cold

He's shaking

I put blanket on him and hugged him softly

"I'm here Oppa and I will never leave you..."

I could feel him getting better

I smiled a little

"Get better Oppa"

Then I walked out

I heard crying and mumbling inside kookie Oppa room

Oh no

I then opened the door fast

I saw him on his bed

Crying really hard

Saying '

"No Y/n!"

He screamed

He must have nightmares

I hugged him tight

"Shh Oppa it's alright I'm here, Y/n is here, Y/n is safe"

I whispered and still hugging him

Once he calm down

I turn on the speaker to minimum volume and put on relaxing music so he will feel better

I heard Yelling and glass shattering inside Yoongi oppa room

I quickly went outside

I kicked the door open (since it was locked)

And I see everything broken

Him Yelling and screaming

Continue to break the stuff

Not even caring what it was

Him not noticing I'm here


I ran to hug him

He continued screaming and pushed me

I ran to hug him again this time more tight

He stills scream

He pushed me hard

I landed on the floor next to his working chair

He then throw a chair at the mirror

And glass breaking

His house of cards falling down

I managed to get back up again even if I was hurt

I ran and hug him again

Singing a song near his ear

Each minute

He became more calm

When he's completely calm

He hugged me back tightly

"I miss you so much sissy"

He said with a calm voice

"Oppa I miss you too"

I felt something wet on my shoulders

Is he crying?

"Oppa look at your eye bag! You seriously need some rest!"

I then dragged him to his bed and put him into sleep

I look around the room

This is a lot of cleaning

I finished cleaning in about 25 minutes

I went downstairs and look at the time 19:07

Omo! They still didn't eat! Why didn't I think of that!?

I looked at my arms and it was bleeding

I went into the bathroom and did first aid kit

It hurts so much

But I just try to forget about the pain and walked to the kitchen to cook

I cooked them some soft tufu stew and rice

I placed them on the table

Feeling proud that I can finally cook something

I called them from downstairs

"Oppas wake up and come eat!"

I heard many footsteps coming down the stairs

All of them sits in order

"Wahh looks so good~"

Hoseok Oppa said

"And also delicious~"

Jin Oppa said while giving me a thumbs up

I giggled

"So this is the real Y/n?"

Jimin Oppa asked again

"Yes Jimin Oppa"

I smiled

We ate as a family again

Talking, joking, laughing

When we finished

They gave me a big family hug

"Don't leave us again"

They said

"I will not leave you guys again I promised and you guys need to promise me too that you will not leave me"

I said

"We promised"

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