《Inazuma Eleven x Reader (closed)》Fubuki Shirou x reader:Happily Ever After


Fubuki Shirou a.k.a Shawn Frost

(I choose happily ever after because I love that song by He Is We...when I listen to it a bulb light up above my head and this idea crossed it so....I'll shut up and let you read!)


(F/N)-first name

(L/N)-last name

(H/C)-hair color

(E/C)-eye color


-At Winter Morning-

Let me riddle you a ditty,

it's just an itty bitty,

little thing on my mind

"g-grrr-rrr-grrrrr-grrr-gggrrrr" you exclaimed as the strong cold wind blew on the streets that you can't take it anymore but shiver and rubbed your arms

"thi-sss-ssss....s-ss-ssstu-pp-ppidd...w-wi-ww....w-wwii-nn-te-t-ter-rrrrrr" you said and run to the coffee shop where you can always get hot air and relax

"phew...finally..." you said and got shock when someone besides you at the entrance said the same thing at the same time...you look at him,he has silver hair and grey eyes staring at your (e/c) ones...both of you blush and look away,you started walking to where you saw your friends and sat with them

About a boy and a girl,

trying to take on the world with one kiss at a time.

Now the funny thing about,

ain't a story without it, but the story is mine.

And I wish you could say, that it ended just fine.

"hey hey hey,look who met a guy in the entrance with a blush~" Yuri(OC) said teasing you while Kaori laughed "hahahaha!!look she found a boyfriend!~" Kaori said a bit loud owning glances from the customers

We all want to know, how it ends.

"o-oi!arimasen!(you got it wrong)...mou!(stop)" you said flushed with red while the girls giggled "we were just kidding~" Yuri said with an assuring smile,you sighed in relief and they giggled at your actions

"well....lets read the ending of that romance story umm...what was the tittle again?" Yuri said thinking and Kaori was smoking showing that she doesn't remember too...you sighed and rest elbow on the table and your head on your hand

"Night and Shining Armor....seriously,why do you keep on forgetting it?" you said annoyed and they nervously laughed...you felt someone looking at you making you look around and found that the guy earlier with silver hair looking at you...as soon as you notice him he look away with a slight pink face...

Oh, happily ever after, wouldn't you know, wouldn't you know.

Oh, skip to the ending, who'd like to know, I'd like to know.

Author of the moment, can you tell me, do I end up, do I end up happy?

"why the........" you said but didn't continue "what is it (f/n)-chan?" Kaori asked "what are you saying?" Yuri asked with Kaori...

"nothing it's just....this guy earlier....I felt him looking at me" you said and pointed at the guy who's not looking at you anymore

"hmm...he's a bit cute~" Kaori said "well....he is the guy earlier" Yuri said "well better read the story so I won't need to be interrupt by idiots later" Yuri said and started reading the story on her phone

Inhale, breathe steady, exhale, like you're ready, if you're ready or not.


Just a boy and a girl trying to take on the world, and we want to get caught.

"better read now" you said and took out your phone and read the story titled 'Happily Ever After' that you always look for....after the whole reading part you stood up and bid them goodbye

"see ya tomorrow (f/n)-chan~" they said "bye bye" you called out and run outside...when the cold air hit you,you shivered and started walking around...

In the middle of a very happy ending,

let's see what we've got, let's give it a shot.

let's give it a shot.

"stupid winter....tch...." you cursed and keep on walking on until you reached the empty soccer field with a green-haired girl sitting on the ground with a wide smile....

-Fubuki's P.O.V-

that girl earlier with (h/c) hair and (e/c) orbs....she's....so.....beautiful....ugh better set that aside and play soccer so this cold temperature will go down...I said to myself and walked out of the shop,the cold air hit me and I started to walk to the soccer field...when I arrived,I saw that girl from earlier playing with a girl...playing soccer...I watched it as they laughed and run around the field....that girl....she's good....so cute and adorable...

We all want to know, how it ends.

I approach them and they didn't even notice...I think they're enjoying it too much...their laughs was too loud that I could see an avalanche coming towards them...

"miru!(watch out!)" I said as I run towards the girl with the (h/c) hair...she look terrified,almost falling to the ground and I got there in time,I carried her(in bridal style)and back off...good thing the other girl was in a far distance...I stop and look back...the avalanche didn't made it...phew!...I look at the girl,she was holding her head in fear...

"daijōbu?(are you alright?)" I asked...great(don't forget the sarcasm tone)....I asked her if she's alright when she just got almost hit by an avalanche....nice....use your head next time Shirou....

Oh, happily ever after, wouldn't you know, wouldn't you know.

Oh, skip to the ending, who'd like to know, I'd like to know.

her eyes shot open and god!...her (e/c) orbs are so beautiful!...she was red and was in fear...I put her down gently and she look at the ground

-Your P.O.V-

that guy from earlier saved my life!!thank God I met or saw him- wait....h-he's carrying me!!I was red and he putted me down gently...I look at the ground searching for word to answer his question...this was like the story that I just read earlier....

"a-arigatou(thank you)...." I said and tried to smile at him....Kaori was right....he's so cute!!....he smile with a bit tint of pink on his cheeks

"kiotsukete(be careful)...noises makes an avalanche" he said...

-Third Person P.O.V-

"a-ah h-hai!arigatou!" you said a bit embarrassed that you forgot that to much noises attract avalanches....

"your welcome...I'm Fubuki Shirou by the way" he said and offered his hand "(L-L/N) (F-F/N)....y-yoroshiku(nice to meet you)" you said with a smile and accept his offer...


Author of the moment, can you tell me, do I end up, do I end up happy?

"naze(why) are you out here in the cold?" he asked "we're just playing soccer that's all" you answered then the girl hide at your back

"Yuzumi" you exclaimed and look at her "so your Yuzumi,yoroshiku(nice to meet you)" Fubuki said and kneeled down to be at the same level at Yuzumi,he smiled kindly which stole your heart and melt into it....

"yoroshiku!" Yuzumi said with a smile 'hell he's good with kids' you thought and smiled

"nee,can I join your little game?" he asked nicely "s-sure!" you said and you started playing in the cold wind...then you notice he was good after all

We all have a story to tell.

Whether we whisper or yell.

"sugoi!(amazing) Fubuki-san!!" Yuzumi said smiling cheerfully while you stop on your tracks and panted heavily "y-you're....r....really....fast"you said and hold your knees

"ahaha daijōbu (l/n)-kun?" he asked with a smile "a-ah!" you said blushing...then you heard your phone ring...a call from your mom

"moshi moshi?(hello)" you said "(f/n) dear get home now it's getting late" your mom said with a worried tone "hai hai oka-san" you said and she hung up "I'll be going then jaa(then),matta nee!(see ya)" you said but before you could take a step Fubuki grabbed your wrist "um (l/n)-kun....can I meet up with you in the shop tomorrow?I mean..." he started getting nervous

"sure!" you said and smiled...he calmed down a bit and waved at you "jaa,see you tomorrow" Fubuki said

We all have a story,

of adolescence and all it's glory.

We all have a story to tell.

you walked home and greeted your mom when you arrived...but what you always thought of is Fubuki...you just can't freaking get him out of your mind...now you were nervous tomorrow because you will meet up with him...

-The next day-

as you walk to the shop where you will meet up Fubuki you saw Yuri and Kaori walking out "ah ohayou(good morning) (f/n)-chan" they said "wanna come with with us?" Yuri said "iye(no),I still have something to do" you said and they smiled

"well...just to warn ya,we saw the silver head there at the shop~" Kaori said "he's name is Fubuki,Kaori" you said making them shock

"wait wait wait girl....you know him?" Yuri asked "I just got a friendly conversation with him at the soccer field yesterday with Yuzumi" you said "whoa!have a good time with him and!...confession is always important girl~" Yuri teased and you just smiled at them and walked to the shop...you saw him sitting on the table where he sat yesterday when you caught him looking at you

"Fubuki-kun" you said and he arch back and look at you...he smiled at you and stood up "can you come with me for a bit?" he offered with that warm-melting-smile of his...you blush a bit and nodded....

Oh, happily ever after, wouldn't you know, wouldn't you know.

Oh, skip to the ending, who'd like to know, I'd like to know.

you arrived at the soccer field where you played yesterday and when he saved your life

"nee,Fubuki-kun....why did you told me to come with you again?" you asked curious about it...he stop walking when you were both at the middle of the field...he turned to you while blushing,looking at the ground,curiosity filling you...

Author of the moment,

can you tell me, do I end up,

do I end up happy?

"um (f/n)-kun...um...I wanted to say something" he said....did you just heard him call you by your first name?or is it your imagination?we all know that the feeling of you thinking that your crush has feelings for you is called imagination but...will that last long?or will it end up?

"nani?(what is it)Fubuki-kun" you said...he look at you a bit nervous "um...I know I haven't know you well yet and that we only met yesterday but...." he stopped at his sentence...a strong wind blew your (h/c) hair while he is gathering all the courage he has and his grey eyes look straight to you (e/c) eyes...he stepped closer to you and hold your hands...you blushed and curiosity was giving up when you thought of what he is doing

"(f/n)-kun....I....I....I love you" he said and the next thing he did is he kissed you passionately...you finally processed your head and the first thing you did is you wrapped your arms around his neck...his one arm goes to the back of your waist pulling you closer and the other one on your cheeks...as the kiss goes it slowly become a wet kiss...he lick your bottom lip and you parted your mouth slightly carefully not to break the kiss and he slid his tongue in,caressing yours and your whole mouth...you felt him swirl with your tongue fighting for dominance...you felt him smile one the kiss and you two broke apart for air but not moving from your position...you stare at his grey eyes and he stares back at yours both blushing like hell....

"I....I love you...(f/n)-kun..." he said and tried to smile even if he's still blushing like hell

We all have a story to tell.

We all have a story to tell.

We all have a story to tell.

We all have a story to tell.

"I love you too...Fubuki-kun....for ever and happily ever after" you said like what you read from the story and in the end,you felt happy as ever...he smiled and he kissed you again,doing what he did earlier...and the two of you have Happily Ever After....

(I definitely squeal loud even though this is my story


att-chan:what? jealous?


Minaho:that's mean Manabe-kun -_-"

Fubuki:I never thought about that but...I don't think that's torture,I think it's fun to kiss a girl I don't even know ^^

att-chan:-_-"...Fubuki-san...it's not funny to kiss a girl you don't know...but,for the readers all of them will kiss you even if they don't know you!^^

Minaho/Manabe:never us again -_-"

Fubuki:see you in the next one!


Manabe:I don't know why I keep on saying that

Minaho:neither do I....

Manabe/Minaho:-_-".....I can't believe we become that stupid.....

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