《Inazuma Eleven x Reader (closed)》Minaho Kazuto x reader:Baka Detective


Minaho Kazuto a.k.a Keenan Sharpe

(awwww~~~~his name is freaking cute!!I want to kill myself!!>~


(F/N)-first name

(L/N)-last name

(E/C)-eye color

(H/C)-hair color


"eh?" you asked your mother who was doing your breakfast "Tengawara Jr. High will be my school?" you said in a questioning tone raising one eyebrow "yup and you'll be sure to have fun" she said with a smile that shows a lot of ideas

"oh" you only said 'oh' because the rumors you heard about the people in your previous school saying that Tengawara Junior High was actually sometimes full of bullies 'I'm not going to enjoy school this year' you thought and in the inside your face shows horror and all....you sighed and stood up ready to leave for a simple things

"mom I'll leave now!" you shouted loud enough and you got the sign of permission when you heard her loud hm'ed

-Time Skip-

"time to look at people" you said and look around making stares at people even if they don't even notice you....you spotted a girl with a worried look combined with a sad one 'on a date or is your friend late to fetch you?' you thought and smiled when a guy came and kiss her in the cheeks and she smiled

"one down three to go" you said and go to another location....you stop at the bridge of the mall and rest your elbow on the alined pole.... 'hmmm....people are getting boring to observe...tch...I still need three more come on...who more,who more,who more!' you screamed in your mind...suddenly you caught a glimpse of eyes looking at you like you were a rat and and an owl was trying to catch you as its prey...you felt uncomfortable and started to move slightly but didn't move away from your spot...you look around you and found someone besides you with an orange hair looking at you

"what in the world of creepiness are you looking at?" you said and back away a bit

"hm...you look suspicious that's why I wanted to check" he said making you go all confuse "huwat?" you said in a weird tone....

"hmm....you look bored earlier and in the same time pissed off because of people" he said 'what the!?how.....' your head freak out and started to feel uncomfortable with him

"you're scared" he said 'shut up!' you thought and back off a bit "eh....umm...I better go now?bye!" you said and run away from him and went home

-Time Skip-

"holy fairies what in the world of creepiness happened to you!?" your mother screamed and approach you "what do you mean mom?" you asked and raised an eyebrow....

"it's like you ran a thousand miles and got a sweat from all the running!" she said...yeah right you did run away from the guy earlier did you?so it's normal that you would get a sweat from all the run you did because,who wouldn't when you run from the mall to home? you told her the whole story and she screamed like a woman fearing someone to death you sweatdrop because of her actions

"mom....seriously?I'm fine...he didn't hurt me" you said with an assuring smile making her cheer up

"ok then go get a bath and get dinner ok?" she said and ruffled your hair then you remembered someone


"nee,mom...when will dad arrive here at home?" you asked suddenly making her quiet

"I don't know" she said,you nodded and left for a bath...you don't know but you keep thinking about that guy that you saw earlier and you didn't stop from shivering and plus...you only get one person to observe of.....

'damn...I swear when I see this creep I'll kill him' you thought and went to sleep

-The next Day-

your alarm clock sounded off and you immediately run to the kitchen

"hehe....I knew you were going to be early today" your mom said and place a plate in the table...you took your seat and she put a plate in front of you

"(f/n)....if class ended come home early and secure everything ok?I won't back home early because I got this job three days ago...can you do that sweetie?" she asked in a soft tone....your mother might be protective and a such worrywart but she is really the most nicest and kindest person in the world along with your father that you ever met...that's why you love them so much as in

you nodded and smiled....you look at the time and stood up

"I'll be going to school then...bye mom!" you said run out of the house "have a good day!" she shouted then it hit you

'yeah right...how come going to school that has bullies be a good day?...this will be terrible'

you thought in horror and keep running to school...you already know what path to take because some times you always pass by the school...

-Time Skip-(sorry if that's too much)

you arrived at school and in a coincidence you bumped into the school soccer team coach Mr.Mizuki Michiko...he was really nice unlike the rumors that you heard.... 'this is not what I thought it is....he's actually nice' you thought and slightly smiled

"I bet you heard the rumors about this school" he said 'can he read minds or what?' you thought

"yes....I actually never thought that this school can be-" you stop in your sentence feeling a sensation of war.... 'I sense something....bad will happen....' you thought

"can be what?" he asked and look at you "are you alright Ms.(L/N)?" he asked

"I sense....something....bad....a fight..." you look at where you can sense it stronger and pointed at the soccer fields bench....he look at it and his eyes widen

"my apologies for that...please follow me so you won't get lost and I'll deal with it" he said and you nodded...both of you approach the said place...two people were fighting each other

"oi!Higashi!Yoichi!stop it this instance!" he shouted at them while you tail behind him avoiding weird stares from the team

"kochi!(coach)" they said shocked that their coach found out that they were fighting 'they're that kind of people who are afraid to be caught by teachers or any others that are highly rank...baka(idiot)' you thought observing every one of them...

"g-gomenasai(we're sorry)....Kochi" the guy with the shoulder length blonde hair 'scaredy cats' you thought and slightly showing yourself to get a better look at them,while they talk to their coach giving apologies not even recognizing you as you slightly got the feeling of hate towards them because of their attitude

'their coach might not be as bad as the rumors said...but his team makes it cross the line making this school bad as they say....slightly I can say it's their teams fault' you thought slightly glaring at them


"um coach?who is that girl?" someone said pulling you out of your thought straighten your posture and hide behind their coach

"oh right ai forgot you were still here" coach said "you told me stay close so nothing bad would happen so I did" you answered with crossed arms starting to hear some whispers

"right this is the soccer team...minna(guys) this is (L/n) (F/n)...a transfer student and the only new student for this year" he said "she's slightly good at come backs" the other guy said who was fighting with the blonde guy earlier

"who was those fighting anyway" you asked then suddenly covered your mouth in realization of what you said 'crap!' you thought

"oh right this is Nishinosora Yoichi" he gestured to the blonde 'I see....that's the scaredy cats name' you thought and nodded

"and this is Higashi Kinya" he gestured to the shorty "I see" you said "why did you wanted to know?" Yoichi asked sarcastic "nothing....your fight was sensible" you said making them go all confuse "sensible?" they all said in unison

"oh right she was the one who told me that...she said 'I sense something bad...someone is fighting' she said that to me and that's how I know you two culprits are fighting" the coach said madly making some of them shiver

"I'll take you to your room now....classes are almost starting....you two team" he said and lead me to the school...when I entered the classroom I got so many stares from the others 'they're creeping the fairies out of me' you shivered a little and look at the teacher

"ah I remember that we had the newest student today...students this is (L/n) (F/n) a transfer student"she said and I bowed at them

"Ms.(L/n) please seat next to Minaho-kun" she said and the said guy raise his hand- 'wait....isn't that...WHAT IN THE WORLD OF CREEPINESS IS THIS GUY DOING HERE?!DONT TELL ME HES MY CLASSMATE WAIT-!!MY SEAT MATE!!GOD OF FAIRIES WHY?!?!?....just...why!?'ILL KILL THIS CREEP!!!!

your face slightly show a hint of surprise as you approach the guy and he pointed at your seat...you took your seat which was near the window....good...because you never like being in the middle row...class started and you can feel someone staring at you... 'this orange-head-Minaho-named-guy keeps creeping the fairies out of me' you thought and tried to shrug the feeling off

-Time Skip-

class dismissed and you couldn't stop thinking of the guy who keeps staring at you...

"class remember your project ok..now you may dismiss the teacher said but all you do is stare outside of the window watching the leaves dancing with the wind

"(L/n) (F/n) is your name am I right?" someone asked and you look at him only to fear that he is the guy who keeps staring at you

"yeah" you said and look back at the show "sorry if I scared you yesterday too much...I was just suspicious of you" he said and took the seat in front of yours looking at you observing your behavior you felt a shiver and look at him

"gomen gomen I didn't mean to" he said and smiled at you 'he's.... a bit...cute...if I can say' you thought and blushed looking back at the leaves that is already gone to hide your blush

"namaewa?(what's your name)" you suddenly asked

"Minaho Kazuto....what do you want me to call you?" he asked looking at the window pass through the sky

"(f/n).....just (f/n)...I don't like formalities" you said "then call me Kazuto" he said with a normal tone...it shock you a bit but shrug it off since you told him to call you with your first name too....

"oi!Minaho!eh?....(l/n)-chan?" a guy with orange hair said.... 'he looks familiar...is he from the soccer team?' you thought

"yo Kita-kun...you know her?" Minaho asked "yes....she was the one who's with coach earlier' he said and looked at you

"we haven't officially met yet" you said "right Kita Ichiban is my name..." he said with a smile... "I'll be going home now" you said and put your bag in your shoulder

"um shouldn't we accompany her? it's dangerous outside especially in this school with all the bullies" Kita said and Minaho stood up

"I forgot about that...can we?" Minaho look at you with his index finger on his chin making you think that he is cute....again...

"uh sure" you said and walked out of the room with the two orange head (I just notice that they both have orange hair XD)

you arrived your home and stopped in front of the house when you saw a letter stick on the door

Dear (F/n),

I told you I won't be back home early so remember what I told you earlier ok?be sure to he careful when your going out side of the house and be sure to put a letter to let me know...you know where the other key of the house is hidden so careful my dear


Minaho read it out loud "so you live with your mom?" Kita asked and you nodded "you can stay for a while since you accompanied me to home from school so it's fine and my mom is not that hard to talk to...well only thing is that she's too much of a....worrywart or what you called....whatever forget it..." you said and kneeled searching for the other key of the house

"eh what are you doing?" Minaho asked and kneeled beside you then you found it...it was covered by the rag(is that what they called it in English?)...

"whoa" the two was amazing and you opened the door and they followed you

"you can stay here for a while in the living room while I prepare something" you said "eh?but it's alright since we're not really expecting an exchange" Kita said "nope...it's my tradition to do it" you said and went to the kitchen

"I thought she was cold hearted" Kita said to Minaho "I don't think so...she just said that we can stay here even if we're not expecting that" he said to Kita and they made a short conversation when you arrived with some juice and cookies

"arigatou(thanks) (l/n)-chan" Kita said "just call me (f/n) it's a bit uncomfortable when you call me by my last name" you said and he nodded....the three of you started a normal conversation talking about yourselves while one of you ask questions...some of the answers made you laugh and they would just laugh along with you...

"it's a bit dark now....we'll be leaving-" but before Kita can finish his sentence the door opened revealing your mother

"okaerinasai" you said with a smile "who are these boys?" she asked in a cheerful tone

"Minaho Kazuto desu...hajimemashite(pleasure to meet you)" Minaho said and bowed "Kita Ichiban des...yoroshiku(nice to meet you)des" Kita said and bowed

"I see....you made friends to fast in your previous school...and mostly boys" she said emphasizingmthe word boys caught your attention

"oka-san!" you shouted making her laugh "I'm just kidding...did they accompanied you home?" she asked in a soft tone

"is it me or is it that (f/n)'s moms mood change in such a sudden" Kita whispered to Minaho and he just nodded "it can be that" he whispered back

"hai oka-san....technically they're about to leave" you said "oh I see then be careful in the streets" she said "hai!" they said and bid goodbye to you and left to home

"one of them is really a likable guy" your mom said "what?" you asked "that Minaho there....he looks nice" she said in a sweet tone

"mom!" you shouted and she just laugh

-Next Day-

it started the same but with your moms teasing about Minaho that he's cute and he looks perfect to you....

"mom...what have you eat these days that to become like that?" you said with a sweatdrop while your mom dance around with hearts and flowers along with shining background and glitters...

"nothing!it is just that,that Minaho guy is so cute that he is so perfe-" she didn't finish her sentence when the door bell rangs

"I'll get that while you calm down a bit mom" you said and went for the door...you opened it and was surprised to see them

"ah ohayou(good morning) (f/n)-kun!" Minaho greeted and waved at you "ohayou (f/n)-chan" akita said with a smile

"oha.....you....what are you doing he-" you were cut off by your crazy mother "oh how nice is these children to walk my darling to school!!you definitely made good friends dear!" she then jump around shouting that you made good friends making the three of you do and epic sweatdrop...

"mom I'll be going now" you said and waved "have a good day dear-" she was cut off when you slammed the door close

"well....your mom is hyper" Kita said "yeah....like yesterday" Minaho said "lets go before we get late" you said and dragged them to school grabbing their hands and running like the wind

"oi calm down we're not late!" Kita said "hurry up you slackers!" you said kinda enjoying it "at least she's hyper in a good way" Minaho said panting while running

-Minaho's P.O.V-

we were running....I can't take running....at least she's holding my ha-nothing....nevermind....it's really soft....I wonder what soap she use...did I just thought about that?...

starting when I first look at her I already felt this uneasy feeling inside of me...love at first sight?maybe because I'm not yet sure of my feelings,that's why I told Kita that we should accompany (f/n)-kun to school.... I wonder we she blushed yesterday...hm...

-Kita's P.O.V-

Minaho definitely like her...I must do I plan for them to get along....that's why I agreed to Minaho's offer to accompany her to school...now I just need to talk to my members for a plan and not make it too harsh or mean

-Third Person P.O.V-

they arrived at the school and immediately went to their room....technically they were in the same room and got the same classes together...class ended and Kita invited them to watch their soccer team practice...they agreed and wnet to the field

"oi capta-....oh it's Minaho-san and....eh!?" Yoichi said and got shock when he saw you...the whole team got your attention and got the look of shock

"yo" you said and waved at them smiling...you caught some of them blushed at your smile

"is that (l/n)-san?" a guy with white and black headband said whom you guess is the goalkeeper

"yup" Kita said "please just call me (f/n)...no need for formalities" you said and did a close smile making them blush more...

"(f/n)-kun kawaii!!" some of them said "Minaho and (f/n)-chan will watch the practice" Kita said and they nodded "get to the field now!" coach said and they run to the field you and Minaho sat on the sidelines making conversation about how different is being in the school rather than hearing rumors about it

"really?!" Yoichi said as he heard your conversation "yeah...it was just a rumor that I heard through out the town that this school is a troublesome...that's why when my mom said that I will be here for studying I freak out but...I never really thought that this school wasn't that bad" you said with a smile..."r-really?" Yoichi said blushing with the others and you nodded....at the end of the practice they introduced themselves one by one...when it's time to go home,Kita and Minaho told that they will accompany you again and the three of you started walking to your home

-Time Skip-

when you arrived at the streets of your house you saw a familiar car park in front of your house "eh?who's car is that?" Kita asked

"then,if we don't know then an uninvited guy was inside your hou-(f/n)-kun wait!" Minaho said and called out to you when you run inside with horror

"mom!?" you shouted and saw your mother on the coach crying and an old familiar man in front of her with a sad face

"old man is that you!?" you shouted and run to them while Kita and Minaho followed and got shock when they saw your mother crying

"what happened!?" you ask the guy you named old man and the old man put a hand on your shoulder you look up with worried eyes and he looked away

"(f/n) come here" you mom said and you did as she told you and hugged you tight "it's about your dad" she said and then it hit you....tears started crawling from your cheeks

"he....died on his mission" old man said and from that you run out of the house and run to the Tower Plaza..."(f/n)-kun wait!" Minaho called but you ignore it

"Minaho....you need to run for her"Kita said as he approach your mom and tried to comfort her "me?run?for her?!you know how I suck at running!" Minaho said "do it for her!you know how to read body language and you can comfort her" he said and look at Minaho....he thought it for a while and decided to run for her...he followed you and Kita talked to your mother

-Time Skip-(sorry...I just have to do it)

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