《Perfect Stranger》Thirty-four
😗sorry for any mistakes
Atlanta, GA
March 7th
"NO! I said no!" Kennedi screamed at Ailani, making her eyes widen. Ailani looked around the room, trying to see who she was talking to because she just knew she wasn't talking to her.
"Who are you talkin' to Nolle? You screamin' ain' gon' get you anywhere. Clean your room and maybe Jabari will come back to get you" She frowned, not understanding what was the problem.
She's been telling her for weeks to clean her room up but she hasn't listened. She was old enough to clean her own room and had done it before so Ailani didn't see what the problem was now.
She would have gone out with Jabari, Sarayah, and Joelle if she cleaned her room yesterday as Ailani told her to but she didn't so now she was missing out on the fun, and Kennedi was heated about it.
But she had nobody to be mad at but herself for her room not being clean.
"That's not fair! Rayah got to leave but I didn't. You're not being fair!" Kennedi argued, folding her arms across her chest.
Ailani slightly mugged her "Rayah cleaned her room like she was supposed to. You don't get rewarded for not following simple instructions baby. All you have to do is pick up your clothes and toys, Munchkin. That's not hard and if you need help then ask to stop screamin' like you don't have any sense" Ailani frowned.
Lately, this is all she's been getting from her. Nothing but attitude and she was extremely confused about it. This wasn't her usual thing especially with her still being in anger management therapy and then doing certain exercises to not get them to this point of her screaming and yelling.
Kennedi huffed and started aggressively picking up her clothes that were spread around on the floor up "I wish my daddy never met you. Not even my real mommy" Kennedi grumbled and rolled her eyes.
"Oh" Ailani mumbled as her heart felt like it broke into a million pieces at those words. She swallowed the lump in her throat, holding back her tears "C-clean this room Kennedi" She mumbled before she started to walk out the room.
Kennedi's eyes widened at what she just said "Wait mommy, I-I didn't—" She was cut off by Ailani gently closing her door.
She bit her lip as she walked down to her and Matthias' room. Ailani hoped she didn't mean that, she didn't want to seem like she was being unfair but now she felt like a bad mom. Maybe she wasn't doing the right thing by taking her privileges away.
Words like that cut deep for the mother especially knowing she was right about her not being her biological mother. But she was trying the best she could to be the mother that she never got.
Once she got to her room, she closed the door and broke down in tears. It only hurt because she never thought she would hear those words for her child.
Mainly because she tries hard every day not to be a bad mother like her but she now thought her efforts weren't enough.
"I'm home!" Matthias announced once walking into the quiet home, annoyed. He loosened his tie from his neck while taking his shoes off and carrying them towards the living room.
He was highly annoyed he had to take his Saturday off to go have a last-minute meeting. Ever since he started to take his mental health and time off work more seriously, he got very irritated when work cut into his days off.
He was still in search of finding one more architect. Once he does that, he will be able to take even more days off being that the work will be split up.
He walked into the living room, still holding his dress shoes, and saw Kennedi sitting on the sofa, watching tv. He furrowed his eyebrows slightly, confused about why she was home. He thought she was supposed to be with Jabari.
"Why are you here baby girl?" He questioned, walking over to her and leaning down to peck her forehead. He frowned, even more, when he saw dried-up tears on her face "What's wrong? What happened?" He asked, putting his shoes on the floor and sitting next to her.
"Mommy didn't let me go because my room wasn't clean," She spoke.
He shook his head "I told you to clean dat room Mami. It's gon' be another time you can go somewhere but when we say clean your room, that's what you need to do or you can't go anywhere" He spoke softly, rubbing her old braids that he needed to take out later so Lani could do her hair tomorrow.
He and Ailani already discussed trying to enforce the girl's chores more and not letting them get away with it. They both noticed when it came to cleaning the rooms the girls wouldn't do it and got away with it since they never said anything.
But now they wanted to get a better understanding since they didn't want the girl to walk over their little responsibilities.
"M-mommy is mad at me" She mumbled with tears building up in her eyes again.
He chuckled a little "She's not mad. She jus' wants you to have a clean room. You don't want no little creatures creeping around do you?" He teased, tickling her sides but she didn't laugh and squirmed away from him.
"No, I told her I wish you never met her and how I wish she wasn't my mommy anymore" She tucked her lips with fresh tears streaming from her eyes while Matthias's eyes grew bigger and he looked at her as if she had two heads.
"You said what?! Why would you say that Nolle?" He asked, very taken back to her even thinking something like that. Mostly because Ailani has been trying to fulfill the mother role in Kennedi's life since she stepped into it.
He knew his daughter's anger but she never said something so hurtful like that before to anyone.
"I was mad, I didn't mean it I promise" She reasoned, crying even harder. Matthias shook his head, wiping her tears away with the pad of his thumb "You don't say stuff like that Kennedi. Jus' like how you have feelings, Mama does too. Did you apologize?" He asked.
He couldn't even imagine how Ailani might've felt hearing that. That hurt his feelings to hear so he could only imagine how she might feel.
"Yes. But she hasn't talked to me all day" She sniffled. Matthias nodded, standing up from the couch "We gonna talk more about this later. Whea' is she?" He asked, not even knowing what to say to her right now.
He never thought he'd be in this predicament. Mainly because Kennedi loved Ailani more than she probably loved him. He understood she was talking out of anger but words like that still hurt.
"In the laundry room" She mumbled, he nodded before walking away and going in the direction of the laundry room on the other side of the house.
🎶And all you gotta do is not answer my calls
when I'm trying to get through🎶
He heard Butterflies by Floetry playing softly inside the laundry room. The smell of Gain's scent hit his nostrils once he walked inside and he saw Ailani swaying side to side while folding towels and rags at the dryer.
She glanced up a big smile once she saw him "Hi bubba" She puckered up her lips for a kiss once he walked over to her. "Wassup mama," He pecked her lips 3 times making her smile.
"You okay?" He asked, eyeing her for a sign that she had been crying. She smiled and nodded "Yeah, I jus' thought you were gonna be home later. I needa get dinner started." She chuckled, going back to folding the towels.
"Whatchu' want to eat? I think Ima make burgers, I—"
"Baby Ken told me what she said" He cut her off. He wondered why she didn't call him and tell him herself.
"She did? Oh, it's fine. She was jus' mad, its aight" She waved him off. He grabbed her face, tilting it back some to look at him "It's okay if it hurt your feelings mama. You can tell me" He spoke softly.
She sighed "You think I'm a bad mom for not jus' lettin' her good? Or I was playin' favoritism cause I let Rayah go?" She asked.
He shook his head, turning her around to face him "You can't be thea' best friend all the time mama. Rayah cleaned her room and Ken didn't. Rayah shouldn't have to suffer because of something Ken didn't do. You're not a bad mom for that" He spoke softly.
She started pouting "Why do I feel like one? Do you think I was trying too hard to be her mom or I overstepped? I kno' she said it outta anger but maybe she always felt like that and jus' finally spoke up" She frowned.
"I'on think you were trying too hard but you have to go ask her because I don't know how she felt or why she would say dat" He subtly rubbed her back then his hands fell to her ass.
"I'll go ask. But sirr" She smirked, wrapping her arms around his neck "Stop feelin' on me like that. You so nasty" She giggled as his hands gripped and rubbed on her booty.
"Yo' ass fat mama, I can't help that" He licked his lips, letting his hands slip into her grey sweatpants, feeling her having on no panties.
"Okay! Let me go talk to her before you start doin' too much" She laughed, grabbing his hands and moving and leaving the laundry room.
Atlanta, GA
March 8th
"Mommy the water is too hot!" Matthias heard complaining from the kitchen where Ailani was washing her hair. "Munchkin the water didn't even touch you yet! Hush up" Lani fussed.
Matthias and Sarayah both laughed at them going back and forth over the water. It was Sunday, which was hair day for everyone so the girls and Matthias could have their hair down for the week.
Jabari got his hair done too if he didn't want to go to the salon to get it done and paid Ailani but she just did his hair last week.
Usually, Matthias only got his hair done every two weeks since he had braids. The girl used to until they asked to wear their hair more out. Kennedi always had to get her hair done first since she took the most time because her scalp was more sensitive and she had very tender hair rather than the rest.
Matthias just knew Ailani was tired since hair day took all day being Matthias and the girls all had thick and very long hair.
"Ouch" Rayah mumbled as Matthias was taking down her braids. She pulled away from him, turning around to mug him. He tucked his lips from laughing "My bad. Your hair is nappy in the back" He turned her back around to finish.
"My hair ain' nappy. That's you" She sassied back. Matthias raised his eyebrow and combed one of the naps on her neck causing her to jump.
"Stop it!" She whined, rubbing the back of her neck and he busted out laughing.
"Matthias! What are you doin' ta' my baby?!" Ailani yelled from the kitchen. Matthias quickly grabbed Sarayah, putting his hand over her mouth, knowing she was about to snitch.
"Nothin'! She jus' playin" He chuckled, looking at Sarayah who had her eyes squinted at him. "Bi— Bite me again Alora. Ima throw yo' ass next time" He warned, pointing the comb at her.
She just rolled her eyes, turning back around so he could finish "Matt, I wanna do something different for my birthday this year" Rayah held her head down slightly while he gently combed her hair out, knowing she could be tender-headed too.
"Like what? Your birthday is during school so you can't go out of town" He said. He knew Jabari already planned a surprise trip to Orlando for her so he was hoping to give her some other ideas to not ruin the surprise. It was going to be after her actual birthday since she was going to be in school for her birthday and Jabari wanted her to have as much fun as she could without worrying about school on Monday.
She sighed sadly "My daddy said the same thing. I don't want to have a kiddie party" She mumbled.
He chuckled "It's not a kiddie party lil bit. Jus' can't go out of town. It's stuff we can do here."
"I guess" She grumbled, holding her head back up a little. "Can I call you something else besides Matt like Ken does with my daddy?" She asked shyly.
Matthias smiled "You kno' 'cause you're my dad too?" She added, turning around to face him. He was glad she saw him as a father too, even though he and Jabari claim each other as their children as well, they never were to force the girls or make them feel like they were taking either place.
Kennedi already referred to Jabari as 'Pops'. Matthias was patiently waiting for Rayah to be comfortable enough to do the same.
"Mhm, like what?" He questioned, turning her back around so he could finish up.
"Uhh, pop?" She questioned, he chuckled. "If that's what you want to go with, I'm okay wit' it" He nodded.
"Okay!" She said happily as Ailani walked into the living room, holding a sniffing Kennedi who had a towel around her head.
"Whatchu' do to her?" Matthias mugged her, watching her sit down next to him and putting Kennedi in her lap.
"Boy shut up, ain't nothin' wrong wit' her. We go through this every hair day" She rolled her eyes, rubbing Kennedi's back who had her head on Ailani's chest, and wiping her tears away.
"You want a snack befo' we start blow dryin' your hair?" She asked softly. Kennedi shook her head no, hugging onto Ailani tightly with a frown on her face.
Matthias smiled at the two. He was glad they figured out their situation from yesterday. He knew how much Kennedi loved having Lani in life being she never had a mother figure and love from someone else other than his moms and sisters.
She knew Lani wasn't her birth mom but she indeed was her mom and nobody could change that.
They still were going to talk it over with a therapist this week. She was only trying to hurt Ailani because her feelings were hurt and they didn't need her continuing to hurt others when they do something she doesn't like.
"Pop they think they betta' the us" Rayah playfully mugged the two. "Right, They wanna be us so bad" He teased.
Ailani and Kenndie both mugged them "We don't wanna be like y'all, want to be like us" Kennedi rolled her neck.
"Period. And nobody is better than the originals" Lani stuck her tongue out at them.
"Tuh, Pop, handle our lightweight" Rayah put her hand up. Matthias couldn't even be serious and busted out laughing.
Thoughts or Opinions?
Me personally I would have told Ken that's why my birth mom didn't want her but that's just me tho. I'm never having kids or playing step mom yall, I can't🥲
Do y'all think Lani was unfair?
Rayah calling a Matt a nickname?
800 votes for an update!!!!
- In Serial52 Chapters
Modern Age Online Book 1
(Book Two on Amazon here) (Book Three on Amazon Here) Both books should be available through Kindle Unlimited. It is the Future. The realm of online video game entertainment has grown, creating vast and wonderous worlds for people to explore and enjoy. This is the story of Kaleb, a young gamer, and his adventures in the latest Super-Hero Virtual reality MMO: Modern Age Online. Join him as he takes on villains (both player and NPC), joins forces with other player heroes, and even deals with some of the bureaucracy of being a hero in a perfect virtual recreation of the world. No cheats, no guides, just one newbie Super-Hero against the forces of villainy in his new virtual home. Notes: 1.) While not my first time writing, this is my first time throwing anything I've written at the tender mercies of the internet. All criticisms welcome. 2.) Just to inform people early: There is no evil corporation looking to control the world with VR, there is no Krueger-esque "if you die in the game, you die for real.", and this isn't a story of some OP harem-loving god of the system. Nothing wrong with those stories this just isn't one. This is a simple story about a guy playing a game and finally 3.) This story is extremely rough, i did very little editing, this is just me gauging interest really. oh, and English is my 1st language, if for some reason you find that important. Note 2) from now on Book 1 will exist in its entirety on Royal Road while Books 2 and 3 (and any others) will be released on Amazon. I want to thank everyone who has been reading and has taken this weird journey with me. I will continue to write in my spare time and will always be thankful to Royal Road for giving me a space to be creative. Thank you to everyone.
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