《Daughters of an Unwanting Diamond - tsundere885》◈ 1 ◈


Blue felt around her abdomen. This was the third time today that she felt sick. She wanted to consult Yellow, her counterpart whose love for her was conditional, but there was no point. Yellow only loved her and did other things with her when she felt like it, not caring what Blue thought.

Said other things had been done quite recently, though. It was so intimate and wonderful and earth-shattering, she wondered why this hadn't happened before. She realized that it was because she hadn't known about her feelings for Yellow before.

Again, Yellow's love for her was conditional - extremely conditional. Her love for Blue depended on when, where, and how, and Blue didn't mind. Yellow's general behavior was conditional. She didn't mind how she had to ask for a kiss from her yellow counterpart. She didn't mind that she had to poke her on the shoulder then ask for Yellow to rest her hand on hers.

"Stars..." Blue groaned, holding her head, her elbow supporting it. She sat on her "throne" with her Pearl standing on the arm. She'd given her permission to stand there. It's not like it would do much damage; her Pearl could stand on her finger.

Blue Pearl looked up at her diamond. "My Diamond, are you alright? Should I call your Chalcedony?"

***A chalcedony was used, on Homeworld, as a paramedic specifically for the diamonds, just in case. They were as tall as the Diamonds, but nowhere near as powerful.***

"No, Pearl, thank you." She gave her a small smile. "You know, when we're alone, it's alright for you to call me 'Blue,' like Yellow does. I don't mind."

The blue pearl's eyes widened behind her bangs. "My Diamond, I...I couldn't. I feel that it's disrespectful-"

"It's not disrespectful if I personally told you it was alright."


"O-Oh. Alright, my Di- er, Blue." Calling her own ruler by her first name was extremely unnatural to her.

Blue Diamond couldn't help but smile at her Pearl's effort to please her.

She took in a deep breath, feeling yet another wave of nausea. She didn't know that that's what it was. I'm going to embarrass myself if this doesn't stop soon, she thought.


Said gem looked up attentively. "Yes...Blue?"

"Call my Chalcedony, please."

"I'll have her here at once."

Blue Pearl summoned her screen and messaged her Diamond's Chalcedony via that.

Chalcedonies never fail to quickly get to the gem they are assigned to, which explained how Blue's Chalcedony came in, at most, 45 seconds.

She saluted her, "My Diamond, what seems to be the issue?"

"My physical form has been unusual lately."

"How so, my Diamond?"

"I've felt pain in my head," she answered, her accent seeming stronger, as she felt the pain she just mentioned. "and things seem as if they're spinning when they're not. And I...keep feeling as if...something is going to erupt from my body and out my mouth."

"I am sorry to hear that you are unwell. Would you allow me to take you to the clinic set up for you? I could do a scan of your body to find out what's troubling you."

"You have my permission." Blue got up from her seat. "Take me there."

"Of course, my Diamond. It's just this way."

Chalcedony led her Diamond to the clinic tailored especially to her. There was a bed for her to lay on, in case a scan had to be done. There was a machine on a wheeled stand that had a shut down screen on it.

"My Diamond, if you could lay on the bed, phase off the lower half of your garments, and use the sheet beside you to cover your lower half?"


Blue did so, draping the thin sheet over herself, covering her hips and down.

Chalcedony wheeled over the machine previously mentioned, then took off the "wand" attached to the side (think of the thing doctors use to scan the body during an ultrasound).

Chalcedony booted up the machine, typed in a thing or two, then lifted her Diamond's top garment just a bit. She set the wand on her Blue's lower abdomen and moved it side to side.

Blue shot her a confused look. "Chalcedony, this is starting to seem unnecessary."

"It's not, my Diamond, trust me." She continued moving the wand across her abdomen slowly, until the screen showed static, then black, but with two, tiny, bean-shaped blobs in the lower corner.

Blue cocked a brow at what she saw. "What are those?"

Meanwhile, Chalcedony had stars in her eyes. "My Diamond, don't you see?"

"See what, exactly?"

"You're expecting gemlings! You're pregnant!"

Blue Diamond's droopy eyes showed nothing but shock. "That...That hasn't happened in a millennium...The production of gemlings hasn't happened in..."

The supreme ruler was now at a loss for words. Gemlings. Yellow's gemlings. Things could only go downhill from here.

Chalcedony took note of her Diamond, whose head now rested in her hand. "My Diamond, forgive me for staring, but aren't you happy?"

"They're Yellow's. Her love isn't exactly...unconditional. How do you think she'll feel about this?"


"To put it simply, she-*ahem*-'gave me' these gemlings, then left. As far as I'm concerned, we aren't necessarily on speaking terms."

"I'm sorry to hear, my Diamond. On a side note, though, we found out that the discomfort you're feeling was just symptoms of early pregnancy. You'll be just fine. You'll need plenty of rest."

"I'm one of the rulers of this planet, Chalcedony. I don't exactly rest."

"It will keep the gemlings healthy, my Diamond. If you'd like, we can make this area your place of rest. You'll need to rest at the end of the planet's rotation-" She means the end of the day. "-then wake up at the beginning."

"Well, if it keeps them healthy, I'm perfectly fine with it. Not to mention, this area is plenty far from Yellow."

"Of course. Is there anything that you desire to be in here? Aside from a comfortable place to rest; I was going to provide that, anyway."

"No, not really."

"Wonderful. Oh, and my Diamond? There is a button on that wall there? If you press it, I will come at once, so you won't have to go through the trouble of sending another gem for me."

"Thank you, Chalcedony."

As her Chalcedony walked out, Blue sat up on the bed, flashing her lower garments back on.

If Yellow wants to see me, she'll have to wait until I'm ready for that. She doesn't bat an eyelash at me, I won't bat one at her.

Yellow Pearl stood outside the clinic, her small stature making it hard for Chalcedony to notice her. She made her way back to where Yellow Diamond sat all day.


"Yes, my Diamond?"

"Have you overheard anything about Blue's strange behavior from her Chalcedony?"

"She- She is expecting gemlings, my Diamond."

Yellow pressed her lips together and squinted, both done in disgust.

"Of course. Because that's exactly what we need."

"Would you like me to pass on your knowledge of this to her Pearl, my Diamond?"

"No. Let's see if she drags out her 'secret' of our children. I'd like to see if she suspects my knowledge of this at all."

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