《The Light You Give》19.
The day drags itself out. Even though we only started at eleven. Four hours is a long time when you open your emails every five minutes to see if you got in to a school you hoped for.
And I wish I was exaggerating when I said every five minutes.
It got to the point where our teachers made the decision to take our devices at the start of each class so we couldn't check them and had to forget about them. We didn't really do any work in classes. Only the people who were doing extremely last minute things to get some final grades.
Could never be me.
My anxiety says : don't fail or your the biggest loser to exist and no one will ever love you. While my depression says: I can't be fucked. And no one will ever love you.
Finally the final bell went for the day and I made a beeline for the locker rooms, leaving Seth and Callie straggling behind in Mr Ford's classroom. Taking their own time.
I slip on some nike pro's and a sports bra and a soccer tee. Tying my hair into it's ponytail and putting a headband on to keep the flyaways out of my face.
I grab my bag and make my way over to the stands where everyone is chatting and eating their afternoon tea. I was the only one changed. I make my way over to my friend group and plop my stuff down, and flop into Dallas's lap.
Like the good friend I am.
"Why do you never sit on an empty part of the bench. It's always someones lap." Dallas says with a huff.
"Sorry." I say with an unapologetic shrug.
"Ok hold on I need to go toilet go sit on Callie's lap." Dallas says. I hop up and Callie shakes her head at me with a laugh. I go to sit on Bea and she shoves me over and fall in to Seth's lap.
"Wow everyone hates me sitting on them huh." I say with a chuckle. Moving so I'm leaning back against Seth's right shoulder and majority of my weight is on his right leg, slinging my other leg over his left leg.
"I don't." Seth says with a grin. I elbow him lightly and he grins. I unwrap my wrap and take a massive bite out of it. Listening in to the conversations going on.
"I heard that there were kids doing stuff in Mrs O'Niel's classroom this morning Samantha said." I hear a sophomore's voice say loudly from behind us. I stiffen and I can feel Seth do the same.
"Weren't you two in Mrs O'Niel's classroom? We usually sit in there." Callie says casually. I see Bea immediately stiffen.
"No. We went for a walk. The room was super stuffy and the hallway was really loud." I lie smoothly, tensing my body stressfully.
"Thank god." Bea says letting a small sigh out. I feel Seth relax slightly.
"Where did you guys go?" I ask them as I take a bite out of my wrap. In an attempt to get the conversation going in a different direction.
"Bleachers." Luke answers. A smug look on his face. He wriggles his eyebrows at me and looks at Seth.
Seth told him.
Are you serious. What if he told Bea? Fucking hell.
My stomach clenched mixed with annoyance and anxiety. And guilt. A lot of guilt.
Just as I'm about to move off Seth's lap, Seth wraps his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder casually.
I shift slightly letting him know I'm pissed. He takes the bait but doesn't move. Instead he holds up part of his blueberry muffin for a bite. I turn my head and raise my eyebrows at him.
He smiles innocently at me. I sigh and take a bite.
"You and I are having a little discussion later on." I mutter quietly to him after swallowing my muffin. Luke snorts besides him and Bea is luckily chatting away to Callie and Dallas.
Seth throws Luke a glare which I elbow him for and he presses his lips against my shoulder quickly and subtly before resting his chin back on my shoulder. Almost as an apology.
One my emotions seem to really enjoy.
"Seth. Lacey. We need a talk." Coach calls from the field. I jump up and make my way towards the center of the field. Seth following behind me.
"What's up coach." I say looking between coach and Vince, the co-coach.
"First of all. We have a game on Wednesday. Against Wilkinson high you are aware right?" Coach checks in with us.
"Of course." I say with a sure nod. We had been discussing this game for a while.
"Second of all. I know you two are in to each other but this is still school grounds and you know the rules." Coach says wincing slightly.
"In to each other? Nope." I say with a small chuckle.
"Right Lacey. We've all seen it." Coach says with a small smile. "Anyway. Hurry the players up to go get changed." She finishes.
"Okay." I say with a curt nod before making my way to the bleachers.
"Alright. Everyone go get changed now. You've got ten minutes." I say authoritatively.
Everyone makes their way to the change rooms except Seth who climb the bleachers with me as I take my seat and pull out my water bottle. He rustles through his bag and pulls out a sports shirt in trade for his polo and some sports shorts in place of his jeans.
"Are coaches still there?" Seth asks. I look to the field and see the coaches just entering the sports office.
"They just went into the sports office." I reply sitting down. Seth nods and then strips off his t-shirt and jeans, revealing his Calvin klein boxers.
"Are you serious? We're in the middle of the bleachers in the middle of the sports fields and your getting dressed?" I ask him, my eyes running the length of his body none the less.
Taking in his toned abs and attempting to pass over the bulge that practically looked at me first.
"Don't like the view?" He asks cockily sliding his shorts up. I stay quiet. Knowing he damn well knew the answer.
He doesn't put on his top just yet and reaches down to tie his soccer shoe cleats. I watch his back muscles move and just admire his build.
He stands up again and reaches for his t-shirt I almost sigh sadly but I hold it in.
"Done checking me out?" He asks me with a joking grin.
"Nah do a spin for me." I say seriously. Seth let's out a laugh as he slowly turns and I jokingly admire him, while actually admiring him.
"Ok I'm finished." I say with a satisfied nod. Seth laughs as he slips on his t-shirt.
"My turn?" He asks hopefully. Yet jokingly.
"I'm not taking my top off until I get too sweaty." I say rolling my eyes at him.
"I could make you sweaty." Seth says jokingly. My mouth drops open and I punch his shoulder.
"Shut your mouth." I say scrunching my nose up.
"Do you really want me to do that?" He replies in a low voice. Sending shivers down my body.
Man I wanted to jump this boy.
"Keep talking like that and you will be shutting your mouth after getting screamed at by Bea." I reply in a similar tone.
"Bea would kill us I said. 'I don't care at this point.' she says." Seth says bringing up what I said earlier.
"I will punch you." I say threateningly.
"Why would Bea kill you?" Luke says grinning.
"I'm pretty sure boy scout over here already told you." I say rolling my eyes.
"He sure did. Couldn't get that stupid grin off his face all day." Luke replies ruffling Seth's hair.
"He does have a stupid grin doesn't he." I say thoughtfully, chuckling at the look Seth is sending Luke.
Couldn't stop smiling?
"Let's start warming up." I say getting up and starting my way down the bleachers.
"Well I have many ways of doing that." Seth replies with a grin.
"Seth your doing 15 suicides." I say, loud enough for the coaches to hear as they make their way carrying the gear.
"No way." Seth says with a half pout.
"Sorry princess." I say with a shrug taking a ball from the ball bag dropped on to the field.
"C'mon then." Seth says starting. Grabbing Luke and I's hand and dragging us down the field.
"I didn't sign up for this." Luke says jogging next to Seth.
"Neither." I reply with a huff falling into stride.
"Sorry princesses." Seth replies in a stupid voice. I shake my head with a chuckle at him.
After a few lengths others join in. Rather staggered. After 20 lengths we stop in the center and gather around the gear while we wait for the others to finish their lengths.
"Pass the ball." Luke says pointing to the ball a few metres away from me. I nod and kick it to him. He boots it down the field in to the goal. All three of us jog down to the end.
"Let's do a kick off." Seth suggests running a hand through his messy hair.
"You two are going down." I say with a cocky smirk.
"We'll see Messi." Luke says ruffling my hair.
"Luke." I say pushing him off.
I wave to Bea and Callie as they jog past, and start their next lap.
"Ok each of these cones we have to shoot from. If you miss the goal, it can get blocked form the goalie, you lose the round. Last one standing." Seth says laying a final cone.
"Easy." I say.
"Both other people are in the goal." Seth continues.
"Easy." I say with a cocky smirk.
"You first then Lace?" Seth asks me cocking his head at me challengingly.
"Ok." I say taking the ball and placing it next to the first cone. I boot it and it hits Luke hard in the chest.
I move to the second one and boot it in. It skims in just. Only because Luke and Seth crash in to each other.
I go for the third, fourth and fifth easy and make it to the sixth cone.
I run up to boot the ball, then stop my foot and pick up the ball. Running it towards the goal. I run in to the goal and Seth reaches for me. Wrapping his arm around my waist and holding me back. Where I attempt to throw the ball but he pins my arms back. I lean back in to him and drop the ball on to my foot juggling it up and down as Seth pulls be back further trying to get my feet off the ground. I turn in to him and with a flick I flick the ball backwards with my foot in to Luke.
"That's cheating." Seth says laughing hard as we topple over. Him catching himself on top of me, so his weight isn't completely on top of me.
"That's not cheating if it wasn't in the rules stupido." I say to him, noticing the close proximities of our bodies. Seth doesn't move.
"I'm keeping you here until you admit you cheated." Seth says with a grin.
"We're going to be here a while." I say fake yawning but getting caught in a laugh in the middle. Seth smiles down at me.
"What are you doing?" Luke asks surveying the weird position we were in.
"Seth isn't letting me go until I admit I was cheating when he never clarified that rule." I say in protest. Luke laughs and sits on Seth's lower back. Pushing more of his weight on me.
"Luke you fat pig." I say laughing.
"Luke." Seth says blowing out a small breath, he's been planking for a while technically.
"Well." Luke says and I watch him pull Seth's arm out, either side of him. Putting all of Seth's weight against me. Which sends comforting waves over me.
I laugh as Seth struggles to push himself off me. Luke has gone in to the goal to grab the ball.
"Oi. Lacey. Seth. That's not what I expect from senior players let alone the captains. I want you running the track for the rest of training." Coach calls strictly.
"Sorry coach." I say submissively as Seth gets off me.
Bea shoots me a 'you poor thing' look and I call out.
"Pray for me."
I make my way over to the start of the track and start jogging.
"This is familiar." Seth says with a grin.
"Yeah except last time you had an evil girlfriend trying to kill me by looking at me." I say with a roll of my eyes.
Seth chuckles. We laugh and joke as we make our way around the field. Countless amounts of times. Our team members joke each time we pass and we flip them off. Which Coach just laughs at.
It's not long until my shirt comes off. And a little too long in Seth's case.
"It's my turn now." Seth says jokingly gesturing for me to do a spin. I run in front of him and do a turn.
"Eh it's adequate." He jokes. I smack him on the arm.
"I'm actually the sexiest bitch in town." I say in a duh tone.
"Do the old men in your DM's call you that?" Seth replies with a grin.
"Aren't you a comedian." I say rolling my eyes at me with a grin.
"I'm just kidding. Your a lot more than adequate." Seth mutters his eyes running over me, sending warm tingles all over my body.
I chuckle and roll my eyes in response.
Coach finally calls us over, my body dripping in sweat, my muscles aching and tired.
We crowd around in the circle and get dismissed. I walk with Bea and Callie as they laugh at my state.
"Did you guys get any emails?" Callie asks slinging her bag on her shoulder as I grab mine as does Bea as we begin to walk towards the changing rooms.
"Nope." I say with a small sigh
"Neither. Did you?" Bea replies looking to Callie.
"Yep. I got wait listed at Princeton." She says with a grin.
"Oh my god that's amazing." I say with a grin.
"Aww good job Cal." Bea says.
"Thanks guys." Callie replies as we get in to the locker rooms.
I flop on to the bench in my nike pros and sports bra while the others get changed. I'm just going to shower at home.
Once they're finished we make our way to our cars. Parting ways with Callie. To where Seth's car was. As we both got a ride from him.
"His car is locked. Are you serious?" Bea asks with a huff.
"Hey Bea, Lacey." Luke says walking towards the car from the changing rooms.
Bea's face instantly brightens. Replacing the scowl.
"Hey Luke." Bea says with a smile.
"Where's Seth?" I ask him.
"Getting changed. There was talk of going for a surf you guys keen?" Luke asks with a shrug.
"Yes I am so keen. I haven't been surfing in ages. Fricken you guys went while I was stuck with school." Bea says with a huff.
"Ok well if you want I can take you now back to yours to pick up some stuff if you want and Seth can catch up?" Luke asks looking between Bea and I. Bea nods.
"I have to discuss some issues with Seth." I say. Luke gives me a knowing look, and Bea gives me a small nod.
"Ok. Remember it's monday today. Dinner at ours." Bea reminds me as she makes her way towards Luke's car. They pull out of the carpark.
Not long afterwards Seth makes his way out. Tapping on his phone dawdling. His hair was messy from the sweat, a sweatshirt pulled on atop a pair of black sweatpants. He looked gorgeous. Painfully so.
"Taking your time huh?" I call out to him, leaning against his car.
He looks up and looks me up and down.
"Something like that." He says shoving his phone deep into his pocket and grinning.
He unlocks the car and I pull open the door and climb in while he throws his bag in to the back and gets in the drivers seat.
"What was that little discussion you wanted to have with me?" Seth asked with an innocent look.
"You told Luke!" I exclaim remembering how I'm actually meant to be mad at him.
"Luke's my best friend." Seth says turning his body angled towards me.
"So? What if he tells Bea. You know how much stick she's already given me for even looking at you, if she finds out we've done things then that's it. That's our friendship." I exclaim with a huff.
"Lace." He says putting his hand on my arm, instantly making me soften at the tone of his gentle voice. I meet his gaze, soft against my own anxious one. "It's ok. She's not going to find out." He says squeezing my hand gently.
"Fine but we both know that can't happen ever again. I don't know why it happened. Fuck. I don't just want to be another make out sesh. I know you care about me but I know not in that way you probably hated kissing me. Fuck. I'm so stupid." I say as my anxiety overwhelms me and words spill out. Tears slipping down my face.
"Woah woah woah. Lace. Stop." Seth says blinking a few times like he can't believe what's coming out of my mouth.
"Your not just another makeout. Trust me if I didn't want to kiss you I wouldn't. And trust me I always want to kiss you. I know we can't do it again but don't think like that. Because trust me I enjoyed it." Seth rambles, and his eyes widen as he realises what he's said.
I just nod, wiping away my tears.
"No one else can know we've made out this many times." I say quietly. Seth nods solemnly. And turns the key in the ignition.
We drive to mine in silence. He stops the car and we both get out.
"Want me to grab your board while you go get changed?" He asks his voice emotionless.
"Yes please." I reply sniffing as I make my way inside.
I jog up the stairs, the house is empty. They must all be at the Nixon's.
I grab a bikini and put it on. Shoving a large t-shirt on over top and making my way downstairs and out to the car.
I jump in and Seth's already got the board in the back. We drop by his house and I grab his board while he changes. Then we head to the point.
"Are the others already there?" I ask, breaking the silence in the car. It's not an awkward silence. It's just neither of us want to have a conversation right now.
"I don't know. Can you check my phone." Seth asks nodding to his phone in the centre console.
There's a message from Luke.
About to head out.
"They're about to head out." I inform him before clicking his phone off and sliding it back in to the centre console.
"Ok thank you." Seth says politely. I think he might be pissed off at me. I don't know. He seems annoyed.
The politeness stings a little bit.
After a few minutes Seth swings the car in to the carpark and we climb out. I wax up my board and start heading out to the point. Seth catches up to me with an easy jog and we walk in silence.
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