《The Light You Give》10.
"You could have been hurt or injured." Bradley yells at, presumably Seth, as I make my way inside the Nixon household.
I drop my bag down and Trina turns her head towards me from where she's standing next to Bradley who are both facing Seth.
"Hi, honey. You look gorgeous this morning." Trina says gently making her way over to me.
"You are to go straight to school, then straight to detention, then to practice then straight home." I hear Bradley say in the background.
"Thank you. Had a bit of extra time this morning. Jacob and Leroy are still getting adjusted to the time, woke me up." I lie gently.
"I love the top. Where is it from?" Trina asks wiggling her eyebrows.
Trina owns a boutique. My mom, Bea and I all get our clothing from it. She has some really really cute things.
"Haha Trina. From the best boutique in the state where else?" I say grinning at her.
"Not sure it's the best in the state but thank you love." She says softly. Returning to a semi made breakfast. That she must have started before Seth came home.
"Can I help with anything?" I say as she starts whipping some eggs with some milk and cheese.
"Would you like to lay some bacon out on some trays?" She asks.
"Sure," I say pulling out a tray and the bacon from the fridge. I put it on the tray and into the oven. Turning the grill up to high.
Bradley comes in and makes himself a coffee as he and Trina talk about Seth's punishment. The poor boy.
It's your fault.
I remind myself.
"Is that bacon?" Seth says sniffing the air as he walks into the kitchen.
"It sure is," Trina says. Seth's eyes stop on me and he looks me up and down subtly. I look away to pretend I don't see. But I definitely did.
Gotcha Seth.
"Well, it smells delicious." He says taking a seat on the barstool.
"You're up early Lacey?" Seth asks me a smirk on his face.
"Oh, you know. Jacob and Leroy are home and they're not used to the timezone so they were up very early." I say giving him a smirk.
"I was also at a friends house and came home early to get my clothes for school." I finish raising my eyebrows at him slightly.
"Yeah well, Seth over here. Got caught sneaking in at extraordinary hours this morning." Trina says sternly.
I mouth towards Seth. 'I am so sorry. He shrugs and gives me a small smile.
"Isn't that right Seth." Trina reprimands turning away from the pot where she is stirring the scrambled eggs.
"Yes, mom." He says rolling his eyes. I give him an apologetic smile.
I pull the bacon out of the oven with the oven mitts and put it on to some prepared paper towels to wipe away the oil.
Seth reaches his hand forwards to grab a piece but I slap it away. I pick up a piece and take a bite out of it with a grin.
Seth blinks at me. His face saying, you're fucking kidding me right now.
I smirk at him and hand him the rest of the piece of bacon.
"You do realise. We just indirectly kissed right." Seth says teasingly shoving the rest of the bacon into his mouth.
"Seth," Trina exclaims. Pulling the scrambled eggs off the heat.
"It's true. She took a bite of bacon, which left all her cooties from her saliva on the bacon and I ate the rest of the bacon." Seth explains.
"No. Technically you indirectly kissed me. But I did not indirectly kiss you." I explain.
"If I kissed you, then you would have to have kissed me," Seth replies.
"No, but, I didn't touch any of your boy cooties. So I didn't indirectly kiss you." I say throwing him a winning smile.
"Jeez. No need to be smart." Seth says reaching for a piece of bacon.
"Wait for breakfast," Trina says slapping his hand away. Seth pouts at his mother but his mom rolls her eyes and flips him off.
"Mom!" Seth exclaims his mouth open in a small 'o'.
"Sorry." She says with a shrug. Before dishing up two plates.
"Could you please take this up to Bea please Lacey?" She asks handing me two plates.
"Sure thing Trina," I say making my way towards the stairs to Bea's room.
"Suck up," Seth calls.
"Momma's boy," I mutter under my breath.
Not that that's a bad thing.
It was extremely attractive.
"Seth!" I hear Trina exclaim.
Serves him right.
I'm sitting in English. With Mr Ford. Toying with my pencil.
I can't wait for soccer practice.
Why you may ask.
Today's Wednesdays. Today we verse the boys.
And I was ready to kick some ass. Some little bitchboy ass. I craved the adrenaline.
Despite not sleeping at all.
Today was a better day. After last night I felt better than I had felt recently. Better but still not great.
Though I felt bad about getting Seth in trouble.
"We are so going to kick your guy's asses today," Seth says.
"That might be true. But I will be kicking your team's ass." I say with a grin.
"Not much of a team player are we? And not mine you won't be." He says.
"Oh, especially yours," I say grinning.
"And I so am a team player. I just am ready to kick some ass today. You guys are overall a better team. But I'm ready to kick ass." I say energetically.
"Ok hotshot." He says with a laugh. I land a punch on his arm.
"You're the hotshot," I say furrowing my eyebrows.
"Are you calling me hot?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows.
"If I am, then you said I was hot first," I say pointing the flaw in his logic out.
"Well. I guess I will have to accept that I lied to you and take the great compliment." He says thoughtfully.
"Are you calling me ugly?" I exclaim.
"Absolutely not." He says nodding his head vigorously.
"You ugly brat," I say punching his arm lightly.
"Excuse you." He says fake offended.
"You're excused," I say with a grin.
"Here are my captains. Finally on time for once." Coach exclaims.
"Coach, we've had detention, only one clashed with your practice," I say.
"That's great." He starts sarcastically before continuing. "We have some scouts from a few different colleges here today to watch you guys play," Coach explains and introduces us to the scouts.
"Ok finish up your afternoon tea. I want you guys to change and in your uniforms in thirty." Coach says to the teams before disappearing to go talk to the scouts elsewhere.
I go straight to the changing rooms and pull on a pair of Nike pro's and a white Night's soccer T-shirt. Before tying my hair up and slipping on my usual hairband. I make my way out to the bleachers where only Seth, Callie and I are the only ones changed.
I guess there are two types of people in this world.
Ones who are ready early.
And the ones who leave it until last.
"Hey, Bitch." Bea says as I sit down on her lap
"How are we doing?" I ask her with a joking smirk as I tweak her nose.
"Perfectly." She says giving me a smile.
"You guys are so gay." A girl, Adrianna, says.
"Nah we have our no homo buttons on all the time," I say with a shrug. Taking a bite of Bea's sandwich.
"Beside. If I was gay. Who would teach all the boys how to finish a girl?" I say with my mouth full of sandwich.
Allison spits out the water she was drinking.
"Hold on. I have a list." I say pulling up my phone and grabbing some of Seth's sandwich because Bea finished hers.
"Hey. You just indirectly kissed me back." Seth says.
"Great. That's the closest you'll ever get to kiss me." I say giving him a smirk.
He makes a face at me and I realise the flaw in what I said.
"You've kissed everyone come on, how not Seth?" Adrianna asks, raising an eyebrow.
"You and Seth are like the ultimate fuck boy's," Dallas adds in shaking his head. I hold my fist out to Seth for a fist bump but he raises his eyebrows at me. A weird look on his face.
"You go like this," I say grabbing his hand and using the fists that his hands were already in to bump it to my own.
"I know how a fist bump works." He says harshly before getting up and making his way over to another group of lads, his jaw tight.
What's his deal?
Eventually, everyone makes their way to get change and I make my way onto the field. To start warming up.
"Seth and Lacey. I want you guys to lead the warm-up." Coach calls out. I give him the thumbs up and grab a ball and kick it to Seth who receives it and juggles it for a bit while I jog over to him.
"Show off," I say with a grin. He flicks it to me his face emotionless and I receive it and juggle it first on my feet, then my knees then my head, back down to my knees back to my feet.
"Show off." He says, a hint of aggression still in his voice mixed with amusement.
I flick it high and he receives it and does the same pattern I did except doing a few off his chest.
"That's really funny. Because you know I can't do that." I say as he sends me a challenging smile.
"Just try." He says. So I do. I do it, not very smoothly, but it happens.
Thank you small boobs.
"Okay guys, now we're going to do a Me and You passing drill," Seth explains to the two teams.
He explains it as we run it through. Everyone nods and pair up with their 'opposite' player.
Eventually, we finish warming up and the coaches make their way over to us.
"Ok. Boys vs girls. This is almost like a real game. Practice as you play. I want full seriousness." Coach explains.
"Yes, coach." Everyone says agreeing.
The game starts. After the boys attempt two shots, missing both times it's our turn. I receive the ball from Callie and I dribble it up, pipping it over one guy's head, just for the laugh. I get past a few guys before I'm in range for the goal. I spot an open space and I watch another space as the goalie watches for my eye direction. I go to aim for the place I'm looking before I hook my foot slightly. Sending the ball to the opposite end of the goal I was looking, into an open space. It hits the back of the net.
"Good goal Carter." I hear coach call out.
"Reset Ladies," I call out clapping my hands together.
We go back and forth for a while before Seth gets the ball. Bea follows him down the field and I block my partner.
Seth flicks it towards Dallas who manoeuvres it around a few players. He kicks it back to Seth who heads it into the goal easily.
Gosh dammit, Nixon.
Half time is called and I catch my breath and take some water before we return to the field.
The game goes pretty quickly and we are definitely losing. Seth has scored twice more and Dallas and some other guy, one of Seth's good friends, Oscar. Scored one.
I follow the play and wait for my cue before I set forwards, catching my defender by surprise. I flicked the ball up and boot it into the goal.
The whistle blows signalling the game and I jog over to Coach. We all huddle.
"Good game guys. Nice goals Lacey. You guys had some really good assists. Seth good job. Mikey that play was incredible a shame that Callie was in the right place but good job Callie." Coach says to the team.
"Now the scouts would like to talk to a few of you. Seth, Callie, Bea, Dallas, Mikey, Lacey, Adrianna, Garett, Daniel and Johnny." Coach lists off.
We wait behind while the team disappears. The scouts reintroduce themselves.
"My name is Danelle Atkins. I am the senior sports coordinator at Navarro College. I also take care of Cheer, Football, Lacrosse and Hockey. I will be here all week at the different sports practices scouting so a few of you will see me around." A stout looking woman says.
Navarro Cheer was one of the best in the world. Anyone knew that.
I would love to make it into their program. They were 13-time champions. Apparently, they're having a documentary made about them if they win Daytona next year.
They also had an excellent soccer program.
Navarro was one of my top options.
The pressure just got turned up a whole ton.
"I'm Brett Wilkinson. I am here for Louisiana State University." Says a tall bulky looking man.
"I'm Lisa Foxton. A UVA representative." A tall athletic woman says.
"We just wanted to let you guys know that you guys have all been selected for one of our programs. Maybe more." The tall Athletic woman, Lisa, says.
"On Friday you will receive a welcoming pack from your coaches from each of the school's that have chosen you.
Well. I can see why they don't give us warning when the scouts come.
We finish talking before we're excused and we begin making our way towards the changing rooms.
"Dude I hope I get a Navarro offer," I say next to Bea.
"Same. For cheer as well. That would be epic. Imagine working with THE Monica Aldama." Bea says excitedly.
"Imagine going to Daytona. With Navarro." I say excitedly.
"Navarro is overrated," Seth says. I gape at him.
"For football maybe. Navarro has won 13 national titles. Practically back to back." I gush.
"That's great. But Louisiana has won the most championships for Soccer and Football by nearly double every other school." Seth explains.
"Yeah. That's my second option if I get scouted." I say agreeing with him.
"What about Trinity?" Bea asks me confused.
"No, their academics are pretty low," I say with a grimace.
"Nerd," Seth says elbowing me.
"I am not a nerd!" I exclaim hitting his arm.
"You're the nerd. You have one of the highest grade averages in the class." I say rolling my eyes at him.
"So do you nerd." He replies. I swing at him again but he catches my arms a smirk on his face. I try to manoeuvre around him hitting him but he runs backwards.
"Seth Nixon. Take it back." I say attempting to smack him again but he remains out of my grasp.
He stops suddenly and I crash into him but he holds me steady.
"Seth. Take it back right now." I say prodding a finger to his chest.
"Fine. Lacey Carter is not a... human." He says with a grin. I go to smack him again but he grabs my hand before letting them go and lurching forwards to tickle me.
I let out a yell and attempt to bat him off.
"You Lacey Carter are a nerd." He says tickling me.
I hunch over as he leans over me. His hands dug into my sides and under my arms.
"Seth. You dick. Stop fucking tickling me." I say laughing.
"Admit that you're a nerd." He threatens.
"No." I choke out through the laughter and heavy breaths.
I fall to the ground and he lands on top of me.
My eyes widen as I take in what's happening. He holds his weight off so he's not crushing me, his face near mine.
He's grinning at me. I hold his eye contact for a minute before pushing him off me so he's on his back and straddling him pinning his hands above his head.
Rather. Sexual.
"Who's the nerd?" I ask him seriously.
"You." He says with a grin. I put both his hands under one hold of my hands while I attack him with the other.
"Ok. Ok, fine woman." He says laughing.
He looks so good when he laughs. So carefree, so gentle.
"But you might have to find a less enjoyable position before you threaten me." He says in a low voice.
I widen my eyes. And I clamber off him.
He laughs as he sits up.
I throw him a glare.
"Ok if you two are finished. We'd like to go get changed now." Bea says, acid dripping through her voice.
I get up immediately. Like a toddler getting caught doing something naughty. And go over to pick up my abandoned bag.
I follow Bea in to the changing room and look back to see Seth chuckling still sitting on the grass and shaking his head to himself.
I swing my bag down on to the bench and unzip it.
"What the fuck was that?" Bea asks me.
"What was what?" I ask her.
"You and my brother?" She says accusingly. Spitting her words out. Like she hated the thought of it.
"It wasn't anything?" I say with a shrug.
"It didn't look like fucking anything. You were straddling him." She says.
I pull out my sweatshirt from my bag and slip it on.
"Bea. Nothing is going on between Seth and I. You know how he is." I say with a shrug.
"Yeah that's my problem. I know how he is. And I know how you are." She says threateningly.
"What do you mean you know how I am?" I say accusingly.
"You know. You sleep around." She says her arms folded.
"Yeah but not with your brother. And please it's not like you don't either." I say rolling my eyes.
"Yeah but I don't flirt with my best friends older brother." She says.
"We weren't flirting Bea. And you actually flirt with your brother's best friend. Don't act like your so innocent." I say pulling on some sweatpants.
"Oh yeah. No. Because play fighting and tickling each other, pinning each others hands above their heads, straddling him. Isn't flirting." She says sarcastically.
"Whatever. A little trust would be nice." I say zipping up my bag and pulling my shoes on.
"I do trust you. But what am I supposed to think when I watch that." She says running her hands through her hair.
"You clearly don't trust me. Because if you did. You wouldn't fucking ask me 'what was that'." I shout getting angry at her.
"It's not just this as well. You two always sneak off together. I wake up and you two are cuddling. You check him out. He threatens another guy off you. Then there's the body shots, the pool game." Bea shout listing things off.
"Bea we had detention together. That's not sneaking off together. If it wasn't us cuddling it would have been you. You know that. I am a cuddly sleeper. It's not my fault he's nice to look at but I don't think of him like that. I know the rules." I say aggressively.
"No of course not. Just it seems a little suspicious." She says with a sigh.
"Yeah well, I love the amount of trust you have in me," I say sarcastically.
"You are the most self-righteous bitch I know." She says suddenly.
"Excuse me," I say quietly.
"You act like your better than everyone else. You have everything. And you keep taking everything. You go days without talking to me. Hell, you didn't even speak to me when you went away on your little Scotland exchange? Do you know how shit that felt? Being ignored for three months." She yells.
I hold back tears in my eyes.
If only she knew.
"I don't have everything," I say choking out tears. "You know I don't have everything," I say as I let the tears stream down my face.
"Do I? Because you never talk to me. It's always basic chatter. I feel like I don't even know you." She says.
"Don't say that," I say shaking my head.
"What am I supposed to say? That I know you in and out and back to front? I don't. Ever since you got back from Scotland. Not even before that. You've been so distant with me." She shouts angrily
I let out a sob. And quickly clamp a hand over my mouth muffling the next.
"Whatever. I can't deal with you right now." Bea says before she turns on her heel and storms out of the changing shed.
I let my head fall against the locker behind me. Tears streaming down my face.
Well fuck.
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What is he doing?"Embre." I'm still pressed up against him, my breath quickening by the second."Yes?" I ask breathlessly, he placed his hand in my hair. "Do you honestly think I give a fuck about what's professional or not?" I shake my head this must be a dream I has to be. "Mr. Hal-." I start but he cuts me off. "Landon."I take a deep breath. "L-Landon." I stutter out, knowing he wants to be called his name.He presses me closer if even possible, a sign of approval. "So do you understand what I'm asking you?" "I-I don't know." I stutter out again. His hand still in my hair, he pulls it,but not painfully, for me to look at him.His eyes are dark filled with an emotion I didn't understand. His eyes locked in on my full lips.My inner self is chanting Kiss Me! KISS ME!But my inner thoughts are shouting: Don't do it, DON'T.I'm torn between two things I need to make a decision but it doesn't come quick enough. He slowly leans in and everything just seems to disconnect. My eyes flutter close. I can feel his lips hovering over my lips, waiting for something? My approval? I don't know but right before his lips could be sealed with mine...A knock interrupts us. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~||Embre Daniels.||Is on the look out for a job but it seems useless at this point, she doesn't think she has much going for herself until she meets him.. her life could change forever. For better or worse.••||Landon Hale.||Is a successful millionaire , but nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors, his past follows him no matter how hard he tries to get rid of it... he's not sure if he's capable of love until he stumbles upon her.Ranked #1 in Romance. 12/19/17
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"Who touched you?" he asked, his eyes brooding down at her and when she didn't answer, his voice thundered in the room, "WHO?" The butler who stood near the wall spoke shakily, "Sir it was Mr. Reverale," Damien's face turned sour, his jaw ticking in anger he turned his face to the side where the butler stood behind."Bring the man here.""N-now?" stuttered the butler. It was the time of night.Damien who hadn't broken his eyes contact with the girl in front of him pushed his hand against the wall which previously rested beside his beautiful girl's head. Turning his body, he first looked at his butler who had his head bowed. With great courage, the butler came to meet his master's eyes, "Do you have any other better time? Or should it be after I wring your neck?" Damien asked calmly tilting his head. Not a second later, the butler ran out of the room to return back with Mr. Reverale after twenty minutes. "Damien, are we having a late tea party?" Mr. Reverale came to greet but the master of the house had other plans. Spotting the knife that was stuck to the apple on the table, he reached for it to pull it out. Just as Mr. Reverale went to exchange a handshake with him, Damien took hold of his hand to place it on the table. In one swift movement as if he were chopping onions, he chopped the four fingers of the man off his hand making him yelp and cry in pain."No one touches what is mine. I am sure this will remind you the next time you even think about touching her," sighed Damien as if he were tired of telling people to keep their dirty hands off his belongings.
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