《The Light You Give》6.
"I'm sorry what?" Mia says, as if not quite understanding his clear statement.
"We're over." He says with a shrug. As it it were just a comment he were brushing away. He didn;t show hints of the vulnerability I saw in him the other night. He seemed careless. And I suppose he should, he doesn't care for her that much after all.
"Why?!" She exclaims before making eye contact with me. Her eyes narrowed, a sense of understanding crossing her face.
She storms up to me.
"It's because of you isn't it. You bitch. Stealing my boyfriend away from me." Mia yells.
"Woah Woah Woah. Someone needs to get a leash for this bitch." I say with a grin. I hear a few snickers. "Mia. I didn't steal your boyfriend. He made up his own mind to drop you and I have nothing to do with that. I'm really sorry you got dumped, I am. But refrain from calling me a bitch, when I haven't done anything to you." I say with a small smile.
"You manipulated him in to dumping me because you like him. Your the reason. You little slut." She yells and slaps me across the face.
I shove her against the locker. And hold her by the collar of her blouse.
"Mia. Your fucking delusional if you think I like Seth in that way. The only slut I see is you. Now get over it. You didn't even date him for a month and your acting like you were married to him, y'all weren't even loyal to each other. Now get out of my face before I do something I will regret." I say pushing her away and turning to move away.
"Oi. Lacey. Are you harassing my sister?" A deep voice says grabbing my wrist.
Well. Wouldn't this get interesting.
"Tommy. Lovely to see you." I say sarcastically turning to face him.
"Please we see each other every day. But I really suggest. You back off from threatening my little sister. Before as you said. I do something I will regret." He says stepping close to me.
"Tommy you have more dick in your personality than in your pants. You do know that right." I say staring Tommy in the eye.
I have a problem with fights. They're addicting to me. Riling people up, pressing all their buttons. Watch them bend and bend until... snap. I love making people snap.
"Hey, Sethy. We can finally hook up without worrying about Mia finding out." I say pleasantly in a fake girly voice that sounds like it would belong to a girl like Mia.
"You fucking slut." Mia yells and launches at me. She's weak, slow and sluggish. It takes me barely any effort to pin her to the ground and get a good couple of punches in before Tommy starts towards me lifting me off Mia and setting me on my feet.
I push him away as he grips my wrist. He always used to grip my wrist like that.
"You little bitch." He starts. I rip my wrist away from him.
Tommy shoves me against the locker. His hands were around my throat.
I scratch at his hands which he clenches the breath out of me. I let out a gasp trying to pull in a ragged breath. Unable to draw any in, his grip too tight. I might be athletic, but I'm no match for Tommy. He is clearly a well-built guy.
He was soon knocked away from me and as I struggle to get my breathing back in order, I see Seth has him pinned against the lockers. Tommy is big. But he isn't any match for Seth. Not by a long shot.
"Get the fuck off her," Seth says slamming him against the locker once. Tommy attempts to break out of Seth's grasp but he refrains. Mia has cowered into the corner. And there's a crowd gathered around.
"If you so much as lay hands on Lacey ever. I swear to god you will wish your mother aborted you." Seth spits aggressively before giving one last massive shove that sends Tommy to the ground.
"Miss Carter. Mr Nixon. Mr and Miss Richards, My office immediately." The principal says from where she stands in shock. I lean into Bea as I walk past.
"I didn't sleep with your brother by the way," I whisper to her and she gives me a small smile and a nod. She knows I wouldn't.
"Good luck." she mouths. I give her a small nod. I fall into stride next to Seth as we follow a whimpering Mia and a limping Tommy.
"You ok?" Seth whispers to me gently, his eyes full of concern.
"I'm fine. You?" I reply. I was more than good, the little high of adrenaline rushing through me felt like pure bliss. I felt the best in this condition. The little high I had crafted out of a situation. It was delicious.
"I'm good." He says before turning into the principal's office.
"What happened?" She starts before continuing to see us all open our mouths to speak.
"One at a time. Mia you first. Then Tommy. Then Seth. Then Lacey." Mrs Simmons explains.
Mia says her side to the story, which is riddled with lies, tears plopping down from her face.
Lying bitch.
I open my mouth in shock at the bullshit coming out of her mouth.
"Ok and Tommy?" Miss Simmons asks.
Tommy practically copies Mia's story and all the lies. Why wouldn't Miss Simmons make us leave the room so we could avoid the copy-pasting of lies???
"Ok, now Seth." Miss Simmons says.
"That's not the story at all." Seth scoffs before launching the accurate part of the story. I nod along at each point.
"I see." Mrs Simmons says.
"Now Lacey ." She says looking towards me.
"Well, Mia went raging bitch at me. And slapped me. So I told her to calm it and just back off. Then Tommy threatened me, Mia lunged at me because I said something. Tommy shoved me against the lockers, his hands wrapped around my neck, you can still see the marks. And then Seth pushed him off me and now here we are." I say gesturing to the room. An innocent recount of the story
"I can see the marks." Mrs Simmons says concerned. "Tommy and Mia, Lacey has proof that her story is correct. Tommy, I'm going to have to suspend you. This isn't your first fight. I'm not sure how long yet. Mia, you threw the first hit correct?" Mrs Simmons asks
"Yes," Mia says her voice shaking.
"Fighting is not permitted at this school Mia. And this is your first warning. You will have in-school suspension tomorrow. You two may go I would like to speak to these two alone." Mrs Simmons says gesturing towards us.
"So what did you say to provoke Mia?" Mrs Simmons asks me.
"I uh.. I said." I start.
"She said that Mia couldn't hurt her even if she wanted to." Seth lies for me.
"Yeah. Which I was right about, by the way. Except when she tackled me to the ground. And tried to pry my eyeballs out." I say. Backing up the story.
"Ok. Well back to class then." She says shooing ya away.
"Thank you, Mrs Simmons. Sorry, this has happened." I apologise as we make our way out of the office.
"I don't want to see you guys in here again." Mrs Simmonds calls after us. "Especially you Lacey. It's becoming a pattern,"
"Thank you," I say to Seth once we are out of the office.
"No worries," Seth says with a small smile.
"That was an interesting breakup," I say with a chuckle.
"The most violent one I've ever had." He replies with a chuckle.
"Our choice in exes. Is really impeccable." I retort.
"Oh please. I know." He replies with a snort. He pushes the classroom door open and holds it open for me. I walk in.
"Sorry Miss Mischevski. Been with the principal." I say slumping into my seat next to Callie and Bea.
"No worries. You too Seth?" She asks.
"Yep." He says sitting in the row behind me in his usual seat next to Luke and Dallas. Amy sits in the seats in front of us. Amy is nice, but very into Seth.
Like most girls.
"You ok?" Bea asks me. Checking the marks on my neck.
"Yup. I'm fine." I say giving her a reassuring nod. Running my fingers across the skin gently, it's only slightly warm but otherwise, it's fine. Going to bruise a bit.
"Good." She says.
"There are videos going around the school," Callie warns me. Sliding me a Nurofen and a bottle of water.
"Can I have some Nurofen Cal?" Seth asks. Callie passes the water bottle back to him as well as some Nurofen.
"There are videos," I say with a huff.
"Yeah now everyone thinks you and Seth have slept together," Bea says with a snort.
"Oh shit," I say shaking my head.
"Sacey is on the up," Callie says with a snort.
"That is the ugliest ship name I've ever heard," I whisper with a snort.
"Are you dissing our ship name?" Seth replies kicking my chair.
"Not at all," I whispered sarcastically.
"Amy, are you coming to our party on Saturday?" Bea whispers to Amy ignoring our chatter. And the ship naming.
"Is she going to be there?" She asks pointing to me. A disgusted look on her face
"Woah what'd I do," I ask holding my hands up in surrender. I wasn't aware I was hated by her.
"You slept with the guy I'm in love with." She hisses. "Girl code? I thought we were friends Lacey." She whispers angrily. Looking behind me to make sure Seth didn't hear her.
But with the quiet chuckle only I heard and kick of my chair I know he did.
Boost his ego much.
"We didn't sleep together. How is that even a fucking rumour." I say rolling my eyes at her pettiness and trying not to snort at how stupid she sounds.
"Oh. Cool. I'll come." She says her face lighting up.
The rest of the day was pretty rough. I was over everything. The fight I forgot about mostly. Minus the fact, everybody was talking about it. It's the last period of the day and once the bell goes I have an hour of detention before I can go to Bea's. For that damned party. I was thankful for being able to drink a lot. But I did not have the will to face everyone.
I had crashed far down from the adrenaline tightrope I was tiptoeing along. My mind had shattered on the pavement. My body was heavy, the world blurry. How my
"Isn't that right Miss Carter." Mr Ford says. Pulling me back to reality.
"Uhh yeah," I say giving him a confused look.
"Were you listening?" He asks.
"Uh no sorry, I wasn't," I say quietly. He gives me a searching look before he continues.
As if to ask 'No smartass comments?'
"I was just discussing how emotions can be easily portrayed to be something they are not. And we show this in our writing by using personal thoughts, from our character." He explains. Moving back to the board.
How appropriate.
I zone out again the line of reality and my mind becomes a blurry mess.
"Miss Carter. I would appreciate it if you could pay attention to my class." Mr Ford says.
"I'm sorry Mr Ford," I say with a small nod and I try to focus on him but I find myself slipping out of focus again.
Well, this just sucks.
The bell rings and I stay in my seat.
"Miss Carter are you okay?" Mr Ford asks after everyone except for Seth leaves. I jump in fright.
I'm sorry what?
"Uhh yes, I'm fine," I say avoiding his gaze.
Seth watches me carefully as he takes a seat next to me.
"You seemed very distracted today in class." Mr Ford says. I click my fingers anxiously and tap my leg.
"Uhh yeah, I'm just tired," I say brushing it away. "Too many late nights," I muttered.
"Okay. Well, make sure you're getting enough sleep. Especially since the end of the year is approaching." He says sincerely. I nod him off. Thoughts overwhelming my mind.
I zone out, my leg tapping. How did he pick up on it? Is it that obvious? What if the whole world knows? Can you tell if someone is spiralling?
I feel a hand on my leg and I jump. I meet Seth's eyes and I relax slightly. He holds my knee to stop it from tapping.
"Are you ok?" He mouths. I nod. Fighting the tears that threaten their way into my eyes. Are you okay, always did that to me. I hang my head and fill out my detention form again. It's a no show from the guys in detention yesterday.
Seth doesn't remove his hand from my leg. His thumb brushes my skin gently. It's comforting. Butterflies play in my stomach softly. I put my pen down and put my head into my hands. I take a few deep breaths and pull myself together. This bullshit. The number of times today I had to leave a class to cry in the bathrooms. It's embarrassing.
Seth squeezes my thigh reassuringly and I grab his hand and hold it tightly. Like the tighter I hold it, the more the chaos will go away.
It doesn't.
When I can't take it anymore I excuse myself to the bathrooms. I slip inside and fall against the wall inside the toilets closing the door behind me.
I let it all out.
"Lace. You in here?" Seth's voice asks cautiously.
He's the only one that calls me Lace. I'm not fabric you egg.
I cover my mouth as I sob. I hear the door rattle as it is pushed open. Seth rushes to me and pulls me against him closing the door behind him. I fall against him. Sobs wracking my body. Seth stays quiet and rocks me back and forth. After my crying subsides I go to pull away.
"Uh uh." He says holding me back. "You have to tell me what's going on." He continues gently. Pushing my hair back from my face and caressing my face softly.
"I can't," I say shaking my head drawing my lips into a straight line.
"I don't care. You have to." He says staring at me intensely. Searching my eyes.
"I.." I start. "I'm just having a spiral it's nothing." I start tears forming in my eyes. Seth is quiet, tears threatening his own eyes.
That touched my heart.
"It's not nothing. You're upset." He says, pushing a strand of hair, that was sticking to the tears on my cheek, behind my ear.
"It happens sometimes. It's okay I'm okay just need a minute to get out all the bad emotions you know." I murmur, shuffling my feet.
"I'm so sorry. You don't deserve to feel like that." He says looking at me gently.
"Thanks," I say with a small smile. I lean into him as slowly, the tears stop coming. They want to, but eventually, they dry up. The feeling stays, rooted to my stomach like an ancient oak. With its network of anchors holding it steadily into the soil.
"We should probably go," I say, wiping the remnants of mascara off of my face before pushing myself up, pulling Seth up after me.
I fix myself in the mirror, splashing water on my face to let the swelling around my eyes go down.
We make our way back to the room where Mr Ford sits on his computer.
"Are you two okay?" He asks us a concerned look crossing his face seeing our eyes.
"Yes thank you," I say in a hoarse voice. Inwardly I curse myself. I should have drunk some water so my voice could not give away my state.
"My door is always open." Mr Ford says softly. I nod and pick up my bag and start walking with Seth towards the locker rooms.
We had spent a little longer in the bathrooms so our detention had been considered 'served'.
I make my way towards Seth's car, he falls in to step beside me. His presence is weirdly comforting. His smell, of men's aftershave and Trina's eco laundry detergent. It's comforting.
"You drinking tonight?" He asks me, unlocking the car.
"Yeah. You?" I ask him.
"Not sure yet." He says with a casual shrug. I climb into the passenger seat, chucking my bag into the back seat.
The drive home is silent. Not an awkward silence like I had just told you my biggest secret now it's awkward. More like an understanding silence. Thinking about everything.
Hell, I was ready to stop thinking. I was ready to get blackout drunk.
What a healthy mindset.
Seth pulls into the driveway. Bea's car is already parked in her usual spot, crisscrossed on the patch of grass on the sidewalk.
Wandering inside the house is empty, but not silent. I take the steps one at a time, usually, I take them two but my body was a little less forgiving today. Being emotional drains the energy from you, truly.
"Ok. Time to get ready bitch." Bea says seeing me in the mirror as she brushes her hair.
"Go on. Move it. Shower." Bea says pulling open her closet. I get up and drag myself into the shower. Showering quickly before wrapping a towel around myself and walking into Bea's room.
"Ok. Underwear on only. We have at least ten different outfits to try on." Bea says pointing to outfits on her bed. I sigh and pull my underwear on.
A black lacey bra with matching panties.
Wow, Lacey for Lacey. How comedic.
I pull on a robe and wrap my hair up in a towel on top of my head.
I try on each one and comment on one's that Bea put on. We both decided and agreed on each other's outfits finally. I really just wanted to put on a pair of sweats and a tank and call it a day. But Bea liked dressing up, soI felt obligated to join in her fun.
A blue mini dress adjourns my body with a simple silver necklace and bracelet. Bea's curves are hugged and exentuated through a yellow checkered mini dress.
I do my makeup and hair before slipping on some shoes.
"Ok, I'm ready," I say checking myself out in the mirror.
"Damn we look hot," Bea says looking in the mirror. I nod.
"Photos?" I ask her.
"Yup. Let's go ask Seth to take some in the light outside. On the balcony, you reckon?" She asks me.
"Sounds perfect," I say emotionlessly looking out towards the golden sun.
"Seth. Can you take some pictures of Lacey and me?" Bea asks moving into Seth's doorway.
"No." He says not looking up.
"Please." She says. He flicks through his phone, ignoring us.
"Please Seth," I ask. He shifts his gaze to me, his eyes widening and trailing up and down my body.
"Not if you guys are dressing like that." He says.
"Why not? They're nice." Bea says gesturing to our dresses.
"Yeah, and every guy can see every curve," Seth says his eyes lingering on me, before turning back to his phone.
"That's kind of the point," Bea says.
"Please, Seth. Otherwise, I'll have to ask like Carlos or someone to take them of us." I say rolling my eyes. His head snaps to me.
"Fine." He says crossly. Standing up. I make my way to the balcony with Bea. I pass Seth my phone and he waits for us to get in position before snapping a large number of photos.
"Thank you," I say taking the phone back and looking through them. A few of them he had taken selfies which I'd noticed him do but I just chuckled. I scrolled through them and find a few nice ones.
"Ok, I'll send them to you. I'm posting mine tomorrow." I inform her.
"Same, can't do it night of." She says with a small laugh. Seth rolls his eyes and makes his way into the kitchen.
Trina and Bradley had gone to my parent's house. My mom was still not talking to me. So nights at home had been very quiet as of late. My tree had been well visited.
I follow Seth and Bea into the kitchen, cracking open a beer and taking a sip.
"How long until everyone gets here?" I ask.
"Luke and Dallas are on their way now. Callie is giving people rides I'm pretty sure. The party starts in half an hour so people will be arriving kind of from then." Seth says.
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[✓](BL)Don't You Like Me
COMPLETEDShort, rich, and handsome, Lin Feiran was always the center of attention. But after transferring schools in his second year of high school, he discovered that his limelight was snatched by his Adonis classmate, Gu Kaifeng.Lin Feiran was very resentful, and he and Gu Kaifeng became archnemesis (one-sidedly). Although the two lived together, they were like strangers.When Lin Feiran went back home to attend his grandfather's funeral, he accidentally inherited the Yin-Yang eyes that had been passed down from generation to generation. After gaining the ability to see ghosts, the timid Lin Feiran discovered that his two-person dormitory was actually a sixteen-person (ghost) room. Every day, he was scared to the point of collapsing.The more aggravating thing is that because of Gu Kaifeng's innate body constitution, he possessed an abundant amount of Yang energy. Lin Feiran found out that whenever he touched Gu Kaifeng, Gu Kaifeng's Yang energy could temporarily disable his Yin-Yang eyes. A light touch would disable it for five minutes, a kiss for an hour, and so on...Lin Feiran had no choice but to throw himself into his archnemesis's embrace. This complete reversal in attitude to being intimate with Gu Kaifeng persisted every day from morning till night.When sleeping, he must squeeze in the same bed as Gu Kaifeng. Going to the toilet? He must drag Gu Kaifeng with him. Homework? It must be done hand-in-hand with Gu Kaifeng... He also had to try his best to persuade the teacher to make him Gu Kaifeng's deskmate. Every day in class, he would rub Gu Kaifeng's calf with his foot beneath the desks...Following the clingy little bastard's sudden change in personality, the initially shocked Gu Kaifeng gradually became smitten. Every day he would chase Lin Feiran to flirt with him, make crazy confessions, and even routinely push him against the wall and kiss him...I DO NOT OWN EITHER THE WORK OR THE TRANSLATION. Credit to the rightful owners.
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