《The Light You Give》4.
"Ok guys. Back to being silent. This is detention, not a social time." Mr Ford announces as he marches in.
"Miss Carter. Please do your work." Me Ford says pointing a finger at my work in front of me. While I was just leaning back in my seat, not bothering to touch the work in front of me.
"Oh yeah, sorry," I say apologetically.
"Ok, you know what, you guys can go." Mr Ford says generously. I collect all of the boy's detention slips up and place them on Mr Ford's desk.
"Thanks, Mr Ford," I say picking up my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.
I make my way outside where the guys shuffle out. Tommy stalks down the hallway but the other boys hang back.
"Where are you guys off to?" Carlos asks as we turn towards the field.
"Cheer training," I say.
"Football." Seth reply.
"Can we watch?" Carlos asks me.
"Sure," I say gesturing for them to follow.
They fall into stride with us again. I take them to the bleachers and put my bag down and unzip it. I pull off my t-shirt revealing my sports bra and pull off my jeans revealing some Nike pros. I pull my hair into a high ponytail and put my cheer shoes on. Seth disappears off into the changing rooms.
"Woah I thought you were stripping for us," Carlos says a cheeky grin on his face.
"Maybe I would," I say jokingly.
"I'm going to go train. Feel free to leave at any time if you want. Cheer's pretty boring." I say to them politely.
"No, but the view is great," Carlos says looking me up and down hungrily. I grin at him before waving and making my way over to my team.
Training is pretty easy today. I mainly just practice my double to full twist to tuck.
While the others, not including Callie and Bea. Work on their full to full's. Easton plays ice hockey, so she's going to meet us in the school car park after her training.
"So who're the hotties?" Callie asks gesturing to the guys watching us on the bleachers.
"Carlos and his mates. They wanted to watch. God knows why." I say.
"Look in the mirror. You'll find out" Bea says standing on a block and pulling a bow and arrow, holding her leg above her head.
"Mind if I'm a little late to our movie night?" I ask Bea and Callie with a grin.
"You sneaky girl. Absolutely go get 'em, tiger." Bea says grinning at me.
"My absolute wing-woman," I say bending into a backbend to stretch out my back.
"Girl give him a show. We're only working on our tumbling. Do some flexible stuff. Draw him in." Bea tells me.
"Okay okay! Not like he doesn't know." I say with a laugh.
"Dev is kinda cute," Callie says thoughtfully throwing him a quick glance.
"He might be coming to the party," I say with a small grin. Callie grins back at me.
I slide into the splits, arching my back to reach back and touch my back leg.
I turn and do a quick press handstand before a walkover.
"Your presses are so satisfying to watch," Bea says her hands on her hips.
"Thanks. Your walkovers are proper perfect." I say. Bea just grins.
Coach calls for the practice to finish and I make my way to the bleachers where the guys are.
"Your pretty good then," Carlos says falling in to step beside me. Dev and Monty stay behind chatting to Callie and Bea.
"I try," I say with a grin, taking a sip of my drink bottle.
"Was there a little showing off going on there?" Carlos asks knowingly.
"There may have possibly been," I say with a small smirk.
"You free tonight?" He asks me.
"Yeah. Mainly. I have a few hours before I have to be anywhere." I say casually.
"Should come to hang at mine if you want?" He asks.
"That'd be great. You got a shower I can use though. I stink." I say with a small laugh.
"Yeah. Mind sharing though." He asks with a grin.
"You know my rules," I say giving him a look as he leads me towards his car.
1. No showers.
2. No sleepovers.
I hear Seth's voice behind me.
"Where's Lace going?" He asks Bea.
"With Carlos. She's coming to ours after." Bea replies easily as Carlos opens the door for me.
"Thank you," I say gratefully to him.
"No worries." He replies.
"I'll go get snacks. You guys pick a movie." I say jumping up and heading downstairs into the kitchen.
Carlos had dropped me back here after we had 'hung out' his house was pretty nice. His parents weren't home which was very beneficial. We had exchanged numbers. But I doubted I would be using it. Other than that to say thanks for the fun evening.
Getting out of Carlos's red altezza had earned a few glares from Seth which was strange but I just ignored it.
I was now at Bea's and we were watching movies.
I pull open the kitchen cupboards and grab out some chocolate, popcorn and m&m's.
"White chocolate really?" A deep voice asks from behind me. I jump slightly and turn to see a shirtless Seth.
"Can't find your shirt huh," I say gesturing to his well-sculpted torso.
"I didn't think you wanted it on?" He says wriggling his eyebrows. I roll my eyes at him.
"White chocolate slaps," I say putting the popcorn into the microwave.
"No. Caramello is better even you admitted that." Seth says with a 'duh' face.
"Only so I could have it," I say shaking my head.
"Lying to get your way." He replies with a smug look.
"Excuse me. At least I don't bite into chocolate" I exclaim.
He rolls his eyes at me with a grin. I reach up to grab the popcorn out of the microwave and go over to where Seth is standing, in front of the bowls.
"Can I please have a bowl?" I ask pointing to the drawer behind him.
"Caramello chocolate is the best." He says his eyebrows raised slightly. Challengingly.
"Never," I say trying to reach past him. He pushes his hip out so I can't grip the draw. He pushes his weight against the drawer. I try to manoeuvre past him but he holds his ground. I have one hand pushing him away while the other is trying to grab a bowl from the slightly open drawer.
He grabs my arms and pushes me against the drawer so the drawer closes behind me and my arms are pinned by my sides. I look up at him. His face is really close to mine.
His torso is pressed against mine, to stop me from going anywhere.
His breath mingles with my own. I look into his eyes. His forest green eyes. That are staring at me searchingly.
My eyes flicker to his lips. While his flicker to my own. He releases my hand as I trace my hand up to his arm, circling his bicep. Before running my finger down his torso. Tracing his abs gently.
I push him back slightly. So I can open the drawer with my other hand. I smirk up at him as I hear his heavy breaths. I grab out a bowl successfully. And quickly move away.
Shattering the tension in the room.
I grin as I shake the popcorn into the bowl.
"You are an actual tease, Lacey Carter," Seth says shaking his head in amusement.
"I wanted a bowl. A bowl I got." I say with a grin and a small shrug. Popping a piece of popcorn into my mouth.
"I'm going to get you back. Mark my words Lacey." He says with a small grin. Taking a piece of popcorn. I move the bowl away from him too late with a defensive look.
"This is for the movie watchers," I say tutting at him.
"Guess I'm a movie watcher then." He says reaching for the popcorn I'm holding behind my back.
We're face to face as he reaches both arms around me. His torso once again pressed against my own.
Up close. His face is gorgeous. Even more gorgeous than usual.
Did I just say that?
A light amount of freckles dot his nose. His green eyes are framed by his dark eyelashes and nice eyebrows. His hair almost fell in front of his eye, not quite long enough. His plump lips are drawn into a small smirk as he grabs the popcorn from out of my hands and shoves some into his mouth in victory.
I go to grab it off him but he holds it up with a grin. I reach up for it. I place one hand on his chest to steady me as I jump for it.
"Someone a bit short?" He asks me teasingly. I meet his eyes. Our faces once again close. The popcorn droops to my level as his arms heavy. Slowly lowering down to my level. I grab the popcorn and pull away. With a grin.
"Lose again," I say with a grin before grabbing the chocolate off the bench along with the m&m's. Before making my way to Bea's room. Leaving Seth smirking to himself.
I flop into Bea's bed handing Callie the bowl of popcorn and Dallas the m&m's and chuck the chocolate on the bed.
"That took ages!" Callie exclaims shoving some popcorn into her mouth.
"Sorry," I say cautiously.
Bea would throw her shit if she knew I was within kissing distance with her brother moments ago. While it wasn't more than our normal bickering, there was a sense of something else to it. Something else that sent my heart into a pittering mess.
"What are we watching?" Seth says coming in and flopping on top of Dallas and me I. Luke climbs in beside Bea and slings an arm around her shoulder.
The cuteness of them I swear.
"Dude! Have you ever heard of a shirt? And we are watching All The Bright Places." Bea says. Emphasising we to say Seth wasn't invited.
"Great I love that movie. Scooch over." He says sliding in between Bea and me and taking the popcorn from me.
"Popcorn hoe," I say shaking my head and his warm skin brushes mine.
"The things you had to do to get that popcorn." He mutters. I elbow him.
I didn't enjoy it. The little tug of war. Our bodies hinting at being tangled together.
Definitely not at all.
It was weird. And I need to keep my damn distance.
"Fine. You can watch." Bea says with a sigh as she presses play and takes the white chocolate and hands it to me.
"Caramello's better," Seth says.
"You're psychotic if you think that," I say to him. He gives me a sideways glance and raises his eyebrows at me with a small grin.
"Fruit and Nut is the best chocolate," Dallas argues.
"Dallas my man. It's obviously coconut." Luke says with a laugh.
"No one thinks that. Both of you." Callie says rolling her eyes. "It's obviously Lamington." Callie counters.
"Absolutely not." I shudder.
Bea dozes off slightly throughout the movie, cuddling into a sleepy Luke. While the rest of us watch the movie half-heartedly. Seth's eyes flick to me a few times. We're about halfway through the movie when Seth slides his hand onto my leg. I push it off and he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.
I open my mouth to say something but he points to Bea. Who is nearly asleep.
She would flip. I throw him a glare and turn back to the movie, my hand limp in his own.
"Mia would kill me." I whisper.
"She already wants to." He replies huskily.
"How is that supposed to make me feel better?" I reply. "Wait why?" I ask.
Why would Mia hate me?
"Apparently I 'flirt' with you too much. And you 'flirt' back." He says.
"I do not flirt with you," I say turning my nose up at him.
"You do," Callie adds from where she and Dallas are lying at the foot of the bed, their legs in between the gaps between Bea and Seth's and Seth and I's legs.
"I do not," I say rolling my eyes.
"I tell her that," Seth mutters.
"She's annoying," I say with a small sigh. "Everyone says I flirt with everyone. I don't."
"Yeah. I know." He says with a light snort.
"I can't believe your dating her. Of all people." Dallas says screwing up his nose.
"Surely you could have gone for someone less annoying," Callie says with a shake of her head.
"I thought you were meant to defend your girlfriends?" I asked confused at Seth's agreeance.
"You are," Dallas says with a small chuckle.
"Oh yes, Dallas because you would defend your girlfriends," I say giving him a small kick. With that boy's fruity ass I'm surprised he doesn't have a boyfriend actually.
"I defend you." He says with a small shrug.
"If you like your girlfriend then yeah sure," Seth replies with a shrug.
"You don't like her?" I ask confused.
"Nope." He replies popping the 'p'.
"Why don't you have a boyfriend?" He asks me.
"Because no guys like me I guess and I'm afraid of commitment. We had this conversation" I say with a small shrug.
"That is bullshit. I know at least four guys on the soccer team are after you." Dallas interjects.
"I know for facts two guys asked you on a date this week and you turned them down. And Carlos clearly has a thing for you." Seth says.
"Please. Half the school wants to wife you up." Callie says turning to face me. Ignoring the movie that blares in the distant background.
Bea and Luke oblivious to it all.
"Carlos doesn't have a thing for me, we have a whole no strings attached thing going on. Plus they all just want a fuck, which I'm not entirely opposed to and they know that. I'm seen as easy," I say with a shrug. It sucked it did, guys coming up to you without an ounce of respect just to ask you for a fuck.
"But the sex is worth it," Dallas says grinning. I kick him softly.
"My mom would kill me if I had a boyfriend. The only thing she cares about is Cheer." Callie says softly.
Callie does competitive cheer outside of school. I used to but I barely had any time so I stopped.
"Mom's are the worst. If mine knew I was gay she would disown me." Dallas says a long look on his face.
"Mom's really are the worst," I say a sad look on my face. Seth squeezes my hand softly, which I forgot I was holding, and I return it.
"Trina though is the exception," I say a small smile on my lips.
"We love Trina. She's like the mom I never will have." Callie says giving Seth an appreciative smile.
"Same," Dallas says.
"Thank you Seth for having an amazing mom," I say to him grinning.
"No worries guys." He says with a lopsided smile. "Least I can do you know."
"Where is everyone going to sleep?" I ask looking around the room. There was eight of us in the room. Four in a row at the headboard end. And Callie and Dallas at the foot of the bed.
"I'll bring a mattress in for you guys if you want." Seth offers.
"Yes, please. I don't want to share a bed with all of these smelly's." Dallas says turning his nose up and pointing to all of us.
"Oh don't worry. My little friend Luke over here, his victory will be short-lived." Seth says throwing a dark look towards the oblivious, sleeping tangle of Bea and Luke.
Seth stands and pulls me after him.
"We're going to grab you guys some mattresses," Seth says.
"Why me?" I ask.
"Because your annoying, these two are bearable." He says.
"So you take me with you?" I ask him confused as we make our way down the hallway towards the guest rooms.
"Whatever. I just didn't want to watch my best friend and sister having nap time." Seth says a disgusted look crossing his face.
"Oh yes. A little hypocritical don't you think?" I say giving him a look. "Holding my hand like what first grade?"
"You and Bea, and Callie hold hands all the time," Seth replies taking one side of the mattress and gesturing for me to take the other.
"True," I say with a small shrug. Picking up the end of the mattress.
When we re-enter the room Callie and Dallas immediately stop talking, which is a bit weird. But I just ignore it. I drop the mattress onto the floor.
"There we go. And Luke can sleep in your bed." I say.
"Yep," Seth says.
"I'm hungry." Dallas moans.
"Same." Callie and I say at the same time.
"I'll go make some crepes if we want?" Seth asks.
"Yes please cinnamon though, not blueberry," I say giving him a look.
"I refuse to make you cinnamon crepes," Seth says shaking his head at me.
"Fine. I'll make them myself." I say making my way downstairs Seth following me.
"Your so fussy," Seth says rolling his eyes.
"Says Mr Blueberry," I replied rolling my eyes at him as I enter the kitchen.
I pull the ingredients out of the cupboards as Seth grabs a few others. I get out the cinnamon and place it in the centre of the ingredients. And Seth grabs the blueberries and places them on top of the cinnamon.
"I'll make them. You can just sprinkle your dumb cinnamon on afterwards." Seth offers.
"Okay," I say not complaining as I swing myself onto the bench.
Seth measures out the milk, eggs and vanilla. Before he whisks it together and adds some sugar.
I'm not even going to lie to you. It is hot as hell watching Seth cook. But I could not think like that.
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