《The Light You Give》3.


"You know what I genuinely think," Seth says as he pulls open the caramello chocolate. He had retrieved quite a handful of snacks, as well as a couple of hoodies for both of us.

"What do you genuinely think?" I ask him, my voice laced with curiosity.

"That you don't think white chocolate is the best. You're just lying to me." He replies with a grin. I roll my eyes.

"You Seth Nixon. Are a dreamer." I say reaching out to take some Caramello chocolate off him.

"Uh uh. I thought you didn't like it." He asks me with a smirk, holding it high above his head.

"I never said that. I said I liked white chocolate better." I scoff, smacking his arm softly.

"If you admit that caramello is better. You can have some." He says with a grin, taking a bite out of the chocolate like the heathen he is.

My mouth drops open.

"Fine, Caramello is better than white chocolate," I say rolling my eyes.

"Good girl." He says holding the chocolate up to my mouth.


If I was standing I would have gone weak at the knees. NO no. I can't think like that.

"I'm not biting into it like a heathen," I say with a roll of my eyes. He pulls it away and I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Bite? Or nothing." He says raising his eyebrows at me challengingly. I sigh and open my mouth and take a bite of it.

"White Chocolate is still better," I say after swallowing.

"Lace. You break my heart." Seth says with a roll of his eyes.

"You'll live princess," I say sticking my tongue out at him.

He grins at my immaturity.

"Ok, I want some more," I say holding out my hand for him to pass me the chocolate.

Seth puts it into my hand and I break off the uneven bitten pieces so it's a normal block again.

Seth holds his hand out for it again but I break off a few pieces and hand them to him. He stares at them in his hand.

"You are so mean to me." He says with a shake of his head and a grin.

"You put up with me anyway," I reply with a grin before putting the chocolate beside me, as far away from the heathen as possible.

"I do," Seth says looking back up to the sky, a small smile playing on his lips.

We talk for hours, laughing, arguing playfully, each night we get closer and closer together, taking in each other's warmth blanketing us from the cold night air.

"Mia would kill me if she knew what you were doing right now," I say, my head laying on Seth's chest as I trace the soft lines of one of his hands.

"Don't remind me," Seth says a soft sigh escaping his lips.

"She's your girlfriend?" I say.

"She sleeps around, we're practically only together for sex. And it makes her look better apparently. Not exactly sure how.." Seth says running his hand through my hair with the hand I'm not tracing.

"Rough," I say softly.

"Mmm," Seth says gently. "What about Carlos? Would he kill me?" Seth asks raising his eyebrows at me his eyes half-closed.

"No. We're not together I would recommend, instead of having a girlfriend, having someone like Carlos. No strings attached" I say with a shrug.

"We both know none of the girls at our school is after that sort of thing. They're after a relationship." Seth says chuckling slightly.


"I'm sure there's some that are capable," I say with a note of positivity. "Some that have been hurt before."

"Tommy?" Seth asks raising his eyebrows at me.

"No. He was a dick even I knew that. But I was fourteen. Confused. I mean I feel bad for, how he said 'breaking his heart', but in my defence, we were fourteen I'm afraid of commitment and so on so on. Unfortunately, he doesn't see it that way. But no, it didn't hurt." I say with a sigh.

My rather brief experience of dating. 6 months with Mia's brother. Tommy. I ended things because, well he was a dick. He was my first and I was his.

Except not the first kiss. Seth stole that one when we like what? Seven?

"That family," Seth says shaking his head. I let out a small chuckle.

We watch a crack of light appear on the horizon as the sun rises, lighting up things that were otherwise invisible. The golden light caressing the soft outlines of trees and buildings and reflecting off the ocean.

I sit up slowly.

"We should probably get inside before everyone wakes up and starts asking questions," I say grabbing up the things.

"Yep." Seth agrees to pick up the stuff I leave behind.

We put things away where they came from before I make my way into Bea's room and slip into bed where she's still fast asleep. I hear Bea's alarm blaring as the sun get's higher and higher in the sky. Fighting away the hint of the cold night that lay so peacefully behind me.

Bea groans and rolling over she turns it off. I pretend to rub my eyes and yawn.

"I don't want to get up." She grumbles, pulling the soft blankets and duvet up over her head.

"You have to," I say to her in a motherly tone. Tugging them back down again.

"But. I don't want to." She exclaims. Pulling the duvet back over her head again.

"C'mon. Go shower. If I shower first you will fall asleep again." I say pushing her towards the edge of the bed with my feet.

"Fine fine. I'm getting up." She says pulling herself out of bed.

Did last night really happen? A night where it wasn't just bickering between Seth and me. A miracle honestly.

I can confirm it did because I still had on one of Seth's hoodies. I make my way downstairs. Trina is leaning over some papers reading over them, her glasses perched on her nose. Bradley is sipping his coffee.

"Hey, love. How are you this morning?" She asks me.

"I'm good actually," I say a small smile on my face. "How's my mom?" I ask her hesitantly.

"She's ok," Trina says softly. I nod quickly. Making myself a bowl of cereal.

"Can I have some?" Seth's voice rings as he walks in. Grey shorts and a non-existent t-shirt on.

"Sure," I say pleasantly grabbing out another bowl and pouring him one.

I slide it across the bench to him and lean against the other side of the bench, kind of like last night except I wasn't sitting up on the bench. He keeps sneaking little looks at me which I pretend not to notice.

"Ok kids. I'm going to work. I'll see you later." Trina says scooping her papers up and hugging Seth who kisses her cheek before she waves to me.

"Bye Trina have a good day," I call out as she makes her way to the front door.


"You too Lacey." She calls out over her shoulder, the door clicking shut.

"Was that mom leaving?" Bea asks walking in, her hair slightly blow-dried but still damn, a cute outfit on.

"Yeah," Seth says scooping some cocoa pops into his mouth.

"Okay. Where the fuck are the rest of the cocoa pops." Bea asks shaking the remaining cocoa pops into her bowl.

"Oops," I say with a small grin.

"You guys are so fat oh my god," Bea exclaims smacking Seth and me on the head with the cereal box. I move to rinse out my bowl and grab Seth's empty bowl from where he pushes it, sitting in his seat.

I lean over and place both the bowls into the dishwasher before washing my hands and drying them.

"Is that Seth's hoodie?" Bea asks grabbing my wrist and inspects the hoodie. "It is!" She exclaims looking at me and Seth accusingly.

"I was cold last night. I found it in your drawers. Must have got mixed up. Sorry, Seth." I lie smoothly. Shocked at how easily that lie came out. Seth raises his eyebrows at it.

"No worries. Just chuck it in the wash once you are done. I don't want your gross cooties." He says with a smirk before he stands making his way upstairs.

I watch his back muscles move as he walks away.

Why.. oh why is he so damn attractive.

"I thought you were sneaking around with my brother," Bea says with a sigh of relief.

"I wouldn't do that to you," I say with a sigh.

"Is that why you were just checking him out?" She asks me propping an eyebrow up at me knowingly.

"I was not checking him out," I say rolling my eyes as I busied myself with dishes.

"You so were." She says gagging slightly.

"I wasn't," I say throwing her a defensive look. I mean I was.. but like I wasn't.

"I wonder where he got that gold chain from?" She asks to not anyone in particular.

"It's silver," I say before mentally facepalming. You fucking idiot.

"Got you." She says with a pointed look.

"Ok whatever. I'm sorry." I say defeated. Goddammit, Seth why you gotta be pretty.

"Whatever. Go shower and hurry your ass up for school." She says shoving me towards the stairs.

"Ok. Ok. Geez woman." I say holding my hands up in defence. Making my way up the stairs while Bea pulls out some eggs to make herself some breakfast.

I pull a towel out of the cupboard and head in to the shower. When I get out I pull some underwear and clothes out of the drawer that has clothes I keep at the Nixons.

A pair of jeans and a simple tee. I pull my hair into a bun.


Before I make my way downstairs where Bea is waiting.

"Ready?" She asks me. I nod pulling my sports bag over my shoulder.


I sit in the cafeteria. Luke is bouncing up and down in his seat like a little kid. Dallas looks like he could kill him. Bea is grinning at Luke, laughing with him, Mia and Seth are making out while Callie sits in the seat next to me and is explaining some science thing.

"Do you guys want to come to mine tonight?" Bea asks turning to us tucking her, today straightened, hair behind her ear, which is adjourned with piercings I had given her. I had the same amount of my ear. We had done them with each other instead of getting them professionally.

"Movie night?" I suggest taking a bite of my apple.

"Oo yes please," Dallas says with a grin shoving some salad in to his mouth.

"That sounds good. Would your guy's parents be alright with it on a school night?" I ask them knowing mine couldn't care less. I practically lived at Bea's house.

"Seth hang out tonight?" Luke asks Seth.

"Dude. Seth." Luke says tapping Seth on the shoulder, Seth pulls away from Mia, his hair ruffled and his lips slightly red.

Didn't ask dude.

"Yeah?" He asks turning to Luke, Mia still on his lap, looking annoyed at the interruption.

"You should come to mine tonight. All these losers are going to yours." Luke offers gesturing to us.

"Nah you should come to mine. Mom said I'm grounded because I got detention. Thanks, Lace for that." Seth says throwing me a smirk.

"I tried to get you out of it you prick," I say throwing him a small glare.

"Yeah, I know. Thank you." He replies with a small smile.

Mia throws a glare at me and I return it with a 'girl back down' look.

"Ok," Luke says taking a swig of his water.

"Lacey is going to be at your house tonight?" Mia asks Seth quietly, not meant for my ears. Seth sighs annoyed at her question and says yes quietly not looking at her.

"Can I come?" She asks with a small murmur.

"Look, I know you don't like Lace, but you don't have to be with me 24/7 to make sure we don't talk to each other. She's my friend, of course, I'm going to talk to her. But that's it." Seth replies to her annoyed.

Everyone else is talking to each other, unaware of the conversation Seth and Mia are having.

"Why do you call her Lace then? Is it like a pet name? You only call me Mia." She says with an annoying pout.

"I've always called her Lace. Deal with it." Seth mutters annoyed pushing Mia off his lap and into the empty seat next to him.

"Why won't you just let me come," Mia says with a pout.

"Mia. I've already said. I want to hang out with my friends. I don't need my girlfriend to always be around me you know. Just go hang out with one of your other guys." Seth says annoyed turning to his food.

Mia's face contorts before she stands up throws me a glare and storms off.

"Trouble in paradise huh," I say quietly to Seth. He looks up at me.

"Something like that." He says with a soft sigh. Picking at his meal.

I nod gently before turning to Callie and tuning in to her argument about how pickles are actually pickled cucumbers.


I sit casually in last class. English with Mr Ford. Next to Callie.

".. and that's how Gary Ross used parallel universe to show the diversity through the different lives of the two mothers." Mr Ford finishes.

"Any questions?" He asks looking around the class. No one puts their hands up.

Probably because everyone was falling asleep.

"Ok class. That's us for the day. Hang tight for the bell." He says clapping his hands together. I pack my stuff up but leave out a pen because I know I have to stay for detention.

I tap my leg against the ground impatiently.

"Want me to tell coach you've got detention?" Callie asks me.

"Yes please," I say to her with a small smile.

"Can you tell my coach as well Callie?" Seth asks leaning forwards in his seat slightly.

"Yup no worries." She says slinging her bag over her shoulder and making her way outside of the classroom with the rest of the class.

A few guys walk, two of who I recognise, into the class and hand a slip to Mr Ford. Seth slings himself into the seat next to me. Watching the guys talk to Mr Ford as he gestures for the guys to take a seat.

They sling themselves into seats in front of us. There's four of them.

"Carlos? Tommy?" I ask. Two of the guys turn around. Recognition floods their face as they notice me.

"Hey, Lacey," Carlos says grinning.

"Lacey," Tommy says with a small nod.

"Quiet." Mr Ford says sternly.

Mr Ford slides us each a detention slip and I fill mine out quickly before leaning back in my seat.

"I'm just going to go do some photocopying. I'll be back soon." Mr Ford explains standing up to leave. As soon as he shuts the door I roll my eyes.

The guys, Carlos and Tommy included, turn moving their seats to face us.

Tommy had a few cuts and bruises on his face and fists I noticed. Carlos looked the same as usual. The other two guys had red hair and freckles that dotted his nose carefully the other had dark hair and pale skin.

"What is someone as pretty as you doing in detention?" One of the guys, the redhead, asks me, his voice flirty as he looks me up and down.

"I fucked your mom," I say with a roll of my eyes. Seth chuckles beside me muttering to himself about my immaturity.

"Dev shut the fuck up that's Lacey," Carlos says elbowing the redhead.

Tommy also elbows the redhead

"Dang, she's a feisty one. You're tapping that?" Another one of the guys say. Carlos rolls his eyes and Seth tenses beside me.

Tommy tenses and throws Carlos a look to which Carlos shrugs off.

"What about you four? Get caught having juice boxes during class?" I ask them leaning back in m seat folding my arms.

Dev, the redhead, shakes his head in amusement.

"Wouldn't you like to know princess?" The dark-haired one asks, an attempt at being mysterious.

"Not really I was just being polite," I say giving him a small smile.

"What'd you do to get in here?" Tommy asks me.

"Didn't I answer?" I say rolling my eyes at him aggression escaping into my tone. I couldn't help it around him. Something about the aggression sneaking into his tone that just dared me to snap at him.

"Hey, Seth," Carlos says nodding towards Seth in a friendly gesture.

"Carlos." He replies with a nod of his own.

"No shit," Tommy says his face darkening. "You're the one fucking my sister?" He asks.

"Mia?" Seth asks casually.

"Yeah. Mia." Tommy says darkly almost spitting the words out.

"Yeah," Seth says with a small shrug.

"So you're the reason she came to me crying today huh?" Tommy asks pulling up his sleeves.

"No that would be me," I say to them completely saving Seth's ass from getting the hammering he was possibly about to get. "I told her I was fucking Seth. She's a bitch she deserves it." I lie with a shrug.

"You know Lacey I'm getting really fucking tired of hearing your name around," Tommy tells me aggressively me. The other boys watch carefully. On the edge of their seats, ready to intervene if necessary.

"Carlos certainly isn't tired of saying it," I say with a smirk. Throwing Carlos a wink. Carlos grins at me.

The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. Tommy stands up, anger overcoming his every feature.

"Tom," One of the dark-haired guys says grabbing Tommy's arm.

"Tommy," Carlos says warningly.

Tommy hesitates before he sits back down.

"Whatever." He says pulling out of his friend's grip and turning around. His other friends still facing us.

"So what did you actually do to get in here?" Carlos asks me.

"Nothing bad. Just being a bitch too many times." I explain shrugging it away. The guy looks at Seth expectingly.

"Got caught up in Lace's theatrics." He says giving me a grin. I flip him off.

"He tried dumping me in a sink because the boys like me more than him," I reply giving him a playful shove.

"I can see why." Dev, the redhead says looking me up and down. I give him a look. So does Carlos, Tommy and Seth.

"What about you guys?" I ask them.

"Tommy got in a fight. I broke a window. Monty over there got caught selling Mary Jane and Carlos is just here for the ride." Dev says gesturing to each one of them. Monty is the dark-haired one.

"Sounds like a fun time," I say sarcastically.

"It sure is," Carlos says sarcastically throwing a glare at his friends.

"So Seth heard you're having a party on Friday?" Dev asks.

"Yeah man, you coming?" Seth asks in a friendly tone.

"Maybe," Dev says with a shrug.

"What about you two?" Seth asks politely but you can hear the strain in his voice.

"Yeah, mate that's the current plan," Monty says with a chuckle.

"So Lacey you going to be at this party on Friday?" Carlos asks me.

"Yeah. Always am." I say with a polite smile.

"Cool." He says with a small smile.

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