《The Darkened Dove (SCP-049 x reader)》Chapter 3: SCP 072


DISCLAIMER: There is violence in this chapter. Viewer discretion is advised.


"Thank you for stopping in Dr. (l/n)." Dr. Sullivan finished after informing you of which researcher the foundation picked for you to shadow. You were picked to shadow someone named, Dr. Philips. You glaced down taking in the minimal information and an incomplete map provided for you to help get you started. You were told to meet Dr. Philips at 9:00 in SCP 072's containment cell.

The cell was located far too close to heavy containment for your liking. Unfortunately you were not completely told what was locked away in heavy containment, but from orientation yesterday you could only imagine what horrors lied beyond those doors.

"Thank you too. Have a nice day." You replied.

Slipping your papers into your pocket you left his room headed for the dining hall. The endless halls lead you towards the ever growing aroma of fresh baked cinnamon rolls and coffee. The dining hall was stuffed with researchers, guards, and other staff. Most were all in uniform, identical lab coats spread out all across the room. The room felt significantly smaller than last night with all of their combined bodies, and all their voices merging together resulting in incoherent noise. Being surrounded by people had always made you feel uncomfortable. It carried that horrible mixture of feeling watched, but truly being ignored at the same time.

You grabbed yourself a coffee and cinnamon roll and dared to take a glance back at the sea of lab coats. One out of uniform caught your eye. It was Chloe, the only friendly face you had met so far on this facility. She again surrounded herself with people, but you didn't feel as if you had a choice. So you made your way over, stepping over bags and dodging rogue wanderers passing through the tables. It reminded you of when you were back in school. You shuttered at the thought. You truly did enjoy learning and you got good grades. You also had a few friends there too, and a boyfriend for a while.. But your school and social life had become a burden after-

"Oh hey! You made it!" Chloe exclaimed moving over to give you room to sit.

"Hi, yeah." You said carefully setting down your coffee before joining her.

"So this is Hadley and Kayden, and Hadley and Kayden this is (y/n)" she introduced.

Hadley smiled at you, she had light blonde hair up into a bun with bright blue eyes. Kayden stayed quiet though ignoring the introduction and keeping his eyes fixed on a phone he had in his hands. Your face scrunched a little, it was protocol that everyone had their personal electronic devices left home. It must had been something that the foundation had given him, you guessed. His long brown hair covered most of his face. He glanced up at you for a moment before turning back to the device.

"It's nice to meet you (y/n), and you're new here too I'm hearing. And it's nice to see new faces here. A good change is hard to come by." Hadley said.

You smiled back at her. The table went silent, so you took the chance to started on your cinnamon roll. You couldn't hold back a smile when you took your first bite of the warm, frosting covered dough. It was delicious. It might be a bit early to say but the food here has so far been amazing. You eagerly took your next bite while giving a silent thank you to whoever baked this masterpiece.


"How long have you guys been here?" Chloe spoke up.

"I've been here for about 5 or so years. I think." Hadley hesitated for a moment. "Time kind of flys by here, since you are not permitted to leave the facility for most of the year, so you start too forget how much time you've spent here." She explained sipping her own coffee. Her tone was pessimistic at best, leading you to only assume that this place was mundane for everyone who stepped foot in here.

"Oh," Chloe said almost in a whisper.

"But its ok though. All things considered its not too bad after a while. I promise. Plus you'll have experiences here that others could only dream of." Hadley said replacing her solemn tone with one full of hope.

"Anyways, we should really get going. I'll see you guys at lunch." She said. She stood and brushed out her long lab coat and grabbed her things before disappearing out the door.

"Alright bye!" Chloe said.

"So, who are you shadowing?"

"Um, yeah it's Dr. Phillips. I'm supposed to meet him in SCP 072's holding cell. And that's all I really know. How about you?" You said finishing your cinnamon roll.

"Apparently I get to go with Dr. Sullivan himself. He said that there was a surprising amount of new researchers so I got stuck with him. I'm kind of excited though, he says that he is currently dealing with a Keter SCP, I think it was SCP-106 or something.. But yep! I get to be in heavy containment on day one! I'm not gonna lie I'm super excited!" She said her face lighting up.

You couldn't help but chuckle at her outburst. Movement caught your eye, and you turned to see Kayden shoot up and grab his things. He gave Chloe a questioning glance before going on his way.

"He's a real charmer." Chloe mumbled. "Anyways, it's almost time. So I'll catch you later."

You smiled back at Chloe and said your goodbye. Then the bustling lunch room was replaced with silence. The sinking feeling returned making you bite the inside of your cheek to distract from the sickening stress this place gave you. You had hated the loud, bustling lunch room before, but now you were trapped with nothing but your mind.


Letting out the air you had trapped in your lungs you stared gratefully at the sign in front of you. The sign was bright green and most importantly showing that SCP-072 is a safe class SCP. You knew full well from yesterday that safe class SCPs are not always 'safe', but this still filled you with a bubbling hope. Maybe this won't be so bad. I probably am getting all worked up over nothing. You consoled yourself.

You stared at the monochrome door for a moment before a loud hiss startled you. A researcher stood in the doorway he seemed just as startled as You before he regained his composure.

"Sorry." He said quickly before he scurried off to who knows where. After taking a confused glance back at the racing researcher you awkwardly walked into the lab outside of SCP-072's containment chamber. The room was larger than you had expected and had two other doctors and only one guard.

"Hi I'm (f/n) (l/n). I'm here for um, Dr. Phillips." You wavered under the harsh gaze of the three men towering over you.

"Oh. He just left." A researcher said.

You could feel your face drop and a familiar awkwardness that you had always seemed to carry filled the room.


"Oh.." You glanced back outside where you had seen the man race away. "I am supposed to be shadowing him today, will he be back?"

"Probably, he'll be back. Until then I guess you can just stay here. Just go have a seat over there." He said pointing towards a lone chair leaning against the wall.

You did as you were told and sat down. You hated how your nerves felt like the could burst. You had never exactly thrived in social situations. It was always difficult, but somehow you managed. You managed through school, work, and for the last 24 years of your life. 24. It feels like only yesterday I was in High School. I barely feel any different either. The thought struck you as ironic. Everyone told you it would get easier when you grow up and that you'll understand when you are older. As if the world was just going to all make sense and you'd know how to do things like talk to others, find a safe job, find something to do in your life that you enjoy. Something that brings you happiness. You had given up on that a long time ago.

You absentmindedly played with your sleeve while retreating into your thoughts leaving the outer world unnoticed. You thought You knew what you wanted to do, but after your father's death all that was important was keeping his memory alive. To keep his work going. He would be proud to know you were following in his footsteps. Like he always wanted. Like all he wanted. Would he be happy now that you were in a facility where death is a high possibility?

That's only what your mind told you. Your mind said you should be happy, you did what he wanted. But your heart. It told a different story.

You had given up everything.

"Great news!" Called a voice after a familiar man came bustling back through the door. "We finally got permission to use a D class to conduct our experiment!"

"Good. I guess. Oh and someone's here to see you, Phillips." The researcher said nodding his head towards you.

Dr. Phillips looked at you startled, "Oh! Oh, yes. Hello you're (y/n) sorry it slipped my mind that you were scheduled to be here today. I was too busy with- well you'll see." He said scratching the side of his head, and further messing up his already matted hair.

"Anyway, You already know me.. So, well I'll just show you how we prepare, and conduct experiments." He continued. Beckoning you towards him.

Complying you followed him over towards a long desk. The desk was covered with files full of papers sloppily clustered inside. It was unprofessional, but from what you've seen from Dr. Phillips you weren't surprised.

"Here read this, we have some time before we begin. The file has everything you need to know about this SCP." He handed you a small file labeled, SCP-072.

"Thank You," you said, Dr. Phillips resumed doing his own thing giving you time to read.

You found a place for yourself on an empty desk. And opened the cream colored file. The papers were neat in this one with a paper clip securing the pile of pages.


Class: SAFE

Special containment procedures: All known cases of SCP-072 are to be contained in a 3.5 by 4 meter holding cell....

------Time skip----

By the time you finished the file you had already felt nauseated at the thought of someone going through the pain that this monster puts them through. Was that what they were going to do today? Was this what the D class was authorized for? You knew the answer to that. You just refused to believe it.

You closed the folder leaving your hand on the cover as if to prevent from something crawling out of the file you had just read. You swallowed your fear and went back to Dr. Phillips.

"Are you done?"

"Yeah. Um." You began

"Ok good the D class will be brought here in just a couple of minutes and then we can start the experiment. Now there is a few more things you should know when you are assigned to an SCP you not only have to read their files, but everything else about them. And when you are conducting experiments like this one, or interviews you need to write down everything. Even while you are just observing your SCP. Everything in as much detail as you can. Never leave out any important details. Even if you think that its silly. For example, the SCP turns green on fridays at 3:00 AM. Write that down. If you don't it could get someone killed." He interrupted. He glanced between you and some notes he was taking a couple times before speaking up.

"This IS the first SCP your going to be seeing huh?"

"Yeah." You nodded. All the information from the files and Dr. Phillips's sudden high demands were swirling in your head. You could feel it making you dizzy. Once your mind settled you could focus on Dr. Phillips again. You wanted to cringe when his expression changed to one full of pity.

"Oh, I guess that should be assumed. It is your first day.." He paused for a moment, trying to find the right words. "I'll just walk you through this alright? Experiments are always interesting, but they can be frightening too. But you'll do great. Just sit back and watch. I'll be taking the notes for today, tomorrow is when I'll ask you to take notes as well. We want to be able to ease you into this.. Well as best we can."

"The D class is here. Are you ready for us to let him in?" A voice rang from a walkie next to Dr. Phillips.

"Yes, let him in." Dr. Phillips replied.

A door in SCP-072's chamber opened and two guards pushed in a man with bright orange prison clothes. The back of his suit had dark black print spelling out D Class and the all too familiar symbol that was scattered across the facility. The man searched the room frantically as if he was looking for something sinister. No it's as if he had been through an experiment before. You thought to yourself, and feeling the blood escape from your face.

"Dr. Gillies please go in there and hook him up to the brain sensors." He said.

Dr. Gillies left, and reentered the scene in SCP-072's containment chamber. He was accompanied by a guard.

"Please have a seat on SCP-072." Dr. Gillies ordered.

The D class listened and sat on the bed without a word while Dr. Gillies stuck the sensors and wires onto his head. After the last sensor it took only a moment for Dr. Gillies to immediately evacuate the room leaving the poor D class alone.

"D- 67122 please lay down in SCP-072. Ensure that one of your feet is left out of the blankets. Then you may try and sleep." Dr. Phillips said releasing the button to access the intercom.

The D class although obviously afraid he obeyed laying down. Dr. Phillips wrote down D class's resting brainwaves, heart rates, etc. He dimmed the lights so all that we had to watch the experiment was through a night vision camera that was projected in a large TV screen

"Now all we have to do is wait." Dr. Phillips said. The thought sent a deep wave of fear throughout your body. Your stomach felt knotted and your head swirled but somehow you kept watching. Somehow You pulled through.


It had taken almost an hour for the D class to fall asleep. Then even longer for him to enter REM sleep. But now, he was there and now the experiment had begun.

A dark shadowy hand snuck out from under the bed. It had long thin fingers with a even darker black coating sharp nails. The hand hovered above the D classes exposed foot and began tapping on them. The hand was slow and deliberate, slowly stirring the D Class from his sleep.

The D class's eyes opened and then widened in panic. You could hear the heart rate monitor beat wildly as well as his brain waves. You watched in horror as the hand.. Or SCP-072 began it's work.

The hand drove one long claw into the D class's foot and slowly ripped a small piece of flesh off. The flesh stretched out long before finally snapping off of his foot. The hand slowly took the flesh back underneath the bed. The D class's face twisted in agony, but as expected he didn't move. He didn't scream he could only wait for the slow and agonizing process to be over. The hand crept back up again driving it's claw into the D class's foot a second time. Ripping out more flesh and spilling thick crimson blood onto the beds white sheets.

You felt lightheaded and you could feel the bile rising up in your throat. You felt like You would pass out. You moved to the closest chair to you so you could sit for a moment. You took deep breathes to try and make it through this terrible experiment. Glancing back up to the screen you watched in horror as the hand cleaned off all of the flesh that had clung onto his bones.

You thought it was over for a moment. You prayed it was over, but no the hand he turned reaching for the bones of the D class. The hand broke off each and every bone starting with the phalanges and ending with the calcaneus. The horrible snapping of braking bones echoed through the room. Your sickness only felt worse. This was horrible. SCPs were worse than you could have ever imagined. Nothing could have prepared you for this.

The room kept spinning and your head felt as if it had lost all of its blood. Finally the hand disappeared, but your relief was cut short when the screams of the D class could be heard. He screamed only for a moment then he just laid there weeping and reaching towards his missing foot.

Your heart broke at his cries and every part if you wanted to somehow help the man, run or disappear. This isn't where you wanted to be, you could feel the panic rushing inside if you.

"Take D-67122 to the infirmary." Dr. Phillips demanded the guards. He scribbled down the remainder of his notes.

You watched as the guards quickly wrapped up his ankle and carried the crying D class out into the hall. You finally felt the lightheadedness fade away and it be replaced with and overwhelming fear and anger

"Alright I think that's enough for today. I'll just have to chart these. Here let me show you how we do that." Dr. Phillips talked as if he hadn't just seen a man brutally mutilated by an unknown monster. You needed to say something, anything. You needed to say that this was wrong, and this was unethical especially since we had already known the SCP could do that. Maybe some things were best left unknown.

But in the end nothing came out. You said nothing and did nothing. You could only listen to what Dr. Phillips told you.


The dining hall was bustling as usual and you could see Chloe and her two new friends seated at a table near by. But the sickening feeling from earlier still remained and food sounded terrible now.

You turned away from the smell fresh pizza and rubbed your aching stomach. The memory of the D class's mangled foot plagued your mind. The poor man's screams of agony after that monster finished it's feast.. Or whatever the SCP did with the stolen human flesh.

You finally reached your apartment. The day had been so long and you were already dreading tomorrow. Everything about this place was worse than you could have ever imagined. You hadn't even been here for a week and you already knew you had made a mistake coming here. But you also knew that leaving here at this point was almost out of the question. You knew too much now. This place was secret for a reason.

Maybe it will get better.. You told yourself with what small amount of hope you had left.

It was only 7:00 but your head pounded and your eyelids felt droopy. You usually were quite the night owl staying up at least until 11:00 each night despite needing to work in the morning. But tonight You felt neither your body or your mind could handle much more. You changed into your pajamas and turned out the lights.

You made it to your bed in complete darkness and laying down you wrapped yourself tightly in the blankets the foundation had provided for you. You tucked your feet deep within the covers. Curling your body up until you resembled a cocoon.

You were never going to sleep with your feet outside of the blankets ever again.


Hi again guys thank you so much for reading!! I'll be posting again here soon!

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