《Scarlet Taste (Vampire! Yandere x Emotionless! Reader)》21. A Brother's Love


Ebben walks into the room. His hair was jet black and his eyes were red... just like Cain's. Even with their different hair colors, it was clear that they were twins.

"What's that you got there?" Ebben asks, walking into the room, and quietly closing the door behind him.

"Food." Cain says, smiling at his dear brother. "I bought it for you, although... it doesn't taste the best. It's salty."

"Aww." Ebben walks over to John and Cain. He pokes John's beer belly. "I can't believe you sunk you fangs into... this thing. It's so hideous."

"Would you like to drain some blood from him. Use him as a keg if you wish." Cain laughs.

Ebben nods. "Where did this sadistic attitude come from? Remember when you were just a little coward and I had to hunt for you?"

"Quiet." Cain mumbles, his cheeks taking on a red color.

He did remember. Back then, he was too scared to hurt people. He was bad at being stealthy and had a big fear of being caught or yelled at. Because of Cain's cowardly behavior, their own mother couldn't be bothered with him. His brother, who was younger than Cain by seventeen minutes, was his mother's favorite because of his bravery, and later, his hunting skills. Ebben used to bring food for Cain all the time. Cain was lucky to have such a caring brother, for his own mother never fed him after she found out that her oldest son wasn't a good hunter.

John struggles again, his belly jiggling.

"I rather not have my lips touch his dirty skin." Ebben smirks. "But I wouldn't mind if it was just bare flesh."

"Then skin him." Cain says casually.

Both vampires were having way too much fun. They were playing with their food before they killed it, which would be the same as torturing a deer before shooting it. It's sadistic, but one part of being a monster is acting like one.

Ebben grabs a curved blade from the cart and then he gets to work. Carving away at the skin on John's broken wrist.

John's body jerked as he tried his best not to cry even more than he already was. The metallic smell of his salty blood overpowered the gross smell of mildew.

John could feel a little sensation on his lips. The numb effect was slowly wearing of. His stitches were ripping... no, his lips were ripping, for Cain had used old fishing line to sew his lips together.

After eating, you had went back to Cain's room. You wanted to go back to the left wing and explore, but you were just to tired. You were snuggled up in some of Cain's many blankets. His scent was so comforting.

It made it easier to sleep.

Even with his scent here to lull you to sleep, it still remained a bit restless. It was the kiss. You almost wished you didn't deny him another one. Maybe... maybe when he's done doing whatever he's doing you could give him another kiss. You liked kisses and the interesting feelings that came a long with them...including the warmth that engulfed you. The coldness of the house had increased since the sun had set a few minutes ago.


Perhaps... Cain could warm you up later.

Down at the bar, Your stepfather sat right upfront on a stool, watching sports on the small flatscreen that was mounted on the wall. He didn't want to talk to Thomas, but he really needed a drink. Luckily Thomas had beat him to it and talked to him first.

"What brings you here, (l/n)?" Thomas says, smiling.

There were lots of women in the bar, which was a common occurrence. Thomas was handsome and he was a ladies man so women tended to go to his bar in skimpy dresses with the intention to get laid. Most of the women in the bar were married or had children to tend to. Their behavior was against your stepfather's morals and he was disappointed.

"Quiet Wilson." Your step father grumbles.

"I own this bar buddy. It's the only bar in town so far, so either answer my questions or go drink some sewer water on the curb." Thomas says, pointing to the door.

"I just... I just need a drink."

"You stressed?" Thomas asks.

"My wife just died and my daughter is missing."

Thomas smiles and then he laughs. He was laughing so hard that his eye began to water. He could hardly breathe. It was good that the loudness of the TV helped keep attention off him. To be seen laughing at something that was supposed to be sad would put a dent in his reputation.

"Oh god, that was the funniest thing I've heard all night. Honestly, do you think I believe that that is the reason why you are so upset? You hated your wife, you cheated on her multiple times. Oh and then you dare call my daughter yours."

Thomas's eyes burn into your stepfather's. It was like a wild dog lookIng at a juicy steak.

"Please, I've heard the things you've said about her." Thomas says in a low enough voice, that only your stepfather could hear it. "What are you really worried about?"

Thomas brings his face closer to your stepfather's, their noses almost touching. His (e/c) eyes boar into your stepfather's.

Behind his his soulless eyes.... his empty eyes... was murderous intent.

Your stepfather quickly sat up, alarmed.

"Oh come on (l/n), sit down. I won't bother you anymore I promise." Thomas pats your stepfather's shoulder. "I need the business."

Your stepfather was shocked, scared, and tired. He didn't really feel like fighting Thomas and so he just sat down, ordered the strongest drink Thomas had, and spent the night getting drunk until he eventually couldn't speak properly.

Thomas could have killed him. It would have been easy to just say he was driving him home, but he knew he'd be caught since he'd be the last person seen with him. Maybe he'll have (y/n) kill him once he finds her.

Ebben sucked the blood out of some flesh that he had carved from John's arm. John passed out from the pain. While Ebben was feeding, Cain took that as a good time to confront him about something that's been bothering him.


"Ebben?" Cain says.

Ebben hums, acknowledging Cain.

"Have you been messing with the girl?"

Ebben releases the meat in his mouth with a sickening pop.

"The girl? You mean your cutie wifey? You don't have to hide it from me." Ebben smiles.

"Yes, my— what?" Cain blushes at the title Ebben had given you.

It was true. You were cute, but to call you such a name would be the death of Cain. It was far too embarrassing. He thought about it for a second. Would it be so bad to at least give you a nickname?

"To answer your question... I was curious. She's been in this house for a whole day and you still haven't eaten her yet. She smells so good too, so I figured that the only reason she wasn't dead yet was because she was special. I just wanted to see how special she was."

Cain clenches his fist. His brother didn't usually act like that. Usually, Ebben would mind his business. It has always been like that... ever since they were kids. Sure, sometimes he would get involved, he was his brother, but Ebben knew that Cain had certain boundaries that he wasn't allowed to cross.

"Did you two talk?"

"No, I didn't get to. Although, I advise you to keep her on a leash. She got way too close today and she smells so good. She may be special to you, but she's not special to me..."

Cain turns toward the exit, his eyes turning as dull as yours. He didn't like where the conversation was going. Ebben was the mature one, the collected one. He acted more like an older brother than Cain and Cain was the older brother. It was strange that Ebben was acting like a immature brat. Cain didn't like it at all. He hoped that is wasn't your blood that triggered Ebben's strange behavior.

"I could always just kill you Ebben. You know I could... just like I did mother." Cain growls.

"I can tell you haven't had a taste of the poor girl. Your acting sadistic because you are hungry."

"Shut up."

"Go on, take a small bite and since she's special, make it pleasurable."

"Shut. Up." Cain's nails dig into his palm, drawing blood.

"Hmm? You're getting mad over a human? If she's that special, maybe I'll just take her for myself?" Ebben smirks, licking his lips.

Cain lunches at his twin brother. He was on top of Ebben. Even in this position, Ebben still had a smirk on his face.

"You will NOT touch her! I'll rip you in half before I let you. She's mine." Cain growls.

Ebben's face goes blank for a second and then he smiles. It was a kind and friendly smile and it caught Cain off guard. Ebben only used that smile around Cain because he loved Cain... he was his twin after all. He only did what was best for his twin and when he smiled like that, that meant his doing something he thought was right.

"If she's yours, mark her." Ebben pushes Cain off onto the floor. Cain was too shocked to do anything. "Bite her. I bet her neck is soft and I bet her blood is as rich as the way she smells."

"What is your game here?" Cain asks, lying down on the cold concrete floor. "This isn't you."

He was confused. Why smile such a genuine smile? Ebben was acting like a complete jerk, yet he smiled at Cain with a smile that only said,

"I'm doing this for you."

"I want you to be happy. If being a douche is enough to drive you towards your goal then so be it. You think I didn't notice you leaving every night at the exact same time. You always came home so happy. You were acting the way you used to before the curse." Ebben sits up, staring down at Cain. "I'm trying to motivate you. You need to claim her before someone else does. You know it won't be me, but... who knows, maybe a stray will come along and sweep her off her feet."

Cain smiles back at his twin. He was thankful that his brother was so nice, but he could have really gotten hurt. Cain stands up, walking back towards the exit.

"I highly doubt that anyone would be able to take her away from me, but...if you really think that marking her is that important, then maybe I'll talk to her about it."

"That's not even the thing I'm most worried about Cassius." Ebben rarely called Cain by his given name.

Cain tried his hardest to forget it, but it would always be his name. He hated it and it was branded into his brain so he could never forget it.

"I can tell by the way you are acting. I don't want you to go feral just because you didn't want to hurt her because if you go feral, you'll kill her. I don't want you to come to after your little feast just to see that your lover is dead." Ebben says.

"She's not my—"

"Stop denying it and let me finish. Ever since you brought her here, her heart had kept a steady pace. Even when she saw me, she wasn't scared. Do you really think she's suddenly run away if you bite her. She could have ran away at anytime, but she didn't. So promise me that you'll take to her about it." Ebben says sternly.

"I promise."

And then Cain left, leaving Ebben alone with John's unconscious body.

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