《Bottom Various! x Top female reader! ON-HOLD!》Connor Valentine Special


"Mornin' Y/N."

"Shut it, Reed." The first thing in the morning you most definitely did not want to hear was the egotistic voice of Gavin Reed. You didn't even want to see his face.

Slouching into your chair, it rolled back to hit the desk behind you. Sighing, you attempted to rub the tiredness from your eyes but, to no avail, it only made you drowsier.

"So, you know what day it is, right? I mean, I know you've been single for like eternity, but you couldn't have forgotten?" Sometimes, just sometimes, you forget why you dislike Gavin Reed so greatly, and then he goes and reminds you on a daily basis.

"I-," you weren't even allowed to finish your sentence before Reed just had to start talking again.

"Yeah, well either way I got you something for you to remember." A small heart-shaped box fell onto your desk. You almost laughed in disgust at what it said on the box.

"You turn me on?" it read with a picture of a light switch turned up. It was clearly one of those cheap types of chocolate candies with that disgusting coconut filling. You hated coconut. And you hated Gavin Reed.

"Cute huh? I know how much you love these I see you get them all the time." His infamous smirk fell upon his lips, and he slung his arm on the wall of your cubicle in some attempt to look cool, it wasn't working. You grimaced at his attempts of wooing you.

"First of all, Reed. It isn't cute, especially not coming from you, in fact, it makes me want to vomit in my mouth. I only get these shits in a box because I see no point in actually spending money on this god-forsaken holiday. And second of all, I don't know how many times I have to tell you this, but I am not interested. In fact, I'd rather jump off a cliff." If Reed didn't get that you honestly don't know what else to do but knowing how dense and delusional, he is he probably doesn't.

"Yeah, anyways I was thinking bout going to that new restaurant. I heard their pizza was great, and the drinks there aren't so bad either." Getting drunk and trying to get his dates drunk so he seems more appealing is how Reed roles. Yup, a grade-level douche. You will never understand what the Chief sees in him. God, you need someone to distract you or you're going to get fired.

"Good morning lieutenant Y/N!" Finally, your long-awaited knight in shining armor has arrived.

"Connor, just the robot boy I was looking for!" you sighed out in relief. Connor stood in question beside Reed, who was giving Connor a vicious look.


"Fuck off tin can this got nothin' to do with you." Reed spat out, if looks could kill Connor would be dead...or at least the android equivalent.

Tilting his head, Connor looked to you in question. He wondered if he should leave or stay but only if you told him.

"Ignore him, he doesn't get enough ass in his life." you joked, kind of. Ignoring Reed you turned your attention to Connor, who smiled at you. He always had a dorky smile if you could call it that, before the revolution, it was stiff and nonhuman like but now, now it was friendly and filled you with warmth.

"Where's Hank? He doesn't drink at this time, at least anymore." Usually, Connor only comes in with Hank, so seeing the duo not together was weird.

"Lieutenant Hank has decided not to come in today, for the holiday maybe?" Connor tilted his head in thought.

You smiled at that, not because Hank is home. Honestly, you love seeing the old man, ever since Connor came along, he's helped Hank build himself back up. He's like the father you've never had and you're sure it's like that for Connor too. It must be weird for Hank though, seeing the two people he sees has his kids flirt on a daily basis.

"Well, then you're stuck with me," you smiled at him, and he smiled back.

"I don't mind that." Connor had said, a bashful smile appeared on his face, if he were human, you would be able to see the red spreading from his face to the tips of his ears.

"Ugh, you two disgust me. I'm leaving and uh Y/N tell me when you wanna go to that dinner." Reed had finally left, thank God.

Watching him finally leave you sighed out in relief. "So glad he finally left, I'd much rather talk to you." You partly joked.

"I'm glad you find my company enjoyable, I... I also enjoy talking with you." His hand fiddled in his jacket, and you could only assume that his coin was flying through his fingers. But he only ever fiddled with the coin when he was nervous, was he...nervous when he talked with you? You tilted your head in thought.

"Uhm, I'll start working. I'll be happy if you could stop by now and again- only if you're not busy of course!" His sentence seemed jumbled and rushed but it was still cute. He quickly walked over to his cubicle and began the copious amount of paperwork he had, same as you. So, you also got to work, though you felt as if you were forgetting something. Only half an hour later when you looked at the box on your desk from Reed did you remember. You grimaced as you shoved the box off your desk and into the garbage bin below. You grabbed the box out of your bag and made your way to Connor's desk.


Sliding the box onto his desk you stood there stupidly, what were you supposed to say? You had everything planned, you even prepped in your car on the way here, but everything had left your head as soon as you put the box of hearts on Connor's desk.

"I know how much I say I hate this holiday buttt I can't just leave you hanging," Connor looked from the box to you and then back to the box. "Well, what are you waiting for? Open it."

Connor quickly went to open the box, though he held it so gentle as if it would break just by touch alone. Inside lay dozens of coins in different sizes and shapes. Some larger than others and some brighter than the rest. But the one that stood out the most was a coin that was shaped like a heart, though not perfect as one side was more jagged than the other.

"I know how much you like coins, or at least the one you have, and how you can't really consume foods, so I got you those. And I found that heart-shaped one while walking...I thought you'd like it- ugh this is so cheesy," you closed your eyes tight as you slid your hand down your face. "You probably don't even celebrate this holiday or-," you were abruptly cut off with a shoulder. You stood there awkwardly, not expecting this.

"Oh! Sorry, I just read that humans show their generosity with physical contact, but I know how much you don't like- I shouldn't have- I'm sorry...," the influx of emotions somewhat stunned you into silence. Though it quickly changed as you started to laugh, relieving Connor of any stress he originally had.

"It's ok Connor, I don't mind any sort of physical contact coming from you. I'm glad you like your gift." You smiled at him as he smiled back. As you stared more you got lost in his eyes, you never realized they were lighter up close. You didn't feel your bodies move closer either or the way your hands that lay on his waist pulled him closer to you. His hands dug into your shoulders as you could feel the programmed breaths beating onto your lips. Only then did a coworker break the tension with an awkward cough, you had completely forgotten you were in public, at your job.

You coughed awkwardly as you two looked away from each other like you weren't about to make out in the middle of your job. Rubbing your hand through your hair you slightly backed up, as much as you didn't want to.

"Oh, I have something for you Y/N," Connor bent down and grabbed something out of a drawer, "I know how you said you don't like Valentine's Day, but I thought you may like this." He put the box in your hand and looked at you like a puppy would looking for praise.

As you opened the box only one thing lay inside, a heart-shaped necklace. You looked at Connor in question, but he only raised his eyebrows, gesturing for you to go on. You picked up the heart and placed the box down, you turned it to the side and saw a line, being the detective you are, you quickly realized the heart opened. Opening the heart, you gasped at what was inside. A picture, so small you wondered how it fit inside, of Sumo, Hank, and Connor together. They all looked so cute, especially Sumo.

"Oh, Connor thank you I love it! I don't like Valentine's Day, but I'll always accept any gifts you give me, no matter what day." You assured him. Connor looked just like how a puppy would that have just been told they were the best dog in the world. You held it up to him so he could put it on you. His hands slid over yours as he took the necklace from you. Turning around you moved your hair out of the way. You could feel his hands graze your shoulders and neck as he looped the necklace around. Once you heard the click you turned around to show off the new jewelry. Smiling as you held the smooth metal heart in your hands you looked back to Connor. He seemed to have already been staring at you though, with that big dorky smile on his face.

You quickly pecked his cheek, warm like how a human would be. Blue rushed to his face as his eyes widened and his mouth hung open. He looked like how the elementary boys looked when their crush just kissed them. Secretly that's how Connor felt.

"Thank you again, Connor. How about dinner tonight? As a thank you of course! Maybe we could stay at my place after?" Were you playing innocent? Maybe you were and maybe Connor knew that, but he wouldn't admit that.

Maybe you'll rethink this Valentine's thing.

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