《His Lordship》Dies Irae


Lev's conquest was going smoothly. The lands of Lord Morath and Lord Herald were his. Herald's vassals would soon follow. Klavius had already begged for his life when Lev made a joke about throwing him in the dungeons. Lev's shining black armour had a reflection of evil, true evil. A new kingdom was made in Lev's name: Dies Irae. The name and language were unknown to this world but Lev knew. Dies Irae, the song of the death. A song about the limited time a mortal has before meeting his creator. In this world though, they already saw their creator.

Lev's kingdom grew stronger and stronger. Volunteers were joining his holy crusade. A crusade against king Avent, king of The Seven Duchies. Lev couldn't take Aven alone, he needs a strong army to even think about sitting on Avent's throne. The citizens of Dies Irae were possessed with the thought of overthrowing king Avent. Avent was a slow and greedy king who had not only abandoned his family, he had also ignored the countless problems within The Seven Duchies. One of them, Lev. King Avent was nonchalant and wouldn't take any action, even when Lev's armies were growing stronger.

"My lordship, your generals need thy commands."

"I see Theta, I will greet them."

"Was it wise to wait so long before meeting your own generals, my lordship?"

"It has to be this way Theta"

Lev stepped outside of his throne room. The room itself was decorated with gold and statues of Lev holding countless greatswords. The holy oath of the Holy Army had been embedded into each statue: God's will commenceth. The people had grown to respect Lev. Lev had brought prosperity to the duchies he conquered. Lev's goal was not to rule through fair, he wanted a utopia for everyone. He had nothing to gain from ruling with his powers. His devkit didn't have anything that would help either. Killing his own citizens would lead to rebellions and rebellions would mean the end of his Lordship.


Lev stepped saw the generals standing in line, each of them was trying to not shiver in his Lordship's presence. You could see the fear in their eyes. The generals introduced themselves.

"Jigd Von Loden, my Lordship, I will control your navy and make sure to achieve victory at any cost."

Lev nodded and proceeded to the next general.

"Alm L'almace, my Lordship, I will rally more men under thy name. Strong brave men fighting for your glory will join me in battle. I will throw my life away at any cost should this deliver victory to Dies Irae, ALL HAIL HIS LORDSHIP!"

Lev smirked, he like the enthusiasm of this general. He was an older man but still had a fire burning fiercely in his eyes.

"I am Mikkel Vandersteen, if you would allow me, I will take care of military infrastructure and resources. I will make sure to bend every metal to your will and feed every soldier."

"Great generals, my generals. May glory be upon you. Fight with my power flowing through your blood. Be wise generals, power does not mean victory. A strategy is needed at forehand."

Lev proceeded to give a portion of his power to each of the generals. A burning feeling went through their body. Each of them still stood, they fell their new power.

"When Utopia has been achieved, my Generals will respect me. Not for my powers but for my leadership.", Lev thought.

Lev walked further to inspect his troops.

"Fine man", is all he said.

The Dies Iraen flags waved upon the nation. Blood red with a white cross representing the holy army and his lordship. Theta had designed it with war in mind. When the enemy saw Lev's armies and the flags they held, their moral would instantly reduce. A marching song had also been made in his Lordships name.


- We march for thy, our Lord and God, we march. -

- Long live our kingdom, DIES IRAE! DIES IRAE! -

- Soldiers we are, blood red flasks will feed us now -

- From the ash we came, for his Lordship, we'll squander -

- Deus Vult, his lord wills it, kill the heathen, as he wills -

Lev was proud of what he had achieved. His armies were booming with moral and his generals were afraid, but through their fear, they saw Lev's potential. They were loyal and great strategists. Lev had trusted a small amount of power to them. Their fragile bodies would never support more power.

"Shouldn't we call you God Emperor Lev from now on?"

"Haha, no Theta, his Lordship is perfect."

"Hmmm, well if thou wants it.."

After some more time, Lev's armies were ready to march towards Avent's kingdom. Flags waving tall, songs were sung in full, instruments cried their chords. Lev was walking up front. His black shining armour and ultra greatsword were otherworldly. His men saw him as a true Lord, a strong Lord. Lev had done a lot since his arrival. His time here wasn't always as easy though. Lev knew he had to be patient, he had already brought a lot of distress on the system by oppressing lord Morath and Herald so swiftly. If the system would fall before conquering Avent, a revolution could take place and overthrow Avent before Lev's armies had arrived.

Oh isn't it beautiful, the splendour of war? Thousands marching through the mud and rain. Their equipment heavy, their spirits high. Young man and old alike, fighting for his Lordship. They were marching for ultimate victory.

Lev hadn't shown his face to his men yet. He didn't want to, it would decrease moral as they would realise that he looked more like them than a God. His identity was a mystery to the common folk. They only knew of his powers through the various duels with lower counts and Morath/Herald.

"Com'on men, do you want Avent to eat another swine before we arrive there?"

The men laughed, "No we don't!"

"And why is that so? My men why does Avent have to miss his dinner?"

The men answered as one, "DEUS VULT! DEUS VULT!"

"That's right old hags, let's teach this swine that his Lordships eats before anyone else!"

- We march for thy, our Lord and God, we march. -

- Deus Vult, his will commenceth -

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