《His Lordship》True Evil


What makes a person evil? Is it the will to annihilate everything at first sight without remorse? Is it strive to perfection that goes with a perfect plan? Absolute power or benefiting from others to help not only yourself but also your accomplices?

Lev had thought about this for a while now. He knew that his power was limited as in the games he had invested so much of his time in. His power originates from his Dev Kit. A Dev kit doesn't include a button to kill all the lords or become one. If it had been that easy, Lev would've been sitting on the corpses of thousands by now.

No, there has to be something more to his life in this world. Being evil doesn't include making mistakes. Lev knew that if he had shown all of his powers in that duel, he would've destroyed his only chance of reaching ultimate omnipotence. The other Lords may consider him a worthy opponent, but if they knew of Lev's true power, they would've instantly created a worldwide revolt against Lev and his road to glory.

No, now is not the time to be reckless. He had to do it all by himself. Theta was a nice gadget to have but was only fixated on Lev, his beloved Lordship. Morath wasn't even worthy of being a butler and his advisors were ignorant of the world and the knowledge it possessed.

Asserting your dominance by claiming to be God was not the way Lev would go about this. Being a Lord would be his goal. Not just a Lord, the Lord.

"Lord Herald, I have a message from Count Klavius!"

"Give it to me."

"A meeting between the Lords? Haha don't let me laugh, those incompetent wine drinkers would never dear to waste my time with something as silly as a meeting."


"L-L-lord Morath??? Defeated!?!? Such lies! How dare they speak of these lies! Lord Morath claimed the lands of Lord Darius, a respected general in the King's army!"

"Still, it would be wise to hold a meeting in this case. Those damned wine drinkers finally did something sensible!"

Lord Herald was rather curious as to why Morath had been defeated. He had one of the largest duchies in the kingdom. He fought many wars for easy land grabs. His chest was filled with gold and his counts were loyal. Herald was the only respected Lord in the kingdom, the people loved him for his leadership and progressive laws. Yes, he did fight wars for land but the lands he had won over were better off with him than the previous Lord. He would rebuild the infrastructure and install a new government in each new county he conquered.

"O-oppose Lord Herald? Are you sure my lordship? I do not doubt thy strength but attacking the land of the most powerful and respected Lord after only defeating Morath?! Wouldn't it be wiser to-"

"Silence Theta, like you said: don't doubt my strength, or I will show you my potential right now."

Theta went silent, sweat dripping from his aged and balded head.

"I'm sorry my lordship! Let's recruit an army straightaway! I know some good Generals that can-"

"No army and no generals."

Lev's throne room was yet again engulfed with silence. A dark aura arose from Lev's body. Everybody, even the servants, felt it. Lev was serious about this.

"I know enough Theta, thanks for informing me about the other Lords, I can now be sure that there's a King out there."

"A king is nothing without his lords, the lords possess most of the duchies and thus a great deal of the kings land."


Lev knew that this was a risk he had to take. If he were to solo Herald's whole army with limited power, he would not only destroy the morale of the other armies and their lords but also cripple the king's ability to strike back and not reveal his true powers.

A King's land is split in duchies, each duchy has a lord/duke and each duchy consists of different counties with their respected counts. If a count falls, the system would just continue its loop of transferring power. If an incompetent duke with a small duchy would fall, the system would interrupt but eventually continue. It's clear that targeting the king wouldn't be wise at all. The people respected their king because he had the most power and wealth. The king claimed to be blessed by God.

Ironic isn't it? Claimed by God? Hehe...

Killing the highest ranking lord would avoid a mass mobilization of the king's army and instantly cripple their defensive response.

"Lord Herald I have another message for thy!"

"From Lord Lev? Who's this pretender? I have never heard of any lord going by that name."

- Lord Herald, I have seen your potential and considered you a worthy opponent. You may have the privilege to share your soldiers' meaningless lives in this war in my glory. Their lives will finally be worth something after I have ripped their souls straight out of their weak vessels. Fret not, for I have a seat at my holy table. A seat as general of his Lordships' holy army, my creation! It would be a shame to decline this offer; I would have to leave the seat empty and toy with your soul as well.

"Is he boasting? No one has the power or right to ask this of me and my army!"

"Messenger, send this lord to my domain immediately!"

A few days passed and Lev heard of Herald's response. That same dark aura had returned. Lev had grown a wide grin on his face.

"Lev, how dare he defy thee! I will personally slaughter him and his family."

"No Theta, he's already done with. His response showed me his ignorance and actual worth."

"He has no place in at my table..."

Lev travelled to Herald's domain and entered his gardens. Lev had equipped himself with black armour and an enclosed helmet to hide his face.

"So this is 'Lord' Lev? Haha!"

"Silence, Klavius; there's something about this Lev."

Herald felt it as well, a dark aura, the same that had mortified all of Lev's servants for months. The same aura that forced the citizens to applaud after Lev's duel with Morath.

"I sense something unholy in him. Something that I would've never considered possible."

Lev walked up to where Herald was seated. Herald felt sweat dropping from his lousy clothes.

An inhuman smile appeared on Herald's face as he realised something.

"This isn't a Lord or a Godlike being that defeats its opponents with ease, this is.."

"The devil."

Herald began crying with laughter. He knew of his mistake, that aura had made it very clear to him. Lev's plan had worked. No armies were needed, a simple low-level tier of power had shown Herald enough.

"Do you understand now? Herald?"

Herald stopped laughing. He bowed down immediately with no hesitation.

"Forgive me, my Lordship."

"Good, very good."

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