《The Titan of Valour》Growth


Present Time

Nord's Hut, The Town of Merca, Outskirts of the State of Vaillance

"Drake, Kid! Dinner's ready!" Nord's voice rang in Drake's ears, Even though he was underground. Stirring awake he rubbed his eyes and snapped out of bed. He pulled a regular button-up shirt from his wardrobe and headed back upstairs.

Nord was Beaming over the dinner table, Clearly proud of the Stew he prepared. "Kid! Let's eat, Then we'll talk."

Drake and Nord sat at the table and spoke their prayers

As their hearty meal drew to a close, Drake struck first

"So, What did you want to talk about Master Nord?"

"Remember the day you begged me to become your Master?"

Nord cleared his throat and began

"Of course, it was just a day after I met Mr.Lemiel..."

"I witnessed how Amazing they were, I Thought I could be just like them one day."

Drake recalled the memory that kickstarted his intense training.

"well, It will be the tenth year since then very soon, In about 2 days actually." Nord continued

"Well I have a few surprises for being such a diligent student. You could have just stayed quiet and lived an easy life had you just let me raise you like any other Chikd. But You're special, Kid."

Drake tightened in response. He knew something important was about to be said

"You know the story, About your Mother. To this day I have No idea who she is or where she came from. All I know is she was on her last legs when she gave birth. she entrusted me with you, and I will make certain to give you the tools to help you live your life to the fullest."

18 years ago, Drake was pulled out of his Mother's womb by a drunk Nord foraging around the Woodlands East of Merca.


"You were always a tenacious little boy, Now look at you. A fine young man." Nord spoke like a proud father

He waved around a black letter with a black wax seal.

"This is for you" Nord said in a soft voice

Drake's eyes widened. He was frozen in shock. He could not utter a sound. His throat became dry. The seal on the letter, crossed swords on a crown, Was the insignia of The Empire's Mage Academy

Drake undid the wax seal, Prepared his heart and read through what might be the Harbinger to turn his uneventful life around.

"Looks like I've been accepted as a special transfer student into the 55th Year 3rd Division"

Drake was still in disbelief as he read through every word in the letter, Scared to miss even one syllable.

"I'm attending classes 5 days from now...How did this happen."

Nord smiled "Well that will be revealed with my next Surprise."

Drake neatly folded up the letter and replaced it into the envelope. He had fully planned to get the letter framed and hung on his wall.

"Well... How do I go about revealing something like this.." Nord Pondered

Drake waited in Anticipation.

"I.... used to be a captain in the Battlemage Corps"

Drake's eyes suddenly lost all of their vigor

"That's it?" He chortled, Disappointed

"What do you mean 'That's it'? I'll have you know Captain Nordrick Fyrce was a Highly respected name even across the Commandants of that time! I got you into Mage Academy with ONE LETTER you little-"

"The fact that you were a soldier was pretty obvious, Master. In fact I'd be more surprised if you weren't one."

Drake let out through a staccato of laughter

"Anyway I'm telling you this to keep you out of trouble, The name Fyrce is sure to turn some heads in your direction. You'd be wise to just brush it off as a coincidence."


"I understand. But I do have a question for you"

Drake's Curiosity finally bested him


"Why did you leave the corps?"

"well, it was 20 years ago now.. a certain incident occured and I was disavowed by the corps.."


"I'll leave the rest of that for later, Kind of like your third surprise!"

Nord changed the subject. It was clear this was a touchy topic for him

"let's have an early start tomorrow, we have an Appointment with Corey's Smithy and Appraisal"

"The place where you get your swords?"

Drake asked

"yea, I called in a few favours" Nord smiled as he got up and began to clean up

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