《18 Purifying Magics》Chapter 3
Shaking his head, Silus cleared the past from his thoughts. Having his mind scattered would not help in dealing with the unknown, especially when magic was involved.
Another tug from his niece spurned him to pick up his pace towards the ware house he had emptied in preparation for whatever was going to happen today. There wasn't much in the beginning as it was only built two weeks ago to hold extra supplies so a day out of his schedule of moving boxes didn't hurt.
Ariving, the two were met by Gregory Bridget, his Chief of Security. Silus had asked the man establish a guard outside the storage unit to look out for anything out of the ordinary. The mystery of the orb was easily seen as a security risk, so Greg had been the one to do so personally.
"How is it?"
Turning to his boss, Chief Bridget spoke his all clear. "Almost like there's nothing in there. Still, I can't help feeling that something is...wrong anytime I open the door. Like the thing just does not want me anywhere near it."
Giving the chief a knowing glance, Silus looked back at the massive storehouse. Hearing that the source of his anxiety had remained silent was both comforting and strangely concerning at the same time.
On the one hand, there was no need to raise any alarm as it just sat there in the building he left it in. All the same, an artifact that could manifest magical construct by itself was just sitting there, potentially building up magic power.
Sighing, Silus could only do what he and Chief Bridget discussed beforehand.
"Selene and I are going in to start whatever it was that it wanted. Put everyone on alert and station all who can perform combat spells to the danger zones. All other personnel should either retreat to the muggle side or stay within their office until we give the all clear."
Nodding, the chief turned to spread the order.
Taking the time to watch him leave, Silus took deep breaths to make sure he doesn't lose his nerve.
Taking the lead for the first time in the last three days since the incident, Silus walked forward to open the door. If anything were to actually happen he will shield his niece with his own body. There was no way he would ever forgive himself if she got hurt from his actions.
The door slowly creaked open to reveal a deep blue glow pulsing from within. The orb being the only object within the building, casting away all shadows.
Taking one last deep breath, Silus walked forward towards the artifact.
"Establish Domain," Silus ordered.
Acknowledged Host
Establishing Domain...Complete.
At once the glow stopped pulsing and the light retracted into itself, casting the uncle and niece into darkness for a moment.
Establishing Domain Core Room...
The light shot up from the orb to the ceiling before spreading to every corner of the warehouse. For a brief moment Silus had to shield his eyes from the lights intensity, but after only a second he could feel magic.
Looking around he could see magic physically manifesting from within the building walls. Amazed he almost missed the now named Cores next words.
Domain Core Room Established.
Constructing Entrance...Error.
Subterrainian Cavern Detected...Troubleshooting.
Claiming Terrain...Error.
Invaders Detected Within Claimable Terrain.
Host needs to eliminate sentiant intruders before beginning to claim first floor.
Confused, Silus didn't know what to do. If he told all his magical employees to leave there might be problems with the magical creatures. There were many creatures over XXX rating so having no one around while he is messing with a powerful magical object could spell disaster for him.
"Do I have to eliminate them all? All the sentiants in the designated terrain are my employees."
Acknowledged Host.
Scanning Current Sentient Intruders...Complete.
Designating Current Intruders as Allies.
Beginning Claiming Process.
And just like that everything went off without a hitch. Well, kind of.
The second that the core had begun what it referred to as the Claming Process, a massive wave of magic spread throughout the magical side of the reserve. Like a single spark to a long line of gasoline, the cores magic could be seen physically as a wave expanding to all parts of the cavern.
Both the ground and ceiling looked as if it were a clear night, sparkling with so many stars that Silus was sure his old Astrology professor at Hogwarts would pass out from joy.
Terrain Claimed.
Establishing First Floor...
Evaluating Floor Template...
2 Star Template: Ranch.
Prerequisite Floors Missing...Troubleshooting.
Silus didn't know what the problem was. How can a newly claimed territory with creatures in it be the cause of an error. The sphere implied earlier that only sentients are designated as Intruders.
"core what is the star rating?"
The number of stars that a Floor Template has is based on the growth potential of all on the Floor.
"Then wouldn't it be better that the first floor is a 2 star as it has greater growth potential? Why not just leave it as is then fill in the missing pieces on top of it?" Silus questioned.
Host, missing prerequisites destablizes the claimed territory.
Almost as soon as the core said that a creaking could be heard echoing through the cavern.
Trying not to let his panic show in his voice, Silus asked the magic ball what that was.
Host, an Spacial Expansion Array has been detected. As the designated Floor Template possesses more power than the array can contain, the expanded space is beginning to collapse.
Now Silus was panicing. "What's the fastest way to stablize the Extension Charm?!"
The fastest method to stabilize floor destabilization is to summon a Domain Companion.
"Well then hurry up! We don't have much time." As soon as Silus said that the creaking turned into a low groaning not disimilar to the bending of steel.
Acknowledged Host.
Engaging Domain Companion Summoning.
Establishing Potential Races...Complete.
Narrowing Racial Candidates...Complete.
Establishing Potential Candidates...Complete.
Narrowing Companion Candidates...
The groaning of the Extension Charm above their heads was growing louder with every passing second.
Domain Candidate Link Established.
Beginning Summoning...
A ritual circle appeared in front of Silus on the ground between himself and the core. From it a woman rose.
She hair as black as the night sky, wore an earthy brown robe etched with emerald greens and silver. Strangely she was about the same size as one the goblins in Gringotts.
Opening her eyes, she glanced around briefly in confusion before locking on the sphere of mystery. Her small pupils widened in disbelief then smiled in excitement. Turning to Silus, the mystery woman opened her mouth to speak when she was interupted by the core.
Host requires your assistance Companion. The first floors potential exceeds that which the Spacial Expansion Array within the cavern can sustain, resulting in a chain reaction of catastrophic failures within the array.
Nodding to the core the woman flew over to Silus. It was only now that the wizard noticed that she had thin wings like what can be seen on dragonflies.
Silus' eyes widened in shock as he thought of what she could possibly be. 'But, that's impossible. They were just myths,' he thought.
"We don't have much time," she spoke in a suprisingly deeper voice than a what Silus thought a creature that size should have. "I need you to hold out your Crest Hand. Leaving everything else to me."
Dumbly raising his hand, Silus' lifted hand kind of hung there.
The mysterious woman came up to him and started chanting in a language he did not recognize. Trying to drive the remaining panic from his mind he focused on dissecting what she was saying. From the pronunciation it sounded like a combination of Scandinavian, Old Norse, and something else he could not place.
Finishing the final word she raised he hand to his own. From his wand hand, or Crest Hand as she had said earlier, the chains jumped and wrapped around her wrist. The five hooks sunk themselves into the center of the back of her hand, forming the same symbol as the one on his own.
Domain Companion Successfully Linked To Domain Host.
Running Emergency Measures.
Scanning Spacial Expansion Array...Complete.
Warning: Cracks Forming in North and Northeast Cardinal Points.
Beginning Repair Program...
Mana Requirement Assessed.
Drawing Mana From Host and Companion.
Silus suddenly felt his magic being pulled out of his magic core. With each passing second he was getting weaker and weaker.
Preliminary Repairs Successful.
Array Failure Extended.
Warning: Host Experiencing Mana Deficiency.
Drawing From Floor.
Beginning Absorption of Miscellaneous Mana-based Items.
Mana Bridge Established Within Host and Companion.
On his knees, Silus now felt his strength surgeback to his prime state. Shooting to his feet, the wizard stumbled for a moment. The process felt slightly disorienting reminding of the times he pulled an all nighter in Hogwarts before the OWL exam and decided to cure himself by taking one too many Pepper-Up Potions right before taking it.
Allowing the adrenaline to pass, Silus felt his magic connected with the small woman and, strangely, everywhere. That was the only way Silus could think of describing it, his magic core was connected to everything within the reserve, drawing magic from the surroundings to replenish his draining mana.
Repairing Major Damage to Spacial Expansion Array...Complete.
Assessing Minor Damage...Complete.
Repairs Deemed Unnecessary.
Resuming Domain Establishment.
Domain Entrance Required.
How would Host like to form Entrance?
Contemplating for a moment, Silus replied to the core.
"Use the doorleading to the outside world that should still be connected to the Extension Charm. Perhaps make a room similar to the others in the hall so we can better cover whatever this is. With the amount of magic this place will probably be leaking, the Notice-Me-Not Charm and minor protection charms will most likely fail."
Understood Host.
Matching Entrance Form From Host Memory...Complete.
Constructing Entrance Room...Complete.
Beginning Item Absorption.
Confused Silus asked the core to clarify what it meant by Item Absorption.
Host need not be worried about misplacing or losing of materials. All absorbed items are scanned for the Domains Database then replaced with an exact copy as what was absorbed. Host and Companion can designate at a later date what items will be permanently absorbed for Mana Purification or create items from Database.
Looking about to question what Mana Purification, the woman spoke to him.
"Don't bother the Core just yet. It is currently processing all of what is within the Domain. Asking it too many questions could cause problems at it will require diverting some of its attention away from the absrobed items. Although nothing is likely to be lost, the efficiency will greatly decrease." She clarified, recognizing that Silus would not want to waste time just to sate is curiosity.
"Ah, understood." They both stood there awekwardly. "Um. If you don't mind my asking, who are you? I am Silus Aster?"
"And I'm Selene, Uncle's niece!" The little girl jumped to grab their attention after having been forgotten during the whole ordeal.
Smiling to the child the woman replied, "My name is Terra. Not very interesting as my greatest affinity is with Earth, but it is mine all the same."
"Oh, what are you."
Silus sputtered at his nieces rude question. Going to apologize to the now named Terra, he sees her just give a small giggle.
"I'm a Spring Fairy from the Neutral Feys."
Looking up, Silus asks what other factions of Fey there are. He could not remember what they were aside from the two most famous fairies, Oberon and Titania.
"Well I am a fairy born of the Spring Court. The Four Fairy Courts are dictated by the four seasons. Along with that, a fairies magic affinity is based on which season you are.
Spring is Earth as that is when plants and animals are flourishing with nutrients. Summer is Fire as that is when the sun is at its hottest. Autumn is Air as that is what blows the leaves while preparing the world for the cold of winter. Finally, the Winter Court is Water as the biting cold changes the rain to snow and ice."
Silus nodded. Hearing her explaination on elemental disposition in fairies made sense as myths and legends always depicted them as being tied to nature. He just never realized how deep that connection went.
"Following those are the three Fey Faction; the Seelie, Unseelie, and Neutrals. The Seelie and Unseelie are easiest to be described as the Growth and Rot of nature. The Seelie are primarily made up of the Summer Court, followed by an equal number of Spring and Autumn Fey, and a small amount of the Winter Court. The reverse is said for the Unseelie.
Neutral Fey, however, are entirely different. They are the fey that do not directly associate themselves with either faction, be it their choice or exile. I believe you have already met some."
Confused, Silus and Selene tilted their heads to the side.
"Oh, apologies. When the core established the Mana Bridge to repair the fracturing array, I gained a basic access to your memories." Seeing his growing alarm Terra rolled her eyes.
"Don't worry. Not like I can betray you anyways as the linking of myself to the Domain as a Companion means I am obligated to assist it. Going behind your back would only draw you to not trust me and doing so will eventually lead to your death. And you dying means that the Domain loses one-third of its potential."
Choosing to put off that bit about his death for later, the Host asked about what she meant by him having already met members of the Neutral Faction.
"Gringotts. The Goblins that make up the bank are formerly Unseelie, Winter Court Fey that came to the Prime Plane for opportunity. They found themselves being too stifled and constricted within the confines of the Unseelie."
Database Complete.
Would Host and Companion like to view current item listings?
"No thank you Core. We should proceed to the next portion of stabilizing the Domain." Terra spoke up to the non-divination crystall ball.
Acknowledged Companion.
Searching Solution to Destabilization...Complete.
Establishing Secondary Floor.
Replacing Floor: Ranch.
Floor: Ranch is now the second floor. Until enough pre-requisites are met, additional floors shall be placed above Floor: Ranch.
Host, Companion. Select Ranch Pre-requisite Basic Pokemon Template.
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