《The Elementals》Chapter 14: The Truth is Revealed


After everyone finished lunch, Rachelle came up and asked Ethan,

"Can we talk privately at my house?" Seeing the concerned look on her face, Ethan asked,

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, I just need to tell you something about me that you might really like to know," replied Rachelle.

"Okay," said Ethan in a confused voice as he followed Rachelle to her house.

When they arrived at Rachelle's house, Rachelle said,

"Please have a seat." Ethan smiled realizing that Rachelle had just read his mind. Ethan then sat on the couch beside Rachelle.

"So what is it you would like to tell me?" He asked.

"So you remember back when you told your story and you made said something about a girl you knew who was named Mary," said Rachelle.

"Yes," said Ethan, "Do you know where she is? Have you seen her?" Rachelle took a deep breath and said,

"I am Mary." Speechless, Ethan sat there starring at her.

"If you don't believe me I understand but there was something you gave me that only the real Mary would have," said Rachelle after reading his mind. Rachelle then pulled out a pearl from her pocket.

"You gave this to me the day before I left," said Rachelle. Ethan now knew she wasn't lying.

"Mary," he whispered as he stroked her face, "Why did you leave me?" Putting her head on his head, she said,

"Because I was changing and I was afraid. Once I discovered I could read minds, I became afraid that people would start hating me for knowing some of their thoughts. Then my hair began to change pink. I was afraid that once you found out, you wouldn't like me anymore. So, I ran away and was alone until I found you guys."


"Really? Because I like this new look," said Ethan wiping away a single fallen tear for Rachelle's face.

"You do?" Rachelle asked. Ethan nodded in response to her question.

"Your pink eyes are the most beautiful I have seen and your hair makes you like even more beautiful," Ethan said as he ran his fingers through her hair. Rachelle smiled and said,

"Thank you."

"For what?" He asked.

"For understanding," said Rachelle. Ethan smiled then leaned in for a kiss. Rachelle, being able to read his mind, leaned in to kiss him as well. A spark ignited when their lips touched. Rachelle could feel the electrify surrounding her. She could feel Ethan's lips press against her lips then a small whisper from Ethan said,

"I love you." After a few more kisses, Rachelle said,

"I love you too." Shortly after finishing her sentence, a knock came on the door.

"Who is it?" Rachelle asked.

"It's Wayne. You need to come out right away. We are under attack," said the voice. Rachelle quickly jumped up, but lost her balance and fell onto Ethan. Ethan laughed.

"Hey it's not funny. We need to get out there and help them," said Rachelle with a frown.

"I'm sorry," he said, "but can I kiss you one more time?"

"No," she said standing up, "I am sure you will have plenty of other times to kiss me." Ethan stood up and grabbed her arm.

"Ethan what are yo-," Rachelle began to say when her sentence was cut off by Ethan's lips. Ethan broke the kiss then laughed and ran out of the house. Rachelle laughed and said,

"That tater."

When Rachelle caught up with everyone, she saw agents come towards them.


"You all know what to do," said Randolph. Everyone made themselves ready. Soon Randolph's signal came and once again they charged into a fight. Rachelle not having a useful power had to use hand-to-hand combat, so she waited until an agent came after her before she would fight. After a few minutes of waiting, an agent made his way towards her. Able to read his mind, Rachelle could make some delivering blows to the agent.

"You must have psychic powers," said the agent in pain. Rachelle just smiled. The agent smiled back. Rachelle then got a bad feeling in her stomach. She then felt a hard punch to her gut then her face. She could feel the blood running down her face. Trying to defend herself, she threw punches back at him. Each one was caught by the agent. She could feel her energy draining and her body began to ache more and more as punches continued to hit her. Finally, she fell to the ground and her world went black. The agent quickly picked her up and ran off, but Ethan had saw him and started after him. Using his energy, he ran after the agent. Everyone else began to follow him except Tarah.

"Tarah, what's wrong?" Wayne asked.

"It's happening again," said Tarah as she began to breath heavy, "The earth is becoming unbalanced again." Tarah began to fall but Wayne caught her and yelled to everyone else to stop Ethan because he was beginning to unbalance the earth. Randolph quickly formed a metal that hit Ethan knocking him to the ground. Wayne looked at Tarah and saw the color returning to her face.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked.

"Yes," she said as she began to stand up and regain her balance.

"Good," Wayne said kissing her forehead.

"What was that for," said Ethan storming up to them, "we need to get Rachelle back."

"Ethan slow down. We stopped you because you were hurting Tarah and don't worry we will get Rachelle back, we just have to come up with a plan," said Wayne as he put a hand on his shoulder. Ethan took a deep breath and said,

"Okay. Your right, Wayne." Everyone then headed up to the headquarter.

"So how are we supposed to rescue Rachelle when we can't use our power except for the stuff we already know, which is too weak to take on the Government?" Kristopher asked.

"Why do you think we are here dummy," replied Mercy.

"Who are you calling dummy," Kristopher said as he began to walk over to Mercy.

"I won't do that if I were you," said Calvin standing in front of Mercy.

"Nor I to you," said Erinn stepping beside Kristopher.

"That is enough. Now is not the time to be fighting," said Randolph, "Now I have a plan on how to get Rachelle back. Paris, Ethan, Wayne, and myself will make our way to the Government headquarter. Until we return, I want you all to keep everything in order and please don't do anything stupid. Paris, Ethan, and Wayne, I will explain everything else on the road, for now let's just focus on getting ready. We leave at nightfall tonight."

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