《The Elementals》Chapter 13: A Starry Night


Everyone had been waiting for Wayne and Tarah to eat. When they finally arrived, Kristopher said,

"Finally we can eat." Wayne just smiled at Kristopher's remark. Everyone then went on to get their food. After getting his food, Kristopher sat down beside Erinn and said,

"After you finish making the sky dark tonight meet me outside of my house. I have a date planned out for us." Erinn smiled brightly and said,


After finishing her job, Erinn cleaned herself up and headed over the Kristopher house. She was very curious about what Kristopher had planned for tonight. When she arrived she immediately felt cold, but she had got used to it from being around Kristopher so much. Carefully not to slip on the ice, she headed to Kristopher's porch. About when she was about to knock on his door, the door opened.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, I had to grab some last-minute things," Kristopher said looking at a blanket and basket in his hand.

"That's okay, I just arrived anyway," replied Erinn. Kristopher guided Erinn to a spot on the ice and put the blanket down. Erinn, with the help of Kristopher, sat down on the blanket. Kristopher soon joined her. They laid down on the blanket and looked up at the sky to watch the stars that Leann had put in the sky.

"Ah so star-gazing is what you planned. Well I think that has been you best idea for a date so far. I can't wait to see what you will do to top this," said Erinn smiling at the sky.

"I am glad you like it. Now how about some snacks to enjoy while we enjoy the night sky together," replied Kristopher smiling at her. Erinn sat up to see Kristopher pulling out midnight chocolates and dark chocolates.

"You really out-did yourself," Erinn said while taking a piece dark chocolate.

"I know," said Kristopher with a small laugh watching Erinn indulge in the chocolates. After they finished snacking, they went back to star-gazing. Erinn cuddled up to Kristopher then asked,


"Can you find all the constellations?"

"Most of them, but not all of them," replied Kristopher, "But I would like you see you name all of them." Erinn smiled and said,

"Okay." Erinn went on to name them and pointed them all out to him. Kristopher watched her as she explained. After she finished, she turned to Kristopher looking at her with a smile on his face.

"What," she said with a laugh. Just then Kristopher saw a star twinkle in her eyes.

"Oh nothing, just that you're so beautiful when you explain things and your eyes just twinkled," said Kristopher. Erinn blushed and began to turn her head when she felt a cold hand gentle grab her chin. She looked to see Kristopher only a few inches away from her face. Her heart jumped. She felt her chin being pulled closer to Kristopher's face. Her beat began to beat fast. She then closed her eyes and soon felt Kristopher cold lips press against her lips. Erinn responded back to Kristopher by kissing him back. After a few seconds, she began to feel the need for air. She pulled away to break the kiss. Kristopher then put his forehead on her forehead and smiled at her. Erinn smiled back then said,

"Look at shooting star. You have to make a wish." Kristopher smiled then said,

"Okay." He closed his eyes and made a wish in his head that he would always be together with Erinn.

"So what was your wish?" Erinn asked.

"I am not going to tell," Kristopher said rubbing his nose against her nose.

"Why not," she said in a disappointed voice.

"Because it might not come true," explained Kristopher with a smile.

"Oh I see," said Erinn with a smile. They continued to watch the stars until Kristopher asked,

"Erinn are you still awake?" Erinn didn't answer him. He looked at her to see her eyes shut and heard her lightly breathing. Kristopher smiled at her then kissed her forehead. Not wanting to wake her up, he wrapped his arms around her, pulled her body close to him, and went to sleep beside her.


Kristopher woke up. It was light out. Seeing that Erinn was still asleep, he picked up Erinn and carried her to her house where covered her up and left. Shortly after he left Erinn woke up. She remembered slightly waking up and see Kristopher carrying her. Though she wanted to go back to sleep, she wanted to tell Kristopher how much fun last night was and thanks him for carrying her back to her house, but suddenly her stomach let out a loud growl. She realized that she had not eat breakfast yet. She was going to have to put her thank you on hold. She changed her clothes then headed up to the Headquarter.

When she arrived, she saw that Kristopher wasn't there. She was confused, but didn't dwell on it. After finishing her breakfast, she when to Kristopher's house. She knocked on his door. After waiting a few seconds the door opened. Kristopher was standing there shirt-less. Trying not to let her mouth drop open, she asked,

"Is this a bad time?"

"No, not all. Why don't you come inside, I would hate to have you stand around when you could sit down inside," replied Kristopher.

"Thank you," said Erinn as she walked into the house. Everything was made of ice.

"So what's up?" Kristopher asked.

"I came to say thank you for last night and for carrying me home. And, you weren't at breakfast this morning and I wanted to make sure you were okay," replied Erinn.

"I am glad you had fun last night. I had fun as well and your welcome. I wasn't at breakfast because the sun from this morning took energy out of me and I wasn't feeling well," Kristopher replied back to her.

"Oh. If you weren't feeling well you didn't have to carry me home," Erinn said in a worried voice.

"Are you kidding, I would carry you anywhere no matter how bad I would feel," he said as he picked up Erinn and spun her around in a circle. Erinn put her hand on his chest and her arm around his neck then started laughing.

"I see that," she said still laughing. Erinn could feel his heart beating. It was beating quite fast. Erinn looked at him and smiled. See her smile, Kristopher leaded in to kiss her. He knew she could feel his heart beating, but he didn't care he was going to kiss her. He felt her lips against his. He felt her lips respond back. He wanted to make this kiss last longer than the last one, so every chance he got to get some air he took it until he was forced to release the kiss. He looked to see Erinn red-faced.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I am fine. Just that kiss lasted longer than I thought it would," replied Erinn with a small laugh.

"Would you like to try for an even longer kiss?" Kristopher asked with a smirk.

"Can your arms handle my weight?" Erinn asked with a smirk.

"Of course they can," he said flexing his muscles. Erinn smiled then engaged the kiss. She could feel Kristopher's heart beating even faster. Her heart was beating fast too. When they broke the kiss both of their faces were red. Smiling, Kristopher sat Erinn down in a chair and said,

"Let me cool you down." He gentle took his hand across her face until the redness in her face went away. Erinn instantly started to cool down. After that they talked until it was time for lunch.

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