《Legends Of Valkyries:Endless war on Middle Earth》A new arc?(part 1)


Hi guys! It's me Ron! As all of you know, I'm quite busy with the stuff I had since I decided to leave the academy to live with my long lost princess. As I decided to live with her, I need a job where even I can enter. So I've been job-hunting for about a month, but remained jobless.

Oh, I nearly forgot this, here's the recap!

Comma>Hospital>Emotional Letter>Adrenaline Rush>Frelings got flushed>Ending got dashed>Useless Chitchat>dev(Elopement) reached

Recap sounds boring right? Welp, let me spice it up.


"I can't hold it any longer!"

Sounds like NSFW? Let me explain...

As I'm jobless at the moment, I got nothing to do except playing RPG or Sandbox. As Sarah was a famous top ranker, she was quite well known on the field of MMO. She's been streaming for almost a year and so, so she knows every nook and cranny on the games she's been playing. Lately I've invited her to play a 1v1 battle on a MOBA game where the loser has to accept a dare from the winner. I'm not confident on my mechanical skill but I have prior knowledge to counter picking. She pick a character boasting of it's high damage capability while I pick the one who has the highest defense. At the start, she dominate the arena as I'm still a newbie. But when I've stacked up enough armor, all she can do was to scratch my HP bar a bit. The result was unbelievable, I got 11 kills and 6 deaths while she got the opposite. I explained to her that a glass cannon can't do a thing to the indestructible tank. Later on she request a rematch, as expected of the worlds best she wins the second round. She changes her meta to a well balanced valkyrie who both have a high damage and high defense.


So still wondering why the dialouge was like that? Here it is!

"Go stun that *$$hole!"

"I don't have enough mana!"

"Useless support!"

"Stop flaming me!"

"Do you're job pls!"

"Oh, they focus firing skills on me! Deaaarrrr....Fasterrr......!"

"I can't hold it any longer!"

"Just kite them!"

"Assist me!"

"Kill secured!"

"Go kill that marksman!"

"Got a double kill!"

"Go make them cry!"

"Who the heck would cry over a game?"



So from that point I got to see her sadistic side, and I'm quite scared on that part...

So my current goal was to find a job which was less likely to be fulfilled right now, and to have a stable salary.

"Dear! I'm going to go now!"


Wondering why she got work? She's 4 years older than me so she already got a great job while I'm still at Uni. She works at the famous IT company that created the game "LIFE". She's the vice president of the board, cause she holds almost half of the stocks at that company. She also was the one who design the in-game UI and formulate the graphics on the game.

Enough of the chitchat and let's get ready to go job-hunting!


"Don't call us, We'll call you!"

*sigh* This was the 4th time, I'm starting to think that my luck ran out when I got to see my princess again. Well at least we're living happy!


My phone rings? What's this? Unknown Number? I pressed the reject button, maybe

one of those prank calls.

I decided to go home as I have to prepare our dinner.

Hmmm… The door was not locked? Maybe dear forgot to lock it? I entered the house to find Sarah, bathing on her own blood. My mind goes blank but I quickly gained my composure to call the emergency hotline. They immediately sent an ambulance as I state our address.


“Are you her relative? I mean Ms. Light?”

“Yes doctor!”

“I have a good and bad news for you, what do you wan’t to hear first?”


“Okay, she was out of danger at the moment though we need to observe her for now.”


“The badnews is, she lost a lot of blood. It caused her to go in comma.”

“Thanks, Doc.”

The doctor exits throught the door

“Wait a minute, I need to tell you this!”

“What doc?”

“She’s been bleeding not because of an assault, it’s because she contracted a strange disease.”

“What disease doc?”

“It’s still a bit vauge"

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