《Legends Of Valkyries:Endless war on Middle Earth》Poor Signal Strength(part 3)


be happy and always smile for me my dear! As I leave I want you to remember me always! Goodbye!

Sarah “RAE” Light

Ps: You need to treat me to a great restaurant next time!]

Rae?! You are Rae? The one I’ve been searching for? Rae!

“Doc! Where’s the one who gave you this?”

“Room 69, second floor!”


I need to tell her my feelings, pls don’t leave me again Rae!

I dashed through the elevator but it was packed so I decided to use the stairs. As I arrive in front of the door, I opened it. But I burst to tears when I saw it, Rae…


“Rae! Why did you leave me again! I can explain! I will tell you what happened! It was at that time when our family business almost went bankrupt so we always goes overseas, but as soon as we arrive again on our country, I always rush to our meeting place! I thought you forgot our promise! Rae! Don’t leave this soon! Rae!”

“Why was so noisy here?”

A familiar voice plus the atmosphere, it scares me. But I think Rae granted me one more chance, I need to apologize.

“I’m sorry Rae! I apologize as to what happened in the past! Please let me see you again!”

“I’m here! Hello?”

“I can’t see you!”

“It’s because you’re not facing me dumbass! Turn around!”


“Why are you here?”

Rae holding some chartboard and dressed like the nurses enters the room. So she really grants me a last chance to see her again. I hug her tightly from behind.

“What are you doing?”

She asks as she checks the patient… Wait a minute…

I can hug rae, she can talk, she… wait so who’s corpse are lying on the bed?


“Whose that?”

“My patient.”

“So you’re still alive?!”

“You’re quite rude!”

“I flushed out, fudge the heck! Give me back my tears!”

“Oh, you receive the letter?”


“I said I will be gone cause originally I’m not a student at that academy, it’s just my aunty runs the campus and it happens that you enrolled so I asked if I can board in for a while!”

“So technically, fudge for that!

Wait so that just means you’re just leaving the campus? Where will you go after that?”

“To my house!”



“Oh, nevermind!”

I need to prepare!

But first was I need to ask the doctor about something.

“Wait Rae, Why are you here BTW?”

“I’m an intern here!”

“So that's the reason you know my doctor?”


“Guide me to him!”

“He’s probably at your room!”

“No, I’m sure he already leaves!”

“Why the rush BTW?”

“I have to ask something”


“Doc! What was the story behind me fainting”


“So the first-aid was CPR right?”


“And you said senpai was the one who informs the school?”

“I didn’t say that but yes he is!”

“Wait a minute”

“Hey! why are you banging your head through the wall?!”

“I want to die!”

…..Few weeks later…..

“Bye miss Goddess!!”

“Bye my fans!”

“You’re popular it seems”


“Can I ask you a favor?!”


“Mind if I board in?!”


“I will join you at your residence!”

“You need a stable job!”

“I can do part-time!”

“Then welcome aboard!”

“Confirmation, can I call you dear?”


“Okay dear!”

“Sorry for the interruption but you’re father will not going to be happy about this!”

“Ms. Principal, Tell him we eloped together!”

“Okay! Have a good marriage life!”

“What the heck?!”


And so this marks the start our happy love story…

[Author: …. The end?]

[Author's note: We will enter now a new arc where his adventures begins stay tune]

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