《Second Chances》1


~Valentina Emerson~

Holy shit I've been here for 3 days and I'm still trying to get used to how crowded it is. Today it seems like there's more people here than usual. I shrug it off as I bump into something, as I wasn't paying attention.

"Jesus Christ. Did I hit a brick wall or was that someone in my fucking way."

I look up to see a tattooed hand, offered out to help me up, drop.

"Wow. What a bitch. Don't help her Mikey."

I raise an eyebrow and look around to see..

"Oh my God! Michael Vampire! I'm so sorry!"

I jump up and dust myself off. Apologizing to the beautiful man, I pull out my phone for pictures.

"Can I have a picture? I just love Dead Girls Academy!"

"Uh hello. And sure. Thank you for your support."

I pose with Michael and take a few photos, completely ignoring the man he was with. This must be why it was a little more crowded than yesterday.

~Ronnie Radke~

This bitch. I can't believe it. She's the one that ran into me. Yet here she is, taking pictures with Michael and apologizing to him. I watch, arms crossed, as she stands and practically drools over him.

"Shut the fuck up, you're so loud."

I grab her arm and pull her a couple streets over with Michael following behind.

"God damn. Let me go you fucker."

We stop and I let go. Michael comes to stand next to me.

"Why'd you drag her along? No offense hun."

Michael smiles at the girl and she blushes back.

"Oh you can say anything you want about me Michael Vampire."

"You can just call me Michael."

Patience isn't a strong suit of mine and it's wearing thin. I dragged her along so she wouldn't alert the fans we had avoided by slipping out of a side door.

"This whole friendly thing is cute but you're a bitch and I'm not going to waste my time standing here chatting."

"Shut your whore mouth Radke."

~Michael Vampire~

My eyes widen at what the fan girl just said. She knew it was Ronnie but never said anything to him. She was more focused on me. Man does she have some balls to say that to him. Especially since she seems to know who we are. Ronnie isn't the friendliest, even more so when someone is rude to him. It's a good thing I'm standing in between the two.

"Uh Ronnie... We should go."

I try my best to distract him, considering we're in public.

"What did you say to me, you dumb bitch?"


The girl smirks at Ronnie's obviously irritated tone. Oh God, don't make it worse. She's going to make it worse. I flag down a cab as the girl answers.

"You heard me Ronald. Or did all those drugs infect your ears?"


I've known about Ronnie and Michael since I was younger. I know Ronnie's got a temper but I can't stop myself from pushing him further. He looks like he's about to explode and I kinda feel bad for bringing up his past drug abuse. He's fuming as Michael shoves me into a taxi and sits in between me and Ronnie. I think he's lost his ability to talk or he's trying to find a reason to not hit me.

"Um I have somewhere to be."

"Please woman be quiet for 10 minutes."

"Am I being kidnapped?"

"For the love of all things, SHUT UP. Please. I don't want to witness a murder."

I keep my mouth closed due to Michael's raised voice. I'm in a taxi with Ronnie Radke and Michael Vampire. I bite my lip to hold back the loudest squeal of all fan girl time. I nervously adjust my clothes as I glance at Ronnie, who is clench-fist glaring at me.


I'm going to go to jail. I'm going to fucking kill this cunt and I'm going to go to fucking prison. I turn to look out of the window. Think of Willow. She doesn't need a murderer as a father. At this point, if Michael wasn't sitting between us and staring me down, I'd strangle her in this fucking cab. My mind is going crazy. I can kill her back at the house. No one will know. Michael won't tell. He practically forced her in the car. He'd be tried for 'helping'. My mind floods with murder plots as we pull up to our house. I wonder why dumb ass Michael brought her here with us.


I'm not really sure why I brought her here with us. I was just focused on Ronnie not beating the shit out of her in the middle of the street. I unlock the door and step inside, making sure I stay between Ronnie and the girl. After Ronnie comes in, he gently closes the door and locks it.

"Oh shit."

I barely have the time to think as Ronnie lunges forward, ready to kill. The girl shrieks and runs toward the kitchen. Obviously I have to stop him but if I grab him, he's going to punch me. I step in his path.

"Ronnie.. Calm down.. Think for a second."

"That stupid cunt better come the fuck back out here."

"Please come back out here."


She cautiously moves to hide behind me.


Clearly, I've lost the ability to think. Still, if Michael doesn't move out of the way, I'm going to punch him in the fucking face. The bitch moves a little to look at me. She looks pretty frightened. Too bad for her.

"My name is Valentina. I.."

"Bitch, I don't fucking care. Stop being a pussy. Where's all that shit you were talking before?"

I try to step around Michael. He's quick, I'm definitely going to have to physically move him out of the way.

"You wouldn't actually hit a woman, would you?"

I laugh.

"Bitch, you're the exception."


That laugh was psychotic. I'm holding onto the back of Michael's shirt but I still don't feel safe. I'm going to die today. By the hands of Ronnie Radke. I just had to get fucking smart with him.

"Ronnie, I'm so sorry."

"Keep my fucking name out of your mouth."

"We can work through this without violence."

"The fuck we can."

My grip on Michael loosens as I prepare to run for my life, literally. The next events seem to happen in slow motion. Ronnie punches Michael and his hands are wrapped around my throat before I can even react. He's squeezing so tight, my eyes begin to water. My hands cover Ronnie's, trying to pry them from my throat. I try my hardest to stop the dark that's creeping up.


From my spot on the ground, I watch as Ronnie has Valentina up against the wall, off her feet. Surprisingly, this is the first time I've seen Ronnie so violent. I jump up and try to pull Ronnie from her. He shrugs me off like I'm nothing. From the look on her face and how tight Ronnie's hands are around her throat, she's going to pass out soon. I don't need a dead girl on my living room floor and I don't need my friend going to jail. I try one last time.

"Ronnie, dude, let her fucking go."

I see something click and he stiffens before he loosens his grip, but he doesn't let her go.

"Please, let her go Ronnie."


He lets go and she crumbles to the ground.



Did I want to let her go? No. Did I drop her on the floor on purpose? Maybe. I step back and watch as Michael rushes to her side. I don't fucking feel bad. I'm not going to jail over this bitch. Maybe it's my anger but I'm not letting her leave until the bruises heal. Michael practically drags the bitch over to the couch.

"Can you get her some water?"

I just casually walk to the kitchen and get the water from the sink.

"There ya go bud."

I tilt my head curiously at the girl. It looks like Michael is trying really hard to get the stupid cunt to open her eyes. She's holding her throat and crying as Michael tries to calm her down. I still don't fucking feel bad.


I can't open my eyes. My throat is burning, making breathing even harder. I barely hear Michael's voice over the ringing in my ears. He sounds so far away. I barely feel the couch under my body. I can't move my arms either. It feels like they're not mine. I'm not 100% sure how long it's been since Ronnie started choking me. I need to open my eyes.

"Here. Ice instead."

I feel my body jump at the sound of Ronnie's voice.

"Thanks bro. Valentina? Can you hear me? I'm gonna see how you do with a piece of ice. "

I manage to open my eyes for a brief second before I have to close them again. The world was spotty, bright and spinning.

"Suck on them. Don't swallow them right away."

I suck on the first few but I accidentally swallow the next one Michael gives me. It burns but at the same time it feels so good. Michael sits me up to cough.

"Stupid bitch."

Oh God, something isn't right...


Just what I wanted to be doing. Carrying a person upstairs. Yeah it's probably my fault, but she didn't have to pass out. At least Michael is helping.

"Spare room."

"Obviously Mikey. Where else are we going to keep her? Your room?"

"You're lucky I don't put her in your room. This is all your fault."

We lay her down on the bed as I mumble.

"She started it."

"And you clearly finished it."

I smile, proud of myself as Michael shakes his head. I don't blame him for being upset. Maybe I overreacted a but. Don't get me wrong, she deserved it. But I feel bad because Michael has the responsibility of taking care of the bitch now.

"Come on Mikey, I said sorry."

"And when I close my eyes and open them, there won't be a nearly dead girl on the bed in my spare room."

"I could make that happen."

Michael begins shoving me out of the room and closes the door behind us.

"You're not funny Ronnie."

He turns down the hall towards the stairs and I follow behind."

"It wasn't a joke."

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