《Always and Forever》Chapter 5



No, I will not be able to sleep tonight. Lying on my bed I was busy going through the scene of today morning in my mind. I would have never, not even in my dreams expected that Sebian White, the Sebian White will ever ask me to hop into his car for a ride to the college. What was he thinking talking to me like that? Wasn’t he one of those famous, arrogant types who don’t give a damn about anyone else but themselves? Then why would he talk to me, the kind whom anybody would want to avoid in their right mind? Don’t tell me he is starting to change his personality now, being good and all.

Morning came on me in a flash. I tossed and turned the whole night and as was about to close my eyes, my alarm went off. Now I just feel dizzy and tumbled from here to there. “Why are you not eating breakfast Aly?” seeing me in taking only crumbs and pieces, my mother asked out of concern. “Nothing mom, I am not very hungry today,” I assured her. Ready to go to the college, I was standing at my door with a silly fear rising up inside me. What if I bump into him again today? I slapped myself internally and gave out a nervous laugh. Yeah, like that would happen. I opened the door and with a high held head got on the road.

‘Phew.’ I made it to the college without any unexpected obstacles on the way. Like really what were the chances that Sebian White will make the same mistake two times, right? For right now I don’t have to worry about him and my headache due to not sleeping properly yesterday is subsiding slowly. I walk into the class and there was no sign of him. Great! Looks like he is back to his habit of missing classes.


At lunch break also I didn’t see any of Sebian’s friends or him. Looks like they were all busy cheering for their friend and spending time with his girl friend instead. As the cafeteria was not very crowded, I happily finished my lunch, taking my time. After lunch I did not had any class so I wanted to go through the science project with Ruth but she was nowhere to be found. So, I went to the library and grabbing some books started on the project. Hmm... Feels like I have to do all the work by myself.

After about an hour when I was fully engrossed in my topic, I felt a slight nudge on my shoulder. Turning back I saw a girl standing there. “Mr. Crauser asked you to go and meet him in his office,” she told me and went off. I got up and after returning back all the books went towards Mr. Crauser’s office. I knocked and went inside. “Take a seat Miss Jones, Mr. Crauser directed me, adjusting his glasses and keeping the book he was reading aside.

“Miss Grams came to me today regarding her pairing up with you for the science project,” he started talking with often jovial tone which seemed a little concerned today. “She told me that if she has to be your partner she will have problem with staying in contact with you other than the college hours as both your houses are pretty far from each other. I already had this thought pass by me but since I expected myself to do most of the work, I didn’t care much about it. “It’s okay sir, she doesn’t have to come to my house, I can go to her place instead, it will be easier for her and other than that we will work here at the college in our free time.” Mr. Crauser took off his specs and with a smile told, “That’s great Miss Jones but as Miss Grams was okay with changing her partner, I did that for her and for you as well. I have paired you up with Mr. Sebian White. I heard he lives near your house and as he is good with his studies I don’t think you will have any problem with that either. I have already notified him regarding the changes so now you can do the further discussions about the project with him. That is all, you may leave now.”


He told me to leave but can I move, No, I literally can’t. My body has stopped functioning and I remained glued to the chair. I forced myself and hanging my bag pack on my shoulder almost ran out of the room. Once outside I started trembling and felt moisture gathering up in my eyes. Why was this happening to me? My headache started resurfacing. Somehow controlling myself I came out of the college. I just want to go home and after a good shower I wanted to sleep and then maybe I will get up to realize that this was all a dream. Rubbing my eyes I suddenly noticed a car standing a few feet away from me, it felt pretty familiar. I raised my head and as my view cleared my heart started thudding in my chest. Sebian stood there, outside the car with his hands crossed at his chest. He saw me and held one of his hands up waving at me. “Hi there, partner,” he yelled while the familiar evil grin returned to his face.

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