《Roboworld》Chapter 14
James brought Lucas and his men to the former's laboratory downstairs. The latter looked around. This same laboratory is used to make robots to increase the population of robots in this world. There are other things in there, such as a fridge, a bed, and a workbench. Lucas then his gun at James's head.
"Make as many robots as possible." Lucas commanded, "Once I'm satisfied with the quantity, I'll stop it. And make sure they listen to me, not you. Any time I see you do something strange, I'll just shoot you. You understand?"
"Y...yes." James started up a machine in the middle of the room. It is a huge one with lots of buttons. He pressed some of them before the machine stared working.
A robot then came out from the machine. James took it out and dragged it to the workbench. He plugged a USB cable to connect his computer and robot. He then typed in some commands. All these while, the men are concentrating on what he is doing.
"Command it to meet at Garderner Street." Lucas said. James nodded his and keyed in a few more lines before pressing the 'Enter' key. He then took a screwdriver out.
"What's that for?" Lucas asked.
"To make sure the robot is turned on and working." James explained, "I'll touch the robot with this electric screwdriver. Then, I'll push it into the linkway, which is directly beside the workbench. It'll go through there, and it leads them to the Robot Gathering Centre. From there, they'll function."
"Alright." Lucas patted James's shoulder, "I'll be going away for a while. I got business to handle. Meanwhile, my men here will guard you and will be watching your every move. So don't try anything funny. Understand?"
James nodded his head. Lucas gave a smirk before leaving the laboratory. As he walked away, James looked at him before looking at the robot that has just been created.
In a house, Thomas is tied to a chair while being blindfolded. The men who drove him to the house are surrounding him.
"I wonder why Boss asked us to keep him." One of them said, "He doesn't look like a serious threat."
"Serious threat? He doesn't even look like a threat to Boss!" Another one said.
The men, who are the remaining protestors, had a meeting with Lucas and Jericho the previous night. Lucas told them that Simon had been murdered. Jericho then declared Lucas the next boss since Lucas is quite close to Simon.
"I don't feel comfortable calling that blonde guy Boss." The third man grumbled, "I feel like he has something to do with our real Boss's death."
"C'mon, Lucas already said it was some other murderer." The second one retorted, "Besides, why would Lucas kill Simon if they both have a common goal of killing the Master?"
"Haven't you heard of backstabbing, Mr Naive?" The third one questioned.
"Hello, let me out of this place!" Thomas screamed. The three men turned to him. At this moment, Lucas strolled in.
"Anything I missed?" He asked. The men shook their heads. He then went to Thomas and searched his pockets for his phone.
"Who the hell are you?" Thomas asked, "Why are you searching through my pockets?"
"Can you just shut up?" Lucas told Thomas as he took out the phone. Lucas kept it and told his men to leave the house.
"What about the guy?" One of the men asked.
"We'll leave him here until I'm done with what I need to do." Lucas said.
"You'd better let me out now!" Thomas shouted, "I'll report you to the Master when I get out of here, I swear!"
"Oh no, I'm scared." Lucas replied sarcastically, "Good luck getting out." Lucas then went out of the house and into his car.
He took out Thomas's phone and switched it on. He saw that Kizuna had texted him 'Good morning, Thomas-chan!' with a heart-shaped emoji.
Lucas has planned to text Kizuna so that he can lure her out. He will capture her and force the Master to come out. Lucas will then kill him, and take the title of the Master. He has to just wait for Kizuna to text again.
In the afternoon, Jason took out a photo album to look at while he is sitting on his bed in his room.
He flipped through the pages and saw pictures of him, his father, and his mother. He began to reminisce about the moments with his parents.
His father and mother accompanied him a lot during his young times. His mother worked as a supermarket cashier while his father was the previous Master. Although his father had such a tiring and busy job, he would always find time to be with his family, and bringing them to places such as the museum. Jason liked that. His father is also liked by his colleagues, and is well-received by the residents then. A young Jason wished to be like his father.
One day, his mother was killed by her ex-boyfriend in a hit-and-run accident, in an attempt to just paralyse her. Jason and his father were very devastated, but the latter just gave the man a fifteen year jail sentence.
When Jason asked why, his father simply replied, "He didn't have an intention of killing. I can't charge him the death sentence."
Jason didn't understand why the man didn't get what he deserves: death. The man had murdered his mother nonetheless. His mother was gone just like that.
Jason continued flipping the pages until he saw a picture that his late grandfather took with him. The photo reminded Jason of what his grandfather had said to him.
Twenty five years ago...
A young Jason is playing on the slide. His grandfather sat on the bench, calling someone on his phone. Jason then saw him on the phone and went to him.
"...alright, I understand." His grandfather said, "I'll discuss this with you later." He then ended the call.
"Grandpa, who is that?" Jason asked curiously.
"Your father." The old man smiled, "He asked me if he should give the man a death sentence."
"What happened?" Jason sat beside him. He cleared his throat before explaining, "The man has been constantly robbing shop owners for months, and no matter how many jail sentences your father gives, he'd never learn his lesson. Or so we thought."
"We should give him the death sentence!" Jason exclaimed, "Then nobody will steal again!"
"Jason, that's not what the Master is supposed to do." His grandfather stated, "He can't just issue death sentences to anyone and everyone. It must be for a very serious case. And in this one, the robber does have a rough family background. His parents don't give him money, and constantly kicks him out of the house if he doesn't pay rent on time. That's why your father and I have to discuss about this matter. Tell me, Jason. What did this incident tell you?"
"That all robbers should be given a chance because they are poor?"
"No, Jason. It tells you that there are two sides to a coin. Don't just look at one side of the story, like listening to bystanders. You have to look at the other side of the story too. You must be in their shoes to understand what's happening and what they are going through. That's what we Masters do, and I hope you'll follow us."
Jason nodded his head, "I understand now, Grandpa!"
Back to the present...
Jason closed the photo album and kept it back in his drawer. He had regretted turning this world into a world with war. Just because of a rule he made, millions of people are angered by it.
He then heard stomping from the living room. He went out of his room to see Kizuna, in her normal shirt and a white skirt, pacing up and down with a worried face.
"What's wrong, Kizuna?" Jason asked.
"Daddy, Thomas-chan is not replying to my messages for four hours already." Kizuna replied, "Usually he'd text me very quickly, like in ten minutes. But it's been hours. I'm very worried."
"He might be busy or something." Jason said, "You can't expect him to be free with you forever."
"I'm just anxious about him, Daddy." Kizuna whined, "He will usually respond to my messages no matter how busy he is."
"Alright, I'll try to call him." Jason assured her, "If not, I'll ask Mike to search for him. Don't worry about it too much, okay? Just relax."
"How can I relax?" She asked frantically, "There can be accidents happening outside and he might be involved in them! I'm worried about his well-being and safety! I don't want to lose my loving boyfriend..." Upon saying that word, she immediately closed her mouth and shut up. She prayed Jason didn't listen to the last part.
"What did you just say, Kizuna?" Jason asked with his eyebrows raised.
"N...nothing." Kizuna replied, "He's my best friend. That's why I worry."
"Boyfriend?" Jason asked, "Are you together with him?"
"Kizuna!" Jason is shocked, "You know that a robot dating a human is impossible! People will laugh at you!"
"I don't care about the public!" Kizuna retorted, "I care about Thomas-chan and me! We love each other, and we don't need the public to tell us that we're not fit to be together!"
"Have you ever heard of a human dating a robot, much less marrying?" Jason asked angrily, "Precisely. You didn't. No human is supposed to date a robot, or vice versa! I asked him to protect you, not be a couple with you!"
"Daddy, you taught me to have feelings!" Kizuna screamed back, "That's I have human feelings now! And I love Thomas-chan! He loves me too! What's wrong with it?"
"Everything!" Jason retorted, "I don't want my daughter to be humiliated! I taught you human feelings to understand them, not to date them! Humans date humans, robots help humans, and that's that!"
He cooled down for a while before saying, "Kizuna, I'll tell Mike to find him, and then we discuss this together."
"No!" Kizuna rebutted while sniffling, "I'll find him myself! I will make sure that he's safe and sound! I'll prove to you our love is real, so that you will believe it and support us!"
Jason then saw tears in her eyes. He is visibly stunned as she cleared her tears and ran out of the house.
"That's...impossible." He thought, "How did she have tears in her eyes? She's a robot. Robot will never have tears in their eyes. Does she have true human feelings in her?"
Back in James's laboratory, he is still creating robots with the machine. Two of the four masked men have went to get coffee and donuts. One is looking at his phone while the last one is looking at him.
James looked at the electric screwdriver on his table and took it up. He stood up, pretending to stretch his body. The man looking at him earlier went to him, "Don't you think of escaping."
"I don't think." James used the tip of the screwdriver to touch the man's forehead, giving him a electric shock, "I know I'm going to escape." He then took a hammer and whacked the man's head.
The man on the phone ran towards James and tried to fight back, but all James had to do is touch the man's phone with the tool so that the man has an electric shock.
Once the two men are down, James placed the screwdriver on the table and went to the linkway. He was about to hop in when someone pulled him back and punched his face. It is one of the two men who had went to buy food and beverages. The first men pinned the professor to the floor while the other one took some metal bars from nearby and bent them before placing them on top of James, effectively restricting James to the ground.
"You sure are one motherfucker." The first man said, "You got two of our friends dead, and tried to escape. Luckily, we two are still here. Of course, the other one is a robot, and that's why he's able to bend metal. I'll call Boss and see what he wants to do with you."
James gulped in fear as the man called Lucas.
"Hey, Boss. James tried to escape and killed two of our men just now...Put on speaker mode? Okay." The man then pressed the speaker mode button on the phone.
"James Watson." Lucas sighed, "You tried your best, but you didn't succeed. A for effort though. I told you not to try anything funny, and yet you did. You love going against me, don't you, James?"
"You will definitely not get your way, Lucas." James growled, "This world won't be your dreamland."
"It will, eventually." Lucas replied, "But fine, since you don't want to help me, you're useless to me. For trying to fuck me up, you're going to pay for it. Men, kill him in the worst way possible."
"And what's that, Boss?" The man asked.
"Electrify him with the screwdriver, so that he can suffer and die slowly. Now, if you excuse me, I will deal with another person. Goodbye, James." Lucas then ended the call. The man went to get the screwdriver while the robot held his head down.
"No!" James shouted as the screwdriver is about to touch his forehead.
Kizuna spent a whole hour searching around the neighborhood to find Thomas. She searched his school, the supermarket, and even went to his house, although his mother told him he's not in, and has not returned home since the morning. Kizuna didn't tell her about his disappearance as she didn't want to worry his mother
Kizuna sat down on a bench and sighed. Even after searching frantically for sixty minutes, she still couldn't find him.
"What happens if I can't see him again?" She thought worriedly, "No, I can't just give up finding him like that. I need to search outside the neighborhood."
Her phone then buzzed. She got a text from Thomas, saying that he's in a warehouse and he needs help. An anxious Kizuna stood up immediately and rushed towards the warehouse.
Lucas switched the phone off and told his men to bring Thomas over to the river and throw him off there.
"Where are you bringing me, you assholes?" Thomas asked angrily.
"Shut your mouth up, little boy." Lucas said, "Soon, I'll get my Master title, and you'll have to bow down to me. That is, if you manage to survive in the sea with your hands tied behind your back."
"You motherfucker!" Thomas screamed, "Let me out!"
"In one, two..." Lucas and his men swung Thomas's body from left to right, "...and three!"
They then let go of Thomas as soon as they swung him towards the right, making him fly into the river.
"Hey, you guys!" A passerby saw it and pointed at Lucas, "Stop there!"
Lucas and his men ignored the passerby and walked off. The passerby took off his shirt and swam in to save Thomas.
Jason told Mike to come to his house.
"Master, may I ask why did you want me to come over?" Mike asked.
"Kizuna has ran away, and Thomas went missing." Jason answered, "I hope you can find them both. But, of course, finding Kizuna is my priority."
"Yes, Master." Mike said, "I'll tell my men to search for Thomas. I'll find Kizuna personally. You will not have to worry so much."
"I worry a lot about her." Jason replied, "She's currently dating Thomas. Do you know that?"
"No, Master."
"Well, now you know. She doesn't even think about the consequences of dating a human. People will laugh at her and Thomas. Even if they don't, they still face a lot of problems. Thomas is a human and will eventually die one day, but Kizuna will survive as long as she is fixed regularly. What happens if Thomas leaves her one day? She will feel so heartbroken. Besides, if she keeps dating humans, the human population will slowly go down. She can't even fuck a human, for Christ's sake!"
"She will understand your intentions, Master." Mike comforted him by patting his shoulder, "I will find Kizuna and Thomas, and bring them home safely."
"I hope so." Jason sighed, "Even in a modernized world, we can never live a life of perfection. Mike, send out an announcement to search for Kizuna. Whoever manages to find her will get a big sum of money."
"Are you sure, Master?"
Jason looked outside the window before looking at Mike with certainty, "Yes."
A few minutes later, Thomas opened his eyes. He realized he is in a hospital ward, and he is on the hospital bed.
"Holy shit. What just happened?" He thought as he rubbed his eyes. He don't know how he got here, considering he was about to die in the sea earlier on.
His mother rushed in the ward and sat beside him, "Did you know I was so worried about you, my dear Thomas? I just told you to buy some groceries, not go missing! Where did you go?"
"Mum, I don't know."
"What'chu mean you don't know? You went out and didn't call me back or anything! You probably went to the bar or the arcade or something without lettin' me know!"
"Mum, I got taken away by some people." Thomas explained, "I don't know who these people are, I don't know why they did that. Come to think about it, they took my phone away too. I'm serious, Mum. Why do you think I had ended up in here for?"
"Oh, by the way, one of your female friends came over to ask if you were around." His mother told him, "That's when I knew that you were missing."
"A female friend?" Thomas questioned, "Is she wearing a white and pink shirt with a white skirt? And velvet red heels?"
"Something like that."
"May I lend your phone, Mum?"
Kizuna walked into a warehouse and looked around frantically. She see no signs of her beloved boyfriend anywhere.
Suddenly, her phone rang. She looked at it and realized it is an unknown number. Fearing that it might be Jason, Mike, or their bunch of officers, she rejected the call. Her phone rang once again a few seconds later. Annoyed, she ignored it and continued searching for Thomas.
When it rang for a third time, Kizuna is pissed. That phone call had been disrupting her from finding Thomas.
She planned to scream at the caller and then end the call. She answered the call and screamed, "Shut up!"
Before she could end the call, she heard a familiar voice.
"Ai-chan, it's me, Thomas." Thomas is on the other line, "Don't end the call, please. You've done that for the first two times."
"It was you all along?!" Kizuna asked surprisingly, "Where are you? Where's your phone then? Why are you using someone else's phone?"
"I'm using my mother's phone, and I'm in the hospital. But that's not the main point, Ai-chan. The main point is, you've walked into a trap. You've been lured with my name. So I want you to get out of there as fast as possible."
A few meters behind her, three robots slowly crept to her.
"How do I know if you're the real Thomas?" She asked, "One moment, I've received a text from you, saying you were in this creepy warehouse and you needed help. The next thing, you are in the hospital. What is going on?"
"Alright, to prove I'm real, my mother's beside me." Thomas passed the phone to his mother.
"Hey, you went to look for my son just now, didn't you?" His mother queried, "The doctor said he was saved by someone else already, and now he's in the hospital recovering."
Thomas then snatched the phone back, "See, Ai-chan? Come to the hospital now, and I'll tell you everything."
"Geez, you just made me come here all the way for..." As she is talking, the robots placed a bag over here, causing her to drop her phone. Two of the robots then griped her hands tightly, not allowing her to escape.
"Who are you?" Kizuna screamed. She tried wiggling free of the grip, but they are too strong.
"Let me go!" She shouted as the third robot took some metal chains.
"Ai-chan!" Thomas shrieked before the call ended, "Shit! She's in trouble now! I need to get out now!"
"Sit down, son." His mother pushed him back onto the bed, "I don't want you to lose your life. You almost lost it earlier, remember?"
"Let the police handle it." His mother said to him. At that moment, Jason entered the ward.
"Thomas, where's Kizuna?" He asked.
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Child of the Ancients: An Apocalypse LitRPG
It all started in the middle of Dante's nap. He wanted to sleep his life away, but the system denied his request. Instead, it began to transform the Earth, integrating it into the multiverse by granting everyone stats and skills. He was talented, or so the system thought. And that meant he needed to be challenged. After being sent into a deadly cavern, Dante strives for the future he's always desired. But when he learns about the secrets hidden within him, he's shaken to his very core. He wishes for the nightmare to end until something goes wrong. [The world will end in one year.] Instead of everyone receiving a relatively gentle tutorial, the people of Earth are deemed redundant. Dante makes it his goal to save as many people as he can before the world ends, but with billions of lives at stake, he might have to turn into a monster before he can become a hero. Planned updates (2500+ words): M/W/F. 12pm AEST/ 9am EST. M-F during Writeathon. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Author's Note: All system apocalypse novels seem to jump straight over the apocalypse itself, which I find very sad. I don't want this to turn into a typical fantasy novel in about ten chapters. Instead, I hope to explore the destruction of society and how things would look if superpowers suddenly appeared in the real world. Before the real apocalypse happens, of course. There will be base building, and likely romance once things settle down. Also dragons, because they are awesome :)
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