《Roboworld》Chapter 13
Jason and Thomas ran out of the kitchen to the living room, only to see Kizuna gripping the file with anger. She glared at Jason.
"Daddy, why didn't you tell me?" She asked, "Why didn't you tell me you were the Master all along?!"
"Oh no." Thomas gulped.
"I'm just a policeman, Kizuna." Jason lied, "I have that file to..."
"You still want to lie to me?" She held the file up with anger, "Every single detail of every single person who got the death sentences are in here, including eyewitnesses for Simon Costner. When you talked to a police officer and Thomas-chan was eavesdropping, I was too. From the top of the stairs, when I listened to what you were saying, I genuinely thought you were a policeman. You know what's the worst part of this? I believed you were not the Master. I believed that you were an innocent guy, a good father, a righteous man. When I found out what your real name is from this file, you know how heartbroken I was? Jason Coleman. You're the great grandson of Hideki Coleman. And the descendants always take the place of the Master when the previous one retire, don't they?"
"Ai-chan, listen..." Thomas tried talking it out but then she looked at him.
"Why aren't you surprised, Thomas-chan?" She asked, "Is it because you knew, and you chose to keep it from me?"
Thomas looked down with guilt.
"You are a bunch of liars!" Kizuna cried before running out of the house.
"Chase her, Thomas." Jason said. Thomas nodded and ran after her. Jason sighed and leaned on the sofa. His daughter had finally learnt the truth about him accidentally, and now she's going to be mad at him forever. He wonder how's he going to communicate with her next time.
Thomas ran after Kizuna, who is just trying to run away from him. They ran into a park and a shopping mall. Thomas stopped at a corner to catch his breath.
"Damn. This robot sure can run fast." He huffed before continuing to catch up. As Kizuna constantly looked back to see if Thomas is catching up, she stepped onto the road. A car is advancing towards her and honked. When she looked to her right, she was shocked and stood on the spot.
Thomas, with his quick reflexes, pulled Kizuna over to him just in time before the car went pass them.
"Ai-chan!" Thomas looked at her worriedly, "You could've gotten yourself killed there! Please, don't run anymore. I will explain."
Kizuna nodded her head. He brought her to a bench for her to sit down before he does so.
"Ai-chan, I know that it's a big blow to you." Thomas sighed, "You hated the Master, but you love your dad."
"I just can't believe it." She shook her head, "I don't know if I could ever, ever accept the fact. Why didn't you tell me about it? We are a couple. We're not supposed to be hiding secrets from each other."
"Ai-chan, he did this for a reason." Thomas explained, "It might be an unreasonable excuse, but I feel him. He had a wife and a daughter. Both were very lovely and dear to him. One day, he lost them both. Someone killed them, and the murderer got away with only a jail sentence of 17 years."
"Isn't that enough?" Kizuna asked irately, "17 years is quite a long time."
"To you, because you haven't lost a family member before." Thomas said, "Ai-chan, he lost his wife and his daughter. He lost his loved ones. For him to feel such pain is normal. Yes, maybe what he had done today seems like a bastard move. But he done it because he doesn't want anyone to lose their loved ones. He implemented the rules so that the family members of the victim feels justified."
"There can be better ways, Thomas-chan." Kizuna replied, "The Master... I mean, Daddy could have thought of better solutions. Instead of serving death sentences to murderers. That doesn't solve the problem; that escalates the problem."
"He knows that. But, we can't satisfy everyone in this world." Thomas sighed, "He wants to help those whose family members are killed. He wants to prevent murder. He doesn't expect this outcome, but he can't change the rules suddenly, right? If he does, everyone will kill him. You don't want to lose your father and your master, right?"
Kizuna nodded her head. Lucas is walking in the park when he saw Thomas and Kizuna talking about the Master. He hid behind a tree to listen
"Ai-chan." Thomas held her hands, "I know this is hard for you to accept. You hate the Master, and knowing that your father's the Master pains your heart. But he's trying his best to maintain this world. Your father's really trying his best to keep everyone safe. We can't help the passive rioters, or those who hate the Master because of this. Imagine if your loved one died. Imagine if I died. Would you feel sad and heartbroken?"
Kizuna looked at him.
"Ai-chan, I really hope you could understand him, and be in his shoes." Thomas smiled at her, "You only see the people who are unhappy. You haven't seen those joyous ones when justice is finally served to their loved ones' murderer. Your father made this rule to make them feel better. Please, Ai-chan. You have a good relationship with him. You guys love each other. I hope this doesn't destroy the relationship you have built up with him. Please understand him, alright, Ai-chan?"
Kizuna reluctantly nodded her head. She's still trying her best to accept the fact that her dad is the cruel Master of this world. Thomas hugged her and patted her back.
They then stood up and walked off. Lucas got out from the tree.
"I heard them talking about the death sentences and rules...it must be about the Master." He thought, "I couldn't hear what they are talking about in detail clearly. How are they related to the Master?"
Jason sat down on his bed. He wondered what Kizuna would have thought of him. She would think that he's a bad person, an evil guy, an emotionless being. A person who only brings problems to the table.
Jason buried his face in his hands and sighed when he heard the main door open. He walked to the living room to see Kizuna and Thomas return.
"You're back, Kizuna." Jason said.
"Daddy, why did you hide it from me?" Kizuna asked.
"I knew you would ask me that question." Jason responded, "You hated the Master so much. If I were to tell you, you will hate me for life. The relationship we've built, I don't want it to die down. I don't want to lose a good daughter like you. I love you so much. All the more I hope you love me. I know giving people the death sentences are harsh. If you know the tragedy I've faced, you would've known why I did this."
"You don't think there's no other solutions to this?"
"Kizuna, I can't just do it like how my father, grandfather, or Hideki did. The same thing would happen over and over again. I don't want anyone to suffer anymore. I can't change your mind, Kizuna, so if you have decided to hate me, go ahead. I deserved it."
"You're going to give up our close relationship just like that?" Kizuna asked angrily, "What we have been building up for years, and you're allowing us to drift apart because of this?"
"Then what do you want me to do?" Jason asked with tears in his eyes, "I can't satisfy both parties, Kizuna. I've lost my wife. I've lost my daughter. People can't just lose their family members just because someone murdered them. What happens if someone comes to kill you? Do you think I can handle the pain twice? I created this rule so that I can protect you! I don't want to lose you, Kizuna! I don't!"
Jason looked elsewhere to clear his tears. Kizuna went to his front and looked at him, "Daddy, I'm sorry."
"Sorry?" He turned to look at her, "Sorry for what? I should be the one saying so. I hid such a big issue from you."
"I love you very much, and I know you did everything to protect me. Everything you did is all for my good." Kizuna said, "I know I shouldn't have flared up at you when I heard that you're the Master without hearing you out. I'm sorry."
She then hugged him. He patted her head, "You have every right to be angry at me. I'm glad you're not angry at me anymore."
Kizuna hugged her father tightly. Thomas leaned against the door and smiled at them.
Simon is in his room, thinking about how he could eliminate Lucas. Simon wants the Master spot all to himself. Now that most of riot group members are sent to jail thanks to Aaron, he has to get there with the help of the remaining rioters.
He is scared that Lucas would snatch the position away from him, and he would be the servant while Lucas would be the Master if that were to happen. Simon needs to take action as soon as he can. But when?
Lucas got out of Simon's toilet and went to the living room.
"Where are you going, Lucas?" Simon asked.
"The pharmacy." Lucas replied, "I needed to buy some shampoo and conditioner for my hair. My old shampoo ran out, and my old conditioner makes my hair smell a bit unpleasant."
"Oh, okay. Go ahead."
As Lucas got out of the house, Simon thought that the best time to eliminate Lucas is now. Lucas won't be expecting it as he's only going out to buy his necessities. Thus, Simon followed Lucas.
While Lucas is walking, Simon kept a distance from him and walked slowly. They walked past zebra crossings. They walked past shops. Most importantly, they walked past the pharmacy.
"I knew it." Simon thought, "Lucas is tricking me. He's going to do something. And I'm going to find out."
After a few minutes, they have reached Eddie's house. Lucas stepped in and closed the door. Simon waited for a while before slowly opening the door. He looked around to see no one.
He walked in and closed the door.
"So you've been following me this whole time, Simon Costner." Lucas appeared behind him, "You are one extraordinary guy."
"How did you find out?" Simon questioned.
"It's easy. People are staring at you for tailgating me. I looked at them and I knew you were behind."
"Then let me get straight to..."
"...the point. You want to kill me, because you want the Master position all to yourself." Lucas continued Simon's sentence, "Am I right?"
"Are you a god, Lucas Lee? How do you know everything?"
"You treat me like a dummy, Simon?" Lucas asked, "You know, Simon. I wanted to kill the Master and take his position too. I guess there's only one way to see who can take the spot."
"And what is it?"
"We see who dies first. The person standing will get that position." Lucas then charged at Simon and tried kicking the latter's face, but Simon dodged and punched Lucas on the stomach.
Simon took up the telephone and smashed it on Lucas's head. Lucas stumbled back to the wall. He took the remote control and held it tight.
Simon is about to kick Lucas's face, but the latter blocked it with his right robotic hand and punched Simon's face before whacking it with the controller.
Simon pulled Lucas towards him and pushed him to the television. Simon fisted Lucas's face a few times before carrying him and throwing him on it with force. The television broke, and Lucas's back is in pain.
As Simon took one of broken glass shards to try and stab Lucas, he got up and roundhouse-kicked Simon, which sent him flying to the kitchen. Lucas took a pot and put it over Simon's head. Lucas then took a spatula and knocked the pot with it, making a loud 'gong' sound and making Simon dizzy.
Lucas took the pot out, placed the spatula inside Simon's mouth, and twisted it before he kicked Simon, forcefully pulling the spatula out. Some of Simon's teeth broke off and fell onto the floor.
Simon got up and grabbed a table beside him. As Lucas was about to kick him, he smashed the table onto Lucas's head. He took a broken glass shard and stabbed it through Lucas's right arm.
Lucas immediately punched Simon's genitals, making the latter scream in pain. Lucas stood up and pushed him towards Eddie's room. Lucas then booted Simon, which made the latter fly to the cabinet of awards. It broke instantly, the medals, trophies, and sharp glass shards all falling onto Simon.
Lucas walked slowly to Simon and picked him up. He then slammed Simon onto the glass shards and then stepped on his head to make sure the glass shards pierced through his face.
Lucas wore gloves and took a gun out from his pocket before shooting Simon on the head thrice. He placed the gun on Simon's hands and took his gloves off.
"Finally dead." Lucas thought satisfyingly, "Annoying obstacles in my way will be eliminated."
Lucas proceeds to the pharmacy as he gets plasters to cover his cuts on his face. As he is searching for tissues, his conditioner, and shampoo, he bumped into Kizuna. He dropped his box of plasters.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Kizuna picked it up and returned it to him.
"This voice sounds familiar." Lucas thought, "Could this be the woman from the park earlier, talking about the Master?"
"Mister, are you okay?" Kizuna asked worriedly, "You look very lost."
"I'm fine." Lucas said, "Thanks for asking. By the way, I think I saw you in the park. You and a guy in his twenties."
"Oh, you mean Thomas-chan?" She asked, "He's my boyfriend. We didn't see you, though."
"It's okay. I think I just walked past you while you were in the midst of your conversation."
"Alright, I have to get back to my father." Lucas said, "I have to help him choose which conditioner he should use."
"Okay." Lucas then saw her skipped to Jason. He looked closely at Jason as he and Kizuna are talking happily about the conditioners.
"I remember him!" Lucas thought, "He's the fucking Master! The son of a bitch who waited for me to nearly die to help me! Wait, so that means..." He then looked at Kizuna, "She's the daughter? Daughter of the Master? This is interesting." He paid for his stuff and walked away, having a plan in his mind.
Mike is looking at the high-end weapons in the laboratory. James is showing him some of the most exquisite ones.
"This one." James took out a big-sized gun, "The Propeller. Shoots six bullets in one round. Comes out one by one, with an interval of a millisecond, and no recoil. When fully charged, the bullets from its first three shots are able to take anyone down, be it a robot or a human."
"Fascinating." Mike nodded his head and held the gun, "We can use this to take down the remaining protestors. Especially Simon and Lucas."
"You let Simon ran away." James commented.
"He used some stupid tactics on me. I guarantee that I'll catch him the next time I see him."
Suddenly, Mike's phone buzzed. He answered the call. He nodded and replied with a 'OK' before ending the call.
"What happened?" James asked.
"Someone is found dead. In Eddie Lee's house."
A few minutes later, Mike and a few police officers reported to the crime scene. Mike wore gloves and opened the door. He and the officers searched around the house until an officer found a body in Eddie's room.
Mike went down to the room and saw that it is Simon's body.
"Simon Costner?" He thought, "He's the dead man?" He inspected Simon's body carefully. There seemed to be no handprints or fingerprints on Simon or the gun on Simon's hand.
"There's no clues, Sir." One officer said, "What do we do?"
"We'll check the cameras outside." Mike replied, "I'm pretty sure someone else entered this house besides Simon."
"Yes, Sir!" The officers then ran out of the room. Mike looked at Simon as he thought of the person who might have murdered Simon.
Thomas brought Kizuna to a shopping mall.
"Thomas-chan, why did you bring me here today?" She asked curiously.
"You're here to have a new look!" Thomas said, "I think you should change your outfit. Not that I don't like it, but as a girl, dress like a girl."
"What's wrong with the outfit, Thomas-chan?" Kizuna questioned.
"Nothing, Ai-chan. I mean, I don't have any offence against it. I just feel a new change of clothes would be nicer for you. Like, you can wear this outfit on alternate days, and the new outfit in alternate days too. Let's go in and talk about it."
Thomas took Kizuna to a clothing store as they held hands.
"Look, there are many clothes for you to choose from." Thomas told her, "Pick whatever you like, and I'll buy it for you."
"Do I really have to do this, Thomas-chan?" Kizuna asked, "I have my clothes here. I'm fine with them."
"Would you do it for me, please?" Thomas asked, "I would like to see a new appearance of you. Pretty please?"
Kizuna sighed before smiling at him, "For you, Thomas-chan." Upon hearing that, he kissed her cheeks.
"Thanks." Thomas smiled back. She then went into the female clothing section to search for clothes to wear. Thomas waited outside the fitting room.
"Okay, I'm done, Thomas-chan." Kizuna said. Thomas looked up and got a shock. She donned the same top, but now with a white skirt and velvet red heels.
"D..does this look good on me, Thomas-chan?" Kizuna asked, her cheeks blushing, "Please tell me it's nice, because I took a long time to choose this."
"You look beautiful." The sight of Kizuna filled Thomas with awe, "Stunning. Pretty."
"Are you sure you're not exaggerating?"
"I ain't, Ai-chan. You do look good in this." Thomas said, "Although I wish you would change your top. But I'm happy with this. You know, this reminds me of shopping with Penny."
"Whenever Penny wanted to buy clothes, she'd bring me along." Thomas sighed, "She'd ask for my opinion on the dresses and shirts she wore. She'd made sure I liked the sight of it before she bought them. I enjoyed those times."
Kizuna looked at him as he looked down. Both of them kept quiet for a while before she spoke up, "I'll try on some clothes. You'll then pick which one you like."
He looked at her with surprise, to which she replied, "I just want to make you happy, Thomas-chan."
"Alright." He smiled.
After a few tryouts, they walked out with bags of new clothes.
"You sure picked a lot for me." Kizuna said.
"You look good in everything, Ai-chan." Thomas commented, "It's hard to say that it's not beautiful. Well, maybe it's because you're so gorgeous."
"Aww." Her cheeks turned red, "You flatter me, Thomas-chan."
"But, seriously, Ai-chan," He held her hands and gazed at her, "Thanks for today. I really appreciate it."
"Don't sweat it." Kizuna smiled, "I did it because I love you."
"Need me to carry these bags to your home?"
"Of course you do. You're my boyfriend. A boyfriend is supposed to help his girlfriend."
Both of them laughed as they walked out of the shopping mall. A few minutes later, they reached her house. She took all the bags.
"I shall try one of these on tomorrow." She told him, "Then you can see me in a new outfit."
"Yeah." Thomas kissed her cheeks, "I'll text you later, alright?" She nodded her head and kissed his cheeks too. She waved goodbye to him and he waved back. He then went home.
The next morning, Thomas is going to the supermarket to buy some groceries. As he is walking, a van stopped beside him. The next thing he knew, his head is covered by a black plastic bag as he is being pulled into the van.
"Hello?" Thomas screamed for help. One of the masked men in the van took out his phone and called Lucas.
"Boss, we got him."
"I see." Lucas replied, "Bring him to the destination. I'll meet you there soon. In the meantime, cover his face with the bag."
When Lucas ended the call, he pointed his gun at James's head. He is outside James's house, and at his back, he has some masked men.
"You owe me a big favor, James Watson." Lucas growled, "Remember when I saved your late mother? Now it's time to repay it back."
James gulped in fear.
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