《Quick Transmigration: I Don't Want To Follow The Scripts!》11.3 (END)


Liu Xu Yuan and Song Yu flies abroad to City A where they got a marriage license and spent the rest of the time there, living together by each other’s sides. Not many cities had yet legalized same-sex marriages, city A is prosperous and warmly accepted the trend. Liu Xu Yuan has always planned to go somewhere rather than working his body out so he quickly packs up and drag his husband to get a marriage license as soon as the flight finishes. Words quickly spread out about the two-figure marrying, fans bomb the account questioning and asking for some words however at the time the two husbands had started to consummate their wedding. The wedding night is fought fiercely and intensely, only stopping until two days after they hit the bed. Liu Xu Yuan’s body felt sore all over, his throat sore from the constant moaning and begging until he can’t make a sound but the man never once given him a break. So, the plan to announce their marriage a day after getting the license is put on hold only once the man lets him go did Liu Xu Yuan finally has time to sleep. The break is only a few minutes when they were calling room service to serve food or else where can they find the energy to continue? The first thing Liu Xu Yuan did after he wakes up the very next day from the rampage sex is to glare at the man sitting across the edge. He opens his mouth to cuss only to find out he can’t make any sounds. Song Yu is holding a bowl of congree, stirring and blowing for the heat to cool down. When he turns around, he saw his lover’s glaring at him and trying to speak only to puff his mouth in annoyance and refuse to look at him. Song Yu wants to laugh at this dummy, how can his baby be so cute? But before he could laugh, his eyes dart down and the red marks left behind from the love-making is brightly vibrant under the white light looking very sensual and sultry. Reminding him of the past two days, the vermillion marks scattered beautifully on the pale, slender body making an exquisite painting- one that is to be revered by all. The corner of his eyes still has a hint of red gloss, the swollen bitten lips had tooth marks from the intense biting and… the lips open and close, the pink tongue inside can be seen at a glance. Those tongue has been in contact with the man’s … Song Yu’ eyes darken and his lower half half-reacted. Liu Xu Yuan doesn’t know any of this, his head turns away refusing to look at the bastard that played him miserably. His chin is gently pulled back and he came sight to pure black eyes. His back tenses, a bad premonition arose but before he could understand completely, he watches as the man brings the bowl of congree to his own lips and drank them! Liu Xu Yuan watches on, confused then turn angry. He had thought the man is considerate and would feed him like before but this hooligan actually ate it up without saying a word! Liu Xu Yuan wants to hit and kick the man but his wrist is grabbed and his phoenix eyes bulge open wide. His dry throat is being warmed up as the food flows down, his lips intertwined with the man’s mouth. Liu Xu Yuan stops struggle but the hand moves to scratch Song Yu’s back. The man’s back has been scratched bloody looking a sorry mess, this is all Liu Xu Yuan’s work but Song Yu only hums gently as his big hand cups the back of his head and pulls him closer to deepen the kiss.


…This continues until the meal is washed clean and the round of fighting continues. For the next days, the account explodes nevertheless the two husbands never came out to explain. As days goes on, the heated comments only rise never fall and it only burns more after a week passed because the couple finally acquiesce with the news report. Although there wasn’t a wedding banquet, the couple doesn’t find it bad rather they like it this way. They did have their own wedding banquet quietly with only the two of them, but that is for them to know and the public remains hidden in the dark.

At the age of 37, Liu Xu Yuan’s hospitals had been globally populated with countless patients coming in and out. The institutes under his name are also filled with many students soon to be talented doctors. His name is known around, having been praised and admire everywhere. They only cooperate with the SONG’s Group, some people complain at that however the marriage between the two is publicized and people envy their love and affection.

At the age of 55, Liu Xu Yuan is being named the top 3 wealthiest man in the Group; rankings around the world competing with Song Yu and the other. His and Song Yu has never fallen from the top 3 but the rest of the rankings is always switched up. Liu Xu Yuan quietly comes back to City C with his husband. He met up with the friend groups and got reunited. Having seen the man himself, Liu Xu Yuan express his amazement at the two-couple sitting across the table. Times from times, he had teased Xu Yang on the phone when he was out of the city but now, they had finally meet. Xu Yang has retired and start to live seclusively in his big villa. However, the surprise is that Xu Yang is now dating with his manager! Zezeze, Liu Xu Yuan has always teased this friend of his whenever he had the chance. Xu Yang had sent photos of them being together so he knows. They were quite the romantic, ah. Turns out his manager is one of those rich wealthy business man but he came to become Xu Yang’s manager just because he wanted to woo him!

Xu Yang: Don’t say ‘woo’-!

Seeing how they’re so in love, Liu Xu Yuan doesn’t say much. He’s happy knowing his friend is in a good care. Of course, they’re not the only couple. Don’t forget Zhao Yang and Xiao Lin, ah! They actually dated once he had fled abroad! What a friend! Liu Xu Yuan jokingly fuss about them only dating once he’s not here. They said back to him about Song Yu and he shuts up. Actually, Zhao Yang has always liked Xiao Lin but because the latter is an actor and he’s not quite sure about the latter’s sexuality, Zhao Yang only drops small hints and flirt teasingly. Xiao Lin is indeed another famous actor under Song Yu’s agency but the problem isn’t whether he’s an actor. He wasn’t sure if what he had felt towards his friend is that of romantically or platonically. Aiya, listening to the story they had ups and down and finally confess. The timing sure hits, ba!


At the age of 70, Liu Xu Yuan has already leaked formula for his friend to help. Although he had allies with the SONG’s Group, his friendship with the Yang Pharmacies is also known in the public. Liu Xu Yuan helps marketed and provide aids and support to their medicines and pill products. Naturally he has his own reason, once he turns 70 Liu Xu Yuan instantly hands over the business to the XiaoZhao’s couple to handle while he retires and lives affectionately with Song Yu. Song Yu did the same, he hands over the business to his nephew before Liu Xu Yuan retires. The couple spent the rest of their lives hand in hand. Running around in their home, taking care of each other…

President Song is the first to leave, Liu Xu Yuan feels the swelling in his heart expands. Although he knew the time is to come, seeing the man’s hair turns white and growing wrinkly. Those pair of black eyes close, no more reflection of his figure can be seen in there, he can’t stop the tears sob running down endlessly down his face. The once strong and muscular hand turns wrinkly and old yet they never stop to grasp tightly on his own palm. He chokes, trying to control the emotions not daring to show any sadness infront of the man. He wants the man to leave happily and peacefully with no regrets. Although the lips tremblingly curl up, the blue eyes never lied as they held intense yearnings and despair. Song Yu tries to smile, the years had passed his strength is gradually declining. This one simple smile bears a lot of emotions and willpower as the hand raises high to caress his lover’s face. Softly and tenderly, he speaks. “D-Don…t forget- *cough*! Don’t… me.” The cough musters up all his power, the eyes keeping hard to open. Liu Xu Yuan repeatedly nods his head, holding the hand around his face tighter as if afraid it’ll go away. His voice shakes as he quickly agrees. “I won’t! I won’t! I-I’ll… never forget you! Never… nev…er.” So, please stay. Stay and don’t leave me all alone. He wants to say these words but he knows the man has been trying to stay with him, he has always been by his side never disappointing me. Liu Xu Yuan watches the deep-sea whirls closing and the choked sobs finally comes out loud.

Author’s Corner:

Originally, I planned to put Liu Xu Yuan being forced but then it would conflict his personality if that happens because… there’s just nowhere that would happen to him. Before any man even gets to touch him, Liu Xu Yuan would’ve already triple kick that person down the slump. At most, he won’t kill you unless you did something he doesn’t like, ah. He’s really strong in his original body, if not for the body he possessed being slender and pristine, you wouldn’t dare come near this gangster! Xiao Tong can adjust the body to fit what he likes but Liu Xu Yuan never did much he just makes it healthy and easy to move around. After all, he would immediately leave the world once he finishes his role’s script and get the world’s rewards. This is the first time he stayed for someone so he’s abit sentimental, we get that. Don’t call him heartless after though, this is a thousand-year-old ghost, been through a lot. He won’t let this affect him much… well, you’ll understand soon. Also, I wanted to write an extra about the Zhao x Xiao couple after the ending of this arc but something happens. I mentioned some stuff about them at the endings though. Song Yu’s nephew… Author wants to confess that author is feeling good about this nephew when I thought of him. I planned to make a short story about him once I’m done with this series… however I wanted this story to be long so by the time I even finish this, I’ll probably forget and throw this nephew away… QAQ I’m so unproductive! Author has an original planned novel before this but didn’t publish yet, this is for fun but I end up liking it and switching abit. Many things are messy, author doesn’t know yet. Anyways, this is the end of the first world! I hope you’ve enjoyed the ride so far!

Ps: When writing the ending, I nearly cried at the gong’s last words… Aiya, what a teaser. I realized I had exams coming up so I’ve been preparing so I’ll be busy then. I’ll probably be back at the end of January or the start of February. There wasn’t much updates lately because author isn’t feeling good mentally. Only picked up abit mentality these days! If I can, I might update once a week during this time since my exam is on January but I wanted to prepare! Please look forward to the continuation of this. Crying. Jpg. Arc 2… many ideas… not decided yet…

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