《Quick Transmigration: I Don't Want To Follow The Scripts!》11.2


“Haha, as expected of senior. You wouldn’t care much about the outside news.”

Liu Xu Yuan raises his eyebrows, smiling but he does not give a reply. Song Yu glances at Wang He in the corner of his eyes for a mere second then turns back to stare at boy smiling. He has noticed the He boy came over, there wasn’t a reason to hide his relationship with the doctor either. How could he be compared to someone like this? A small opponent, couldn’t even be called an opponent.

Nevertheless, his baby’s smiles should be preserved only for him! Song Yu grasps Liu Xu Yuan’s hands and interlocks their ten fingers smoothly. He then turns to look at Wang He, snorts and whirls back around. His fingers rubbing the soft, smaller hands in his palm.

Wang He is flabbergasted. This is the SONG’s heir? Where is the coldblooded and domineering man capable of overthrowing any company who dares to mess with him?! There’s no way they’re the same person, ah! Liu Xu Yuan looks at his husband’s act to show off and direct jealousy. He spoke.


Song Yu looks at his baby’s teasing gaze and he laughs. Dotingly agreeing.


Wang He stares from the side, his fist clenched. Although Li Hao’s expression looks to be cold and distant like usual, those pair of eyes can’t lie. Yearnings and affections were pasted on them clear and strong. His heart churns, body still- he wants to keep looking at this boy however the sight before him sends shiver down his spine for the longer he stays here, the cracks spreading in his chest expand.

Liu Xu Yuan pays him no heed. By the time, Wang He realizes what had occur the doctor was already nowhere to be seen- along with the man beside him. He shakes his head. His head hurts, he doesn’t know what it is he’s feeling. His hold tightens and Wang He slams the brake, his head slouched heavily on the wheel. Breathing heavily, he waits until the aching slightly subsides before lifting his head up.

Soaring Sky. Number one club in C City.

The smell of alcohol permeated throughout the hall as he stumbles his way with hands lean on the wall for support. Emotions surge deeply inside running around, his chest churns in heartache. With eyes turning blurry, the body can’t stop but consume more and more beverage. The mind is lost, staggering further down. Seeming to arrive ‘home’, the drunk man rushes forth as if trying to seek comfort. His head dizzy, not even noticing he had bumped into someone. The ears seemed to overhear constant voices coming from beside but because the system is wasted, the blurred man can’t tell between reality and dream. Feeling a warm touch under his arm, his entire body slouched on that hot support. The dull heart has been turned cold, at a time where there’s heat naturally the body can’t help leaning closer in. The support stiffens but the alcohol rushes to the head and boils down to his toes. He rubs against the assist however the other moved away as if stinge with bee. He grumbles under his breath, dissatisfied. The hands quickly reach over grabbing the other wrist with strength, doesn’t know where it come from but the push-pull fought between the two and somehow, he feels a body being pressed under him. His head rings and buzzed, huge headache stirring in his head, perhaps because he is drunk that makes him obtain powerful strength as he pressed the aid down on the cold, hard ground. The blood boils, surging and an image of his beloved pops in his head. The man seems to be in a daze before anger arises. The weakly limped yet strangely powered at the man slowly leans down as if trying to fit the image to that happening in his mind. The sweet, soft lips, the pale, silkiest skin, those pair of pretty eyes that seemed to hold deep animosity towards him hidden down if they know of what the stifled feelings buried down is. The more he thought of that person, the stronger his desire boils and he finally can’t help but lose control and falls deep into the abyss. As they finally met, the breath falls down but before meeting the fantasy of his, a pair of mighty boots step aggressively on his back and kicks him to the other side of the hallway, away from the person being suppressed down! The body aches, the mouth groans painfully but the pain in the heart hurts more than the rest. There were words being spoken to the aid before coming over to him. Two fingers lift his chin up arrogantly, the thumb rubs the below lips just above the chin while the index held his chin up high. Sneer and disdain can be passed from the hand holding him, something pinch up and a pill slips into his mouth. The medicine’s effects seeps in, the head clears up and the grey eyes show signs of moving. Finally clearheaded and stable, rationality immediately rush in as his sights dart on the person running away in a hurry at the side. Judging from the pace, it appears to be fanatically wishing to escape looking piteously as if suffer under a wrath and being bullied. He’s awake.


Raising his head, many emotions and complications rush in. Anxious and distress, he starts to panic. The hands reach over, intending to grab the sleeves of the person holding him but he is pushed away before getting a chance to lay a single strand of touch on the other. Yes, pushed away. He can’t bring his head to look up, he doesn’t dare to. He doesn’t want to see hatred or disgust or any of that negative thought appearing in those eyes. The warmth around his chin from being touched by that fair, slender hand still radiates running up to the head and back down throughout the body. His body shivers at that, cussing and hating himself. The chin that was held had been turned away as they let go like a dragonfly flying overhead. He can’t help but drags his lonesome body of his to follow after, chasing that warmth and heat. No matter how he chased, there seems to be a line- a wall built up between them and he just can’t get closer. From birth to where he is now, he had always gotten what he wanted. Things he desires will be offered on a golden spoon right infront of him, people would fall down on their knees and beg for a small amount of his attention. How did he respond? He dumps the gold plate they offer him back at their head and admonish them. Thinking they don’t deserve a shred of his words nor glance. He felt that there was nothing wrong with it. What of now? That action is directed back at him as he watches the very sole light in his life walks away, leaving him to kneel on the ground wondering if this is what he deserved. Even when faced with something like this, the voice coming from that light is warm and light-hearted but this time it pierces right through the center hold in his chest- the very organ that holds emotions- the one they call it ‘heart’. The words repeated in his ears as that person said “Look what you have become, do you think the person you wish to chase want to see you like this? You, ah… Do not complain, after all you dragged yourself and end up like this. Also, don’t go around trying to replace! If I see you running around doing something like this again, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” His heart shudders at the next word. “Don’t let me hear my name come out of that mouth of yours ever again.” Or I’ll cut your tongue! Somehow, he can hear the after unspoken words of that person. His body feels like a bucket of ice has been thrown at him, chilling him to the very bone. For the very first time, he had experienced love he felt as if a new door is ready for him to explore but that very door is locked before he could even knock on it. His first love turns into a never-ending nightmare replayed all over in his sleep. Wang He wakes up in cold sweat for the future days, at last he can’t stop the tears streak sliding down his cheeks as he grips the blanket like the last-line holding his sanity.


The sanity does not last long before it is cut off completely. He seems to no longer find the capacity to live forward. News came, the world celebrates for the couple but his heart feels like it’s being ripped to shred. His eyes redden, glaring right ahead at the TV report. His head hurts, incessantly blaming himself. ‘If you didn’t do that, he would’ve stayed! Look what you’ve done! He turns you away!...’ He clutches his head, breathing heavily. The longer he watches, the more he hears the aching in the chest expands. His eyes dart to the stuff on the coffee table, finally he gets up and pushes everything off it down to the floor with a loud clash! The sound seems to bring him back to clarity, the breathing calms. He looks down at the mess he had made before gloomily slumping back down on the sofa, holding his head in pain. Where is home? Is there one for him? …Why him? Why not me? But no matter how he wants the answer, there is no one here to answer him. The ‘home’ he had found fled, the person he wants to question why didn’t he chose him fled. His fault… it was all his fault! The report is being brightly lit in the dim-dark room, endless constant praises are spoken aloud but none enters the man’s hearing. Everything has lost its color now that you’re no longer here with me. If... If I hadn’t done all that and pursue you openly, would you come running back into my arms instead of his…? At that, his lips seem to curl up and mysterious laughing comes out. If you listen closely, hints of despair and sympathy can be heard within.

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