《Quick Transmigration: I Don't Want To Follow The Scripts!》10.2



After that, Liu Xu Yuan no longer pays attention to the female protagonist but those words replayed over and over again in Ye Lan’s mind. She had enough, her despise towards Li Hao can’t be worded enough. Ye Lan’s brain works and she tried to bribe the guards into letting her escape. Without nothing she could use to get them hooked, Ye Lan decides to sell her body luring them in. However, after they had done, her bodies were soaked in sweat and cum her heart felt empty. She had lost something precious of her kind for a goal she stupidly believe she had to complete. Covered in scars and bruises all over her body, she no longer appears like the big miss of Ye family that she had dreamt of. All of this were led by her own decisions, her own choices. What was she thinking? Only now did she understand, only now did she come to term that she had lost everything she had including herself for the sake of this so-called revenge. Was this what she wanted? Is this why she was reborn? Just to suffer and go through that again?

The days were spent harsh and freezing in that dark prison, her bodies had long turn immobile from being abused and tortured everytime by those creatures outside and inside her cell. However, she can’t blame them she could only blame herself for she had reached her hands out to them first and this is the result of her actions. It is now too late for the words regret. Ye Lan already believed there could be nothing worse happening to her but she was wrong. Her bellies bloated, she felt dirty everywhere these bodies don’t even belong to her anymore. As time flies, she quickly turns senseless from the heavy amount of violence depicted on her (raped senselessly by cellmates and the guards outside…) and a baby is brought to life. Being able to birth a new being, she should be happy and felt the joy of a mother looking forward to seeing their own flesh and blood but for Ye Lan, she felt nothing. Nothing but unwillingness. She doesn’t even know whose child this is for her body has been mixed and injected with foreign substances by those of the same species as her. If they are the same species, why won’t they understand that she doesn’t want this? Why won’t they stop instead kept going? Why do they seek pleasure in seeing her miserable and suffering? Someone tell her why…?

The baby inside her was raised for 10 months and finally shows signs of coming out. The foods were a lump of leftovers adjoined and not enough, her figures had turned malnourish and very weak. No one was here to celebrate her learning the existence of the child and now there is still no one here to accompany here for the receiving of bearing this fetus inside her belly. The birth of her child was as painful as the burden and responsibility she had carried for the past 10 months, perhaps more torturous than that. Ye Lan had to choked her voice fearing the attraction of others but alas the pain is too much to bear and her screams and shrieking’s were heard crystal clear inside this hell called prison cell. Those cellmates stood there watching her and even laughed seeing her wriggling and aching, holding her belly trying to push the baby out. They stood still watching as a tiny lump of fetus is pushed out of her body, watched as the blood continues to flow out and still not moving, watched her eyes trying hard to keep open and her mouth continues to call out for help and watched till Ye Lan took the last breath to end this life of hers together, leaving with her unborn baby…


Still then, no one came to her rescue, no one came to her help as they stood still watching her die regretfully and scatters away after they think the show is finished. No remorse, no words, no nothing was paid to her respect. If she could go back in time, would she still have this same ending if she finally stops to sit still and enjoy life rather than running around to make fake bonds just for the sake of dragging people down to hell?

…No, probably not. This is her retribution. She wanted them pulled down to the underworld and now they are back to watch her be dragged down to the place she’s oh so familiar with. Hell.

Heading out of the station, Liu Xu Yuan had his hands in pocket. He came back from the thoughts when he’s reached the car. Lifting his clear, blue eyes he saw a handsome figure gazing down at his shoes while leaning against his (LXY's) dark blue car. Noticing someone's eyes on him, Song Yu looks up. Liu Xu Yuan's eyes flicker, pursing his lips he avoids the man's dark eyes and walks to the door casually but the hands in his pocket loosens then clenches repeatedly. He ignores the heated gaze on his body, swiftly opens the driver's seat and steps in. The first thing he did inside is to immediately click the lock buttons. Alas, Song Yu seems to know what he wants to do as the man reaches out a hand and block the gap before settling in comfortably by the passenger's side. Liu Xu Yuan clicks his tongue, annoyed but his eyes never once stayed on the man any longer than needed. He briskly starts the engine and drives.

Song Yu understands that his baby is angry with him, if he doesn't coax this little guy right now instead keeping up with the misunderstandings… he can already see the dark future, Song Yu shudders. He glances at the person driving with a blank face, although he had a flat look on Song Yu can see the tightening grip on the wheel. It was partially his fault. This whole ordeal, he had the secretary checks in but got nothing back. He even went back home only to hear his grandfather told him about this fiasco. Saying because he won’t accept it so he waited till his grandson is interested to date, words got out and somehow his grandfather had a talk with the other side considering the arrangement. You can fill out the clues, to be able to stand beside the Song Heir, anybody would be very excited. This person, likewise, although she is one amongst the riches and wealth, something this big wouldn’t stop her from gossiping with her group of friends, no? One word got out then another heard and the rumors broke. Song Yu had been anxious waiting for his baby to come out of the research lab, that one week without the doctor there how could he possibly have the mind to worry about other matters? Which now leads to this… and he had to hear this from his baby… Knowing the young man’s real temperament, it’s already a blessing for him to still have the chance to sit next to him after all that. He can’t drag this on but his baby looks like…


The car stops and the entire ride is in silent. Song Yu’s mind clears up, his pitch-black eyes squinted at the still driver.

“Baby, list-“

“Get out, I don’t want to see your face at the moment. You…”

Song Yu’s heart sinks, he immediately unlocks the seatbelt. Song Yu’s knees press down and the seat is pushed back scaring Liu Xu Yuan witless. With a strong grip, he reaches over and grab the boy’s wrist while the other blocks the moving pink lips.


Liu Xu Yuan doesn’t expect his man to act out shamelessly in the middle of the garage parking lot, outside in the public. His phoenix eyes open wide, stare incredulously at the man pressing him down.

“What are you doing? We are outside. Get up.”

“It’s not what you think. Baby, please just hear me out…”

“Shut up! I don’t want to hear it!”

Liu Xu Yuan shakes his head, struggling his legs kicks the man away but it turns out futile. Song Yu holds still the pale, thin ankle his thumbs glazing in a circle motion. Liu Xu Yuan purses his lips, turns away not wanting to look at the man. Song Yu sighs, he bows his head down. With each kisses light and gentle scrapping Liu Xu Yuan’s cheeks like a dragonfly passing by, a peck full of yearnings and endless affection only to come back with a deeper, passionate affection. His fists clench, but Liu Xu Yuan had not moved. He didn’t react to the man’s advances. Song Yu continues, his fingers lightly caressing the pair of crimson red cheeks. Eyes doting as his index finger lift Liu Xu Yuan’s chin up to look into his eyes. The unmoving phoenix eyes flicker for a moment seeing the gaze but it quickly settles back. Song Yu caught hold of the light, his eyes turn gentle and soft. Those pitch-black seas melted, turning into a deep heated whirlpool. Liu Xu Yuan’s mouth moves, intending to bite himself but is stopped.

Song Yu tenderly hugs him, his hands unravel around the stiffened back and placatingly pats them. Because the man’s actions are mild, his body can’t help but relax. Treating him so delicately, Liu Xu Yuan wants to scoff saying he’s not some fragile object that can be easily crushed. However, he couldn’t at this moment. No one had treated him as if he’s a treasure to be protected or kept in just to be admired, he had always forced himself to stay strong and go to the front. He had done it so many times, stood by the frontlines, took all the responsibilities since this was what he’s supposed to do. If he doesn’t go up, then someone will end up getting hurt. Since no one wanted to, shouldn’t he be the one to go? He just had to sacrifice himself, that’s all. Sacrifice what… Does he have anything to sacrifice? Liu Xu Yuan can’t remember the last time his mind swirls back to the past, before he had bound to the system. What was he like then?

Liu Xu Yuan closes his eyes, erasing the complicated mood. His hands raise, clutching the back of Song Yu’s shirt. He said, voice helpless and a little nasal.


Getting the approval, Song Yu tightens his hold around the man. His head burrows in between the gap of the young man’s neck and shoulder, inhaling the calming and intoxicated scent of the doctor. Only when he’s with this person can his mind fully settle, only when this person is by his side where he can see and reach out, only then can he stay sane. Liu Xu Yuan allows the man to hug him, his tensed body eases as it relaxes in the man’s arms.

“My grandfather wanted to pick someone for me from the moment I was born but he got held back by my mother. Later on, my grandfather tossed that idea aside seeing how I turn out… with a cold personality, the possibility of me actually taking someone to mind is impossible. One day, a friend of his came and somehow, they had a talk saying once I had fully grown up and is looking for a partner then I can be with their daughter. He had this hidden from me until now and I’ve only heard of that recently… I went to ask him and he told me that the times I had visited him, he saw I seemed more alive… so he thought the time is here and… the words got out. Baby, I would never leave you… The thought of staying near someone that’s not you have never come up.”

Song Yu grabs his hand to touch his own, saying.

“Look, I even got goosebumps just thinking of it.”

Liu Xu Yuan wants to laugh at that, this man is so cold and domineering but actually turns docile and shameless around him. His voice turns muffled. When he said his next words, Liu Xu Yuan can feel the grasp wrapping him is anxious.

“So please… don’t ignore me again or… say hurtful words.”

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