《Quick Transmigration: I Don't Want To Follow The Scripts!》10.1



The taxi drops Su Yan by the gate, before her heels set its claws on the hard ground, there was a ruckus from behind the door and a medium-sized statue is thrown past the woman’s face shocking her in place silly. Her hands push the door knob and she saw her parents looking at her with weird faces.

“What was that for?!”


“Wh-What did I…”

Before she watches her word, a thought kicks in and she can’t help but shivers. No! They’re not here yet so how can my parents find out! Su Yan shakes her head, wishing this is all but a dream. Alas, unfortunately for her, this is how her life has turn out to be. A file report is tossed to her feet and Su Yan looks up at her parents’ disappointed and disgusted eyes then back down. Her hands tremble as it shakily picks up a piece of report as if this will decide the outcome to her life and death. It states the amount of debts Su Yan needs to pay back and the deadline is within the next 3 days. If the amount is not fully paid by then, they will take it to court. If their family is seen announced with something as this, how will they have the face to meet other people? Su Yan is raised spoiled but the only rule she had to follow is that no matter what, she can’t bring shame to their family’s name.

It’s over, it’s over… Su Yan drops to her knees, covering her head. She can no longer convinces herself that things will be fine, everybody had left her and she’s all alone. When she needed them the most, where were they? Was her existence amount to such a small speck of dust in their heart for they to not feel heartache when they see her faced with something as terrible as this?! Did she deserve this…? Su Yan’s mind ran as she thought of the possibility of her action to cause this consequence. Her eyes falter, crawling to her mom’s knees shouting.

“M-Mom! You have to help me! I’m your daughter!”

Su Yan asks for help but all she receive was her mother’s head turn aside. Her heart sinks, hands slumpy slide to her side. Even her own mother had chosen to abandon her… Is there anyone… Su Yan is immersed in her thoughts that she didn’t hear her parents’ word over her head.

“You still remember you’re our daughter?”

“Dear, she’s like this now. We should do something, we’re her parents…”

He shakes his wife hands off his arms, sneering.

“Isn’t it all because o you raising her like this?! ALWAYS SPOILING HER! Look how she turned out to be!”


“You… How could you be so heartless?! This is our own child! MY CHILD WITH YOURS!”


He looks down at his daughter sitting lifelessly on the floor, his words flat and cold.

“Get out. You’re no daughter of mine. From today on out, you are no longer in the Su family. Pack your stuff and leave.”

Su Yan raises her head, mouth-open as she gapes shockingly at her own father not believing the words that came out of his mouth. Is there something wrong with her hearings? Had she gone overboard and now her senses are not clear anymore? Though that’s what she had in mind but her ears can hear the footsteps of her father climbing up the stairs and leaving her alone down here. Everything is over. Her tears rapidly fall down, her voice choked as she wailed her hearts out. She didn’t lift her head up so Su Yan had missed the tears welling up in her mother’s eyes, distress and anguish… All she sees was the pushing away and disdain.

Su Yan had nowhere to go, she drags her luggage and bags around the streets. As the days passed, she sells the stuff she brought with her and earns some money to go buy food along with the money she had tricked off. However, the collectors never came to ask for money, perhaps they couldn’t find her whereabouts. It doesn’t matter as long as she doesn’t see them, it’ll be better than anything. Su Yan has gone through many states of ups and down, the money she had now zeroed to none and the once dignified daughter of family Su has transformed into this current thin and ragged, homeless woman.

One day, as if fate has seen her suffer enough, Su Yan encounters another person who has a good deal for her. She doesn’t know what happen but she starts to feel nauseated and unwell as if craving for something. The person by the alley list all her worries and told her this will make her feel better, it’s because she was missing this stuff that’s why her body receives a blow. Su Yan is not sure whether to trust them but once she had a sniff, her body tells her this is her addiction, her obsession. Her body swiftly reacts as if she had always taken this thing although she had never seen or come into contact with it. Su Yan’s yearn for drugs is therefore satisfied and she gratefully thank them.

The person didn’t ask for anything and only divides their share to her and Su Yan exchange back with the last bit of money she had left on her. A little bit of this can fill her empty stomach, she doesn’t need to go out and buy expensive meals with only a small amount rather this treasure in her hands can save her all the trouble! Su Yan goes back to her days of taking drugs daily but this term on her own accord, not like last time which Gu Jiu had tricked her into having them.

Once it is used up, Su Yan starts to get irritated and she runs around trying to search for them. Su Yan spent the next 5 years using all ways to get drugs, any way possible. What comes good will naturally has its own side and effects. Su Yan’s drug addiction rapidly expand and she died on another normal day, in a cold dark alley with people walking past never noticing a body stacked frozen, dead from overdosed lying across the streets in the deep, dim alleyway. It was only until a student came home this way trying to avoid the bullies that Su Yan’s limped, boneless body was found. The skins were bitten off by insects, emaciating a stinky and sour smell. The white bones had turn yellowish and half-bitten off evident from the teeth marks on the other half, looking scary and obsolete. The students pale and immediately dial the police. Because it was so nerve-wrecking and frighteningly chilling, this case is famed in the newspaper and other sources.


They did a test and conclude that the victim has overdosed and those animals were attracted to the grume and cruor coming from the dead lying body, it rushes forth and bite her flesh and skin. That explains the leftover half-bitten bone laid still, it is tested that the remaining black spots scattered nearby were remnants of the ferocious animals which had turn ill-ed after and passed away after. Those were the marks left behind when they were running away from the daunting smell.

Dying without nobody knowing when or why until this news came to surface, the parents were devastated but they do not have the right to regret and atone for their actions. No rights to even mourn for their daughter’s souls up in the sky (?) Even at the last moment her eyes closed and her heartbeat slows down, the secrets of her parents paying full amount the debts she owed to those men and the collectors were still uncovered for her. Su Yan still believes no one had loved her until she took her last breath and left this world full of hatred and agony.

Liu Xu Yuan finds it hard to breathe, although he knows the man’s love for him is a lot awful amount that can’t be measured, the uneasiness and anger in his heart still doesn’t go away. He needs to take his mind off or he’ll have no choice but only to lose himself in this immense heartache. Hence, he went to find Ye Lan locked up in prison.

The Ye Family had suffered loses and went bankrupt, their fates left in the owner’s hands. The doctors who were hand-in-hand producing those pills were imprisoned for homicides, Ye Lan did not want to have anything to do with Li Hao so she was safe. However, Liu Xu Yuan wouldn’t easily let her go. He hacked into her account and got proofs of all the drugs usage Ye Lan had planned to produced and introduce into the market for selling. He sent the tests result he had gathered from researching those drugs and the proof of her doings to the police department. Ye Lan later got 15years imprisonment, the account sent was anonymous. For trustier evidence, they had sent these to the research lab and got a less detailed result from what Liu Xu Yuan had sent but these drugs for sure is damaging enough that it can get you killed. Although Liu Xu Yuan knows she was studying to make these drugs to use them on him, once he saw the line where she said she’ll also put them on the market for profit his eyes turn cold and the fingers swiftly click ‘send’. The name ‘Ye’ is forbidden to make their own business after.

When Ye Lan comes out in handcuff, dead eyes and pale lips, it quickly moves once they come to sight on Li Hao’s figure. Her body itches to jump the person right here and shoves all the drugs she had made all into that hypocritical, fake mouth of his. Liu Xu Yuan can tell what she’s thinking, at this stage and she’s still committed to kill him. Did Li Hao had a debt with her in his past life, so much that she fusses over far enough to ruin his life just because the original is indifference to her? Just because she had been reborn, she thinks everything must be offered at the palm of her hand? Given a chance to start over but if you chose to live in revenge and indulge down that black path, don’t blame others for how you end up in. The police hold her still and sat her down, straight eyes staring daggers at him.

“Do you hate me? Why? Because you think I look down on you so you have to teach me a lesson to not think less of you? Because I ‘steal’ Wang He from you? Because you believe you deserve everything there is to be offered should be handed to you on a silver platter since you were given another chance at life?”

Her fists clench the more she heard Li Hao’s words, at the last line her body straightens and finally react to him, surprised. Her voice is hoarse from not having talked lately as it quivers, asking.

“…You- You’re the same as me?”

“No. Do I look crazy and obsessed like you? Surely, I don’t make ugly faces… right?”

He raises his hand to touch his cheeks, appearing worried and concerned as if he loathes to be making the same expressions as her. The veins on her forehead throbs, Ye Lan loudly grinds her teeth.

“Answer me!”

Liu Xu Yuan, helpless, sighs.

“No, ah. Not everyone is out to get you.”

He then leans un closer to her ears, whispering. Liu Xu Yuan quickly got up after having said what he intended to do coming here. His face flash a gentle smile at the prisoner who had stood up ramrod straight and has started to curse him, attempting to jump to this side and teach him a lesson. He turns a deaf ear to those vulgar words and walks carelessly out the door.

“…but I am the one who put you here. All these are my doings. No need for thanks, ba.”

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