《Quick Transmigration: I Don't Want To Follow The Scripts!》1.1


Liu Xu Yuan gets up and closes the bathroom door. His sights fall on the mirror’s reflection and he couldn’t help let out a whistle. Li Hao’s body is strong, tough although not buffy you can still tell he works out once or twice a week. His face is soft and charming, the curve of the lips always arcs up high lightening a gentle facade. Li Hao really does look like those gentle senior brothers in the dramas…but if you look closer, you can make out his crease between the brows, slight pink lips, high nose and fair skin that can redden easily under the sun since this body usually stays inside reading. Liu Xu Yuan can’t help but sigh at this, another pretty boy. He doesn’t know why but he usually possesses in the bodies with delicate flower’s faces, his original face is more to the striking male hormones but the body is… forget it, I’ll just get sulky if I keep thinking about it.

He hops in the shower, dresses up and immediately drive to the hospital. Currently it is 2pm and the original body had come back to grab a file but fainted and Liu Xu Yuan took that moment to enter his body. Li Hao has overworked too much, his (LXY) mental state is strong but to keep up with more working without rest, he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to. Li Hao likes to do experiments and research on the bodies, he rarely comes home furthermore every time spent is either at his office, researching or the surgery room. Today is the day where he’ll reprimand the female lead, Liu Xu Yuan is very much looking forward to that. He wants to see how twisted Ye Lan’s expression will contorts into, she better be prepared because the original is gone and Liu Xu Yuan is going to be harsher than ever.

The original died too pitifully, his fingers are precious which recorded many vitals and save lives yet it was all pulled out personally by Ye Lan just because of his one sentence, they never even talk much. She even went as far as to play his heart, what a vicious woman really leaving no way out. Liu Xu Yuan gave a quick glance at the rear-view mirror, grins and steps on the accelerator blowing wind past the passerby. The driver to the right curses, all he did was honk for the guy to go faster and that bastard gave him sand dust, so petty.

“What happen?” a cold voice question from the back seat.

The driver from behind Liu Xu Yuan’s car shivers, he didn’t dare curse loudly but stills attract the young master’s attention. He gulps, answering faster than ever.

“Young master, the driver infront speeds up all a sudden and make up a trouble.”


“Y-Yes sir!”

The driver waits for awhile but there was no answer, just when he’s about to ask the young master’s phone rings and he stole a look, getting a shock! A SHOCK! IS THIS A MIRACLE?! THEIR YOUNG MASTER SMIRKS AT THE CONTACT! WHO IS IT TO MAKE HIM SMILE?! I-Is it that young lady last time? Shaking his head, he better not think about his employer’s life or he’ll end up fired. The driver is right, a miracle did happen for the young man in the back seat to smile as one knows this man rarely ever smiles, all he exudes are cold air enough to make people kneel down just from a single look.


Young Master Song Yu, heir to the SONG cooperate, the largest company owning branches of different buildings which specializes in food, stocks, clothing’s, medicines… name it all. Song Yu, born from the first wife in the main family, easily beating the rest in his way reaching success all by himself. On the outside, he is known as the heir but inside Song Yu already has the cooperates’ power in the palm of his hand, he controls them from behind. 32 years this age with well-proportion, muscular body, attractive face, a tall nose, a pair of deep black eyes so dark that is like a shimmering whirlpool sinking you deep down drowning, thin lips, defined jawline and aura exuding strong male hormones swooning the pursuers going after him. Song Yu has seen all there is to see but there are also new things yet to be discovered, earlier he had asked the bodyguards for a quick snap of the driver infront. The aura from that young man is similar to that of his but sharper, this piques his interest. It was just a curiosity of finding the same kind but once his dark eyes land on the young man’s profile, he just raises his eyebrows.

Li Hao, now what shall I do with you?

Arriving at the garage, Liu Xu Yuan hurries to the ward to see the urgent surgery. Before meeting the protagonist, he has one important surgery because this patient is a VIP in other words a pain in the ass. Don’t think he’s going to be all that happy go lucky to serve a prominent figure, he isn’t that welcoming towards these kinds of I’m rich, you check me first. If the character’s trash, it won’t take long for his fist to hit the other’s face. Li Hao’s the same, another thing he has to help the original. What a pure twisted soul, just thinking about it makes his blood boils. Liu Xu Yuan licks his dry lips, rushing into the room. Li Hao is just like him

6 hours later, surgery success

Phew, that was one thing off. Liu Xu Yuan walks out, takes off his gloves and masks and sighs in relief. He looks down at his pair of slender, white hands. Liu Xu Yuan can’t remember the last time touching a scalpel and digging it on a human body hah… his tendencies are showing. His or Li Hao’s? Liu Xu Yuan covers his face to not let out any strange faces. The employees were worried seeing how tired Doctor Hao is, they all know how hard he worked these days without rest. Dr. Hao doesn’t usually show his fatigue, this time is probably over his limits. The receptionist glance at the nurses scattering around and make a signal, the others notice and scoots away to prepare. All of this, Liu Xu Yuan does not know even if he does, he probably thinks they’re crazy from overworking after all he’s only here to play his role.

A hand drops on his shoulder, Liu Xu Yuan shoots a cold glare at the other. Damn, I didn’t notice this man’s coming. He adjusts his expressions back to acting mode, drops his hand, steps back and look up. Liu Xu Yuan’s eyes flicker meeting the pair of deep black, such profound gazes and frown. He asks, voice crispy and clear.


“Can I help you?”

To which the man chuckles, his firm hand still on the shoulder. Liu Xu Yuan’s frown deepens as he watches the stranger kept on laughing, mad his first impression of the man. Despite the rampage, if a beauty is laughing that will enhance their beauty. The same goes for this man, his face and body can model.

[Sigh, Xiao Tong. Beauty has it easy. They can still look good after all that craziness.]

Liu Xu Yuan begins his sulky mood again, he can’t help it. He likes to admire body arts, this noon if he had more time he might’ve uses his spare time to get off of his own face. Li Hao is a handsome young man after all. Liu Xu Yuan doesn’t mind the genders, as long as you are attractive, he might consider. No, don’t call him materialistic. He just likes to admire them.

[Master, please focus on the task.]

[Tch, isn’t it just reading some lines? Anyways, what’s with this man? Give me his information.]

[---Loading. Song Yu, Heir to the SONG Cooperate. Power head in the background, 32 years old, cold and strict, single. SINGLE.]

The single line is even shrouded in big bold red lines…

[Why did you say it twice? I heard it the first time.]

[Important things must be said twice.]

Liu Xu Yuan rolls his eyes, after spending times with him his Xiao Tong is getting dirtier because of his influence. Back to this man, he has to say Song Yu does look good. What if I make him cry beneath me? His throat feels dry, Liu Xu Yuan stuck out his pink tongue to lick the chapped lips. He scans the time to see when he’ll meet Ye Lan. He has no time to play with Song Yu. This action causes Song Yu’s eyes to darken another shade of black and Liu Xu Yuan turns back to see this, is flabbergasted. What happen? Did I admit it out loud that I want to sleep with him?

[Master, it should be the other way around.]

Xiao Tong peeks in.

[Shut up! I’m not the one lying down!] Damnit, don’t remind me of the last world. I almost bottom!

At this, the system just prays in silence for its host’s ignorance. The last world was indeed traumatic for the host, it doesn’t know at the time because a virus invades in and it was busy trying to chase it out. By the time, it came back the host was flustering about getting out of there fast. Seeing its host so red and stammering, the system listens and asks about it later on but the host never mentions it again.

Come to think of it, Song Yu gives off a familiar vibe to that of that damn bastard in the last world. Thinking about it, Liu Xu Yuan immediately becomes angry and his irritation flares up direct at Song Yu. Song Yu is speechless, all he did was put his hand on him and stares at him and that is enough to make Li Hao angry? He’s quite cute… Another low chuckle escapes his lips, low enough for only the two closes to each other to hear. Goosebumps appear on Liu Xu Yuan’s arms and he brushes off Song Yu’s hand away like he has seen a ghost and runs away without turning back. Song Yu stays in place, deeply imprinting the young man’s slender back in his head for memories. The surrounding people watch this scene plays, stunned not fully understand what had just happen for Dr. Hao to be so flustered.

Even though they are curious, it’s not like they can go up to ask the cold man or Dr. Hao. They can tell Dr. Hao is a gentle and kind man however his private life is so secretive or rather blank, it’s hard to get a clue from the man himself. Many nurses and doctors tried to hint at him but the man is so dense when it comes to romance that they had completely given up and just goes along with him. Actually, it’s not that the original is oblivious but he can’t comprehend human emotions, a person who has lack love since early on until he no longer finds it weird to be loveless, of course he won’t find it necessary to love or receive love. Ye Lan uses that to her advantage to make Li Hao falls head over heels for her but now that Liu Xu Yuan, this thousand years old ghost, is in this body don’t think any seduction can work on him. Peipeipei, come at me, female protagonist! Lets see how your halo shines!

On his way to his office, a nurse with a pale complexion runs up to him with a folder. Liu Xu Yuan listens to her lines, his blue irises glimpse back at the figure walking away and it shows a mixture of complicated emotions swirling inside. He closes his eyes to calm down, gathers the folder in his arm and rushes over to the female protagonist’s ward to carry the pot. (carry the pot: taking the blame)

“Lead the way!”

His expression uneasy, lips opening and closing in a flash and white coat fluttering with the wind. Voice clear, full of leadership and command making the people wishes to follow his every word and believe in him. Liu Xu Yuan throws the unnecessary thoughts in the back of his head, arriving at the door of the ward. He breaths in, pushes open the door and walks in.

[The show begins, Xiao Tong. Time to meet the female protagonist, Ye Lan.]

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