《Quick Transmigration: I Don't Want To Follow The Scripts!》Jumping Into a New World - Arc One: Genius Doctor


[There is no way in hell I am going to that world!]

In a white space, the tape of the new world repeated on the background and its bright light shines on the boy resting on the couch softening his charming, delicate features enhancing an already handsome face. One would say he looks to be at most 16-17 years old but the truth is that this beauty has already past that of his twenties to be precise, Liu Xu Yuan died in a car accident right after HIS GRADUATION! That's right, not only is he pissed having missed the chance to start a bright future but all those hard works of studying just to end up in an accident. Just how much does the world hates him?

Currently, Liu Xu Yuan is in a heated argument with what appears to cover itself in white fur but is actually something call a system. The system likes anything white, pure and gentle but it's actually an exact representation of a white sesame filled with black filling! What white lotus, what weak-pathetic character! Peipeipei! If Liu Xu Yuan could go back in time, he would slap his own face for not opening his eyes earlier! Now he's bound to this system and tasked to play a black bellied actor inside various world. Liu Xu Yuan isn't someone that can be said to be a good person or a saint, when he first acted, he doesn't mind playing the bad guy however he had forgotten about his character being a cannon fodder which means he's doomed to unreasonably meet a very bad end! UNREASONABLY, it's like those stepping stones for the sons and daughters of heavens to step on him and reach a new height of success dammit!

Liu Xu Yuan has been stuck acting after being bound to the system right after his death, he has no goal actually it's not because he has to go home or anything he just finds doing these tasks fun and amusing but he still finds it frustrating to die unreasonably. Just thinking about it annoys him to death and this irritation reach beyond after seeing his new world. Liu Xu Yuan is speechless, his eyes dull and lifeless as he listens to the same repeated pattern of his system's urging.

[B-But host, the reward in this world can get you promoted into a BIG BOSS villain instead of a cannon fodder! Then you'll no longer have to suffer anymore!]

...Big boss villain?

Liu Xu Yuan glance at his useless system, sighs and cover his face. The system is indeed worried this time, all this time its host has been having fun time after all it did inform its host to take these tasks as a play but it has watched its host getting angrier and angrier. The system has made arrangements and request the higher ups to switch roles and actually ends up being accepted, it doesn't know why but the higher ups are very welcoming to that of its host but the host doesn't seem to know anything of the world's back up secrets. To switch roles isn't something so easily requested but with its host name being mention, the admission quickly went through. If the host even wants to be that of a protagonist, the system believes that perhaps it is possible but... the system looks up at its host and sighs with him.


Its host is different, he prefers to play the bad guy and ruins others. He mentions that the sons and daughters of heavens' IQ doesn't match to that of his likings so he avoids playing them. The system understands so it instead asks to switch to be a villain now it's waiting for the final say from its host.

Liu Xu Yuan is still thinking about he should do, go through the promotion or continue to sulk? To be honest, the new roles does sound intriguing... he doesn't have to die unreasonably anymore and can make the loopholes of the plot to his demands and ruins anybody who dares to mess with him. Anyways the system did tell him at the start of the contract that he is free to do whatever he wants. From the beginning he follows the plot just for the thrill but it soon got boring, the reward from the past worlds were for upgrading the system... he has enough strength to be free after all he has played many roles already. A thought appears in his head...Liu Xu Yuan smirks, okay time to retaliate? We'll see who is stronger, the protagonists or him, an evil big villain. Just the thought of that makes his blood boil and Liu Xu Yuan ends up laughing. His laugh sounds like that of a grim ripper ready to take whose lives he set his sights on. The system stares weirdly at its host, thinking to itself whether its host is okay in the head after going through all those worlds. It understands the strangeness of the new world although the system doesn't have any emotions, seeing its host having to go through this horrible end this time...

Well, let's just hope after this world, the host will be happy playing in the world after. The system waits for Liu Xu Yuan to finish his rampage madness before quickly asking.

[Host, are you ready?]

Liu Xu Yuan looks down, reaches to pat the white fur system and lets out a soft 'En'. He knows the system probably understands what he has in mind, as expected of his Xiao Tong (Xiao is small, Tong means system). He's looking forward to this new world of misery and torture.

Liu Xu Yuan waits for the headache to pass by before settling down on the nearby bed and quickly go through the world information again.

This body is named Li Hao, a genius doctor in the medical industry in the future and a senior brother to Wang He, this world's son of heaven. Li Hao led a peaceful life, his parents are always abroad due to business so he ends up spending his time absorb in books rather than going out to play. Li Hao doesn't resent his parents for neglecting him rather he prefers the quiet and solitary lifestyle but outsiders have different thoughts. From kindergarten to university, Li Hao would get bullied every so often however this is child's play for him, he would just coax and agree to their words, contrary to what the bullies had in mind so as time goes on, they find him boring and no longer pays him any attention.

Li Hao has a very twisted mind deep down but a gentle exterior is put on. Finishing school, the original body is fascinated with humans to be exact their analogy he wishes to find out more and more so Li Hao dreams to become a surgeon. Getting into college, Li Hao came across the protagonist, they met during medical courses and hit it off. Although having a 4 years of age difference, the two doesn't find it that hard to communicate with Li Hao treating Wang He as a younger brother and vice versa. Li Hao is a prodigy when it comes to the medical field and he quickly gains his doctrine 4 years early at the age of 28. Wang He joins after 2 year later but with an additional plus one by his side. Of course, the young girl by his side is the female protagonist, a talented skillful nurse. The original body's fate would've been set free if not until he came across the female lead, Ye Lan.


The female lead is actually a reborn and this is the story of her counterattacking her enemies. Ye Lan, born into a family of successful doctors and nurses, naturally has her life set on becoming the same that is to her family wishes but since the family is a big branch, Ye Lan comes from a side branch. Her mother is a mistress, the third wife and least favored therefore Ye Lan is tortured and abused both mentally and physically. Her last life, Ye Lan is naive and simple having fallen into many traps set up by her half-sisters and ends up being gang raped and committed suicide right after. Ye Lan used to like working and rescuing patients but after being corrupted, she has a black heart and only set on getting revenge in this life. Using past life knowledge, she works hard to compete and won the family head's heart, gaining popularity and access to the big work. Ye Lan hates the family for not protecting her so she decides to bring them down with her. Her family's hospital is one of the top hospitals in city C, Ye Lan succeeds and able to intern when she turns 25 years old.

That's when she met the male lead Wang He at the school's graduation party and her blacken heart heals. Wang He is fascinated by Ye Lan's medical talent and beauty, being more mature than the rest he ends up chasing her and they went through many trials and live happily after setting others life miserable. Wang He is from the He family, the wealthiest family in city A, however Wang He's interest dived into medical fields. The son of heaven is a jack of all trade, an heir to the family's fortune, as a result his protagonist halo shines and Wang He becomes the top doctor and build many hospitals earning a title of being a saint. With money, riches and looks, Wang He is bound to attract many pursuers and Yan Le is one of the many. She gains the fame of being a fan who gets to date her idols. Any enemies coming to the front door will get knocked back or in prison.

So how did the original body winds up in Ye Lan's revenge book? That's because Li Hao came across her surgery one day when the female protagonist becomes a start-up doctor. The surgery isn't an emergency or anything impossibly hard to rescue, Ye Lan is assigned with 4 nurses helping by the side. At the time, Li Hao is going to be promoted to become the head of department in his post he was finishing up another surgery and needed a break after. He was stumbling from the many hours of work without rest, having finishing up a big surgery his mental stability is about to reach its limit for the past days but who knew he would be stopped midway to his office. The doctor made a mistake and the patient has to undergo an urgent treatment from the blood lost, Li Hao was pissed he rushes into the room and quickly went to work, without glancing at the female lead.

Doctors had to be extra cautious in surgeries, one mistake could result in an unfortunate predicament to the patients. Li Hao is very serious and harsh when it comes to treating so after the procedure, he had the female lead stiches the skin and he left after. Naturally, he left one sentence admonishing her not paying enough attention but it took this one sentence for Li Hao to be cut off all his ten fingers and gaged to death by a cloth filled with alcohol. A sentence of precaution made him die. Liu Xu Yuan scoffs the female lead sure is ruthless. After the original died, Ye Lan publish a false explanation saying he died from overworked, not only is she not satisfied after dragging him to his death, she made sure to demolish his reputation and uses his plan-made files to her advantages as a result which earns her a higher fame.

By the time, Wang He investigates and found out the truth he couldn't believe it until he went to ask her. All her past schemes, he never investigates them or got involved in it but the original body was once like a senior brother to him. Wang He had a headache taking it all in, he brought up the talk of needing space for awhile. Ye Lan panics and drugs him, when he woke up he realize they had a one-night stand and Ye Lan controls him with her pregnancy. They went through the marriage, as time went on Wang He got depression and he quickly took pills after Ye Lan gave birth leaving a pair of mother and son alone with the fortune remaining for the charity.

At that, Liu Xu Yuan just sneer. What use is it to die, your senior brother died and you went after? Liu Xu Yuan won't judge what actions they took but since he's in the original body now, he isn't one that is easy to bully. Lets see who can acts better.

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