《Era of Creation》Dusk


“Let me show you the power of the shadows!” Veksis wasted no time he grabbed his helm and drew his weapons. Casting the first move a shout almost as dark as he was, “Your fate has already been sealed!” “Protection!” Kali countered the life binding move with a shield which bite the bullet, Kali knew she stood no chance without her allies, but she was all alone and had to stand up herself, to achieve true victory against all odds. “Is that really the best you got demon?” Kali barked out as she shuffled to her right following Veksis’s movement. “Unbelievable, you actually managed to dodge my first attack. I give my full admiration to you, as a true warrior.”

Veksis leaned back and thrusted his sword straight at Kali who parried it with a block from her staff. But He wasted no time in between his attacks and rushed Kali’s position ramming speed. “Why don’t you just stand still!” immobilizing Kali, Veksis re adjusted his trajectory, and flung himself into her throwing kali across the room. “Good just like that. Out of all the champions and you being the only priest I would have thought something different might have happened, but oh well.”

As he raised his blade into the air to end the short battle a beam of light struck his arm burning it and knocking Veksis backwords. “Gah, what would dare.” Kali saw her chance and casted a ball of light into Veksis which melted his armor burning him in the process. “IMPOSSIBLE! I WILL NOT FAIL, NOT AGAIN!” Veksis threw his scepter away and formed his empty hand into a dark shield. “YOUR TIME IS UP!” Veksis shouted and slowed the time around the two and thrusted his sword left and right until the shout ended and flung his attacks in Kali’s direction. She vanished behind Veksis and used the same attack on his back burning him once again.

“NO, NO! AWAY! GO AWAY!” Veksis pushed kali back with dark energy and sunk into the ground the area on the ground started to glow purple and crept towards Kali. Jumping on a pillar the ground burned anything not made of stone. Veksis rose out of the ground surveying the area until he blasted away the pillar kali was behind. “There you are.” But as soon as he blasted the rock a ball of light consumed him as he was distracted kali was preparing a massive use of her holy mana the amount of which can only be summoned by being a holy priest.


“Impossible, gah, no, there’s no way! How could you even be standing!” “GAHHHH!” The giant light evaporated and Veksis was gone. Kali took a long sigh of relief and stood up, walked over to wisp who was still broken from the slam against the wall. She picked her up and cupped her in her hands while casting a regen spell to heal Wisp. Suddenly a faint voice was heard. “No….” Kali turned in the direction of the voice, “This can’t be…. Me… dead? Impossible…” Veksis’s broken body started to stand “I…. AM VEKSIS! I CAN NOT DIE! I AM A GOD!” A beam of holy beam flung a sword of light into Veksis’s chest and another and another until five of them were lodged into Veksis’s chest.

“A god can never die, but a parasite can, and you are not a god.” “Correct dear sister, this, this thing is nothing more then a leech on this planet of ours don’t you think Entwine?” “Indeed foul beast has done enough damage to my creations. I think its time we rid the world of this bug wouldn’t you agree champion?” Entwine and the siblings looked at Kali, the gods lowered veksis’s head down to Kali’s level and his helmet fell off revealing a broken man who is on the death march.

“Yes it is.” Kali closed her eyes and reeled her staff forward and said three words. These three words will be the last Veksis will ever hear. “MASS GRAND RESURRECTION!” Kali cast smite on Veksis fully evaporating his presence from the world. “Is…is it over?” Kali faintly said after the spell ended, “I do believe so champion, the darkness around the world has disappeared and this castle seems to be crumpling as we speak so as much as we liked to stay and chat youll have plenty of time to outside.” Entwine ushered Kali and Wisp out into the hall and vanished such as the two siblings.

Kali looked back and started to see the pillars fall apart and started towards the group she left behind. “Guys look its kali! She made it!” Ram cried out but she soon saw that Kali wasn’t slowing down. “Get out! The castle is falling apart go go go!” Kali ran by as ram and rom looked back they saw the ceiling collapse. “You get Ziro I got Zero okay?” Rom nodded as she hurtled Ziro over her shoulder while Ram did the same to Zero. Kali held the door open as best she could with the falling debris, Ram and Rom ran out with Zero and Ziro on their shoulders.


As soon as the group left the castle the whole building collapsed into nothing leaving the two armies of Elantra and Veil and Kali’s group left standing in disbelief of their victory. Kali stood forward at the front of the staring masses, raised her staff, and cried out “VEKSIS IS DEAD!” And the mass of roars and cheers overwhelmed her, she took a step back and took it all in. Yes indeed she has killed Veksis, but at what cost? If she could have done something more strategic could lives have been saved?

Kali looked over and saw Ziro and Zero still unconscious and knew their conditions where not good. Suddenly Gabriel, Elizabeth and Surgeus arrived and congratulated Kali. She pleaded with them that they needed to return to Veil at once. The reason was the fear of losing the ones she swore to protect. Using a one time use portal gate straight to Veil, Kali, Ram, Rom, and Wisp along side the three other leaders warped instantly to Veil to treat for Zero and Ziro.

They arrived in Veil and Kali took Zero and Ziro to the kingdom medical ward to treat their injuries. Since Kali casted a slow death spell Zero was alive still, The medical warden did everything he could and hours later Ziro opened her eyes, turned over and saw Zero. She wailed out and Kali came rushing in. “Ziro thank god your okay!” “I may be what about Z?” Ziro had fear in her eyes, but Kali looked on with confidence knowing full well that Zero wasn’t done living. Ziro calmed down and sat back down in her bed and asked for a request from Kali.

Kali left the room fulfilling Ziro’s request and walked outside to watch the sunset. The view was on a balcony in the kingdoms castle overlooking the entire kingdom of Veil. The sky was glowing a warm and peaceful orange and red color across the sky. Wisp floated over Kali’s shoulder and landed on her head. “You know it’s times like this Ma’am where you question if this was last. I hope that this lasts until the end of time.” Kali agreed with a nod of her head. And that is what the world Eon is at, a state of peace and relaxation.

Inside the medical ward Zero slowly opened her eyes to see that Ziro was next to her face to face. She smiled and put her arms around Ziro and hugged her falling back into her slumber state. Ram and Rom returned back to Elantra to reopen their inn, Elizabeth also returned with new found respect for Ziro and Zero. Before she left she handed Kali an object. “For Zero if and when she wakes up, this is a card of loyalty meaning she can return to the court without any issues.” “Thanks ill give this to her when she wakes up.” Nodding Elizabeth vanished into thin air and returned back to Elantra.

Surgeus sent word to the high elven council about the death of Veksis and the state of the elven army and front. Gabriel returned to the king of Veil to report as well. There will be a celebration held in Kali’s name in the defeat of Veksis the dark lord.

“Brother I told you my plan would work.” “Yes but dear sister your plan was almost completely thrown apart by that brat of an elate who you saved all those months ago. Think of it, if she would have died there Your champion would have had more spirit to fight Veksis with the loss of a friend. And Veksis would have kept his bargin up no issue.” “Yes but what if Kali gave up if I hadn’t saved her friend? Then the world we created would have been destroyed. I made that decision, however I hope that whatever this new order has, would end with more lives saved then forgotten.”

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