《Life is Feudal》Quick poll regarding size of future chapters


Just throwing down a quick polling session here to determine the future of chapter releases for this piece of shit novel that nobody watches. (kappa)

What should I do?:

Release chapters with longer word count/content, which means many more things can be conveyed in 1 chapter, like an event and such. So that it won't be chopped down into multiple chapters About 5000-8000 word count per chapter Completely describes an event or two that happens within the immediate timeframe Probably releases a chapter every 3-4 days.

Release chapters with shorter word count/ content, an event might be splitted into 2-3 chapters. About 1500-2000 word count per chapter

Chops off an event into pieces to be conveyed partially in each chapter. Probably releases a chapter daily/1 per day.

Anyways, thank you for voting(if you did) to determine the future of my little storybook adventure.

As always, thank you for the patronage!

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