《It's Hard to be a Hero in a Parallel World》1.10 Epilogue


Part 1

I’m off on my journey to defeat the demon army.

It’s been two days since the demon in the Magic Mines was defeated.

Hero-kun and Adventurer-chan, and all of my squad partied a bit too hard.

They will probably out of commission for another day or two.

That’s good.

I’m not great with goodbyes.

The letters I’ve left for them should be enough for them to understand.

I took one last lap around Ferst Town, reminiscing about all the memories I had here.

[Everyone, after the recent events surrounding the demons, I’ve realized something. I can’t sit back and let others fight the demons alone. I plan to go on my own journey with the goal of defeating the demon army. Hero-kun. Adventurer-chan. Although we’ve only known each other for a short time, I will miss you two dearly. In the past, I’ve thought about living a fun life of being an adventurer. Maybe when this is all over, I can go adventuring with you two. For now, I’ve made my decision. I will save the kingdom.]

When I made it to the town gates, someone was waiting for me.

“Hey Heroine-chan! Leaving so early in the morning is kind of a pain.”

(It was already noon.)


What is Hero-kun doing here?

He’s holding my letter.

“Coming to see me off huh?”

“I guess you could say that. I have something for you. It was slipped under my door at the inn.”

Hero-kun handed me the letter.


The letter he had was actually my map of the kingdom.

I searched around my bag.

I must have switched the map with the letter.

“Luckily the map had your name on the back of it. There were also some doodles on it too. There’s a drawing of… it looks like three people fighting a monster. There’s another one. It looks like these two are kis-”

“Aaaaah! Give that back!”

I quickly snatched my map out of his hands and gave him the letter.


Hero-kun looked at me confused.

“... I don’t really know what just happened, but leaving without saying goodbye is lame. Plus haven’t you learned? These stupid letters don’t work.”

“I don’t want to hear that from you, you idiot!”

“Whatever! Before you leave, we have some unfinished business!”

“What is it?”

“How did the church take my retirement?”

“Oh. Everyone is a bit mad, but since I have taken responsibility, they agreed to allow you to continue to be what they called a “lazy slob”.”

“Ok hurtful, but I guess that’s to be expected.”

“What else? I don’t suppose you came to join me.”

“Ha. Of course not. Even if I wanted to, I still have a lot of debt at the adventurer’s guild. I can’t leave without clearing it so I’ll be around here for a while. I have with some advice. Besides you and me, before I quit, there are two other people that have the power to defeat the demon army. They include the captain of the royal guard, and the prince of the elves. You need to recruit these two if you want to be able to defeat the 4 demon generals.”


“I suggest going north to the royal capital first.”

“Why are you helping me so much?”

“Huh? I don’t want to fight demons but that doesn’t mean I don’t care. Besides, your doing the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. I’ll be forever in your debt.”

Hero-kun grabbed my hands.

“Thank you.”


“Finally, I have a gift.”

Hero-kun reached into his pocket and a ring in my hand.


I threw it back at him.

What is this idiot doing.

Confessing his love to me as I’m leaving.

Is he proposing in order to make me promise to come back alive.

I’m too young to get married!

Hero-kun fumbled trying to catch the ring.


He started yelling at me.

“What the hell are you doing! This is a magic boosting ring! I used up all of the magic crystals I brought from Slime-chan’s cave!”

“... Oh.”

“Here just take it.”

I took back the ring as I asked him a question.

“Do you not want it for yourself? You did just learn lightning magic. When we clashed, your magic was far weaker than mine. That blast of your would barely take out a bunnicorn.”

“Hey! Show some gratitude. I had to waste the skill points I was saving up to learn that stupid spell. Besides, you're going to face strong opponents. You take it.”

I put the ring on.

A perfect fit.

Hero-kun finally said his goodbye.

“Alright that’s it. Good luck. Maybe I’ll get to see your victory before I find a way home. If so, I better be invited to the party.”

Hero-kun walked away while waving good-bye.


That idiot is actually pretty cool.

Part 2

I woke up the next day fully recovered from the party.

Now that Heroine-chan has taken the responsibility of the hero, I can focus on finding a way home.

I still don’t have much information though.

My only lead is teleportation magic but I still don’t know how to unlock it.

I guess I’ll continue to bide my time as an adventurer while looking for clues.

I met up with Adventurer-chan at the guild.

Right away, we started arguing with each other.

“You idiot! It’s all your fault!”

“I didn’t know you were the one treating for the party! And it’s your fault we racked up more debt in the first place! Why don’t you learn a fire spell so you’re not useless against a slime - Ouch!”

“I told you I don’t want to learn fire magic you idiot!”

“Hey if you wanna fight, let’s go! I’ll kick your ass now. I levelled up twice after killing that demon! You won’t be able to push me around so easily!”


“Hey using magic is cheating you bitch! Ahhh!”

“Hey you two stop causing a mess in my guild!”

How unlucky.

Even after completing the urgent quest, we still owed 100 thousand gold.

Five times what I started with.

Guildmaster came to our table with a quest flyer.

“I’m impressed you two were able to defeat the demon so I think I’ll assign a more difficult quest this time.”

“Uh no thanks.”

Adventurer-chan was getting mad again.

“What? Come on Hero-kun. The more difficult the quest, the higher the reward.”

“No! we got lucky with the demon. I don’t want to fight anymore strong enemies. I’ll stick to slaying slimes.”

“Hey, it’s not nice to turn down a quest directly from the guild master you know.”

“Why can’t we just pick a quest at the board like everyone else?”

“Because I’m tired of you two oweing us money!”

“There’s other parties with debt. Ask one of them!”

“You two are the only ones with debt. After the urgent quest everyone paid theirs back.”

“See I told you it was your fault Hero-kun. We were about to get rich and you decided to invite everyone else!”

“I told you I was worried about you! Maybe if you weren’t so unreliable I wouldn’t have had to come to save you.”

“Save me? If I remember correctly, I had to escort you through the dungeon. Then you were so tired after it all, that I had to carry you all the way out!”

“I was only level 2!”

“Ugh. You two are giving me a headache. Just get going already.”

“Alright, alright. Let’s go Adventurer-chan.”


I grabbed the quest flyer and we headed out.

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