《The return of the Demon King》Chapter 2: Small Village


It’s already past noon when I arrived at the town. Even though it’s evening the market is still busy with their clamor.

I am currently in my human form, it’s only natural as to not attract a unnecessary attention. “Buy this fish already it’s the last one!! 30% off!” “Hey hey the last piece of meat don’t be shy everyone purchase this” “Cabbage!! Cabbage every one!!”

Though it’s busy, almost everyone thinks that they’re closing for now. “Hey young lad!! Buy this meat!! I’ll give it to ya 80% off!” The man with a huge build and a bald head talks to me.

“Forgive me dear sir but currently I have no money to spare” I reply to him. He looks like he’s having a hard time… why is that?

“Oooff…. No need to be that formal mate, here take this for free. I just want to get rid of that meat any way so I can go home to my loving wife!!” He said. Well there’s no harm in taking it.

I reach my hand to him and take the meat that’s in the bag. “Thank you sir… I will definitely pay you back”

“EEhh?? Okay then, but pay me after you regain your status! HAHAHAHA!” “Status?” “Ain’t that right? Yer a fallen noble aren’t ya? Well there’s no need to be shy! In this town noble seems to lose their title one after another” “I see…. Then I will take my leave..Goodbye” I bid my farewell to him and starts to walk away.

I decided to take a tour in this town, the street lamps are well complimented in the scenery. Adventurers are enjoying their booze and singing their songs. Street vendors are working hard. It’s a nice village I suppose.

While looking at the scenery I spotted an odd ball in this town. Although he looks like a human he is not one of them….


I decided to follow him silently. In the back alley there’s a hidden door underneath the old store. “Ufcrus Stuux” He said and the door open.

That must be the secret code or something….. but those secret code made me sure on what this guy is.. He is a demon or something like that. Those words that he said earlier are demon language means “Hail our Great Demon King”

I walk towards the door and repeat the secret code “Ufcrus Stuux” The door open. After I enter it what welcomed me is a stair going down.

After some time I finally reach the underground and what I see is some sort of hidden bar.

Demons, Beast man, dragonewt, orcs and goblins. All of the humanoid and some none humanoid creatures are here.

“I see so it’s like a gathering hall for none humans” I sat on the chair in front of the table.

“Hey… the heroes of the Highland Kingdom are defeated by a Silver Wolf” “What!? That Silver Wolf must be a unique existence” The demon and a Ogre are talking to each other. The news spread quite fast huh.

“Houh… That’s quite a achievement I say… Those heroes are not that easy prey” A girl joined their conversation.

“If Miss Cathy say so then it must be true!” “Hahaha idiot don’t treat me like some sort of holy priest!”

The people around them start to laugh with the remarks. But this girl called Cathy….. she seems familiar….

The woman is a beastwoman. There are many different kind of Beastkin but her case is she is a half human half fox. She has a fox ear and tail, her build is quite petite and her long red hair crawls onto her back.

She glance at my way, and the moment our eyes met she froze. I myself is confuse with this matter? It looks like my guts was right, we are somehow acquaintance. The people around her starts to look at me too.


“G-great- D-demo-mo” I put my finger my lips as if saying ‘be quite’ She nodded and says “This way please” Hhmm she regained her composure good.

I follow her and right now we are in a private room. “Great Demon King! Please excuse me for giving you such cheap room! B-but I promise that after sometime this place will turn into a place where Great Demon King would like to spent his time!” She’s quite tense.

“No need for that, actually I’m quite pleased that they’re a still some of my retainers are still alive” I reply

“M-me a retainer! That’s a honor my King!” She seems happy that I called her as one of my retainers. “So tell me umm…. Cathy… How many years have passed since I lose to those heroes?” “Great Demon King, It’s almost 6 years since you…… disappear….” “ I see..”

Only 6 years? But to me it feels like forever. I guess that that is one of the effect of the sealing magic.

“So what happened after that?” I asked “Well… The Great Demon Empire started to fall and turned into dust…. You might not believe this my majesty but heroes after heroes are popping anywhere. They’re not that strong compare to those 7 heroes but they still have their destructive power, all of them are like a S-Class Adventurer”

“In that case the fall of the empire are quite tragic isn’t?” I smile to her. “But now majesty you are here! We can surely regain our land again!” “Ohh… It looks like you’re forgetting something here?” “Eh?”

She leaked out a stupid noise as she looks at me in confusion. “Did you forget? When the old Demon King dies or disappeared. One of his children will inherit the throne but since I don’t have a children neither a wife, one of my direct subordinate will take my position as a King” “Then that means”

“Yes. I am not the current King anymore” “Th-then who’s the one in charge now?” “I do not know…. I do not even think that anyone would want the throne anymore considering that the heroes started to appear unnaturally” I said.

“Then your majesty, how could we regain the empire?” she said. “No… I do not want the empire anymore, actually I am more curios on what did that holy seven do to change our world”

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