《Fragmented Realms》Anouncement: End of the first arc!


Once more, hello everyone! It's Monkey_Without_a_Tail here.

First things first, let me thank you for reading until here, I hope you had a great time reading Fragmented Realms until now and will continue to do so in the near future!

Now then, where do I begin?

I guess I will start with my current 'situation' of sorts. Well, you see, the truth is for a little less than a month now I have begun serving my Country as a soldier. I know, crazy right?! Even I wasn't expecting it until recently... Anyway, long story short, I won't lie to you I have no clue whether I'll have the time or place to keep writing from now on. At least that's the case for the next few months.

I have talked with a friend who has already completed his service and told me it won't be completely impossible, just insanely hard.

Ok, with that being said, here is the plan I am gonna go with from now on. I'll take advantage of the first 2-3 months to get acclimated to the place, by then I'll most probably have a semi-stable schedule where I can make some time to write. If not, then you will be seeing me in the summer again :P

Now that I made my situation clear, the next thing I wish to talk about is the story. First of all, I am really, REALLY happy that I actually managed to finish the first arc. Like you have no idea how happy I am xD Why? Because I absolutely hate leaving stuff unfinished. Completing what one started is just the basics of not only self-respect but also a way of living. As a reader myself, I hate reading books only to be dropped partway through the story. It frustrates me more than anything and I wouldn't wish for anything more than to not be the one to impose that feeling. First and foremost for me, and then for everyone else.


Anyway, sorry for getting sidetracked with all my rumbling I just felt like saying it... Now, where was I? Right, the story itself. Hmm... Without wanting to spoil anything, the first arc was merely an introduction to the actual game itself. That is because, before I even started writing the story itself, I had already created the game's system, world, mechanics, physics, stats, and pretty much everything 'game' related.

These all will slowly be revealed throughout the second arc so I won't be getting into details. (Mostly because I can't keep my monkey snout shut!)

One last thing before I bid ya all farewell is that I may be opening a Patreon with the return of the second arc. And, I say 'maybe' because I don't know whether I can keep up with the advanced chapters as of yet. Anyway, I believe that's all I had to say? Maybe? I don't know? Welp, if I forgot something I'll add it later.

Once more, this was an amazing journey for me, not only as a person but as a fledgling author as well, and it pains me more than anything thinking I won't be able to write from now on...

I wish you all a great week and hope to see you all again in the near future!

Monkey over and out!

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