《The Mysterious Secret》Chapter 9


I woke up feeling very groggy, my body felt very exhausted and didn't even want to move. I yawned, opened my eyes, and realized where I was... in a testing lab. I still felt much too exhausted to even struggle, so I sat lied there, waiting. What felt like for hours, I was contemplating what had happened in my life. Me being the good quiet kid at school. My mom and dad always being there for me, helping me in all the ways they could think of. Then Hannah... Hannah! Where was she?

I looked around and could not spot her anywhere, then as I was looking, a scientist, walked in on if he was on cue. He then wrote several things on a notepad. He set it down in the place it just was, and walked over to me.

"One second", he told me, "Let me do this." He adjusted my restraints. I stared at him observantly, studying why he did, although it was to no use. This man in front of me seemed as if he wasn't even in his twenty's. He had brown hair, hazel eyes, and wore the typical lab coat you would think of. As he finished adjusting my restraints, he looked at me and told me something I would never forget.

"You", he said, "You are something extraordinary. Many of us people here at this lab have never seen someone like you. You are truly, truly special, remember that." He then immediately made a quick retreat of of the room I was in, leaving me astounded. My conscious re-emerged and I realized that I still hadn't seen or heard Hannah. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a head with brown hair... it was Hannah.

"Hannah", I asked, "Hannah are you awake?" No response. "Hannah!" I said, louder this time. Still no response. I was now getting increasingly worried. "HANNAH!" I yelled, one last time. I heard a groan and saw her head move. I breathed a sigh of relief. As I started to relax, I heard Hannah speak to me.


"Hey Trey, what happened?" She asked.

I told her responding to her question, "I'm pretty sure we got tricked, so we're trapped again." She turned her head so I could see her face. It seemed as if she was unharmed in any way, only she looked a bit drowsy, I was still tired too. She weakly smiled and I followed suit.

"I wish we weren't here..." she said. She turned her head back to look at the ceiling. I just gave up trying to talk, knowing she only wanted to rest for a little more. I closed my eyes and let my mind go blank.

"Do not be afraid," I heard.

"What did you say?" I asked Hannah.

"I didn't say anything," She told me groggily.

"Oh..." I replied. I let my mind go blank again.

"You can leave..." I heard once again.

"What?" I said, confused.

"I didn't say anything, just let me take another rest." She replied, getting annoyed.

"Listen to me, I can help", now I knew no one was saying this. But I waited. And listened. "You are trapped, this I know, but I know of a way out." I looked around, one more time, making sure no one was talking to me. And to my despair, no one was. "First you must be removed of restraints."

"And how do I do that" I whispered, doubting this voice a lot, this could easily be just another test.

"Just say the words, 'Yarlen labs', and you will both be free."

I worried, but at the moment, it was all I could do... so I said the words. "Yarlen labs!"

And with that, the restraints released, and I was free.

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