《A Destructive Incarnation》Chapter 10 : Who told you trolls only live under bridges?


Allen is yawning. I guess he has been hunting monsters for some time now.

“I am getting sleepy. There is no way I can check time in here. Well I think I have hunted enough monsters for today. If I could find an open area, I could use this [Portable Home].”

You haven’t even tried to use it, Allen. How are you so sure that you need a wider area to use it?

“[Scan Area]”

“It seems like there is a pretty open area right behind this wall.”

Allen is looking towards a wall. Is he thinking of …?

Don’t you dare, Allen.

He did it. There is a fucking hole in the Dungeon Wall now. He was supposed to fight two more bosses before he reached there. I should have made the dungeon walls a little bit thicker.

“There is a circle thingie in ground. Is this … Could it be? Yeah, those portal stuff which teleport to another stage.”

“It is pretty big. I should take a look from up in the air.”

Well, it is usually used to teleport a huge amount of people in a party to the next level.

Allen uses [Wind Cloak] and flies up in the air. He goes all the way up to the ceiling and then looks down on the circle.

“Hmm. It looks pretty complicated. The runes written on the circle kinda look similar to Hebrew. Well this situation is giving me total fantasy world type of vibe.”

Allen slowly descends down to the ground. And cancels the wind cloak.

“Magic is proving itself to be pretty useful. But I guess the downside is that it costs a lot of SP.”

Of course, It costs a lot of SP. If it didn’t then people would totally abuse the magic.

“I don’t know what to do now. Should I go through this gate? It could land me into some kind of ambush though.”

Allen is thinking about what he should do.


It seems like he has now decided what to do.

“I guess I will sleep for some time before going through here. I have around 1800 SP. Hmm I thought I had less than 1000 SP a few seconds ago. I thought My SP recovery speed was like 1 SP per second back when I was level 1. It seems like it has become faster now. If I could know exact recovery speed of HP and SP then it would be pretty useful.”

Allen starts randomly spacing out. I forgot that he used to do this sometimes when he is in deep thought.

“Hmm…. Hmm…”

Why is he saying Hmm? His brain is currently empty of any thoughts.

“Fuck! I started spacing out. What was I thinking about again?”

“Yeah, I need to find a place to sleep. It’s risky to use this [portable home] on top of this magic circle. It might accidentally get teleported to the next level.”

“[Scan Area]”

“It seems like there is an even bigger area if I go through there. And it seems like there is a lot of XP just wandering around in there as well.”

Allen should stop treating the monsters as a farmable item to gain XP. They are technically a living being as well.

Allen looks towards the tunnel with which he was supposed to reach this place through. He takes that tunnel to the open area. He was ready to pounce on the enemy the moment he reaches them.

“[Wind Cloak]”

Allen rushed to the end of the tunnel and the trolls who were rushing toward Allen all were lying on the ground in pieces. Trolls are generally small creatures made completely out of rocks. They are around 100 centimeters tall and make an annoying shrieking sound whenever they attack someone.They are just like child golems who like to prank adventurers and steal their stuff a lot.That is why they got named as trolls.

“Annoying flies.”


Allen rushes through all the trolls and ends up reaching the open area in which he wanted to go to.

Allen has a wicked smile on his face as he is slaughtering the Trolls in the open area. A giant hand approaches back of his head with a [Mega Punch]. Allen instinctively turns back upon realizing that someone is attacking him from behind. He covers his face to avoid the blow.

‘I can’t shield myself in time.’

The punch connects and sends Allen flying towards the Lumina crystals which were lighting up the dungeon. The crystal broke and several of the pieces pierced Allen’s body. As he fell down on them.

Ouch, that looks painful.

The owner of that giant hand looked pretty much like a giant human. He turned back and started walking away as if he was confident that Allen was dead already.

“That really hurt me.”

Allen pulls out the pieces of crystal stuck on his body one by one. He should be in immense pain. But he is still not letting any voice come out of his mouth as he picks each of those crystal shards from his body and throws them on the ground. Allen is really full of pride when it comes to some stuff like this.

If I look back, then I remember that he didn’t even wail once even when he was being shot to death. In fact, he had a smile on his face in his last moments. Even in his death he made some of his enemies tremble due to fear.

The giant who turned back on hearing Allen’s voice, was surprised that Allen was able to survive that punch of his.

The trolls rush towards Allen who is now back up on his feet. There are still a few shards of crystal poking out of Allen’s back.

“[Create Flames]”

Bad decision. You shouldn’t use a spell which you have never used before in a battle.

A small flame appeared in front of Allen and it hit a troll in front of him. The Flame vanishes after hitting the troll. The trolls stop in the place and starts laughing as it they are making fun of Allen.

‘Tsk, that spell was too weak. Now I know why it cost just 1000 credits to buy its scroll. I should have tried out all the spells before.’

“Are you laughing at me? Then how about you eat this?”

“[Bang Ball]”

A fire ball appears and hits the troll and it explodes. The group of trolls who were surrounding that one troll was instantly obliterated. Now that’s a spell worth using at a time like this.

[You have leveled up]

Allen now turned his look towards the giant who was looking at him with a surprised face.

“How did you survive?”

The Giant asks Allen in the language, O’gnohing.

Of course, I can speak their language. But it is not actually the language used by Golems. It is the most popular language used by adventurers of this world, O’gnohing is like the English of this world. It is not like everyone speaks this language but most residents of this world understand this language. Other than people living in backwater planets which haven’t found a way to do interplanetary travel yet.

I guess a golem shouldn’t exactly be a boss of the first floor. A golem is an Arch ranked Monster. And It seems like he has come up from 2nd floor most likely after he lost his area of authority to someone. Golems are considered strong enough to be a boss of second floor after all. Just so you know the monster around same level of the Goblin Boss that Allen defeated, are considered a normal trash mob in second floor.

“Huh? It seems like you are intelligent enough to talk. But it is such a pity that I don’t understand what you are talking.”

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